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Bob Ness

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Everything posted by Bob Ness

  1. Just exactly what qualifies RFK Jr. to be President? I for one am tired of completely unqualified people running for office because they're celebrities. Especially presidents. Would you have them fly your 737 on the next flight you take? I think not. The job of president is much more important and difficult. In regard to the JFKA files, the general public couldn't care a less. What it will take to get those files released is beyond me. Lawsuits, I guess. I think that's the best shot.
  2. Don't know whether you're up to date on policing the forum or not. The mods are cracking down on off topic stuff. I for one am all for it. It's not that I disagree with Matty getting taken to the wood shed.
  3. trying to keep this stuff in the water cooler - in case you didn't know.
  4. It's said the KGB had more assets INTHE US than the CIA had employees. Dunno. 120,000 was bandied about at one time but I forget what time period. Could have been later.
  5. Hahaha yeah didn't think about that. I'll use it next time.
  6. He may not have been wittingly. Has it been proven? I would say no from what I know. Is there enough information available to suspect that as a possibility? I think so. It could be an area worth investigating.
  7. I get what you're saying Gerry but I've grown quite skeptical of the "Beaver Cleaver" innocent 50's style justification given by State. Possibly that was it. But that doesn't exclude potential shenanigans by the CIA or KGB involving someone who certainly looks like a sparrow to me. Spy games get so convoluted it's hard to say what their motivations could be. The Soviets could very easily have been aware of Oswald being a (possible) dangle, or at least suspect it, and rig him up with an attractive companion. That kind of talent isn't difficult to task to other targets either (consider Anna Chapman or Maria Butina). Trust me it wouldn't be a first. That may not be the case but if it were the case, that's what it would look like, roughly.
  8. Notice I didn't have to link to an someone else's hour-long video or blog post to rebut that error hahaha?
  9. The same way he quoted him as saying "hidden intelligence mission of Oswald" which of course he didn't say. To wit: This was Gerry's actual quote. So there ya go.
  10. Yeah, this was really good. I listened to it while going to sleep for quite a bit. Had to re-listen a few times hahaha!
  11. SOP it seems. Not the only time they shifted stuff around to confirm their theories. The entire "investigation" was a clown show. No but I haven't looked at it very hard. I would think we'd know about it if so.
  12. In case you haven't seen it: This is Kantor's contemporaneous affidavit dated 12/4/1963 given to the DPD. Pretty clear to me. Not certain if I have page two or not.
  13. A lot of what the DPD did was keystone kops and I think that is what's at issue. Whether any conclusions can be drawn is debatable (or not) but the bottom line is it's a part of the litany of established facts that demonstrate rank police behavior with the failure to defend Oswald indisputable and the top of the list. Clown show.
  14. It's not unfair to direct "ad hominem" if in fact the credibility and honesty of the person directly impacts the information they are advancing as ""facts".
  15. Added: He used the instruments of his office to harass an innocent man due to some sort of hyperparanoia and later used those instruments to not only to intimidate a woman into providing false depositions retracting her claims but repeated them in attempts at coercion using the civil justice system. It's despicable and calls into question just about everything.
  16. It impugns his credibility in as much it shows he was more than willing and in fact initiated false claims against innocent people for whatever his reasons are. His personal failings clearly effected his professional life and as such can't easily be cast aside when determining the veracity of his product whether it be a book or a prosecution. He used the instruments of his office to harass an innocent man due to some sort of hyperparanoia and later used those instruments to not only to intimidate a woman into providing false depositions retracting her claims but repeated them in attempts at coercion using the civil justice system. It's despicable and calls into question just about everything.
  17. Seriously. Read the lawyer's report @Robbie Robertson posted. Complete with documents and the whole nine yards. I haven't read all of it but after a few pages you'll see what I mean.
  18. OMG this guy was full on whack job. This is the guy @David Von Pein holds up to say wrote the most comprehensive examination of the JFKA and Warren Report ever done? Something like that?
  19. I didn't hear him "rely" on Adams. It leads me to question your motives for saying that. To wit: 07:58 " ...(Adams) provided contacts for the most important Intelligence Officers that I needed to interview". This sort of straw man argument doesn't do justice to the remainder of your argument (I really don't know what that is because the NV infiltration into the South isn't really debatable). It was common knowledge in the Air Force that the VC were fully reinforced and "Victory" in Viet Nam would end up looking like the surface of the moon if accomplished. I know that because my father was in Air Force Intelligence (SAC) at the time and stated as such. He retired effective 1965 largely BECAUSE of that. He wasn't keen on Ho Chi Mihn or the communists obviously but along with the reinforcement issue he felt the current political climate in the US combined with the political decisions made by previous administrations made evicting the communists impossible. He could have stuck around to get his full bird but retired to raise his still-young family. I have no doubt his WW2 experience probably illustrated the consequences to human life of a sustained and possibly nuclear bombardment of the population.
  20. Yeah, I know. And I appreciate your participation. It's important not to feed them. They'll starve to death and go somewhere else.
  21. Ha! Try these! I'm not certain how good the contact info (or their potential interest) is but most likely you'd get an assistant anyway. Develop a pitch that is a sentence or two at the most which focuses on an interesting current hook to the story and send it to these people. I'm pretty sure all of these people have shown previous interest in the story, so they'll need a new spin or take to further it along. Brainstorm some ideas here and see what the people here can come up with. Start small at the intercept or a smaller outlet to test run the pitch and then work your way up until it's refined. If you get a positive response ask them "When should I call?" Always leave the next step open, don't close doors. E.G. After the first call it's "I'll get that information to you (whatever that is) and have Mr. So and So contact you." (expert like Morely etc). 1. James Risen (The Intercept): james.risen@theintercept.com 2. Lachlan Markay (The Daily Beast): lmarkay@thedailybeast.com 3. Robbie Gramer (Rolling Stone): robbie.gramer@rollingstone.com 4. Spencer Ackerman (The Guardian): spencer.ackerman@theguardian.com 5. Max Kutner (Newsweek): max.kutner@newsweek.com 6. Emma Roller (Slate): eroller@slate.com 7. Matt Orfalea (social media influencer): mattorfalea@gmail.com 8. David Meiswinkle (social media influencer): davidmeiswinkle@gmail.com 9. John Hankey (social media influencer): johnhankey@yahoo.com 10. Anderson Cooper (CNN): anderson.cooper@cnn.com 11. Peter Baker (The New York Times): peter.baker@nytimes.com 12. Philip Rucker (The Washington Post): philip.rucker@washpost.com 13. Cynthia McFadden (NBC News): cynthia.mcfadden@nbcuni.com 14. David Muir (ABC News): david.muir@abc.com 15. Scott Pelley (CBS News): scott.pelley@cbs.com 16. Bret Baier (Fox News): bret.baier@foxnews.com Sometimes you get the phone number and call directly but an email inquiry at first is better, so you get your pitch down. They don't have a lot of time for detailed discussions on the kickoff over the phone. Remember you're trying to develop a champion to take the story into Brett at the morning conference so treat everyone including the assistants like they're important. They are.
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