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Tony Krome

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Everything posted by Tony Krome

  1. I think more focus should be on this guy, and not just 10th & Patton.
  2. Yes, that's the whole article. As I've stated, I can't find anything that indicates an enquiry at 2434 West 5th, which is most peculiar, as it affords a prime view of the Randle corner at a time when most people are hustling about, leaving home for work. Just like Wesley was. Even the most fanatical LNers would agree that a knock on that door would have been a most logical investigative procedure. I mean, they were alleging the weapon that was used to kill the President was walking past what is Peggie's corner. Add to that, the other mysterious house, 2511 West 5th, which it turns out had the Randle phone number, the house further up West 5th that had the guy that played for Ruby, and you start to wonder what else is going to be uncovered on West 5th. Well, I have more, but I'm saving that for later.
  3. Because I'm sticking to facts I know. I know Peggie ended up at Harvard, and I know Dial indicated that he spoke to his wife the weekend of the assassination.
  4. hmm, first thing that comes to mind is Baker and his "third or fourth floor". But in reading the above where the author states, "Ellsworth claims he found the sniper's nest", that's not entirely correct, so the translation may be question.
  5. As I said years ago, I wish I could again find where Ruby referred to the hours after the assassination as a "rifle problem" or something similar.
  6. Ellsworth, like others, may have got the floors mixed up. I like how Truly describes Caster as a salesman. Would have been so easy to name the guy. And yes, it was a 30-06 Sporterized Mauser.
  7. As you have seen lately, I've been releasing some of my research. I've decided not to bother with a book. Best thing is, its stuff you've probably never heard of before, and its free. So I thought for the next lot of releases, I'd do it in the form of a Pop Quiz. The following is 100% fact, and indisputable; Name the Witness and the reasons why you think it's that person. 1. The witness is very close to the assassination. 2. The witness's occupation is described as "Professional". 3. The witness, at the time, worked intimately with a person that had been directly associated with a major Hollywood Studio, and personally mixed with the biggest Box Office Stars.
  8. Mary Ferrell has nothing. Dallas DPD has nothing. FBI has nothing. Secret Service has nothing. Warren Commission has nothing. JFK authors have nothing. CT's have nothing. Wait ... can someone pop over and ask Wesley or Ruth about Peggie. Time's running out. And while your at Ruth's, ask about the Randle phone number next door to her house.
  9. Mrs. RANDLE. He was carrying a package in a sort of a heavy brown bag, heavier than a grocery bag it looked to me. it was about, if I might measure about this long, I suppose, and he carried it in his right hand, had the top sort of folded down and had a grip like this, and the bottom, he carried it this way, you know, and it almost touched the ground as he carried it.
  10. Questioning potential witnesses over at 2434 West 5th may have helped investigators determine the length of the paper sack, and what clothes Oswald was wearing.
  11. My understanding is that there were gun experts on the 6th floor very soon after the rifle was found. The reporter on your video, Reiland, was told specifically Argentine Mauser. Was an Argentine Mauser a common rifle in Dallas at the time? So the whole of Texas is watching Reiland, and I imagine he's going to very accurate when he was asked by Watson, "exactly what type of gun". So I'm thinking he wasn't making stuff up, like Swedish Bazooka. See the video you posted above, how close he is checking that rifle. Unless the guy had very poor eyesight, I'd imagine he would declare it says "Made Italy". I mean, there were more than a few curious people surrounding the found rifle. Hey, its an Italian made rifle guys! So we go from Italy to Argentina, and Argentine is what I'm interested in here, because BEFORE the assassination, RYDER had Argentine rifle in his head. Not only that, he has a repair tag in his hand with OSWALD written on it, by RYDER himself., that he associated together with the Argentine rifle.
  12. Unfortunately, 12:45 was before any rifle was found. Lets see if any other member here can find an earlier make/model announcement before Argentine Mauser, and after the rifle was found. I figure there was an approximate one hour window between when the rifle was found and the Argentine announcement.
  13. What was the first model/make rifle description publicly described? I believe "Argentine Mauser" was announced just over 2 hours from the time of the assassination..
  14. I matched up one of those descriptions (Argentine) with the name of a rifle (Argentine) that a gunsmith with a "Oswald" repair tag mentioned a few days later. That's all, Dave, I'm sure its all a big mix up.
  15. Special thanks to David Von Pein for revealing a rifle Ryder mentioned re; the Argentine Mauser hours after the assassination. Video below starts at the correct time;
  16. Dial Ryder mentions the Argentine rifle both to authorities early in the investigation, and to CBS on Thanksgiving evening 1963
  17. Exactly!! An Argentine Mauser is not a Carcano. Look for shifts in the narrative. Look to why Ryder's repair tag and Whitworth at the furniture store were sidelined.
  18. The only thing that I've seen that is a suspicious aspect surrounding Ryder, is the face to face interview with Ryder and Hunter Schmidt. They were both diametrically opposed to each other concerning the Thanksgiving phone call. Who's your money on, Dave?
  19. FBI re: Dial Ryder "He stated he had found the Irving Sports Shop repair tag bearing the name "OSWALD" as customer on November 23, 1963, but had not told anyone, other than his wife, about finding the tag prior to being interviewed by SA HORTON on November 25, 1963." On Sunday the 24th November 1963, there were anonymous phone calls to authorities disclosing the existence of the repair tag. They never worked out who made them or their sources. Fair enough, Dial didn't tell anyone else, so that leaves Peggie. Did she talk to people in her neighborhood?
  20. Wesley especially would have noticed that the Ryder car across the road from him went from being roadworthy to a wreck, or it was all of a sudden missing from the house and at the wreckers. Add to that, his neighbour Ryder across the road ended up in hospital. It would have been quite the neighbourhood gossip.
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