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Tony Krome

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Everything posted by Tony Krome

  1. Did you know that if there was no follow up interviews with the 3 boys, after their initial statements, you'd come away thinking Williams was with the other two the whole upstairs time.
  2. Yes to Sawyer on the passenger elevator. Dougherty says he heard one noise. The WC and Dougherty both believe he was on the 5th floor at the time of the assassination. I involved myself in a discussion with Pat to explore the possibility that Dougherty heard the noise after the assassination. At this point, I'm sure that Truly and Baker did not see Shelley and Lovelady by the freight elevators, and that Shelley was about right with his FBI estimation of 10 minutes. Here is Lovelady entering the 1st floor; Mr. BALL - You came in through the first floor? Mr. LOVELADY - Right. Mr. BALL - Who did you see in the first floor? Mr. LOVELADY - I saw a girl but I wouldn't swear to it it's Vickie. Mr. BALL - Who is Vickie? Mr. LOVELADY - The girl that works for Scott, Foresman. Mr. BALL - What is her full name? Mr. LOVELADY - I wouldn't know. Mr. BALL - Vickie Adams? Mr. LOVELADY - I believe so. Mr. BALL - Would you say it was Vickie you saw? Mr. LOVELADY - I couldn't swear. Mr. BALL - Where was the girl? Mr. LOVELADY - I don't remember what place she was but I remember seeing a girl as she was talking to Bill or saw Bill or something, then I went over and asked one of the guys what time it was and to see if we should continue working or what. If Shelley and Lovelady entered the west entrance within a minute of the assassination, I don't see why Lovelady would go up to one of the guys and ask the time in relation to "continue working". It should have been obvious that it was circa 12:31, and that they were still on their lunchbreak. Plus why ask one of the guys if his boss is right there? However, the 25 minutes Lovelady told HSCA that it took to enter the TSBD makes more sense, in that he would ask that question.
  3. Previously in this thread, I mentioned circa 12:38 for the Baker/Sawyer meeting. The time would relatively be an even split between Sawyer exiting his car and re-entering his car. Pat has Shelley calling to Dougherty to guard the passenger elevator at the point where Sawyer confronts the mystery man. (who Pat believes is Shelley) So Shelley calls out at circa 12:35 as Dougherty is walking to the west elevator. Major problem here is how on earth could Dougherty believe everything was so normal on the 1st floor, 5 minutes after the assassination, that he intended to start picking orders? That aside, effectively, in Pat's hypothesis, both Shelley/Sawyer and Dougherty would be riding their respective elevators upwards at the same time. Dougherty to the 6th, Shelley/Sawyer to the 4th. The above destroys Shelley's affidavit by the way. Dougherty was not "left to guard the elevator" So by the time Dougherty reaches the 6th, Sawyer is moving across the 4th floor, noting the ladies, the open space etc. Dougherty begins to pick orders on the 6th. If we have the Shelley call out at 12:35, we must be reaching 12:37 by the time Dougherty takes the ride up 6 floors, and actually completes picking orders on the 6th. Then Dougherty re-enters the elevator and descends to the 5th to again pick orders, at a time where it must be close to the time where Baker meets Sawyer on the 4th at circa 12:38. To subscribe to this hypothesis, not only is Shelley's affidavit incorrect, but also what he told the FBI. The hypothesis demands that Shelley's estimation of 10 minutes to enter the west entrance was out by more than 10 times.
  4. Don't forget Truly and Shelley were handling rifles on the Wednesday. And where was Oswald at the time? He was right there, so close he could hear their conversation. Oswald reported this to police on Friday. I'm sure even DVP would give Oswald some credit for that. So if one suspects Truly and Shelley, what was the intention of the Wednesday gathering at the will-call counter?
  5. You can work Sawyer backwards through the timeline. He's back in his car on the radio at circa 12:40. Before that he was discussing security with police near the front doors. Before that he rode the passenger elevator down from the 4th floor. And finally before that, he was chatting with Baker in the North/West 4th floor corner of the TSBD.
  6. It was established that Sawyer exited his car circa 12:34, so we are looking at possibly 12:35 when Sawyer finds himself by the passenger elevator with the mystery man. You have Dougherty moving from the bathroom to the west elevator at the point where Shelley yells out to him to come on over and guard the passenger elevator. That would be a 100ft shout out to Dougherty through all sorts of obstacles on the 1st floor. In any event, you now have Dougherty ignoring Shelley, to enter the west elevator at circa 12:35. He then has to make the 30 second trip up to the 6th where he begins to pick orders. At the shortest possible time, we must closing in on 12:37 He then has to re-enter the elevator and take it down to the 5th, where he begins picking orders. We are now at the time where Baker is talking to Sawyer on the 4th floor, one floor below Dougherty. I can't see how the noise Dougherty heard was generated by Baker/Truly above him.
  7. Shelley stated that he was told not to let anyone out of the elevator. He then stated he accompanied police up the elevator, and implies that because of that, he leaves Dougherty in charge of the elevator. (you are saying passenger elevator) Are you now saying that Shelley issued instructions to Dougherty at the freight elevator area, before Shelley moved to the passenger elevator?
  8. The FBI hand writes something that didn't happen. Thanks for that.
  9. And Dougherty? How is he left guarding the passenger elevator by Shelley if he's on the 5th floor?
  10. Truly knew Baker wanted to get to the roof. In fact Baker thought the roof may have been a gun platform, until he arrived; Mr. BAKER - I immediately went around all the sides of the ledges up there, and after I got on top I found out that a person couldn't shoot off that roof because when you stand up you have to put your hands like this, at the top of that ledge and if you wanted to see over you would have to tiptoe to see over it. Your scenario has exposed Truly as the person that was responsible for moving Shelley away from an area where he could have seen the culprit emerge from the elevator. Another problem is that you say Shelley went with Sawyer up the passenger elevator (circa 12:34) Shelley said he then left Dougherty in charge of the elevator. How can Dougherty be in two places at once? You have Truly seeing him at circa 12:37 on the 5th floor in the north-west corner of the TSBD. Sawyer would shortly be meeting Baker by the 4th floor freight elevator circa 12:38, supposedly with Shelley in tow.
  11. The scenario you have described here is Truly being aware that that Baker suspects a gunman at the top of the building, that he's aware of both elevators hanging high, and that they have to take to the stairs. It follows that there would be a concern that if any of those elevators happened to descend while they were climbing the stairs, it may contain the culprit. You have suggested this exact situation in that Truly orders Shelley to stand by the elevators, and not to let anyone out. But you say that Truly sends Shelley to the passenger elevator, and Piper to the rear door. This action effectively leaves the freight elevators unsupervised. And where is Baker in all this? Is he standing there mute as Truly issues orders that are supposedly made to corner the gunman? Orders that leave the freight elevators wide open on the 1st floor, for your mystery person to emerge from, to avoid Piper by turning to the west entrance. Your scenario has the appearance of Truly ensuring an unwitnessed escape.
  12. For the timeline, that would be 12:31:10 for Shelley to be by the phone. If the following WC testimony is correct, Adams is talking to Shelley, so I doubt Shelley is talking to someone on the phone at the time; Mr. BELIN - Now what did you do after you encountered Mr. Shelley and Mr. Lovelady?Miss ADAMS - I said I believed the President was shot.Mr. BELIN - Do you remember what they said? Miss ADAMS - Nothing. If you have Shelley by the phone, one minute and 10 seconds after the shooting, its likely he hasn't yet dialled his wife, waited for her to answer, explained what had happened, taken the mandatory questions from the wife, and then hang up. There is simply no time for that to have occurred, because for Shelley to leave the front steps at 12:30:30, that gives him only 40 seconds to walk to the railway tracks, enter the west entrance, and arrive by the phone. Shelley told the FBI that he entered the west entrance about 10 minutes following the shooting. According to you, Shelley entered the west entrance in less than 1 minute.
  13. Yes, if Baker expected to run into a gun-toting escapee descending the building, its certainly perilous for the unarmed civilian ahead of him in such a tight staircase. If they met on the stairs, I don't see how Truly could avoid crossfire.
  14. Curry: As an officer rushed into the building, Oswald rushed out. The policeman permitted him to pass after the building manager told the policeman that Oswald was an employee. He apparently lost himself in the crowd then. Campbell: Truly and an officer ran into the building. In a storage room on the first floor, the officer, gun drawn, spotted Oswald. "Does this man work here?" the officer reportedly asked Truly. Truly reportedly told the policeman that Oswald was a worker. Sounds like the same story to me.
  15. What time do you have Oswald exiting the front door? I think the WC had the exit as 12:33 to make the bus/taxi thing work.
  16. Is this what you refer to; Mr. BALL - Did you see Truly, Mr. Truly and an officer go into the building?Mr. SHELLEY - Yeah, we saw them right at the front of the building while we were on the island. I'm not clear on how Truly issues instructions to Shelley between the TSBD entrance and the rear stairs if Shelley is on the island.
  17. Theories can only work within timelines. So for practical purposes, lets say the last shot was fired at 12:30:00 Baker and Truly are seen near the TSBD front steps at 12:30:30 What time and where do you have Truly ordering Shelley to 1st floor passenger elevator?
  18. "The elevator was just to the right of the main entrance, and we went to the top floor, which was pointed out to me by this other man as being the floor that we were talking about." So you are saying that Sawyer asked to go to the 4th floor, and Shelley pointed out to Sawyer that the passenger elevator would take him to that floor?
  19. Shelley? Doubt it. Back to the other subject. You have the person who emerged from the west elevator on the 1st floor as avoiding Piper and exiting the west entrance. You also have this same person entering the west elevator on the 5th floor. You are suggesting this person had something do with the 6th floor at the time of the assassination. Is this your escape scenario?
  20. Mr. SAWYER. We got into the elevator. We run into this man ....... a man who I believed worked in the building. This is right around 12:34 A minute before that, the mystery man could have been by the 4th floor elevator/ stairs You'd think Belin would have been interested in a description of that man, that a police officer "ran" into, especially in those crucial minutes.
  21. More focus should be on whether Rowland's man could be Baker's man. A straight shot from the 4th floor stairs/elevator area is the 4th floor passenger elevator. Then we have Sawyer's mystery man nearby the passenger elevator on the 1st floor.
  22. Always willing to examine alternate scenarios, so here we go; The Baker/Sawyer meeting happened at approx 12:38. This was at the 4th floor freight elevator as Baker was descending. The loud noise you have Dougherty hearing from the 5th floor had to be within minutes beforehand. Lets say 12:36/7 Dougherty has to enter the elevator on the 6th floor before descending to the 5th. Lets say 12:35/6 Dougherty was picking orders on the 6th after ascending from the 1st floor. Here we are getting very close to the time of the assassination, in fact Dougherty would have to enter the elevator almost immediately after it descended (controlled by a person you have not identified) from the 5th floor. 1. How does Piper not see this mystery person emerge from the elevator within a minute after seeing Truly? 2. How does Dougherty miss all the commotion on the 1st floor as he walked from the bathroom to the elevator? 3. Piper does not see Dougherty or discuss the shots with him as he walked to the elevator? 4, Why did Dougherty return to work at approx 12:32? 5. Indications are that Oswald was in the Domino room at approx 12:23/5. Oswald and Dougherty make no mention of each other, so was Dougherty in the bathroom for up to 15 minutes?
  23. So you have Dougherty hearing no shots, and you have him returning to work after the assassination. In other words, everything was like a regular lunch break, and a regular return to work after the lunch break. Since he did not hear any shots, did not see Truly and Baker rush across the first floor, and did not hear Truly yelling out twice for the elevator, you have him in the bathroom. You then have Dougherty taking the west elevator up to the 6th floor for his return to work, then take the elevator back down to the 5th where he heard a loud noise. You are suggesting this noise was made by Truly/Baker above him. On the 5th is where he is seen by Truly as he comes down from the roof. Do I have this correct?
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