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John Kozlowski

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About John Kozlowski

  • Birthday 01/07/1985

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  1. @James DiEugenio Will the 4 hr version be available to stream on Showtime or will it only be available on DVD?
  2. What’s the name of his FB group? If he’s trying to pull this off I’d like to see the other crap he pushes.
  3. Great episode Bart. I agree I like the format of this show. I’ve been listening to their individual podcasts for a few years. Always interesting stuff on there.
  4. That is weird how they couldn’t figure out how he got to and from work everyday. Even if he walked the two miles everyday I’d imagine he’d be seen by multiple people also on their way to work at the same time. I doubt he took the bus because as you stated nobody ever came forward saying they seen him. I take the bus myself into the city for work and I see the same people every single day, morning and night. At least one of them would have come foward and said they rode with him if he was taking a bus. I’ve always thought that Frazier had more involvement than he let on and believe he was Oswald’s ride to work everyday. The police trying to make him confess to being involved in the assassination would only make him distance himself from Oswald as much as possible. I don’t blame him for staying quiet all these years but do hope he comes foward if he knows more before it’s too late.
  5. I can’t even begin to imagine a president taking a ride through McKeesport today.
  6. Was Invision able to tell you when and on what sub forum the bot was introduced?
  7. Listened to it earlier today. Even though it didn’t get into the assassination itself I thought it was one of his better episodes. I liked that he let go and really told you what he thought.
  8. Didn’t realize it was that easy. I never really looked into it
  9. I’d like to see how her books sell compared to other pro conspiracy books.
  10. Is there a way to put a limit on how many times a guest can view the forum before they have to sign up to continue using it. For example some online newspapers give you access to read five articles before you have to make an account or you cannot read anymore. If possible I think that would be a better option than blocking guests altogether.
  11. What was the podcast? I’d like to listen to it.
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