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Tommy Tomlinson

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Everything posted by Tommy Tomlinson

  1. Yeah, that's the kind of thing I was thinking. I would have been surprised if he had been sanctioned, given that he was at no fault. But its both good and, I have to say, mildly surprising that they didn't throw it in his face. Thanks.
  2. That all makes logical sense Joe, I agree there's no reason he SHOULD have caught flack, I just wondered if... people being people... whether Marrion ever fell foul of the "Well, if YOU'd stopped the guy in the bookstore. Like you say, it would have been unfair indeed, but many fingers have been pointed in error over this case. And the way Curry handled... well... pretty much everything.. is worthy of several books worth of exploration.
  3. Last night, I was having a chat with someone who doesn't know any of the details of the case, and over a few glasses he asked me to break down the basics. A fire place, a good friend, a good single malt and talking uninterrupted about The JFK Assassination? Thanks Santa... a few days late but I'll take it! Anyway, after we got past Tippit killing he stopped me and asked a question I had never considered before... "After Tippit was killed, and whoever did it, everyone THOUGHT it was Oswald... right? So, did the cop in the book store (*Officer Baker) ever catch any flack from his fellow officers over allowing Oswald to "escape" in the Book building?" And I was stuck. I imagine Joe will have the definitive answer to this but it had never occurred to me before? Does history relate this matter to us? I don't think it makes an iota of difference to the case, but now that my interest is piqued... I really feel the need to find out.
  4. I watched it on Christmas Eve. Haven't seen it for a few years. Used to be like a religious ceremony when my dad was alive.. I say "watched it" In the sense that it was on while dogs and kids were getting under my feet, and I'm not going to cheat and Google it. I *think*... is it the Pine Lodge? Or something like that? Sorry Ron, misread the question. I thought you mean the Hotel. No idea on the name of the club/bar.
  5. I have a friend with whom I used to go to concerts back in the 80s and 90s, and we still occasionally catch the odd show. And I don't think a year has gone by during the time we have known each other that we haven't said... "NEXT year.... we'll finally get to bloody Cropredy!" And it is still to happen...
  6. Oh that comment takes me back! I was lucky enough in the 1980's to go to what in the UK was referred to a "Bog-Standard" Comprehensive state school that had one man who still taught classics. I studied Latin at "O Level" for two years under that guy, Mr Wilf O'Neill (OBE) who could have taught or lectured Classics at any University in the land (and did hold Summer courses in the Classics at a couple of Cambridge colleges.) but he believed that it should be part of the wider curriculum at all levels and so taught it to mugs like me. When I moved into the 6th form and we hit 18 yrs old, a bunch of us would leave school at lunchtime and go to the local pub that I now live practically next door to. It was also the favourite watering hole of Wilf and his staff room clique as it was and has remained for many decades, a "Real Ale" pub. (I have never been asked by anyone in over 20 years, "So... why did you buy THAT house?") Even after we had left school we used to go back to "The Miller's Arms," (Now called the Brewers Pride") at Christmas on the last few days of school and bump into our old teachers. Part of the ritual involved the landlord "Bob" switching the jukebox out around the second week in December. So it was filled with Christmas songs. Whenever "Gaudete" came on, (which was quite often once we saw the reaction it engendered) Wilf would start on with his deconstruction of the performance and his forthright opinion on Steeleye Span, whom he considered to be a bunch of "Tone-deaf scruffy, bloody, pagan hippies".
  7. Since JFK was Roman Catholic I thought a little "Classic Latin" might not go amiss... sung by a bunch of old hippies... Whatever your denomination, church, faith, or lack thereof, at this time we like to associate with peace and goodwill...have good one!
  8. I try to avoid "Opinion masquerading as News" shows, on both sides of the aisle, so have barely dipped my toe in the Tucker trough over this. Has he at any point condemned Trump for having withheld all the stuff that Biden just released? Because if so, that would encourage me slightly more than most of his usual polemic. It's great that anyone with his profile is saying all this, but what good does it do if he is singing to the choir? Unless it is picked up by someone of similar standing on the other side, such as Rachel Maddow (she seems to love a good conspiracy...) or Chris whatsisname... or Avi thingummy... the one who quotes rap stars all the time... (I'm sorry... I'm British, they all start to blend together...)... it will simply be seen by most people as a partisan attack on whoever Carlson is pointing at. And as a result, in this instance, the LEFT (who, ironically, one would expect to be most on board with this whole thing...) will simply fall in line and attempt to fight back against anything Carlson says. That's what both sides have been engineered to do since.... well... probably around 1963. If the LAW said this stuff should have been out by X, Y, or Z date, and it wasn't, then surely there needs to be legal justification for non compliance. Otherwise isn't there is an opportunity for a well constructed civil case to be brought against the Law breakers? (Again, as a Brit, one of the endearing things we think about our estranged cousins in the colonies is that you love a good lawsuit, especially one that's served on your government!)
  9. Back on page 1 Ben posted a link to a Thesis written about Russel "The First Dissenter" It's 80 pages, but double spaced and wide margins with lots of footnotes so it's actually a really brief read compared to the page count. WELL worth a look at if you are interested in Russel's connection to LBJ and some very clean and precise analysis of the sort of things Dick was involved in as well as some of the WC shenanigans. I would never have had a young Mr Russel down as a flighty socialite who had to change schools to stay focused on his studies rather than his... "social life." There is a strong suggestion that LBJ wanted him out of the way since RR was a very influential Senator who was STRONGLY opposed to LBJ's Civil Rights legislation and would have garnered more support to block it in the Senate if he hadn't been distracted by the WC... But that's what I love about this forum. I would never have learned that through Google.
  10. Thanks Pat, I don't want to gush too much like a fanboy, but your website is a great resource! Not only the information it contains, but the style in which its written makes it so much easier for... less well informed... folk like me to play catch up! 2 guys spent 412 "man-days" digging into "OSWALD" while 2 other guys spent 216 man-days "establishing the identity of the Assassin?" I now have a mental image of Liebeler and Jenner looming over Ball and Belin, tapping cudgels into their palms like a couple of thugs in a Jimmy Cagney movie, saying "Don't you chumps DARE make all this work we've done meaningless!"
  11. I'd always had it at the back of my mind that Rankin was the string-puller-in-chief, but every new thing I learn kind of shoves me toward wondering how the Hell did Specter have so much influence, as a "Junior" lawyer on the Commission...
  12. I was going to copy and paste the comparative tables to show the ACTUAL attendances and so on, but without the context of the explanations it just seems easier to say "If you didn't know this stuff, like I didn't until just now... it's well worth the few minutes it takes to read it!" and that I am surprised by just how little input those 7 men had in hearing from the witnesses. That's another book for the shopping list.
  13. Thanks Jean Paul "In virtually all previous time studies of the Commissioner's labors, notice has been taken that of the 488 witnesses who testified, only 93 did so in the presence of any of the seven members of the Commission. From there, it is a relatively simple exercise to research Volumes I through V of the Hearings, and discover the time on task statistics of each Commissioner. Taking that approach, research indicates that Earl Warren attended the testimony of all 93 witnesses, Allen Dulles was present on 70 occasions, Gerald Ford on 60, John Sherman Cooper on 50, John McCloy on 35 occasions, Hale Boggs on 20, and Richard Russell on 6." Wow... That's... not a lot at all.
  14. Thanks for that Ben, that is a pretty well written thesis. I wasn't aware of the Minsk history, and such a strong connection with Cuba. That was interesting to learn Any of my tutors or professors would given me a slap upside my head for presenting a document that carried some of those typos, but the substance is there!
  15. I recall hearing, (I'm pretty certain it was in "Destiny Betrayed") that Dulles had sat in on the most hearings of any member of the WC. I would not be surprised if someone here knows this by heart, but my Google-Fu is lacking in spirit today... Can someone point me to a link or article that shows the list of the 7 members "proper" giving their attendance of hearings?
  16. Cheers David... that is indeed a fairly comprehensive list of the stars that had to align for Oswald to have done it. He was SO lucky that none of those things happened!
  17. Yes there's some good ones in there! Thanks David! Oswald was REAL lucky that Bonnie Ray Williams felt lonely at 12.15...
  18. Yeah... Oswald was VERY lucky that the motorcade was running late since he left it to the last second to go charging up those stairs. He was a hell of an athlete... he beat Victoria Adams down that staircase and she two floors head start and no evidence to hide.
  19. Has anyone ever put together a list of the crazy coincidences that needed to happen for Oswald to have done the shooting per the Lone Nut theory? I often find when debating the subject that I encounter a lot of "Well... maybe Frazier didn't know the difference between 2 feet and 3 feet?" or "Maybe Connally didn't realise he'd been shot till a few seconds later?" Just for fun... no arguing... little bit of light hearted Christmas sarcastic silliness. How about we compile a list of good fortune and coincidence that would have been needed for the job to have happened the WC says happened. I'll start... Oswald was really lucky that Buell Wesley Frazier was able to give him those lifts at such short notice, otherwise he'd have had to carry his rifle to work on the bus. Oswald was really lucky that the Post Office worker who handled the rifle delivery to his PO Box didn't know the rules about not accepting deliveries to people with different names to specific PO Boxes... (and also lucky that the worker who let him pick the rifle up was unaware of that rule as well...)
  20. It's exactly what I'd do if I wanted to protect a source. "Look, Mike, people might think I got it from you, so I'll take a few swipes at you on camera. That's OK, right?" Pompeo has had worse. A LOT worse. And if he knows it's not real he isn't going to care one iota.
  21. Derek, I think he's quite possibly hoping that his audience will auto-associate the CIA of 1963 with the current administration just through word association. I would not put it past any of the Opinion hosts on any of these networks to try and blame the other side's current leadership for a 60 year old crime...
  22. CNN sitting squarely on the fence. It veers off into CIA/FBI snooping on Jane Fonda... and general frowning at unrestrained information gathering by intelligence services...
  23. The problem is that "Truth" is so subjective now, that by Tucker Carlson saying this, it immediately makes 50% of the population believe it to be utter horse manure. As accurate as it may have been, it may ultimately set back the "Truth" just by virtue of Tucker's track record with that commodity. "Tucker said what about the CIA? Oh for heaven's sake... the man is an imbecile!" is a far more likely broad response than the "Wow! So... if Tucker is right about THIS... maybe he's right about EVERYTHING!" that he's probably hoping for.
  24. Thanks Jim, I was aware of the tests, but not that footage of the exploding skull, or the images of the photos. Thanks again.
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