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Bill Fite

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  1. @Greg Doudna Thanks for all the interesting details.
  2. I agree. I hope that the candidate that is finally nominated is someone who hasn't run for president in the primaries in the past - a new face non-centrist.
  3. Just pointing out that I think your logic and comparisons are off. This isn't 1968. The main issue now will be explaining why the Democratic Party kept Biden's condition hidden, but that will pass in a week or two.
  4. Well there ya go - it's all over then. The Dems should just not field a candidate in your world. Oh and by the way - by your logic a political party that nominated a woman has never won in the United States. Does that mean you are against nominating women for president?
  5. So then I assume you are hoping that the VP is not the nominee and will go down to defeat not breaking w the policies of Biden? since that's about the only thing I can see is similar on the Dem side.
  6. Curious -- are you expecting: An assassination of the leading and most famous liberal candidate? An assassination of the leading civil rights leader? Trump and Bannon plotting to sabotage Paris Peace talks? The VP being the nominee and refusing to condemn the war in SE Asia which is sending the kids down the street back in boxes? Student demonstrations at the Democratic Convention evolving into riots put down brutally by police? Any of those things like in 1968?
  7. deleted message for edit to French election comparison - added Sunday voting & counting blank ballots info
  8. Having recently watched the elections in France I can't help but think how broken the US election system is in comparison. All candidates from all parties in a race (both at the presidential and assembly levels) run against all other candidates in the first round. Elections are run in a 6 week period not 2 year campaigns. No one state/region is given the power of going first. All vote on the same day. There is no power given to a South Carolina or Iowa or New Hampshire to winnow the field for all other regions as in US primaries. (An aside question for the Democratic Party why South Carolina - the state that started the Civil War?) Paper ballots - you choose up a pieces of paper with the candidates names on them from tables then go into a booth and put the one that you are voting for into an envelope which is then deposited into a box on a table in front of the election judges. Proof of identity is required. Your name is checked off on entry and vote deposit. To officially be a candidate, contenders must, among other things, be nominated by at least 500 elected representatives (e.g. mayors, deputies) There is an upper limit on spending which is monitored by a committee Once the official campaign has begun, each candidate must have strictly the same amount of airtime on TV and radio. If no candidate wins over 50% of the vote, a second round is organized. Only the two candidates with the most votes qualify for the 2nd round. The candidate with the absolute majority of votes cast is elected. Blank (blank - none of the above ballots are available) or spoiled votes are not taken into account to determine the outcome. But the blank ballots are counted - in the last French presidential election they were 6.5% of the votes cast. Elections are held on Sundays and not on a weekday - most people are off work and most businesses closed - making it easier for people to vote. IMO - the US system was probably the best for its time (200+ years ago) but is now broken and doesn't work as well as others. Recently ending up with a choice between 2 candidates with low approval ratings. Is it time for a Constitutional Convention? - either fix it or get it over with. source to presidential election info
  9. Biden wants to see proof he can’t win. Could someone please show him the tape of his debate performance?
  10. The Best Counter to Project 2025 Is a Progressive Project 2025 If President Biden—or any Democratic replacement—wants to get back in the race, they need a positive moral vision to run on, not just dire warnings. Link to In These Times article
  11. Might be - but I'd put Truman as my #3 preference on that list and drop Clinton and Reagan.
  12. Since you're so smart - really? 2000 - Bill Bradley 2004 - Howard Dean 2008 - Obama - they got it right 2016 - Bernie - instead the Dems nominated the worst presidential candidate in history. 2020 - Bernie 2024 - unknown but it's certainly not Biden Truman had little charisma? You must not have talked to the people who were Dem voters back then. They loved him. "Give 'em Hell Harry" If I wanted to vote for circa 1960 Republicans, I'd join the Republican Party. "Harry Truman once said, 'There are 14 or 15 million Americans who have the resources to have representatives in Washington to protect their interests, and that the interests of the great mass of the other people - the 150 or 160 million - is the responsibility of the president of the United States, and I propose to fulfill it.'" --"Address in Atlantic City at the Convention of the United Auto Workers (174)," May 8, 1962, Public Papers of the Presidents: John F. Kennedy, 1962.
  13. G If they don't nominate a Truman / JFK - like candidate they never will get legislative programs through. But keep on nominating Hillary Clintons, Bidens and Gores with no charisma and high disapproval ratings - that's their goto strategy. They drive people to stay home on election day. Go ahead support someone the majority of voters don't want or like. Yeah... that will work.
  14. Who would crush both Trump and Biden in an election? That 2 Party System is some system.
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