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John Deignan

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  1. The woman in the sunglasses is not the Babushka Lady. Not in the Zapruder film. This women was on Houston St.
  2. In her Warren Commission testimony she says that she catches her bus at 1:15 on The corner of Patton and Jefferson. Which means she was a block from where she catches her bus. So there is no way the Tippit murder took place at 1:15 like some claim.
  3. I don’t think the film makes the claim Greer shot Kennedy at all. There are “versions” of the Zapruder film, meaning just zoomed in a little that make it look like Greer has a gun, perhaps that’s what she was shown making it seem like 2 different films.
  4. Jim, It is a combo of documentary and acted out scenes. Don’t expect too much from the Zapruder film scene. It has to do with Greer shooting Kennedy.
  5. I thought it was fascinating but as usual left with more questions than answers.
  6. I remember once seeing a drawing of the shooting in the basement with a list of each witness and their position. Missing from the list Hugh Aynesworth.
  7. I believe the only place Hugh visited that day was the boarding house. In the Nov., 23rd edition of The Dallas Morning News the only byline of Hugh Aynesworth is an article on page 5 "Oswald Rented Room Under Alias". Even Mary Woodward"s article is on page 3 with the header "Witness From The News Describes Assassination". In an interview for the Sixth Floor Museum Feb. !7th, 2016, Hugh claims to not just have been at Dealey Plaza, the Tippit scene, The Texas Theater but also to have examined the windshield of JFK's limo the afternoon of the assassination, claiming to have felt the inside where a "fragment" hit.
  8. In the latest episode the podcast names their suspected shooters: Herminio Diaz Garcia, Jean Souetre, Charles Nicoletti, and Jack Cannon. Also places they believe shots came from: 6th floor TSBD, behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll, the Dal Tex building and the County Records building, and the overpass by the south knoll. However that would require one more shooter.
  9. In one of the podcasts he mentioned talking with Sherry Fiester. I definitely think he is positioning a shooter on the south Knoll.
  10. In case others want to see it Jim. I hope that’s alright with you.
  11. Episode 3 released. Talks about the SBT, the Parkland Dr.s and the autopsy photos. No new news. I wish they would have timed it to culminate today on the anniversary.
  12. https://nypost.com/2023/11/21/news/ukrainian-sniper-uses-horizons-lord-rifle-to-take-out-russian-soldier/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=pasteboard_app
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