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Mark Ulrik

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Everything posted by Mark Ulrik

  1. You're certainly milking that misnomer for all it's worth. You didn't address my question of how Van Cleave (or anyone) would have been able to determine the caliber of that bullet. I doubt that even Lieutenant Columbo could have done it, and he was a pretty smart guy.
  2. Who says he was sure? How could he possibly have been? Do you believe anything you read in the papers? I wish we could go back in time and teach them the proper terminology.
  3. Then how about informally? Do you really think that an octogenarian like Marina would be prosecuted for "coming clean" in a case like this? Wouldn't a good lawyer be able to negotiate some kind of immunity deal for her? If she really felt there was something that needed to be recanted, it would certainly be of great value to have the record corrected, and most people would probably be sympathetic if she had a good reason for delaying the reveal for almost 60 years.
  4. High Resolution Digital Images of Artifacts and Three Dimensional Topographic Measurements Data Files
  5. Jeff Carter's article on the BY photos could be a good starting point.
  6. You keep adding the word "reasonable" as if it means something, but it's just plain old doubt (reasonable or not).
  7. True, and he probably picked up the habit of wearing the wedding band on the right hand in Minsk.
  8. The ring issue again ... not a slam dunk, but I think I can see both rings in 133-A.
  9. I have no experience with Google Docs, but postimage (postimg.cc) has served me well.
  10. Whatever was used to conceal the rifle during transport (raincoat?) would also have helped protect it from the elements.
  11. In the letter, Ruby suggests that Lamar Hunt might be helpful in locating an ex-wife of former congressman Bruce Alger who (if still alive) needed to be warned about LBJ having "the most horrible death imaginable" in store for him. This is followed by the "who would ever dream that the m*****f***** was a N***" rant. Doesn't it seem more likely that the N-word refers to LBJ than to Lamar Hunt? Full transcription here.
  12. Let's cut to the chase. You and Gil are faulting the police for not making sure that the Paines didn't make a run for it while they searched the garage. But what about before and after? Were they only a flight risk during the search?
  13. You seem to believe that the Paines should have been considered a flight risk. Then you probably also believe that they should have been arrested even before the Saturday search. Do you also believe that other Oswald acquaintances (such as Earlene Roberts) should have been arrested?
  14. 1) I guess it would depend on the appointment, but probably not. However, in this case, it was the second search and limited to the garage. The occupants had already spent some time around investigators, and perhaps there was a mutual sense of trust and respect. Also, it was the 60's, and RP may have been even more trusting of authorities than the average person. It also helps to know that you have nothing to hide. 2) Can't you keep your own safe and conduct a legal search without detaining the occupants? It seems to me that allowing them to leave would only make things easier for the investigators.
  15. Mr. STOVALL. [...] we searched the garage and concentrated our search there. Ruth Paine came out into the garage and I told you Ruth Paine was the only one there awhile ago--I remember Michael Paine was in the garage. I think he came up after we got there--I'm not sure it's possible that he got there after we got there, but I don't recall, but both of them came out in this garage and showed us the stuff that belonged to Lee Oswald and Marina Oswald and showed us the stuff that belonged to them and they left. Had RP and MP wanted to flee or destroy evidence, they could've done so between police visits. Why should the cops suddenly become paranoid and begin to treat them as suspects and flight risks? They were fully cooperating.
  16. Or it could simply be the paper under the photo that is visible through the hole.
  17. Yes, that's why I asked Steve for his opinion. The iron sights were apparently zeroed for 200 meters (not sure about the scope).
  18. Good point. The smart choice would have been to place a sniper in a tall building and wait for de Gaulle to drive slowly by in an open car.
  19. I kind of doubt that debris from the screen frame would have traveled that far. Doesn't it seem more likely that the metal came from the bullet? But the reason I asked Greg was that he thinks Walker wasn't even in the room at the time of the shooting.
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