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Matthew Koch

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About Matthew Koch

  • Birthday September 27

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    Santa Poco Mexico
  • Interests
    Researching the JFK Assassination

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  1. BC, I grew up in a gun nut house in the 90's (Knew about Ruby ridge as a 10yr old) And, I take this with a grain of salt. I think it's a case like when the cops say hulls on the sixth floor. A hull is almost always referred to a shot gun shell, and I think something similar is happening with the officers report. I say this because a steel jacketed round especially back then would be highly unusual and would be a somewhat special/expensive round. But.. I could be in error as well. Initial reports put it as a different round (like .3030 or 30odd6) is what I remember also, and I think Walker Pointed that out.
  2. Okay guys, serious question🙃, what looked worse last night? Biden, or RFK2 John Stossel pretending they were part of the Biden/Trump debate?
  3. It's pretty bad, I stopped watching because it feels like elder abuse. Biden is sorta talking and looking like a corpse..
  4. This Mrs Oswald NYC secret Nazi spokesman is reminding me of the movie Mother Night
  5. Watching the debate, I'd be embarrassed if I had voted for Joe Biden.. Yikes!
  6. Matt, Kirk is like W. and Cliff he's not a good faith poster IMHO don't waste your time with him. He's a psychologist from California that does Timothy Leary type psychedelic psychology with poor lost souls..
  7. It's not old time baseball like Willie Mays so I understand why you probably don't understand Kirkland especially since you don't do much research or read books on the subject. It's understandable that you wouldn't understand that only 8 people knew about the secret Nuclear deal outside of official channels. Or that Kennedy changed covert action to the Joint Chiefs of Staff after the Bay of Pigs..
  8. There's a new RFK Jr song that I'm sure Classic Rock fans like @Ron Bulman will enjoy Apparently @Benjamin Cole you might want to watch the Dr. Phil because there might be something shocking coming like RFK Jr running with Biden as VP? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13574433/RFK-incredible-offer-Biden-blown-2024-presidential-race-wide-open.html Video in link Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has revealed an offer to Joe Biden that he believes would shake up the 2024 election and help one of them defeat Donald Trump. The nephew of former President John F. Kennedy and the son of former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy has kept running as a third-party candidate after losing to Biden in the Democrat primary. Recent polls show him garnering nine percent of the vote as an independent in a multi-way race with Biden, Trump and other candidates. Kennedy has consistently cited a Zogby Analysis poll that shows Trump beating Biden if he's in or in a two-way race, while RFK Jr. would defeat the Republican or Biden head-to-head. The independent has his doubts about whether Biden would accept the deal, which he says is still on the table, and claims it proves he's not trying to throw the election. 'Do I expect that he will take that deal? No, but I'm not a spoiler. A spoiler is somebody who cannot win and they stay in and disrupt the expectations of somebody who can,' Kennedy clarified. He says that Biden has not even given his deal a response at this stage. Kennedy covers a wide range of topics on Dr. Phil Primetime, including what he believes he's learned from his presidential uncle in times of crisis. He specifically details JFK's handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the nearly two-week confrontation between America and the Soviets over nuclear missiles deployed near Cuba. Dr. Phil asks whether tensions between the US and Russia are at their worst since the crisis, with some lawmakers believe Biden is 'sleepwalking' America into a repeat. 'I'd do the same thing my uncle did. My father had gone to the Justice Department and negotiated a deal.'
  9. The Plot to kill JFK comes out of EXCOMM and is not "Rogue"
  10. BC Tune into Dr Phil tonight, there's a chance he might ask RFK, jr about the files
  11. Looking at his wiki, he's a Neo Con and involved with alot of unsavory National Security people.. I think guilt by association is enough with this guy to not trust him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Zelikow
  12. This is the one to watch💯, This is a very candid doc with participants, what I'm getting at is CIA tried but didn't do much the Dutch and Africans did him in. Lumumba played his cards wrong and basically that's the main reason he died. He made 3 out of 4 groups want to kill him and one did, Tshombe who employed British mercenaries. (who connect to QJ/WIN and would give credence that Skorzeny is QJ/WIN) If you look in to when Dag died there was a mercenary battle goin on in the city he was flying into, and the Soviets disliked Hammerskjold more than the CIA did, so I think it's a bit of a reach to blame his death on Dulles. My link doesn't seem to be showing up after it posts so I put the link in the reason for Edit below that can be copied and pasted into browser
  13. Corey likes to comment his content on James DiEugenio's twitter links, give it a watch for yourself:
  14. William Niederhut with another redundant 56 year Trump thread, funny you complain about Ben because this is basically the same thing. Why don't get Ron to start a J6 section in the Forum because it happened over 50yrs after the assassination of John F. Kennedy because it's bigger politics grasping at straws than Ben does. Please, Keep posts about the Assassination ; ) because the records tRuMp held back connect to J6 is 6* of Kevin Bacon and isn't scholarly research! And should be on your face book feed for your grandchildren to read and not on the forum IMHO
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