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Steven Gaal

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  1. RELATED }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} British Army would use “Whatever Means Possible” should Jeremy Corbyn become Prime Minister. British General By Jonathan Cook Global Research, September 21, 2015 = http://www.globalresearch.ca/british-army-would-use-whatever-means-possible-should-jeremy-corbyn-become-prime-minister-british-general/5477206 There has been some debate about the significance of a warning issued this weekend through Rupert Murdoch’s Sunday Times by a British general that the army would “mutiny” and use “whatever means possible, fair or foul” should the new Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn ever get near 10 Downing Street.
  2. Aside from it being unsavoury, it has nothing to do with the JFK assassination. // Gordon ===================== BELOW REMOVED POST # 61 of thread >>>> http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=22227&p=314310 gaal =========== Dear Sir , Assassination and the abuse of children is unsavory ,however, said matters concern the JFK assassination study. The Forum has a history of posts on MK ultra and assassination and also the use of children in spy craft. (H & L MEGA THREAD). SEE BELOW RELEVANCE TO TOPIC. YOUR removal of my post is a anti-educational act, IMHO. gaal ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MKULTRA and the assassination (THREAD relevant to JFK assassination) see >>>> http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=4000 ============================================================================ The Hidden Tragedy of the CIA's Experiments on Children http://www.truth-out.org/archive/item/91211:the-hidden-tragedy-of-the-cias-experiments-on-children ======== Programmed Assassins Used in Mind Control Image of Original Declassified CIA Document Declassified CIA document (image below): http://www.wanttoknow.info/mind_control/foia_mind_control/190691_assassins_programmed_mind_control "Miss [redacted] was instructed (having previously expressed a fear of firearms in any fashion) that she would use every method at her disposal to awaken Miss [redacted] (now in a deep hypnotic sleep). Failing this, she would pick up a pistol nearby and fire it at Miss [redacted]. "She was instructed that her rage would be so great that she would not hesitate to "kill" [ redacted] for failing to awaken. Miss [redacted] carried out these suggestions to the letter including firing the (unloaded) gun at [redacted] and then proceeded to fall into a deep sleep. Both were awakened and expressed complete amnesia for the entire sequence.
  4. Friday, September 4, 2015   Australia to replace postal voting with i-voting platform   http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SEXQ2uKzpRI/VfnwdovoTSI/AAAAAAAABuw/pK-Gr-kW8cU/s1600/Captura%2Bde%2Bpantalla%2B2015-09-16%2Ba%2Blas%2B17.41.19.png ================================= With a land mass of over 7 million square kilometres, Australia is the sixth largest country in the world. However, it is also one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world with a total population of density of just 2.7 people per square kilometre. Compare that to the approximately 32 people per square kilometre of the United States and the 349 people per square kilometre in India. What this means is that reaching each and every citizen can be quite a logistical challenge, particularly for residents of the Outback. It's no wonder that the Australia Post is considering the elimination of traditional home delivery for mail, moving toward local "community mailboxes" instead. For some Australians, this could mean walking several kilometres simply to fetch or to send off any mail at all. The future of the postal service in Australia is uncertain and this could leave postal voting in jeopardy. As it stands, Australians do have the opportunity to vote through the mail, but this configuration is rife with challenges. Sending blank paper ballots to citizens and then requiring them to send the ballots back can be costly and time-consuming, not to mention potentially unreliable as the ballots could be lost in the mail. Online voting can overcome many of the issues of postal voting, particularly for Australians living in remote areas. If they can get online, they can vote and the ballot can be received and tabulated instantly. As with any change, there are risks and challenges associated with online remote voting system. Ian Brightwell, Chief Information Officer for New South Wales’ Electoral Commission, has indicated that Internet voting is worth the risk. By moving toward internet voting, the democratic process is far more accessible not only for residents of remote areas, but also for Australians who may be living overseas or travelling interstate. There is no requirement to return back to their home district to cast a ballot. Australian authorities are not considering to replace traditional voting altogether; their goal is to provide a complimentary alternative that will enhance the accessibility of the electoral process. Brightwell foresees the iVote system accounting for no more than 10-15% of all ballots cast.
  5. The CIA uses and abuses children. Jack Ruby,Richard Allen Davis,Augusto Pinochet ,ect, the CIA will use any type of scum for its said purposes of protecting National Security. CIA is almost a synonymous word for oil. Oil is essential to national security. To satisfy Saudi Arabian lusts,girls aged 8 to 12 were (are ?? ) kidnapped out of the USA by the CIA. Richard Allen Davis stated he kidnapped Polly Klass for the money. Davis also stated he was going to abduct an additional girl that evening. Davis delivered Polly Klass to a property controlled by the Knock/Duboc organization,which was part of the famous CIA Drug Tug operation. (see below) ######################################### https://groups.google.com/forum/#%21topic/alt.true-crime/qSNAEIoDADA THE LORDS OF MARIJUANA AND THE KIDNAPPING OF POLLY KLAAS -- God in heaven heard our cries, and angel's tears filled somber skies. Out of anger and out of shame We quickly sought to place the blame. It was as though secretly we shared fear/of a finger pointing in the mirror." -- a poem, "For Polly," By Captain Patrick T. Parks "Who Killed Polly?" (Chapter 10) by Frank Spiering ######################################## FTR #7 Interview with Frank Spiering Posted by FTR ⋅ August 29, 1996 Lis­ten now: Side 1 | Side 2 <<<< AUDIO LINKS = This inter­view with noted crime writer Frank Spier­ing, author of Who Killed Polly, reveals facts con­cern­ing the Polly Klaas mur­der case that weren’t reported by the main­stream press. Out­rage over Polly’s mur­der led to the pas­sage of the “Three Strikes” law in Cal­i­for­nia. Although Richard Alan Davis cer­tainly kid­napped Polly, it appears unlikely that he killed her or sex­u­ally molested her. Nor did he act alone. Spier­ing reveals that Davis was prob­a­bly work­ing for some very pow­er­ful and influ­en­tial inter­ests and that Polly may very well have been sold into “white slav­ery,” used in a “snuff flick,” used for child pornog­ra­phy pur­poses, or pos­si­bly used in some sort of Satanic rit­ual. Spier­ing presents con­vinc­ing evi­dence that who­ever directed Davis and arranged for Polly’s kid­nap­ping had the sup­port and col­lu­sion of ele­ments of law enforce­ment, includ­ing the FBI. Global “kid­die porn” and “white slav­ery” oper­a­tions are detailed in the inter­view. Spier­ing died shortly after this inter­view was recorded. (Recorded in August of 1996.) ######################################## Drug TUG case http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-20-interview-with-harry-martin/ FTR #20 Interview with Harry Martin Posted by FTR ⋅ November 11, 1996 Listen now: Side 1 | Side 2 <<<< AUDIO LINKS = Much media attention was devoted in 1996 to "Dark Alliance," a San Jose Mercury News series discussing apparent links between San Francisco Bay Area connections to the CIA-Contra related cocaine traffic and the crack epidemic afflicting American inner cities and Afro-American communities. In 1989, Napa Sentinel editor Harry Martin drew on contacts within the law enforcement and intelligence communities to document a San Francisco Bay Area connection to the CIA-Contra related drug traffic that goes well beyond the scope of the Mercury News series. Nicknamed "the Drug Tug Case," the series analyzes a dizzying series of connections that came to light during an investigation of the bust of a barge laden with scores of tons of hashish and marijuana in San Francisco Bay. In addition to a revolving-door arrangement in which bankruptcy properties were used to maintain ownership of the Isla Jesusita (a drug and weapons-staging area off the coast of Costa Rica), the operation involved people who figured in the Christic Institute’s ill-fated investigation. The series also covers: the mysterious deaths of people involved in the case; strange legal maneuvering indicative of a cover-up; the rip-off of people who invested in a mortgage company that served as a money-laundering front in the investigation and indications that the cover-up of the case still goes on. In addition, the program touches on some of the other investigative series that Harry has done on the National Security establishment over the years. (Recorded 11/10/96.)   ######################################### Richard Allen Davis History http://murderpedia.org/male.D/d/davis-richard-allen.htm ======================================== see details Who Killed Polly?: The True Story Behind the Abduction and Murder of Polly Klaas Paperback – July, 1995 by Frank Spiering (Author) http://www.amazon.com/Who-Killed-Polly-Behind-Abduction/dp/0964761203 ##########################################   see SAUDI ARABIA http://www.state.gov/j/tip/rls/tiprpt/countries/2014/226806.htm & also http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-512-alvin-of-arabia/ =============================================================== RELATED "THE FINDERS" I (Steven Gaal) talked to NameBase founder Daniel Brandt who the Finders tried to recruit. He did a many year investigation of the Finders group. CIA to use children as spies ,confirmatory Harvey and Lee. ,gaal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NameBase   see RELATED FINDERS POST >>> http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19762&p=313206
  6. CNN Poli-tricks: How The Masters of Propaganda ‘Fixed’ The GOP Debate = http://21stcenturywire.com/2015/09/18/cnn-politricks-how-the-masters-of-propaganda-fix-the-gop-debate/
  7. Putin: Friend or Foe in Syria? by Patrick J. Buchanan, September 18, 2015 = http://original.antiwar.com/buchanan/2015/09/17/putin-friend-or-foe-in-syria/ = What Vladimir Putin is up to in Syria makes far more sense than what Barack Obama and John Kerry appear to be up to in Syria. The Russians are flying transports bringing tanks and troops to an air base near the coastal city of Latakia to create a supply chain to provide a steady flow of weapons and munitions to the Syrian army. Syrian President Bashar Assad, an ally of Russia, has lost half his country to ISIS and the Nusra Front, a branch of al-Qaida. Putin fears that if Assad falls, Russia’s toehold in Syria and the Mediterranean will be lost, ISIS and al-Qaida will be in Damascus, and Islamic terrorism will have achieved its greatest victory. Is he wrong? Winston Churchill famously said in 1939: "I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma; but perhaps there is a key. That key is Russian national interest." Exactly. Putin is looking out for Russian national interests. And who do we Americans think will wind up in Damascus if Assad falls? A collapse of that regime, not out of the question, would result in a terrorist takeover, the massacre of thousands of Alawite Shiites and Syrian Christians, and the flight of millions more refugees into Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey – and thence on to Europe. Putin wants to prevent that. Don’t we? Why then are we spurning his offer to work with us? Are we still so miffed that when we helped to dump over the pro-Russian regime in Kiev, Putin countered by annexing Crimea? Get over it. Understandably, there is going to be friction between the two greatest military powers. Yet both of us have a vital interest in avoiding war with each other and a critical interest in seeing ISIS degraded and defeated. And if we consult those interests rather than respond to a reflexive Russophobia that passes for thought in the think tanks, we should be able to see our way clear to collaborate in Syria. Indeed, the problem in Syria is not so much with the Russians – or Iran, Hezbollah and Assad, all of whom see the Syrian civil war correctly as a fight to the finish against Sunni jihadis. Our problem has been that we have let our friends – the Turks, Israelis, Saudis and Gulf Arabs – convince us that no victory over ISIS can be achieved unless and until we bring down Assad. Once we get rid of Assad, they tell us, a grand U.S.-led coalition of Arabs and Turks can form up and march in to dispatch ISIS. This is neocon nonsense. Those giving us this advice are the same "cakewalk war" crowd who told us how Iraq would become a democratic model for the Middle East once Saddam Hussein was overthrown and how Moammar Gadhafi’s demise would mean the rise of a pro-Western Libya. When have these people ever been right? What is the brutal reality in this Syrian civil war, which has cost 250,000 lives and made refugees of half the population, with 4 million having fled the country? After four years of sectarian and ethnic slaughter, Syria will most likely never again be reconstituted along the century-old map lines of Sykes-Picot. Partition appears inevitable. And though Assad may survive for a time, his family’s days of ruling Syria are coming to a close. Yet it is in America’s interest not to have Assad fall – if his fall means the demoralization and collapse of his army, leaving no strong military force standing between ISIS and Damascus. Indeed, if Assad falls now, the beneficiary is not going to be those pro-American rebels who have defected or been routed every time they have seen combat and who are now virtually extinct. The victors will be ISIS and the Nusra Front, which control most of Syria between the Kurds in the northeast and the Assad regime in the southwest. Syria could swiftly become a strategic base camp and sanctuary of the Islamic State from which to pursue the battle for Baghdad, plot strikes against America and launch terror attacks across the region and around the world. Prediction: If Assad falls and ISIS rises in Damascus, a clamor will come – and not only from the Lindsey Grahams and John McCains – to send a U.S. army to invade and drive ISIS out, while the neocons go scrounging around to find a Syrian Ahmed Chalabi in northern Virginia. Then this nation will be convulsed in a great war debate over whether to send that U.S. army to invade Syria and destroy ISIS. And while our Middle Eastern and European allies sit on the sidelines and cheer on the American intervention, this country will face an antiwar movement the likes of which have not been seen since Col. Lindbergh spoke for America First. In making ISIS, not Assad, public enemy No. 1, Putin has it right. It is we Americans who are the mystery inside an enigma now.
  8. this just in Holistic Doctor Mitchell Gaynor (MD) Found Dead Submitted by IWB, on September 17th, 2015 = http://investmentwatchblog.com/holistic-doctor-mitchell-gaynor-md-found-dead/
  10. EVERYTHING OK !! IF YOU READ THE BOOK ,WHY DID YOU SAY 20 YEARS ????????????????????.,gaal ==== 2: Language Development - Review of Research in Education rre.sagepub.com/content/2/1/55.refs?patientinform... Sage Publications Loading... eds (1969) Teaching Black children to read (Center for Applied Linguistics, Washington, D.C.). ...... (1954) in Manual of child psychology, Language development in children, ..... N 62558-4695 NR 049-130, U.S. Office of Navy Research.
  11. Completely debunked as I have shown this to be nothing but a misreading of the Beauregard records coupled with the manipulation of a witness and her memory while disregarding other witnesses. Not going through it all again. It is all explained in the H & L thread. Have shown ?? SOME Disagree re Beauregrd. >>>> http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=19762&p=313133
  12. Yes, Chris. It was only 10 years. A veritable blink of the eye. LOL --Tommy And in 14 days absorb H & L !! ,gaal
  13. And that any or all the statements above can be true without buying into a 20 year covert program by the CIA (or by Angleton, who I assume is the only one capable). // GRAVES QUOTING NEWTON ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FALL 1953 to FALL 1963. THATS 10 years. Guess Mr. Newton is one of the numerous people (like GRAVES/Parker) who talk against H & L without ever reading the book. MANY BELIEVE LHO (DOUBLE PROGRAM) A ONI OPERATIONAL ASSET HANDED OVER TO CIA. PER MK ultra survivor blogs ,said victims selected in NAVY and then put in CIA's MK ULTRA program. gaal ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] http://harveyandlee.net/School/School.htm link ARMSTRONG In the fall of 1953 LEE Oswald entered the 8th grade at PS 44 in New York City, according to school records published by the Warren Commission. But the Warren Commission also published school records that showed (HARVEY) Oswald attended Beauregard Junior High School in New Orleans in the fall of 1953. LEE in New York. HARVEY in New Orleans.
  14. Richard Lehman not totally positive TEAM B per above interview. ,yet a hard core militarist. see below ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Team_B ===================== https://www.lewrockwell.com/2004/07/tom-barry/old-sailors-never-die-911-commissioner-john-lehman-on-the-war-path/
  15. BBC anti-Russia bias nudging us toward nuclear war: Oliver Tickell Going Underground on RT = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEF6IitH0WE ' ########################################################### BBC ‘anti-Corbyn bias’ challenged by 61,000-strong petition = http://www.rt.com/uk/315723-corbyn-petition-bbc-bias/
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