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Bugliosi Has Won !

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I have been awakened finally !

This book, if it is continued to be promoted, as no doubt was long planned, with subsequent "highly admired actors" in a following mini series.... has made of me a COMPLETE FOOL ! This book will be the biggest boon and coup to which the Warrenatti have ever aspired !

This book will be a very successful attempt to model the minds of both the young and those not well informed, of the specifics of the JFK assassination. It is asking for what everyone truly wants... "A reason for a rebirth of a faith in their nation" and its long accepted "honesty and lofty principles"! It is giving the masses what they are begging for. How can it possibly fail?

I have called this book "an abortion" of common sense. BUT....it is going to do everything that its "PROMOTERS" demanded !

IT WILL INFLUENCE MANY ! "MOST", as most are relatively unread and un studied regarding this nearly half century old subject.

Those whom you have frequently heard me refer to as their nations current "Best and Brightest", are those who engineer the Propaganda and Intelligence Agencies, and as a result are "The Power Implement" of the true, and not so well hidden, Dictators of this nation.

It is persons such as me, who at first FAIL TO SEE the absolute crystal clarity and absolute preparedness of their mission, who ARE the fools.

Theirs is not "madness"...it is "method" !

Those semi educated and less informed masses to which they will appeal, are also not fools. They are the "REALITY" of the true composition of this nation. They are appealing to the reality of the situation. They know their "enemy" better than "we" know "ourselves" !

As they advance their cause, we choose to waste decades bickering over obviously faked film and photos, the number of shooters and their locations,

the blindness and ineptness of the Parkland Hospital Trauma Staff, the blindness, stupidity and "WELL ACKNOWLEDGED INEPTNESS" of the corroborating testimony of eye witnesses who were observers within a few feet of the crime, and the unreliability of police officers and SS men to the rear of the President, who were splattered with his brains and blood.

I feel that it is "this ridiculousness and dysfunctionality" on the part of the research community that is strongly signalling our forthcoming demise. I call it also "greed" ! Greed of researchers to not be willing to ABANDON their cherished and long established positions, even when its absurdity is generally recognizeable to most others. We are ever too anxious to display and advertise our individual mental accuity than to play as a team. A "TEAM" of eleven good football Players, will always defeat an opponent comprised of the eleven "BEST" Quarterbacks and Receivers who have ever lived and played.

Bugliosi's "foolish book", as I have called it ?

Who is the FOOL ?

This "strategically targeted" book may mark the winning strategy of what might well be the FINAL BATTLE !

The future may well be nothing more than skirmishes designed to "mop up" the remnants of the "insurgents" by the "administration" !

Charles Black

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I have been awakened finally !

This book, if it is continued to be promoted, as no doubt was long planned, with subsequent "highly admired actors" in a following mini series.... has made of me a COMPLETE FOOL ! This book will be the biggest boon and coup to which the Warrenatti have ever aspired !

This book will be a very successful attempt to model the minds of both the young and those not well informed, of the specifics of the JFK assassination. It is asking for what everyone truly wants... "A reason for a rebirth of a faith in their nation" and its long accepted "honesty and lofty principles"! It is giving the masses what they are begging for. How can it possibly fail?

I have called this book "an abortion" of common sense. BUT....it is going to do everything that its "PROMOTERS" demanded !

IT WILL INFLUENCE MANY ! "MOST", as most are relatively unread and un studied regarding this nearly half century old subject.

Those whom you have frequently heard me refer to as their nations current "Best and Brightest", are those who engineer the Propaganda and Intelligence Agencies, and as a result are "The Power Implement" of the true, and not so well hidden, Dictators of this nation.

It is persons such as me, who at first FAIL TO SEE the absolute crystal clarity and absolute preparedness of their mission, who ARE the fools.

Theirs is not "madness"...it is "method" !

Those semi educated and less informed masses to which they will appeal, are also not fools. They are the "REALITY" of the true composition of this nation. They are appealing to the reality of the situation. They know their "enemy" better than "we" know "ourselves" !

As they advance their cause, we choose to waste decades bickering over obviously faked film and photos, the number of shooters and their locations,

the blindness and ineptness of the Parkland Hospital Trauma Staff, the blindness, stupidity and "WELL ACKNOWLEDGED INEPTNESS" of the corroborating testimony of eye witnesses who were observers within a few feet of the crime, and the unreliability of police officers and SS men to the rear of the President, who were splattered with his brains and blood.

I feel that it is "this ridiculousness and dysfunctionality" on the part of the research community that is strongly signalling our forthcoming demise. I call it also "greed" ! Greed of researchers to not be willing to ABANDON their cherished and long established positions, even when its absurdity is generally recognizeable to most others. We are ever too anxious to display and advertise our individual mental accuity than to play as a team. A "TEAM" of eleven good football Players, will always defeat an opponent comprised of the eleven "BEST" Quarterbacks and Receivers who have ever lived and played.

Bugliosi's "foolish book", as I have called it ?

Who is the FOOL ?

This "strategically targeted" book may mark the winning strategy of what might well be the FINAL BATTLE !

The future may well be nothing more than skirmishes designed to "mop up" the remnants of the "insurgents" by the "administration" !

Charles Black

You are right, Charles. It's over. They won. With Geraldo Riviera and Norman Mailer adding their voices to Oswald did it alone. These two, in particular, I admired the most. And now they're the Establishment or CIA media assets, whatever. I think about the news as it's become entertainment. It roped me in too. And the most obnoxious propaganda you can see is the face and voice of Sheperd Smith, anchor man for FOX News. His face, his narcissistic assuredness and what he spews out, are the tools the ruling elite use to brainwash the citizens of this "free" country. Whether it's mimicking the cries of Paris Hilton in the courtroom or his happy repartee with their resident Judge, he makes light of News and brings comfort into the home of the audience: It's going to be all right. While Kennedy's murder fades away, and ridicule erodes all conspiracy theories, Bugliosi rises to "solve" the assassination once and for all, with a book physically as big as Harvey and Lee by John Armstrong -- a Landmark book.


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Bugliosi hasn't won and we haven't lost. It's just business as usual.

"...researchers to not be willing to ABANDON (or shift: my addition) their cherished and long established positions, even when its absurdity is generally recognizeable to most others. We are ever too anxious to display and advertise our individual mental accuity than to play as a team."

It's possible to have unity without conformity, through sharing and supporting each other. Many theories overlap and complement each other.

It's this attachment to a particular theory and denial of valuable resources that may support others different viewpoints by those with such attachments that hinder progress.

The more people believe people like Buglosi, who by now must have run out of feet and space in his mouth for them, the more dramatic and universal the shift in consciousness of people when they realise just how much they have been deceived, will be. So, in a sense, WC promoters are paving the way for an eventual victory.

Rather than promoting (directly or indirectly) their books, or any book in particular, keeping the focus on solving the case by sharing and contributing to dealing with the HARD unanswered questions rather than rehashing and promoting particular agendas to the exclusion of any other persons ideas, it will not be a matter of them winning but rather us losing.

Again and again it's the difficult questions that go unanswered and ignored. As well, those who are in the fortunate position to contribute very often don't do so for reasons of their own.

Chest thumping abounds.

Infights and dishonesty in regard to shifting positions, ignoring each other, and many other divisive acts are the defeating forces.

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I have been awakened finally !

This book, if it is continued to be promoted, as no doubt was long planned, with subsequent "highly admired actors" in a following mini series.... has made of me a COMPLETE FOOL ! This book will be the biggest boon and coup to which the Warrenatti have ever aspired !

This book will be a very successful attempt to model the minds of both the young and those not well informed, of the specifics of the JFK assassination. It is asking for what everyone truly wants... "A reason for a rebirth of a faith in their nation" and its long accepted "honesty and lofty principles"! It is giving the masses what they are begging for. How can it possibly fail?

I have called this book "an abortion" of common sense. BUT....it is going to do everything that its "PROMOTERS" demanded !

IT WILL INFLUENCE MANY ! "MOST", as most are relatively unread and un studied regarding this nearly half century old subject.

Those whom you have frequently heard me refer to as their nations current "Best and Brightest", are those who engineer the Propaganda and Intelligence Agencies, and as a result are "The Power Implement" of the true, and not so well hidden, Dictators of this nation.

It is persons such as me, who at first FAIL TO SEE the absolute crystal clarity and absolute preparedness of their mission, who ARE the fools.

Theirs is not "madness"...it is "method" !

Those semi educated and less informed masses to which they will appeal, are also not fools. They are the "REALITY" of the true composition of this nation. They are appealing to the reality of the situation. They know their "enemy" better than "we" know "ourselves" !

As they advance their cause, we choose to waste decades bickering over obviously faked film and photos, the number of shooters and their locations,

the blindness and ineptness of the Parkland Hospital Trauma Staff, the blindness, stupidity and "WELL ACKNOWLEDGED INEPTNESS" of the corroborating testimony of eye witnesses who were observers within a few feet of the crime, and the unreliability of police officers and SS men to the rear of the President, who were splattered with his brains and blood.

I feel that it is "this ridiculousness and dysfunctionality" on the part of the research community that is strongly signalling our forthcoming demise. I call it also "greed" ! Greed of researchers to not be willing to ABANDON their cherished and long established positions, even when its absurdity is generally recognizeable to most others. We are ever too anxious to display and advertise our individual mental accuity than to play as a team. A "TEAM" of eleven good football Players, will always defeat an opponent comprised of the eleven "BEST" Quarterbacks and Receivers who have ever lived and played.

Bugliosi's "foolish book", as I have called it ?

Who is the FOOL ?

This "strategically targeted" book may mark the winning strategy of what might well be the FINAL BATTLE !

The future may well be nothing more than skirmishes designed to "mop up" the remnants of the "insurgents" by the "administration" !

Charles Black

Charles , There can be method in madness. The everlasting methodical effort to deny America it's history, is driven by madness, and that is the real disturbing part to me!

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Bugliosi has won my ass!

This is war. If you can't handle it, shoot yourself in the foot and go home.

Charles Drago

Agreed Charels..... does one accept defeat in the face of treason. ( Not trying to be sappy here) Would the Founding Fathers accept this crap....Hell No!!

Starting to write like Os (Charels ??) late at night.

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Charles D. & William

I only wish that the two of you are absolutely correct and that I will be seen as the "Village Idiot" !

But to me it sounds that I am hearing a locker room speech by a coach at halftime, who is doing his duty, even tho the opposing team is scoring with seemingly little opposition.

Damn the topedoes..full speed ahead !

Surrender hell...we have not yet begun to fight !

General Pickett, you have your orders !

Save your Confederate money boys....the South shall rise again !

Supportive rhetoric, I am afraid, will not win this battle.

The other team is seeking support of the "masses"!

Most of "us" do not think like the masses, and therefore are slow to appreciate the method.

These hundreds of millions want to believe in the "integrity of their Government"!

It is as if the "elders" of their Church and Community are sayng to them, "Your dearly departed Mother was a very saintly lady"......while I and some other "crazed hooligans", are telling them the truth, which was that their Mother, in fact, "...Was the Town Whore"!

If one carefully considers the audience being targeted, I regretably feel that our "opposition" is driving the nail home !

Meanwhile we continue to chase a landscape endlessly filled with windmills, with a faith in our righteous cause and bolstered with the "inner knowledge"...that "God is on OUR side".

It seems that most "losers" conclude that it was because God had abandoned them !

As I said...I sincerely hope that I am seeing with a very obscured perspective!

Charles Black

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Charles B.,

I understand your pessimism and frustration -- because I've experienced it over the years.

And yes, one might accurately describe my previous post as a "locker room" exhortation. But such outbursts serve an invaluable purpose.

Hoka hey! It is a good day to die!

Win one for the Gipper!

Remember the Alamo! (alimony?)

I've managed to survive bouts with defeatism by reminding myself that, as was the case with John and Robert, surrender is not an option for we who have chosen to return the fire from the knoll and the pantry and the boarding house.

It's that simple.

How many divisions does Bugliosi have?

Charles D.

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Snap out of it Charles.

If they had won they wouldn't be pouring money into Bug's latest propaganda offensive (and I do mean offensive).


I've managed to survive bouts with defeatism by reminding myself that, as was the case with John and Robert, surrender is not an option for we who have chosen to return the fire from the knoll and the pantry and the boarding house.

It's that simple.



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Charles D. & William

I only wish that the two of you are absolutely correct and that I will be seen as the "Village Idiot" !

But to me it sounds that I am hearing a locker room speech by a coach at halftime, who is doing his duty, even tho the opposing team is scoring with seemingly little opposition.

Damn the topedoes..full speed ahead !

Surrender hell...we have not yet begun to fight !

General Pickett, you have your orders !

Save your Confederate money boys....the South shall rise again !

Supportive rhetoric, I am afraid, will not win this battle.

The other team is seeking support of the "masses"!

Most of "us" do not think like the masses, and therefore are slow to appreciate the method.

These hundreds of millions want to believe in the "integrity of their Government"!

It is as if the "elders" of their Church and Community are sayng to them, "Your dearly departed Mother was a very saintly lady"......while I and some other "crazed hooligans", are telling them the truth, which was that their Mother, in fact, "...Was the Town Whore"!

If one carefully considers the audience being targeted, I regretably feel that our "opposition" is driving the nail home !

Meanwhile we continue to chase a landscape endlessly filled with windmills, with a faith in our righteous cause and bolstered with the "inner knowledge"...that "God is on OUR side".

It seems that most "losers" conclude that it was because God had abandoned them !

As I said...I sincerely hope that I am seeing with a very obscured perspective!

Charles Black

Byron Delay Beckwith thought he had won too..............

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I think Charles may have a point. The intellectual pursuits of today's average young person are watching "Jackass" on MTV, hanging out at the mall, talking on their cell phones, listening to mind deadening rap music and playing video games. They will hear somebody like Bugliosi pontificate about how there was no conspiracy to kill JFK and will believe it hook, line and sinker. Each new generation seems to get more and more intellectually lazy. A recent survey revealed that around seventy percent of the respondents didn't even know what year 9/11 happened on. I am hardly a Rhodes Scholar but this is absolutely uncalled for. I wonder how many High School seniors today don't even know the name of the alleged lone assassin of JFK. I am not kidding. This country is in a lot of trouble.

Edited by Brian Smith
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I think Charles may have a point. The intellectual pursuits of today's average young person are watching "Jackass" on MTV, hanging out at the mall, talking on their cell phones, listening to mind deadening rap music and playing video games. They will hear somebody like Bugliosi pontificate about how there was no conspiracy to kill JFK and will believe it hook, line and sinker. Each new generation seems to get more and more intellectually lazy. A recent survey revealed that around seventy percent of the respondents didn't even know what year 9/11 happened on. I am hardly a Rhodes Scholar but this is absolutely uncalled for. I wonder how many High School seniors today don't even know the name of the alleged lone assassin of JFK. I am not kidding. This country is in a lot of trouble.

You are describing the consequences of successful PR.

The masses are informed on a need to know basis.

They don't need to know what year 9/11 happened. They do need to 'know' that the dastardly deed was carried out by ARAB ISLAMISTS.

It's like the death toll in the Second World War.

How many Britons died? How many Americans? How many Poles, Germans, Japanese, Russians or Indians?

These are 'non-target' details. No one is expected to know the answer. "NOT six million" will do, but an acceptable alternative is "who cares?"

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I think Charles may have a point. The intellectual pursuits of today's average young person are watching "Jackass" on MTV, hanging out at the mall, talking on their cell phones, listening to mind deadening rap music and playing video games. They will hear somebody like Bugliosi pontificate about how there was no conspiracy to kill JFK and will believe it hook, line and sinker. Each new generation seems to get more and more intellectually lazy. A recent survey revealed that around seventy percent of the respondents didn't even know what year 9/11 happened on. I am hardly a Rhodes Scholar but this is absolutely uncalled for. I wonder how many High School seniors today don't even know the name of the alleged lone assassin of JFK. I am not kidding. This country is in a lot of trouble.

So let's just sit back and watch Rome burn (?).......marshmallows anyone?

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