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Umbrella Man

Robin Unger

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Can anyone clearly show me where the umbrella man is seen pumping his umbrella up and down.

I have heard this claim made a dozen times on the forum, but is still have not seen it with my own eyes.

Am i missing something, is there clear evidence that this actually happened. ?

Edited by Robin Unger
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Can anyone clearly show me where the umbrella man is seen pumping his umbrella up and down.

I have heard this claim made a dozen times on the forum, but is still have not seen it with my own eyes.

Am i missing something, is there clear evidence that this actually happened. ?

Right Robin.

But did pumping occur before TUM is seen in Z-206?

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Can anyone clearly show me where the umbrella man is seen pumping his umbrella up and down.

I have heard this claim made a dozen times on the forum, but is still have not seen it with my own eyes.

Am i missing something, is there clear evidence that this actually happened. ?

Robin, I dont belive an image of the actual "pumping" exists. But if you need proof it happened just Google. There's literally hundreds of references to the incident. Its also mentioned in the HSCA report. Denis.

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This photo shows UM holding the umbrella high in the air, as opposed to the more normal position as seen in the photo(s) also showing Black Dog Man and apparently in the Z film. Perhaps it has been inferred from this that the umbrella was pumped. In this photo the umbrella certainly looks abnormally high.


I was going to look for this photo on your own photo website, but the link I used is now dead. Has your website been moved?


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This photo shows UM holding the umbrella high in the air, as opposed to the more normal position as seen in the photo(s) also showing Black Dog Man and apparently in the Z film. Perhaps it has been inferred from this that the umbrella was pumped. In this photo the umbrella certainly looks abnormally high.


I was going to look for this photo on your own photo website, but the link I used is now dead. Has your website been moved?


Hi Ron.

My website has been deleted by Geocities after i cancelled my PREMIUM account.

If i understand what you are saying, when we say "pumped up and down", you beleive that reffers to the umbrella being raised and lowered in the air.

As apposed to the umbrella being opened and closed/ opened and closed.

The "open close/open close" scenario is what i was looking for perhaps that is why i couldn't find any photographic evidence of the guy holding a CLOSED umbrella at any stage during the motorcade.

Edited by Robin Unger
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Many thanks Chris;

Yes, the umbrella is, as Jack White has stated in his research

all these years.....and now clearly, imo....

And DCM is signaling with his hand raised..

You are very talented with the gifs and photos....

always a big help...and appreciated..


I do hope you will soon load a new site...

Best to you both...B

Edited by Bernice Moore
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Many thanks Chris;

Yes, the umbrella is, as Jack White has stated in his research

all these years.....and now clearly, imo....

And DCM is signaling with his hand raised..

You are very talented with the gifs and photos....

always a big help...and appreciated..


I do hope you will soon load a new site...

Best to you both...B

Thanks Bernice.


Your gif seems to run very fast at my end, i can't get a good look at the umbrella.

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Many thanks Chris;

Yes, the umbrella is, as Jack White has stated in his research

all these years.....and now clearly, imo....

And DCM is signaling with his hand raised..

You are very talented with the gifs and photos....

always a big help...and appreciated..


I do hope you will soon load a new site...

Best to you both...B

Thanks Bernice.


Your gif seems to run very fast at my end, i can't get a good look at the umbrella.


Miss your site.

If this is of interest (the signal):


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Many thanks Chris;

Yes, the umbrella is, as Jack White has stated in his research

all these years.....and now clearly, imo....

And DCM is signaling with his hand raised..

You are very talented with the gifs and photos....

always a big help...and appreciated..


I do hope you will soon load a new site...

Best to you both...B

Thanks Bernice.


Your gif seems to run very fast at my end, i can't get a good look at the umbrella.


Miss your site.

If this is of interest (the signal):

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Thanks Bernice.

Thought I would try to accentuate it, somewhat.

The umbrella is clearly raised and twisted in sync, as JFK emerges from behind the sign.


UM has just bowed his head out of respect, in the process of doing so, his right arm was lowered.

As he raises his head his arm & umbrella come back up.

Just one possibility I guess.

Robin is right, no pumping.

Also Robin,(Bernice & Chris too)

ever considered photobucket.com?

You can link to uploaded photos for your posts & you never have to delete them so the thread stays intact.

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This photo has been tampered with in my opinion. See the solid shadows of the Stemmon's Sign and Umbrella Man. Note the Dark Complected Man casts no shadow. Also note, it looks like he has no feet! The shadows are solid, but the Umbrella, which is a solid object, is scarcely there.

Now, the Stemmons Freeway sign casts a shadow there, yet according to The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, the Stemmons Freeway sign was "inserted" into the film to hide things, namely the trajectory of the object that caught Kennedy in the throat. The Stemmons sign was moved the next day, I believe, and never replaced.

Though not in this picture, but in the Z-Film, and I believe in Altgens famous picture, President Kennedy's fingers are clasped shut as with tetany and he can't open his tie. Then he starts to lean over, possibly losing consciousness and is shot again fatally from the right front.

If the Stemmon's Freeway sign made a solid shadow, then it presumably existed right there. Unless the shadows were "painted in" and the umbrella somewhat erased, though we can see it in the Z film.

Any comments?


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The key to understanding the shared role of Umbrella Man (UM) and White Windbreaker Man (WWM) lies in the appreciation of the "kill at all costs" edict that came into play once the ambush commenced.

As has been stated on unrelated threads, had John Kennedy survived this clearly serious and conspiratorial attempt on his life, the plotters at the highest, "sponsorship" level could count on being hunted to the ends of the earth. Even a severely damaged -- including to the point of existing in a permanent vegetative state -- JFK would command sufficient symbolic power to pose a mortal threat to his mortal enemies.

I submit that UM and WWM likely served as redundant communications facilitators -- insurance policies in the event of failure of electronic communications systems.

I submit that the message they were sending/confirming in the images we see here was, in essence: Keep shooting!

I submit that at least one comrade in arms likely was stationed at Parkland Hospital and charged with a mission directly related to "kill at all costs."

The coup d'grace.


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