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I believe that Files drew this. I'm not sure how far down this is.



Thanks Kathy, i've seen that before. I'm just interested in confirming with Wim what the Files distance from the fence was as i've heard others say that he has frequently changed his location. Not having studied James Files in depth, I would not know if this is correct, so I would like Wim to confirm and pinpoint the location for me.


Hi Kathy! ;)

Would you look at the Files' drawing (did you get this from my post on a different thread?) & then look at this excellent photo made by a real pro who also knows Files' confession.

Notice anything interesting?



It appears that they look very similar. The picture is smaller and could be the photo "cropped."

Oh ho ho!

Puzzle time on the rancho! :D

Yes, yes indeed. Like a ditto crop, right?

Now, Files' drawing predates the photo. Correct? How can I tell, from the photo image?

And, if the photo is after Files' drawing, then what does that say about Shorty?

Oh ho ho!


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Files put himself in the "Hatman position".

We asked him: "Was the tree to your right or to your left". He thought a while, and he said "the tree had to be to my right".

Although he wasn't sure anymore, that's logical for any grassy knoll shooter who does not want want the tree to interfere with his field of fire.

The drawing that Kathy posted was drawn for Joe West at a time that he did not want to divulge he was on the grassy knoll. Joe West died without knowing this.

It's funny, that drawing actually shows that James Files was a dummy in JFK assassination research, for anyone, and certainly Joe West, could see from all the pictures and films that James Files was NOT where he put the X. Yes, James Files can lie!

They gave us a pencil and paper. I sketched the entire Dealey Plaza out for him, without any maps, without pictures, nothing present, and I explained to Joe at that time …. because Joe wanted to know where was I at. And I said: I’m going to put an X on the paper, to signify me, but this X is not in the correct spot. I said: When the time comes, then I‘ll put the X where it is supposed to be.

Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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Files put himself in the "Hatman position".

I have been waiting for someone to say this. You have made my day...if you only knew...



Files also said that he needed to shoot before a sign interfered with his sight of the limo.

Where is there a sign in the photo or in his drawing?

What if Files was not speaking of the Hudson tree, but of another tree?

The mystery deepens?

What if Files misremembered & was more like 33 feet from the corner of the fence?

Just a few odd apples to wonder upon:



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If he misremembered this too, his story has more holes than I'd previously thought.

11/22/63 was an extremely important part of our lives. I have never met anyone who could not remember what they were doing at the time we received the news. And remember with clarity.

I would never believe that someone assigned so large a task, or someone who just took it upon themselves to shoot, would not remember, and he appears to not to remember much, if at all.

"The devil is in the details."



How does this add up?




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Just to add something that may be obvious, but I want to say it.

That James Files drawing (the one with some of the fence showing, the tree, roadsign etc.) is drawn from a photograph. It just has too much accurate detail to be drawn from memory. No doubt about it.

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Just to add something that may be obvious, but I want to say it.

That James Files drawing (the one with some of the fence showing, the tree, roadsign etc.) is drawn from a photograph. It just has too much accurate detail to be drawn from memory. No doubt about it.


James Files drawing is not correct in the least Antti....

The detail has been copied from a photo

that has been taken some years since.....

That is not how the view appeared that day from behind the fence......

on Nov.22.63.......not at all.......

There was no separate pole with the parking sign, the sign was attached to the light post.

The light post was on the outside of the sidewalk, next to the street, not on the grass......

Compare for yourselves..

Many things have changed

again and again, since that day within Dealey.....



Edited by Bernice Moore
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Bernice Moore Posted Today, 08:44 AM

James Files drawing is not correct in the least Antti....

The detail has been copied from a photo

that has been taken some years since.....

That is not how the view appeared that day from behind the fence......

on Nov.22.63.......not at all.......

There was no separate pole with the parking sign, the sign was attached to the light post.

The light post was on the outside of the sidewalk, next to the street, not on the grass......

Compare for yourselves..

Many things have changed

again and again, since that day within Dealey.....




Quite so. You said what I meant, and with more detail.

Thanks for adding that.


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There was no separate pole with the parking sign, the sign was attached to the light post.

Spot on Bernice, this is what has been bothering me.

Does anyone know if Files said he did the drawing from memory, or was he perhaps given photographs of views from behind the fence by Joe West and then asked to do a drawing from his shooting location?..It's the only possible explanation for his innacuracy. It's either that or he is a xxxx.



The photo was made after Joe West passed on.

If the drawing was of Files' sniper spot, then the sniper spot is the DuncMan spot.

What's going on?

Edited for punctuation.

Edited by Miles Scull
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The photo was made after Joe West passed on.

If the drawing was of Files' sniper spot, then the sniper spot is the DuncMan spot.

What's going on?

I understand that Miles, but the fact is that if Files did the drawing from memory,then he should not have included the seperate pole which did not exist in 1963. The only explanation can be that he was supplied with a source photograph showing the additional pole by Joe West or someone else. Doesn't that make sense?


It does.

But that does not mean that he was inventing his story.

The photo is a crutch.

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Files also said that he needed to shoot before a sign interfered with his sight of the limo.

But the first shot came around 193 - 195 and the road sign is between JFK and the Files location from what I understand.

What if Files was not speaking of the Hudson tree, but of another tree?

Oh, like with Bowers and his code language ... Good Point!!!

The mystery deepens?

What if Files misremembered & was more like 33 feet from the corner of the fence?

Yeah ... Something is getting deeper and its smell is no mystery IMO. Thats like asking 'What if Ray Charles wasn't blind.' Or what if Files wasn't even in Dealey Plaza ... now things are starting to make sense.

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Has anyone checked the 1963 assassination pictures to see if the two poles in the photo and the drawing were present???


Post #96



If you are old enough, you will be among the millions who were shocked & stunned & who will remember what they were doing & where they were when the news of the assassination became known.

If anyone should remember it would the assassin.

Or would it?

Was the assassin shocked or stunned?

Maybe not. His mind works differently. There is no surprise for him. Only the blinkered trance of concentration.

Now, in the case of Files, he never said that his drawing was drawn from memory.

But, Files knew his field of fire well enough to identify the sign which he was concerned might interfere with his shot.


Edited for spelling.

Edited by Miles Scull
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