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Interesting photo oddity

Jack White

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There are several suspicious odd frame splices in Dorman.

Speaking of alteration & odd splices, I'm still trying to fathom Peters' praise of BM's commentary from a recent thread revival.

I don't understand it. Does anyone?

not only don't understand it, can't figure out what his recommendation is either

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Speaking of alteration & odd splices, I'm still trying to fathom Peters' praise of BM's commentary from a recent thread revival.

I don't understand it. Does anyone?

I guess that it is a mystery in-as-much as why would someone other than a xxxxx would be going back to 2004 responses for a 2008 thread. I must say one thing, Miles ... you and Healy sure bring a lot to the case ... you boys can be very proud of yoursevles.

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I guess that it is a mystery in-as-much as why would someone other than a xxxxx would be going back to 2004 responses for a 2008 thread.

The complaint is that the data or material is out of date.

Not at all. These issues are now as topical & as important as they ever were, perhaps nowadays more so than ever before.

Apparently, some years ago Lancer lost all posts. That means that invaluable data was lost.

Thus, it is completely understandable that if data has been retained by individuals, then for heaven's sake this should be brought forward before it is lost permanently.

That is why a Flier is important, old as it is.

Going along with BM's program, in this case, because BM's reporter Peters is no longer active as far as I know, then I would appeal to anyone to step forward with this info.

If Peters IS still active, then he can provide BM with this Flier.

Thanks to all.

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The complaint is that the data or material is out of date.

Not at all. These issues are now as topical & as important as they ever were, perhaps nowadays more so than ever before.

Apparently, some years ago Lancer lost all posts. That means that invaluable data was lost.

Thus, it is completely understandable that if data has been retained by individuals, then for heaven's sake this should be brought forward before it is lost permanently.

That is why a Flier is important, old as it is.

Going along with BM's program, in this case, because BM's reporter Peters is no longer active as far as I know, then I would appeal to anyone to step forward with this info.

If Peters IS still active, then he can provide BM with this Flier.

Thanks to all.

Call me "ignorant" ... you have made two post on this and nothing you have said tells me what its purpose is. What flier - what did it say - and why is it important to you, Miles???

As far as Larry's health ... it is good. He is 20 miles up Lake Harrison in the bush and has been all winter. Larry and I posed for another picture showing us shaking hands so the trolls and lunatics could have something to play with. Maybe Kathy will post the picture for your amusement.

Edited by Bill Miller
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It's a photobucket picture, not an attachment, and no I'm no one's gofer. He told me that when he went back to BC, he'd send me a picture of both of them, and he did. It was something he decided to do after the last "Miller/Peters being the same person" malarky going on here.

cute, but NO banana. If he could send a picture taken in the back country, from the back country to you, why couldn't he post it to the forum from the back country? So malarky is everywhere...

and where's the Bigfoot pictures? :)

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He could have posted it, that is not in dispute, he sent it to me. What is the problem with that???I have no reason to story about where it came from. I had asked him about Larry Peters the last the the M/P stuff came up. He told me he'd send me a picture, and he did. Not everything is a conspiracy, David.

Kathy your an active poster on the Lancer forum, posted there today in fact. Its known Miller had a little something to do with the resurgence of Lancer AFTER he was thrown off of JFK Research (he did try to take that board over also, but was rebuffed). I was there, BOTH places. So, if Miller isn't asking you to do his bidding, fine. At best it looks suspicious and YOU are a moderator here... What are we to think? Doesn't have to be a conspiracy, Kathy. Collusion, perhaps.

Edited by David G. Healy
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So, according to Jack White, we have 2 Zapruder film's, 2 Lee Oswald's, 2 Margarita Oswald's and now...2 Bill Miller's. Oh well, could be worse, at least we dont have 2 Jack White's and 2 Healy's. God forbid!!! :blink: LOL

wasn't for the likes of researchers like Jack White, you and the rest of the "LHO did it all by his lonesome Lone Nut crowd" would have no place to ply your disinfo-mania.

So be grateful Pointing, we give you something to do with all that spare-time you have.... better than a real job, eh? :blink:

p.s. where is your profile btw?

Edited by David G. Healy
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wasn't for the likes of researchers like Jack White, you and the rest of the "LHO did it all by his lonesome Lone Nut crowd" would have no place to ply your disinfo-mania.

So be grateful Pointing, we give you something to do with all that spare-time you have.... better than a real job, eh? :blink:

p.s. where is your profile btw?

That's like saying that if it wasn't for Van Gogh we would not have art, David. There were people saying there was a conspiracy before Jack came along just as their were painters before Van Gogh went mad and cut off his ear. Your school-yard bullishness makes you out to be a fool ... not a sound researcher. Who in the hell are you to tell Denis to get a real job ... did I miss their being a forum rule that says everyone who comes here must have real jobs!!! Is your 'real job' double-talking? You just bragged about Jack's work and yet none of his alteration claims of the last 10 plus years has convinced you that anything had been altered ... we know this because you posted that fact within the last year on this very forum.

By the way, the photo Kathy posted was taken in Mission, BC at Tom Steenburg's place about two months ago. As I have posted many times and has been read by all who can read ... I have no computer at this time to pull my photos from. My emailing Kathy the picture was to show her how stupid you guys have become over me and Larry being the same person. Its as if you cannot logically and sensibly discuss the JFK assassination, so you find other things to post about ... often totally off-topic and ridiculous. The point of showing me and Larry was so the paranoids can have something to keep themselves occupied in hopes that it will slow down their pollution of the JFK research community with more nonsense. So what now ... the photo is suspect because I didn't travel 20 miles up Lake Harrison to have the photo taken ... what a stupid thing to say IMO.

And if you are going to elect yourself to be the judge over who is and isn't a CTs and their rights to post their opinions ... you may want to first clean up your own reputation as a double-talker. Your calling Denis a LNr is not only false, but it makes you out to be a hypocrite for you have also said that you have seen no proof of alteration. At some point you must 'alter' your behavior (no pun intended) because I don't even believe that you are as stupid as the things you say in your responses.

Edited by Bill Miller
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He could have posted it, that is not in dispute, he sent it to me. What is the problem with that???I have no reason to story about where it came from. I had asked him about Larry Peters the last the the M/P stuff came up. He told me he'd send me a picture, and he did. Not everything is a conspiracy, David.

Kathy, it has been said that to really understand insanity is to be insane. With that being said, don't expect to be able to reason with David Healy.

Edited by Bill Miller
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Kathy, it has been said that to really understand insanity is to be insane. With that being said, don't expect to be able to reason with David Healy.

I wonder if it wouldn't be better to turn a new page, so to speak.

The question of alteration of photos & films is a topic well worth investigating. Especially the autopsy photos. The back photo is strange indeed, because the alleged puncture does not match the coat & shirt punctures. I plan on posting a new high res study on this shortly.

Meanwhile, in fairness to Jack White, I checked back to Jack White's post # 103 on this thread:

Today, 05:44 AM Post #103

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Peters = Miller?

Well, on analysis, that's true & here I am agreeing with Jack White. A careful examination of Peters' posts reveals that they are all authored (written) by Miller.

Students of Bill Harvey will remember ZR/RIFLE ( http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKzrrifle.htm ), which was a CIA op to assassinate Castro.

Well, now we have ZR/PIFFLE, which is a plot to vilify Jack White. :blink:

In other words, BM established a false flag & became a propagandist for himself, extolling the research of Bill Miller & drawing attention to Miller's association with prominent researchers such as Groden.

All well & good, except for the attack mounted by Peters (Miller in mask) on White, which was apparently a continuation of an attack on White mounted by Miller on another forum which was terminated by Miller's expulsion from that forum.

Let’s hope we can overcome this arguing over miner matters in the future, in order to improve the research environment. A step in a new direction?

Let's hope for a new day!


Edited by Miles Scull
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So, according to Jack White, we have 2 Zapruder film's, 2 Lee Oswald's, 2 Margarita Oswald's and now...2 Bill Miller's. Oh well, could be worse, at least we dont have 2 Jack White's and 2 Healy's. God forbid!!! :blink: LOL

wasn't for the likes of researchers like Jack White, you and the rest of the "LHO did it all by his lonesome Lone Nut crowd" would have no place to ply your disinfo-mania.

So be grateful Pointing, we give you something to do with all that spare-time you have.... better than a real job, eh? :blink:

p.s. where is your profile btw?

You really do shoot yourself in the foot every time dont you Healy? It doesn't take great research skills to check out my personal information page. Had you have bothered, or should that be if you were capable, you would have found enough info about my job and personal life to satisfy even a person as nosy as you. Also, a quick look at my previous post's would clearly show I am no LNuter. What I am is somebody vehemently opposed to the lunatic fringe on this forum, who constantly present ludicrous theories combined with piss poor research, thereby causing nothing but embarrassment to real researchers. And to make sure there is no confusion here, THIS MEANS YOU!!!

PS Where is my profile?......mind your own damn business, I dont answer to YOU.


Edited by Denis Pointing
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Kathy, it has been said that to really understand insanity is to be insane. With that being said, don't expect to be able to reason with David Healy.

I wonder if it wouldn't be better to turn a new page, so to speak.

The question of alteration of photos & films is a topic well worth investigating. Especially the autopsy photos. The back photo is strange indeed, because the alleged puncture does not match the coat & shirt punctures. I plan on posting a new high res study on this shortly.

Meanwhile, in fairness to Jack White, I checked back to Jack White's post # 103 on this thread:

Today, 05:44 AM Post #103

Super Member

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Joined: 26-April 04

Member No.: 667


Peters = Miller?

Well, on analysis, that's true & here I am agreeing with Jack White. A careful examination of Peters' posts reveals that they are all authored (written) by Miller.

Students of Bill Harvey will remember ZR/RIFLE ( http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKzrrifle.htm ), which was a CIA op to assassinate Castro.

Well, now we have ZR/PIFFLE, which is a plot to vilify Jack White. :blink:

In other words, BM established a false flag & became a propagandist for himself, extolling the research of Bill Miller & drawing attention to Miller's association with prominent researchers such as Groden.

All well & good, except for the attack mounted by Peters (Miller in mask) on White, which was apparently a continuation of an attack on White mounted by Miller on another form which was terminated by Miller's expulsion from that form.

Let’s hope we can overcome this arguing over miner matters in the future, in order to improve the research environment. A step in a new direction?

Let's hope for a new day!

Thanks, Miles. "Miller" could settle this by naming the large company from which he told

me he had retired. He seems unwilling or unable to do so. Unless he does so, I will continue

to believe he is not the same person who approached me in Dealey Plaza years ago...long

before the "present Miller" ever surfaced. That person looked nothing like the present



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