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Gary Mack

Wim Dankbaar

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To many of us the Files story stinks like a dead skunk ... if it is your intention to try and defend Healy's past disjointed say-nothing vulgar postings that were compiled in that link, then you have finally found a way in my view to make Files look better.

Bill Miller[/b]

What's the use of posting a link that is not there? Or did you not check it's there?

Don't worry Bill, I am in no need to make Files look better than he already does. I hope I don't insult you if I say I value Groden's opinion more. Maybe you can talk him out of it?

Meanwihle I let you chase that other dead skunk, Bigfoot, or whatever the name is of the animal that you saw.


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What's the use of posting a link that is not there? Or did you not check it's there?


It appears that something happened in my copying and pasting the link ... it certainly works now, so what is your take on Healy's remarks Dr. Wim or did you find it so repulsive and crazy that its not defend-able???

Bill Miller

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Gary Mack in the 1988 documentary "The men who killed Kennedy" :

We are not a free country anymore. Because the people that are smart enough and powerful enough to take out a President like that, and get away with it for 25 years, are probably involved in other areas of the Government. In other words, the country is being run by people we did not vote for.

If you read that, I think of Gary Mack as my hero.

If he would have lived in Germany in 1941, he could have said:

It's very wrong this regime prosecutes the Jews and deports them to somewhere East.


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Bill, It might very well be that Healy's remarks were repulsive. I have trouble finding them quickly there. Can you copy paste them here? I'll let you know if I agree.


Wim, I previously posted why I only put up the link and not the wording of Healy's psychotic rants. I have to now wonder even more how it is that you can sensibly and logically tell if Files story is true or not when you cannot even see why I wouldn't post Healy's vulgar remarks on this forum.

As far as you having trouble finding Healy's remarks quickly ... I don't believe you. You have time to read post and respond to everything, then you have time to read the linked page. The link works and you can presumably read.

If it helps you ... you copy and paste that smut and post it here word for word for your quick review and we'll count the minutes and hours before you are suddenly absent from the forum ... don't try playing me for a sucker.

Bill Miller

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Before this most recent program, I would have thought such a thing was silly. But Mack made some very strange statements in Inside the Target Car, which I'm still trying to process. For example, could he really have thought Jackie was behind JFK's head in Z-312? That's JFK 101 kind of stuff. Could Gary really have blown that one?

What is being done to show Mack in error ... surely not using Zapruder's view when talking about Hat Man's.


You have to be joking, Bill. Jackie is clearly looking into JFK's face in Z-312. She is not in a position to be hit by a shot from the fence exiting the left side of JFK's head. The Moorman photo shows this as well. So why did Mack 1) position the Jackie re-enactor (or allow the Jackie re-enactor) to smother the JFK re-enactor in her arms, and place her head behind his head; and 2) run over to the skull shot from the fence in Sylmar and immediately blurt that the shot would have killed Jackie?

While Mack has admitted that the re-enactor was in the wrong position and that a shot from the fence wouldn't have hit Jackie, he has not come clean by admitting that this was HIS mistake, and not the mistake of some anonymous person working on the program. Either he has made a really dumb error--which is possible, we all make mistakes--or he has participated in a deliberate deception. After all, of the many millions that will eventually watch this program, how many will EVER come to know that Gary admitted almost immediately that the positioning of Jackie, which was central to the program's conclusion that no shot came from the knoll, was in error. Very few.

From chapter 16c


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Bill, It might very well be that Healy's remarks were repulsive. I have trouble finding them quickly there. Can you copy paste them here? I'll let you know if I agree.


Wim, I previously posted why I only put up the link and not the wording of Healy's psychotic rants. I have to now wonder even more how it is that you can sensibly and logically tell if Files story is true or not when you cannot even see why I wouldn't post Healy's vulgar remarks on this forum.

As far as you having trouble finding Healy's remarks quickly ... I don't believe you. You have time to read post and respond to everything, then you have time to read the linked page. The link works and you can presumably read.

If it helps you ... you copy and paste that smut and post it here word for word for your quick review and we'll count the minutes and hours before you are suddenly absent from the forum ... don't try playing me for a sucker.

Bill Miller

I fail to see how David Healy has anything to do with Files. You made that non existent connection, not I.

What I see on the start of that page is:


This page is dedicated to Healy, aka the junkie. Healy is the first to preach to LNer's that they know nothing about the JFK assassination and never contribute anything to the newsgroup.

Today Christmas Day, December 25, 2007 I would like to show you one days worth of Healys contributions to the JFK newsgroup and what he knows about JFK.

And then it goes on with so much incomprehensible junk, that I don't know if I should bother at all. One of the few things I understood is this one:

"this DVP (aka Dave Reitzes) guy has absolutely no shame... "

Is that a quote of Healy?

Who is the author of that page?


Edited by Wim Dankbaar
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Bill, It might very well be that Healy's remarks were repulsive. I have trouble finding them quickly there. Can you copy paste them here? I'll let you know if I agree.


Wim, I previously posted why I only put up the link and not the wording of Healy's psychotic rants. I have to now wonder even more how it is that you can sensibly and logically tell if Files story is true or not when you cannot even see why I wouldn't post Healy's vulgar remarks on this forum.

As far as you having trouble finding Healy's remarks quickly ... I don't believe you. You have time to read post and respond to everything, then you have time to read the linked page. The link works and you can presumably read.

If it helps you ... you copy and paste that smut and post it here word for word for your quick review and we'll count the minutes and hours before you are suddenly absent from the forum ... don't try playing me for a sucker.

Bill Miller

I fail to see how David Healy has anything to do with Files. You made that non existent connection, not I.

What I see on the start of that page is:


This page is dedicated to Healy, aka the junkie. Healy is the first to preach to LNer's that they know nothing about the JFK assassination and never contribute anything to the newsgroup.

Today Christmas Day, December 25, 2007 I would like to show you one days worth of Healys contributions to the JFK newsgroup and what he knows about JFK.

And then it goes on with so much incomprehensible junk, that I don't know if I should bother at all. One of the few things I understood is this one:

"this DVP (aka Dave Reitzes) guy has absolutely no shame... "

Is that a quote of Healy?

Who is the author of that page?


Junkie is one of the GOOD things they call me. The fools were after my daughter too.... Some of these fools (LNers in CT clothing) are dangerous folks (they're on their best behavior here).

So, who knows if he (me) said that..... :rolleyes: I will grant you, I and a few other longtime researchers (on USENET JFK assassination boards - 10+ years) have a way of batting around Lone Nutters that pose(d) as CTer's. None of them can dance around us when it comes to the WCR evidence, testimony and exhibits (includes the Zapruder Film, too.)

Wild Bill Miller has shown nothing but envy since I published an article for The Great Zapruder Film HOAX in 2003. Concerning a very serious aspect of the subject: IF, the Zapruder film is altered, was there the time, expertise, know-how, equipment and personnel available in November 1963 to accomplish the feat. There was, and that is the reason why LNer's in CT clothing moan so loud about a possible altered Z-film... Actually Miller is beside himself. He's also a legend in his own mind. He was stunned that Roland Zavada and I communicate at a professional level (once upon a time and, at Zavada request).

Miller attempts to carry Gary Mack's water wherever Gary goes..... Frankly, I think Bill wants Gary's job at the 6th floor when he, Mack, retires.... Through my good graces and Silicon Valley contacts I told Wild Bill I'd get him a job reference to ADOBE Software, Photoshop specific (I know the CEO), Bill hasn't got back to me yet. Based on Miller's Photoshop work, past .gif animation work, I suspect I erred concerning a Photoshop (expertise) referral...... tis what happens when your a nice guy... LMAO!

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Through my good graces and Silicon Valley contacts I told Wild Bill I'd get him a job reference to ADOBE Software, Photoshop specific (I know the CEO),

Hmm, just wondering how your "Silicon Valley contacts" would react if they ever looked at that link! Better pray Bill doesn't send em one. :rolleyes: LOL

Edited by Denis Pointing
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Through my good graces and Silicon Valley contacts I told Wild Bill I'd get him a job reference to ADOBE Software, Photoshop specific (I know the CEO),

Hmm, just wondering how your "Silicon Valley contacts" would react if they ever looked at that link! Better pray Bill doesn't send em one. :rolleyes: LOL

I knew a xxxxx like you would be sniffing around this thread. And son, I retired from a wonderful career a few years back.... say, do you do film-video compositing, xxxxx? If you do we have something to talk about, otherwise go carry Miller's waterpail! Hi Kathy..... :)

Edited by David G. Healy
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Through my good graces and Silicon Valley contacts I told Wild Bill I'd get him a job reference to ADOBE Software, Photoshop specific (I know the CEO),

Hmm, just wondering how your "Silicon Valley contacts" would react if they ever looked at that link! Better pray Bill doesn't send em one. :rolleyes: LOL

I knew a xxxxx like you would be sniffing around this thread. And son, I retired from a wonderful career a few years back.... say, do you do film-video compositing, xxxxx? If you do we have something to talk about, otherwise go carry Miller's waterpail! Hi Kathy..... :)

No , but I know of a guy who does...you know him too Healy, I understand you used to "communicate at a professional level". LOL Lets see what he has to say:

“There is no detectable

evidence of manipulation or image alteration on the "Zapruder in-cameraoriginal"

and all supporting evidence precludes any forgery thereto.”

The film that exists at NARA was received from Time/Life, has all

the characteristics of an original film per my report. !The film medium,

manufacturing markings, processing identification, camera gate image

characteristics, dye structure, full scale tonal range, support type,

perforations and their quality, keeping shrinkage and fluting

characteristics, feel, surface profile of the dye surface. !It has NO

evidence of optical effects or matte work including granularity, edge

effects or fringing, contrast buildup etc.

Rollie Zavada, 9/23/03

And lets not forget the guys who wrote this: http://home.earthlink.net/~joejd/jfk/zaphoax/healy.html

PS I love the drawn in blood spatter..really professionail.

You really are an ass aren't you Healy. LMFAO

Edited by Denis Pointing
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What proof do you have that they are David Healy's comments?



Do have doubts that they are not Healy's remarks in those quotes Has Healy denied any of those quotes?? You're smarter than this, Duncan.

Bill Miller

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You have to be joking, Bill. Jackie is clearly looking into JFK's face in Z-312.

I didn't get to see the show, but when talking to Mack in the past and when discussing Badge Man, he then mentioned how badge Man's bullet would have probably hit Jackie. I have never heard him say to me that a shot from Hat Man's location would have done the same. I am not saying this is the case, but beware of editing for they can cause those kinds of errors ... not the messenger.


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I fail to see how David Healy has anything to do with Files. You made that non existent connection, not I.


Let me put it to you this way .... Healy has as much to do with the JFK assassination as Files does.

Bill Miller

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And son, I retired from a wonderful career a few years back....

I am thinking you retired like Nixon retired from the Presidency.

say, do you do film-video compositing, xxxxx? If you do we have something to talk about, otherwise go carry Miller's waterpail! Hi Kathy..... :rolleyes:

Film compositing .... is that the same film compositing expertise that caused you (Healy) to post on this forum that you have seen no proof of alteration???


Post #8

David Healy: Of course there's NO proof of film alteration, something I've stated for years

By the way, David ... how is that request coming concerning you getting to examine the alleged Zapruder original film ... what have you gotten done to date ... do we know yet the color of ink you want to use ... style of paper ... anything to report???

Bill Miller

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