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Groden arrested in Dealey Plaza

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Dallas police crack down on Dealey Plaza vendors who peddle maps, conspiracy theories


June 16, 2010

No visit to Dealey Plaza is complete without a run-in with vendors selling maps, newspapers and conspiracy theories.

That may soon change as Dallas police crack down on the street peddlers, who can be ticketed and arrested if they lack the proper permits.

"When a visitor is coming to ... Dallas, and the first thing they are being cussed at or spit on or harassed, that's not the image we want portrayed," Deputy Police Chief Vince Golbeck said.

Michael Brownlow talks about conspiracy theories and gives tours at the downtown plaza alongside the spot where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. Even Brownlow acknowledges that sometimes the vendors get out of hand.

"They walk up and say, 'Would you like a tour?' and you say no and they continue on and continue on and they actually intimidate people, and some people are scared," he said.

But Brownlow says not all vendors are like that. He says some, like him, simply want to spread the word about different theories on the assassination.

He said he believes that police are heavy-handed when dealing with vendors, and he watched a good friend arrested last weekend.

"I feel like his civil rights were violated and his constitutional rights," he said.

Dallas police say the vendors can give papers away or sell them on public sidewalks, but once they enter Dealey Plaza, which is considered a park, they are committing a crime.

"It is giving another perspective of that important piece of history," Golbeck said, "and that is fine if they are doing so on public property."

Story and video from WFAA: http://www.wfaa.com/news/Police-crack-down-on-Dealey-Plaza-vendors-96479869.html

Not named in the story, Robert Groden was the vendor arrested. He told his story to Len Osanic and BlackOp Radio last week.

Here is a short thread on Michael Brownlow: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=10967&view=findpost&p=118187

Edited by Michael Hogan
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He has been arrested over 8O times now, Robert Groden was a recent guest with Len Osanic on Black http://www.blackopradio.com/archives2010.html

a lengthy interview..

•Arrest in Dealey plaza... again!

•With the Superbowl coming to Dallas, the Sixth Floor wants to be the only game in town

•Groden and others are now being harassed

•Groden is a vetran of this harassment having beaten 80 arrests issued by the Dallas police

•It is not illegal for anyone to do what Groden does in Dealy Plaza.

•No permits are required so even though he's tried, you cannot buy a permit...They don't exist

•Robert suspects Gary Mack and the Sixth Floor are responsible for the harassment

•Robert's new book has not been published yet and this harassment is one of the ways they try to prevent it's publishing

•This is not just an harassment issue, it's also a free speech issue

•The mainstream media is broadcasting only the City of Dallas view

•Groden was offered over $200,000 a year to change his point of view and curate the Sixth Floor Museum

•He turned them down and Gary Mack, a former conspiracy researcher took the job

•There, of course, are people causing trouble in Dealy Plaza and the police know who they are

•They still lump the JFK people in with the criminals

•The police have admitted the Sixth Floor is calling in the harassment and supported by the city

•The Sixth Floor is not a museum

•Robert only sells facts in the case. His personal opinions are not sold in Dealy Plaza

•The Sixth Floor sees possible massive profits from the Super Bowl...

•...for this reason, the Sixth Floor is trying to become the only game in town

•Groden was responsible for getting the case reopened after the Warren Commission farce

•If ANYONE should be in Dealy Plaza it should be Robert Groden

•Robert asks if any lawyer in the Dallas area with First Amendment experience could...

•...help with the legal fight and advisement email Robert Groden

3rd one down..•

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He has been arrested over 8O times now, Robert Groden was a recent guest with Len Osanic on Black http://www.blackopradio.com/archives2010.html

I think Groden told Osanic that it had been seven years since his last arrest, prior to this recent one.

In that interview Osanic's anger toward Gary Mack and the Sixth Floor "Museum" was palpable.

Groden's new book, Absolute Proof, has been delayed for financial reasons. It's regrettable that the

man largely responsible for bringing the Zapruder film to the attention of so many faces these obstacles.

It's Erykah Badu's fault....

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I have been waiting for Grodens new book for a long time, I am still looking forward to it

Im also positive the 6thFLM is calling the police on Groden

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•The Sixth Floor is not a museum

Got that right. As Robert Charles-Dunne noted a few years ago, the entity

on the 6th floor of the Elm St. building is an Exhibit, of which Gary Mack

is merely the manager.

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Dallas police crack down on Dealey Plaza vendors who peddle maps,

conspiracy theories

11:43 PM CDT on Wednesday, June 16, 2010




Police crack down on Dealey Plaza vendors



No visit to Dealey Plaza is complete without a run-in with vendors

selling maps, newspapers and conspiracy theories.

That may soon change as Dallas police crack down on the street peddlers,

who can be ticketed and arrested if they lack the proper permits.

"When a visitor is coming to ... Dallas, and the first thing they are

being cussed at or spit on or harassed, that's not the image we want

portrayed," Deputy Police Chief Vince Golbeck said.

Michael Brownlow talks about conspiracy theories and gives tours at the

downtown plaza alongside the spot where President John F. Kennedy was

assassinated. Even Brownlow acknowledges that sometimes the vendors get

out of hand.

"They walk up and say, 'Would you like a tour?' and you say no and they

continue on and continue on and they actually intimidate people, and

some people are scared," he said.

But Brownlow says not all vendors are like that. He says some, like him,

simply want to spread the word about different theories on the


He said he believes that police are heavy-handed when dealing with

vendors, and he watched a good friend arrested last weekend.

"I feel like his civil rights were violated and his constitutional

rights," he said.

Dallas police say the vendors can give papers away or sell them on

public sidewalks, but once they enter Dealey Plaza, which is considered

a park, they are committing a crime. :blink:

"It is giving another perspective of that important piece of history,"

Golbeck said, "and that is fine if they are doing so on public property."


Regards, TOM BLACKWELL, PO Box 25403, Dallas, Texas 75225




For those of you that have never been there, $5.00 for a newspaper with many

unique articles and photos is not excessive. $10.00 for a walking tour is

not excessive. Visited there for the past 17 years every November, and

never had a "run-in" with any of these vendors.


Edited by Bernice Moore
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LOL You made my day...


PS I am not sure about R. Groden. This witty man could be the greatest pseudo Cter and mole in the CTer Community ever...and those arrests maybe a fake, like the arrests of Lee Oswald in NOLA...to produce an image of a CTer martyr. But mole or not...anyway...I like that guy...but there IS a possibility that Groden and Mack are working hand in hand..


Edited by Karl Kinaski
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LOL You made my day...


PS I am not sure about R. Groden. This witty man could be the greatest pseudo Cter and mole in the CTer Community ever...and those arrests maybe a fake, like the arrests of Lee Oswald in NOLA...to produce an image of a CTer martyr. But mole or not...anyway...I like that guy...but there IS a possibility that Groden and Mack are working hand in hand..


i was just there yesterday and mike told me that i was working for gary mack in which i am NOT when i first met mike he cussed a guy out cause he told him FU and would not listen to him he has spit on people and faught with people out there and they let him stay so who is working for mack HE is he was talking to a police officer when i got there yesterday and has his number to call him if he sees anybody that is not suposed to be there and mike told me that i dont think groden is working for mack or he wouldent be the one arrested.

here are the picks of the officer mike was talking to.

post-6324-033740400 1277663603_thumb.jpg

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Noted JFK Conspiracy Theorist Robert Groden Files Federal Suit Against

Dallas, Claiming He Was Arrested and Harassed in Dealey Plaza

Dallas Observer

by Robert Wilonsky

June 30, 2010

Maybe you heard: A couple of weeks ago, Dallas police began cracking down on vendors at Dealey Plaza selling maps, magazines, books and other conspiracy-theory whatnots. Deputy Police Chief Vince Golbeck said some folks down there were cussing at and spitting on visitors to the Kennedy assassination site, and "that's not the image we want portrayed."

But Robert Groden hardly fits that description: He's among the best-known and most revered of all the conspiracy theorists. He's served as staff photographic consultant to the House Select Committee on Assassinations. Consulted on Oliver Stone's JFK. Wrote a number of books on the assassination you've probably heard of, chief among them High Treason: The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy & the Case for Conspiracy.

And, for almost nine hours on June 13, Groden sat in Lew Sterrett after DPD arrested him for selling his magazine JFK The Case for Conspiracy at Dealey Plaza without a permit -- even though the city does not offer permits to sell books, DVDs or magazines at Dealey Plaza. Groden was eventually charged with a Class C misdemeanor and released.

Today, he filed a federal suit against the city, claiming, among other things, DPD violated his First Amendment rights and falsely imprisoned him.

"If they can do it to me," Groden tells Unfair Park, "they can do it to anyone."

He's also claiming malicious prosecution. The complaint follows. City officials had not yet seen the suit when I asked for a comment.

This, incidentally, is not the first run-in Groden's had with Dallas police.

We first wrote about this in 1997, when Dealey Plaza vendors were under siege by DPD -- and the Sixth Floor Museum had plans to "manage Dealey Plaza," in the words of Jeff West, then the executive director of the museum. Said West, "We have had complaints from visitors about being harassed, accosted and just confused by who these vendors are."

But then, suddenly, police stopped bothering vendors, and it was back to business as usual -- until 2003, when, Groden says, he received 80 citations that were all eventually dismissed. It was, he says, "a case of harassment," nothing less.

Back then, he says, he was prepared to file a lawsuit like the one dropped off in court today by Fort Worth attorney Alex Tandy. But, he says, the City Attorney's Office "made an agreement: If I dropped the suit, they'd leave me alone, and for seven years there hasn't been a complaint or a run-in. Now, there are homeless guys who harass the visitors, but the police know who the good guys are and who the bad guys are. But they lied. They broke the agreement."

City attorneys maintain Dealey Plaza is under control of the Park and Recreation Department, and that Section 32.10 of the Dallas City Code makes it illegal to sell merch at the assassination site. It says, in whole:

It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale any food, drinks, confections, merchandise or services in areas under the control of the park board unless such person has a written agreement or a permit issued from the office of the park board permitting the sale of such items. Application for such agreements or permits shall be made to the office of the park board.

City attorneys say that Groden can sell his magazine "adjacent to the outside perimeter of the park or on other public property." But once he steps foot in Dealey Plaza proper, he'll be subject to citation and arrest. Yet Groden says in his complaint when he tried to sell his material from the parking lot, he was also threatened with arrest if he didn't leave pronto.

Attorney Bradley Kizzia, who has represented Groden in the past, disagrees with the city's reading of the ordinance. He sent an e-mail to Assistant City Attorney Jackie Middlebrooks only today, in which he wrote:

We will just have to agree to disagree about the City's dubious allocation of limited police resources to ticket, arrest, and incarcerate JFK assassination researchers in Dealey Plaza. I do not think that the ordinance purportedly relied upon by the City is applicable or otherwise legally enforceable against Mr. Groden's exercise of his First Amendment rights in Dealey Plaza.

As you probably know, Mr. Groden has previously requested but has been denied a permit by the City on the stated grounds that there are no such permits. In fact, as you acknowledged on June 18, no one has ever been issued a permit by the City to sell books, newspapers, or DVDs in Dealey Plaza. The effect of this Catch-22 established by the City is to effectively prevent the sale at the site of the assassination of President Kennedy of any publications that offer evidence of a conspiracy behind the assassination. In my humble [opinion], this is not constitutionally permissible. Moreover, I certainly don't think that arresting and incarcerating authors such as Mr. Groden is an appropriate tactic for the City to take under the circumstances. But since the City apparently refuses to discuss some reasonable compromise, it appears that the legal system will now decide what is right and what is wrong in this matter.

More to come in the morning. Till then, the lawsuit's all yours.


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LOL You made my day...


PS I am not sure about R. Groden. This witty man could be the greatest pseudo Cter and mole in the CTer Community ever...and those arrests maybe a fake, like the arrests of Lee Oswald in NOLA...to produce an image of a CTer martyr. But mole or not...anyway...I like that guy...but there IS a possibility that Groden and Mack are working hand in hand..


And there IS a possibility you write such things to make the whole forum look silly... Groden's been standing out on the sidewalk telling tourists not to go into the 6th Floor Museum for more than a decade. He's denounced Gary Mack at conferences and in interviews for many years. No way in heck are they working together.

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By 1998, the Dallas Mavericks, then owned by H. Ross Perot, Jr., and the Dallas Stars were indicating their desire for a new facility to replace the dated Reunion Arena. Dallas taxpayers approved a new hotel tax and rental car tax to pay for a new facility to cover a portion of the funding, with the two benefiting teams, the Mavericks and the Stars, picking up the remaining costs, including cost overruns. The new arena was to be built just north of Woodall Rodgers Freeway near Interstate 35E on the site of an old power plant.[citation needed]

On March 18, 1999, American Airlines announced that it would be acquiring the naming rights for the arena for US$195 million.[3][4] American Airlines is headquartered in Fort Worth and is based at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.

On July 27, 2001, the facility opened with the largest ribbon cutting ceremony ever, according to the Guinness Book of Records[citation needed]. The first event occurred the next day with an Eagles concert. On the next night, the arena hosted the last show of Michael Flatley's Feet of Flames tour. The first sporting event took place on August 19, 2001 with the Dallas Sidekicks of the World Indoor Soccer League taking on the San Diego Sockers.[citation needed]

[edit] Design

100px-Starplaza2.JPG magnify-clip.png Athena Tacha, ground-plan of AT&T Plaza with star fountains, in front of the American Airlines Center (2,000 sq ft (190 m2), 40,000 sq ft (3,700 m2), in collaboration with SWA) Principal design work was carried out by David M. Schwarz Architectural Services of Washington D.C. The American Airlines Center was designed to be the heart of a new urban, commercial area designed to reinvigorate the city of Dallas called Victory Park. The facility itself features a conservative, traditional design with sweeping brick façades and smooth arches, and has been graced with a number of awards.... - wiki

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By 1998, the Dallas Mavericks, then owned by H. Ross Perot, Jr., and the Dallas Stars were indicating their desire for a new facility to replace the dated Reunion Arena. Dallas taxpayers approved a new hotel tax and rental car tax to pay for a new facility to cover a portion of the funding, with the two benefiting teams, the Mavericks and the Stars, picking up the remaining costs, including cost overruns. The new arena was to be built just north of Woodall Rodgers Freeway near Interstate 35E on the site of an old power plant.[citation needed]

On March 18, 1999, American Airlines announced that it would be acquiring the naming rights for the arena for US$195 million.[3][4] American Airlines is headquartered in Fort Worth and is based at Dallas-Fort Worth Airport.

On July 27, 2001, the facility opened with the largest ribbon cutting ceremony ever, according to the Guinness Book of Records[citation needed]. The first event occurred the next day with an Eagles concert. On the next night, the arena hosted the last show of Michael Flatley's Feet of Flames tour. The first sporting event took place on August 19, 2001 with the Dallas Sidekicks of the World Indoor Soccer League taking on the San Diego Sockers.[citation needed]

[edit] Design

100px-Starplaza2.JPG magnify-clip.png Athena Tacha, ground-plan of AT&T Plaza with star fountains, in front of the American Airlines Center (2,000 sq ft (190 m2), 40,000 sq ft (3,700 m2), in collaboration with SWA) Principal design work was carried out by David M. Schwarz Architectural Services of Washington D.C. The American Airlines Center was designed to be the heart of a new urban, commercial area designed to reinvigorate the city of Dallas called Victory Park. The facility itself features a conservative, traditional design with sweeping brick façades and smooth arches, and has been graced with a number of awards.... - wiki

John: don't macerate every thread.

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