Robert Howard Posted September 4, 2010 Share Posted September 4, 2010 (edited) The Mexican aspect of the JFK Assassination is the ultimate room-full of mirrors, with an "Oswald" with Blond hair visiting the Cuban Embassy, according to Sylvia Duran and fellow embassy employee Azcue. Duran had replaced Maria del Carmen who died before the assassination of JFK, and a plethora of persons entering Mexico, or taking flights to other Latin American countries in that same September 26-October 3, 1963 timeframe, the latter William Gaudet, while persons such as Florence Parson Demen and husband George Henry Demen to cite just a couple also entered Mexico in that same time frame. Now, decades later, there is another name to throw into the mix, ANTHONY WILLIAM OSSWALD. The following document, gives an account of his travels to Mexico, all under the innocent guise of a honeymooner. The only question is why would two members of a family known to use the same surname as Lee Harvey Oswald, change the spelling of their name to include an extra S? Found in: Oswald 201 File, Vol 3 BU 62-1827 that an application was made and license issued on September 21 1963 to ANTHONY WILLIAM OSSWALD and IRENE ESTHER RESZKA The license was returned on September 23 1963 with certification (UNDATED) http://www.maryferre...5&relPageId=111 ANTHONY WILLIAM OSSWALD also known as Anthony William Oswald at Buffalo, New York By teletype dated November 25, 1963, the San Antonio Office advisded Dallas and Buffalo that on that same date MR. DAN SANBORN Sanborn Travel Agency, McAllent, [sic] Texas, advised his records on Mexican automobile insurance policies reflected that ANTHONY WM OSSWALD, 66 Inter Park Avenue, Buffalo, New York, purchased a three day policy at 4:00 pm September 27, 1963 for a 1962 Pontiac two-door automobile, Vehicle Identification No 162P51856, the policy would have expired at 4:00 p.m. September 30, 1963. No license number was available. http://www.maryferre...5&relPageId=112 http://www.maryferre...5&relPageId=113 The records contained information that on March 5, 1962, there was recorded a conditional sales contract executed in favor of Bill Miller Pontiac Dealer, 290 Lake Avenue, Hamburg, New York, in the amount of $1,654.56 for purchase by OSSWALD of a 1962 Pontiac. He executed a contract to pay $45.96 a payment for 36 payments. On November 26, 1963 Edwin Schultz, Patrolman Identification Bureau, Buffalo Police Department advised that his records indicated several arrests for an individual by the name of ANTHONY OSSWALD, 66 Inter Park Avenue, Buffalo, New York, who was born December 17, 1900 for traffic violations. In addition, on June 14, 1946, ANTHONY OSSWALD, SR. born December 17, 1900........was arrested for allowing a dog to run unmuzzled [dog bite case] and was fined $15.00. Further this same individual........was arrested on the complaint of one ARTHUR E. MOELLER.....on an Assault 3rd degree charge. http://www.maryferre...5&relPageId=114 http://www.maryferre...5&relPageId=115 ........known to him to be interested in politics of one nature or another and that he doesent belong to any organizations to his knowledge. Mr. LIEBOLD advised OSSWALD was married at the beginning of his vacation period in September 1963, and that during his honeymoon which consisted of a leisure drive to Texas, he visited Mexico for several days before starting his return trip to Buffalo. After his return, to Buffalo he mentioned on one or two occasions to Mr. LIEBOLD that it was necessary for him to obtain special insurance for his trip to Mexico because his regular car insurance would not cover him while he was in Mexico...... .......He said that he and his wife drove leisurely, stopping at several motels along the route until they http://www.maryferre...5&relPageId=116 arrived at Roma, Texas, where they crossed into Mexico. He said that in connection with this trip into Mexico he obtained insurance to cover him while he was there from the Sanborn Insurance Company which he said was located in a small town near Roma. He said it was necessary to obtain this insurance because his regular car insurance would not cover him if he penetrated into Mexico at a greater distance than 15 miles. He said he believes he obtained a three-day policy on about September 27, 1963, and that he left Mexico approximately one hour before this policy expired. He said that he and his wife drove to Monterey, Mexico where they stayed for the three days at the Anfa, Motel,* which he said was located near a bull ring. He returned to the United States at Roma, Texas, and then he and his bride returned to Buffalo, New York. http://www.maryferre...5&relPageId=117 relatives residing in Buffalo spell their last name as OSWALD. However his father and a few other members of his family have always spelled it OSSWALD. OSSWALD said that he has one younger brother, CONRAD J. OSSWALD, two years younger than he and that he resides at 91 Spruce Street, Eggersville, New York, and is employed as a printer by Rauch and Stoeckl Printing Company, 124 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, New York. OSSWALD further advised that his father, ANTHONY I. OSSWALD has served in the United States Naval Reserve, Buffalo, New York, since before World War II, and that he had active service in the Navy during World War II and in the Korean war. In addition he stated that he himself has been a member of the United States Naval Reserve, Fleet Division for the past 14 years and was on temporary active duty during the Korean war. Likewise his brother, CONRAD is a member of the United States Naval Reserve at Buffalo, New York. http://www.maryferre...5&relPageId=118 that an application was made and license issued on September 21, 1963 to ANTHONY WILLIAM OSSWALD and IRENE ESTHER RESZKA. The license was returned on Septmeber 23, 1963, with certification that this couple were married September 21, 1963 at Buffalo, New York by Rev. GREGORY GRABKA, a Roman Catholic priest. The information contained on the application as reflected on Certificate No. 72 of the 1963 book for the Town of Niagra was as follows: ANTHONY WILLIAM OSSWALD, born Buffalo, New York, April 25, 1933; father - ANTHONY I. OSSWALD; mother - FLORENCE GLEASER, both born in the United States. IRENE ESTHER RESZKA, born August 13, 1934, Buffalo, New York; parents - ANTHONY RESZKA and CECILIA TWAROZEK, both born in the United States. Description ANTHONY WILLIAM OSSWALD A Description of ANTHONY WILLIAM OSSWALD as obtained for interrogation and observation is as follows. Name ANTHONY WILLIAM OSSWALD Residence 41 Warren Street Buffalo, New York Height 5'9" Weight 165 pounds Eyes Blue Hair Brown Scars and Marks Dog bite scar, upper right arm, outer approximately size of silver dollar Relatives Wife - IRENE RESZKA OSSWALD 41 Warren Street, Buffalo, New York Father - ANTHONY I. OSSWALD 66 Inter Park Avenue Buffalo, New York Mother - Florence OSSWALD 66 Inter Park Avenue Buffalo, New York Brother - CONRAD J. OSSWALD 91 Spruce Street Eggertsville, New York * For image of Motel Anfa see URL below http://www.cardcow.c...nterrey-mexico/ END Mary Ferrell's database entry for William Osswald, states that he flew to San Antonio. She cites Edwin Black's article on the Chicago Plot as confirmation of that, but the truth is that Mary Ferrell's database, is seemingly correct, raising the possibility that there were two William Oswald's, which does not infer that there is a conspiratorial connotation, one cannot assume there were not two different people named William Oswald in 1963 Edwin Black's article states the names of the persons on two completely different flights were M. Lee, R. Martin on one flight and J. Oswalt on the flight in question. See Black OPS Radio Article, The Chicago Plot By Edwin Black However JFK Document 104-10015-10322, dated 11/23/63 specifically states Following persons flew Mexi to U.S. who might be identical to Lee Henry Oswald A. MEXICANA FLIGHT TO CHICAGO 1 NOV, LEE MARTIN B. SAME FLT 12 NOV., WILFORD OSWALT C. BRANIFF FLT 50 TO SAN ANTONIO WILLIAM. OSWALD CABLE - LIST OF PERSONS WHO FLEW FROM MEXICO TO US WHO MIGHT BE IDENTICAL WITH LEE HENRY OSWALD including WM OSWALD BRANIFF FLIGHT 50 TO SAN ANTONIO ARRB 1995 RELEASES 104-10015-10322 LEE HARVEY OSWALD [they "Cook County, Sheriff's Office Chicago, IL "have strong suspicions that Oswald was in Chicago in April? and was responsible for firing the office here of UPI [uPX] Sheriff Ogilvie. Robert: As mentioned in the subject heading ANTHONY WILLIAM OSSWALD died this year, on approximately June 8, 2010. See [Anthony William Osswald] One of the central issues in researching the persons who entered Mexico during the same October 26-November 3, 1963 time frame is to ascertain whether any of these persons were monitoring "Oswald," as well as possible involvement in actions designed to create false Oswald sightings. Regarding Oswald himself, the FBI had began searching for Oswald before he left New Orleans in late September 1963. The author of the document investigating the Oswald/Mexico connection, Edwin Lopez, is allegedly quoted as saying he did not believe Oswald had even been to Mexico! See Dr. Howard Chapman and his two brother-in-laws, Ronald and Bill Culver. There story is more than interesting due to the fact that they were in the Shreveport, Louisiana are and Dr. Chapman had purchased a case of 1,000 rounds of 6.5 Western ammunition from Sloan's Sporting Goods Co. in New York for the Culver's hunting trip. http://www.maryferre...13&relPageId=27 Indeed there were many individuals leaving Louisiana, and Texas for Mexico, although William Gaudet was an exception, among the actual persons departing for Mexico were the following: page 53, William George Gaudet, Waveland Mississippi,.....he left New Orleans September 19, 1963 via Pan American Airlines at 12 noon. He stated this flight landed at Merida, Mexico and then continued on to other Central and South American countries. He did not actually enter Mexico as he was continuing on to other Central and South American countries. He said that if Oswald were a Marxist he would not have gone to Merida in Mexico, as this is, in his opinion, a strictly anti-Communist area. http://www.maryferre...26&relPageId=53 Henry Edward Linam, Sr. Suite 1401, Petroleum Tower who resides at Route 1, Box 395K advised that he did not make a trip to Mexico In September 1963, but his sons made a trip with several other men and that his son Winston B. Linam apparently went to New Orleans and made the necessary arrangements with the Mexican Consulate. Henry Edward Linam, Jr. advised that in September 1963, he went to Matamoros, Mexico with a hunting party with ten persons. Linam stated they traveled to Mexico by private airplane and automobile from Shreveport and hunted ducks for one weekend. Ken Deas and Gordon May two private airplanes met by Charlie Jones of the "Shreveport Journal" other members of the party were Charles Whitesides, P.J. Mills and Bob Dresher. Oswald 201 File, Vol 3, CD75, Part 5 pg 59 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1 Date November 30 a 1963 FLORENCE PARSON DEMEN housewife 7221 Friscoville Avenue Arabi Louisiana advised that she and her husband GEORGE HENRY DEMEN sandblaster Kaiser Aluminum and Chemical Corp. Chalmette, Louisiana and resident at 7221 Friscoville obtained permits to visit Monterrey, Mexico......not to be confused with Jean DeMenil of Schlumberger Corporation? What other connections are there to Niagra Falls, New York?.....The Buffalo office on November 29, 1963, advised as follows: On September 21, 1963, Peter C Chorak, who at that time was a member of the United States Air Force 4624 Support Squadron, Niagra Falls, New York, Municipal Air Force Base, was arrested by the Niagra Falls, New York Police Department., on the charge of Assault 1st Degree with a Deadly Weapon On November [redacted] 1963 [redacted] who at that time was a member of the United States Air Force was charged with assault First Degree by the Niagra Fallas Police Dept., a United States carbine .30 caliber rifle which he purchased from his father in law in Bennetsville, South Carolina....the local charges against Chorak were disposed of and on October 18, 1963 received a honorable discharge from the Air Force at Niagra Falls, New York... Robert: On November 27, 1963 John Richter also a member of the 4264 Support Squadron speculated to a John Quinlan of the Office of Special Investigations whether Chorak might have been involved in the JFK Assassination, because, according to Richter, Chorak remarked to him that he would be residing in a town approximately eight miles from Dallas, Texas. See http://www.maryferre...4&relPageId=116 When you get to the attempt to implicate Oswald's association in a pro-Castro backed assassination, the trail runs from the sublime to the ridiculous, from an Oswald in Russia who does not fit the description of Lee Harvey Oswald, to an Oswald associated with someone named Camacho, whom "the Cuban's are very worried about," to the ultimate, almost humorous? account that "Oswald and members of the Cuban Embassy went to the outskirts of Mexico City and a 16 year old Cuban outshot Oswald." It is sad to say this, but to believe that Castro's Intelligence agency and or the personnel of the Cuban Embassy, would do something so incriminating, belies the adage of P.T. Barnum, that "a sucker is born every minute." The referenced document also includes the name of Bernardo de Torres See STATEMENTS MADE BY ABREU, CUBAN INTEL OFFICER IN MEXICO CITY AND BY HIS ASSISTANT MASTRAPA RE OSWALD AND THE ASSASSINATION http://www.maryferre...784&relPageId=5 For those who are satisfied with the official version of the account of Lee Harvey Oswald's guilt as the assassin of Pres. Kennedy, an official version, which is unique in the annals of history, as having TWO different versions, one that President Kennedy was killed "probably as a result of a conspiracy," while also maintaining that Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shots that killed President Kennedy, to be seeking answers to the mysteries of the assassination of our 35th President, ostensibly fits the model of the conspiracy theorist, while those who believe that the truth is the fundamental foundation of democracy argue that every single investigation since that day has been muddled by breaks in the chain of evidence which convicted Oswald in the eyes of the American people, and spent an equal amount of time seeking to destroy the character, lives and reputations of anyone who dared to consider otherwise, and attempting to convince American's that there were no mysterious deaths associated with the President's assassination, the latter being one of the greatest lies ever perpetuated in American history. When Mary Queen of Scots was executed for plotting to overthrow the English government, it was not until some two hundred years later that it was discovered that Lord Walsingham of the English Privy Council had "forged" passages in her diary to "make it appear" she had been actively conspiring to kill the Queen of England. We live in a culture where Terrorism, has become the Communism of a previous era, while we have the same "preachers of hate" in 2010, that John F. Kennedy faced while he was our President. It is a sad commentary, that when the truth of the assassination becomes a reality, many of us may not be alive. But collectively, we are believers in the adage of Santaya, who stated that those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them. Edited September 4, 2010 by Robert Howard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
David Andrews Posted September 4, 2010 Share Posted September 4, 2010 (edited) Probably no connection...but Hamburg, NY (where Osswald bought the car) is the birthplace of E. Howard Hunt, the small-town lawyer's boy schooled in Buffalo, who later got into Brown, and then OSS: "Hunt was born in Hamburg, New York, United States, of English and Welsh descent. An alumnus of Nichols School in Buffalo, New York and a 1940 graduate of Brown University..." [Wiki] Hamburg (close to where I was raised) is also the origin of another famous CIA-associated figure. Anybody recall whom? Edited September 4, 2010 by David Andrews Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bernice Moore Posted September 4, 2010 Share Posted September 4, 2010 (edited) hi robert; i copied this from;WHITE WASH 1V if of any help..if you do not have it....take care b.. PAGE 165; FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1. december 20,1963 Oren Pugh,.Agent in charge,, U.S.Customs Ivestigators. Loredo, Texas, advised SA ROBERT L.,CHAPMAN on 12/20/63 that two days ago Dec.18,1963, Mr.( first name unknown ) Gonzales, Customs Administrator .Miguel Aleman. Mexico, stated that the FBI had been checking for information on Oswald and that he (GONZALES) had found the information the FBI wanted concerning re-entry at Miguel Aleman,the same day OSWALD'S brother who had entered Mexico at Miguel Aleman the same day OSWALD entered Mexico at Laredo,Texas . Mr.GONZALES advised PUGH that he was holding these records at his office in Miguel Aleman. PUGH could furnish no additional information. 20 on 12/20/63 at Loredo Texas FILE # SA 105-2009 by S,A ROBERT L. CHAPMAN/dte Date dictated 12/20/63 Weisberg;'' this is just one of countless available examples of non-investigation and lingering questions. It is selected because the Commission discussed as a fact that Oswald's trip to Mexico was by car one way T184 and because there is little doubt that this could not have been Oswald's brother.''... Edited September 4, 2010 by Bernice Moore Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Howard Posted September 4, 2010 Author Share Posted September 4, 2010 hi robert; i copied this from;WHITE WASH 1V if of any help...take care b.. PAGE 165; FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1. december 20,1963 Oren Pugh,.Agent in charge,, U.S.Customs Investigators. Loredo, Texas, advised SA ROBERT L.,CHAPMAN on 12/20/63 that two days ago Dec.18,1963, Mr.( first name unknown ) Gonzales, Customs Administrator .Miguel Aleman. Mexico, stated that the FBI had been checking for information on Oswald and that he (GONZALES) had found the information the FBI wanted concerning re-entry at Miguel Aleman,the same day OSWALD'S brother who had entered Mexico at Miguel Aleman the same day OSWALD entered Mexico at Laredo,Texas . Mr.GONZALES advised PUGH that he was holding these records at his office in Miguel Aleman. PUGH could furnish no additional information. 20 on 12/20/63 at Loredo Texas FILE # SA 105-2009 by S,A ROBERT L. CHAPMAN/dte Date dictated 12/20/63 Weisberg;'' this is just one of countless available examples of non-investigation and lingering questions. It is selected because the Commission discussed as a fact that Oswald's trip to Mexico was by car one way T184 and because there is little doubt that this could not have been Oswald's brother.''... Thanks Bernice and David.....After years of reflection on Robert Oswald being mentioned as crossing into Mexico, I have come to the conclusion, if he did it is as well-guarded a secret as any other mysterious and unknown aspect of the assassination. The main reason I went to the trouble of posting the information on Anthony Osswald was his, and his father's Naval Reserve background and the fact that there are similarities in his and Lee Harvey Oswald's physical characteristics. ANTHONY OSSWALD Height 5'9" Weight 165 pounds Eyes Blue Hair Brown Scars and Marks Dog bite scar, upper right arm, outer approximately size of silver dollar. CIA description of LEE HARVEY OSWALD Height- 5'10" Weight 165 pounds Eyes Blue Hair Sd. Brown Identifying Marks: Not mentioned Warren Commission description of LEE HARVEY OSWALD Height 5'9" Weight 140 pounds Eyes Blue-Grey Hair Medium Brown, worn medium length, needs haircut. Scars No tatoos or permanent marks There is a serious omission in stating that Lee Oswald had no identifying marks or scars. In fact, there were several. The problem of identifying them becomes compounded if you believe that there were two different Oswald's. For the sake of simplicity, if you take the historical accounts of scars and marks on Lee Oswald, not including the fatal wounds inflicted in the Basement on November 24, 1963. Lee Oswald had a mastoidectomy operation in 1945, and was hospitalized for 2 weeks in Fort Worth, the operation left a large scar behind his ear. Lee Oswald had at least two scars located in his upper left arm from the alleged "self-inflicted" wound incurred on October 27, 1957. One from the actual wound and another scar as a result of Doctor Greenlee, who removed the .22 caliber bullet. The wound, ostensibly, "was allowed to heal and the missile was then excised through a separate incision." page 175, Harvey and Lee - John Armstrong A small scar on his left wrist from the "attempted suicide" while in the Soviet Union According to Armstrong, if I understand this correctly, the body buried in Rose Hill Cemetery was not Lee Harvey Oswald, but Harvey Oswald. ibid page 947. The big ticket item, and I will eat my hat if anyone can conclusively prove it, is the allegation that Oswald had a tatoo on his left arm..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bernice Moore Posted September 4, 2010 Share Posted September 4, 2010 (edited) hi robert yes, many similarities, i have not found the tatto either, perhaps some day here fyi if wanted, from the marines and autopsy, comparisons from alias oswald...note b,,ps i will break them up as i read info by i think len that it will take up to 5 photos at a continued in following post...b Edited September 4, 2010 by Bernice Moore Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bernice Moore Posted September 4, 2010 Share Posted September 4, 2010 the rest...b fingers crossed they take... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tom Scully Posted September 5, 2010 Share Posted September 5, 2010 (edited) Probably just another coincidence (maybe we could shorten it to "pjac" since it must so often be used to qualify details of this nearly 48 years long investigation....) but, it seems it is not generally known that John McCone married his first wife, Rosemary Cooper on June 21, 1938, in Mexico City. This might seem curious, except for the facts that Rosemary's mother, Elizabeth Ralston Cooper, seems to have married for the second time in 1919 in Naco, AZ, to Charles L. Montague. Mr. Montague was the American Consul in Sonora, MX in 1905, and was the manager of the 4C mine in Mexico in 1935. Rosemary McCone's sister Catherine, was married at the time of the McCone wedding to a mining engineer who had attended VMI, was an US Army tank corpsman about to embark to France when WWI ended, and graduated from the University of AZ. His name was Dalton Beverly Pittman from Wilson, NC. He was electrocuted in a mining accident in Hildalgo, MX, on December 5, 1942. Catherine Cooper Pittman never remarried and died in San Francisco in January, 1995. Mo-Q - Cochise Genealogical Society Cochise County Attractions Caves & Caverns Cities In The Area .... Montague, Charles L. 39, Naco, AZ, Cooper, Elizabeth, 37, Naco, AZ, November 24, 1919 ... TO WITH Chatterbox - Los Angeles Times - ProQuest Archiver - Jun 22, 1938 FLASH Another bachelor flies the coop John McCone was married yesterday in Mexico City to Bay City belle Rosemary CooperWhew that's finally off our ... Related web pages AROUND TOWN WITH Chatterbox - Los Angeles Times - ProQuest Archiver - Aug 11, 1938 DID YOU KNOW That John ny McCone carried his bride across the threshold of a brand ... That Johnny Maschio post cards from Mexico City that it is THE Inost ... 'ROUND TOWN WITH Chatterbox - Los Angeles Times - ProQuest Archiver - Sep 14, 1938 The10o1nMcCones home after a a lp to MexiCo. Unlderstand Dr C o r o n MClaZielas thought are still across tile ea ill tOhe of leis lie waved to Christinoc ... OUR CONSULATE.; Rebel Mob at Cananea Threatens Attack, but... New York Times - Apr 26, 1914 CL Montague, American Consular Agent at Cananea, a rich copper mining town forty -five miles south of Naco, Ariz., telegraphed to Consul Frederick Simpich ... Article 1 -- No Title - Boston Daily Globe - ProQuest Archiver (Pay-Per-View) REBELS MENACE CONSULAR AGENT - Chicago Tribune There is a 1910 US Census entry, Location Nez Perce, Idaho listing: Augustine I Cooper, Jr. Age 44, born in Kentucky. (1900 Census list him living in Idaho as a boarder with presumably a brother.} Elizabeth R. Cooper Age 28 born in Idaho John Cooper, Son Mary Cooper, Daughter, Age 8 Catherine S Cooper, Daughter, Age 7 CATHERINE ELIZABETH 02/23/1903 Mother Maiden RALSTON Father Last COOPER Sex F Birth Place IDAHO Death Place CONTRA COSTA Death Date 01/11/1995 Name: Dalton Beverly Pittman Sex: M Birth: 14 OCT 1898 Death: 5 DEC 1941 Occupation: 1935 ABout 70 miles from Mexico City as Asst. Super. of a Silver mine. Father: Reddin Herbert Pittman b: 20 AUG 1870 Mother: Eunice Elizabeth Barnes b: 28 SEP 1875 Marriage 1 Catherine Cooper b: 23 FEB 1903 Married: 28 MAY 1926 It seems there are more petroleum and mining engineers on the peripehary than are usually encountered in a homicide investigation. Edited September 5, 2010 by Tom Scully Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Howard Posted September 5, 2010 Author Share Posted September 5, 2010 Many thanks to Bernice and Tom! Bernice, you never cease to amaze me, your JFK Collection is quite the arsenal...... Tom, I am extremely grateful that you are such a savvy genealogist/researcher. I have always wished that Edwin Lopez, he of the Oswald In Mexico Report, still believes that Lee Harvey Oswald was never in Mexico, at least that is my understanding of what he once said. On that front, if you study the files on Oswald's Mexico activities, the Agency did do a large amount of legwork, in the immediate aftermath of the Assassination, which they pretty much kept secret from the Warren Commission. Then around 1967, maybe on their own, or maybe because of Jim Garrison's very public probe into the Kennedy Assassination, a series of documents began to emerge regarding same, in one of them, it is mentioned that the Oswald who approached the Mexican students seeking help in obtaining a visa to enter Cuba, stated to them, that he "indicated he was from California." See A Memo advising Wesley D. Boles Of An Informatant I know that it is hard to understand how people progress in their experiences researching the JFK Assassination. Everything changed for me in the last couple of years, when I finished an ONI Article, it was thru that experience, that I learned there are several areas of the assassination, that the large majority of researchers consider dead ends which are anything but, dead ends. Believe it or not, the Rose Cheramie case, or rather the "drug deal" that was to transpire in Galveston, is an active lead. Because the one fact the naysayers can't refute is the fact that the Customs Officials who spoke with Lt. Francis Fruge stated that the information Cheramie gave regarding her reservations at the hotel were correct, so you have a seaman coming into port to take part in a heroin transaction, the Customs official assigned to track the seaman, "lost him," on purpose I might add. Douglas Valentine proved that the CIA owned the Galveston Customs officials, so what your left with are a bunch of people coming and going on ships circa November 1963 and later, who could be the same person who stepped of the ship in Galveston..... For me though, the cryptography connections are the swiftest manner of getting to the crux of the plot, it is not a shared belief, but others on the Forum do not know what I know. If you ever wonder what I am talking about, try to get your hands on a book entitled Strategy, security, and spies: Mexico and the U.S. as Allies in World War II By María Emilia Paz Salinas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bernice Moore Posted September 5, 2010 Share Posted September 5, 2010 (edited) you are very welcome robert, and thank you for the continual research you bring to and share with the forum collections are mainly other researchers work, they are the workers whom i thank, continually, i am a pack rat that stores it in the dungeon...for all the many,and when needed if found that is and shared....take good care carry on carrying on.... b Edited September 5, 2010 by Bernice Moore Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thomas Graves Posted September 5, 2010 Share Posted September 5, 2010 (edited) hi robert; i copied this from;WHITE WASH 1V if of any help...take care b.. PAGE 165; FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1. december 20,1963 Oren Pugh,.Agent in charge,, U.S.Customs Investigators. Loredo, Texas, advised SA ROBERT L.,CHAPMAN on 12/20/63 that two days ago Dec.18,1963, Mr.( first name unknown ) Gonzales, Customs Administrator .Miguel Aleman. Mexico, stated that the FBI had been checking for information on Oswald and that he (GONZALES) had found the information the FBI wanted concerning re-entry at Miguel Aleman,the same day OSWALD'S brother who had entered Mexico at Miguel Aleman the same day OSWALD entered Mexico at Laredo,Texas . Mr.GONZALES advised PUGH that he was holding these records at his office in Miguel Aleman. PUGH could furnish no additional information. 20 on 12/20/63 at Loredo Texas FILE # SA 105-2009 by S,A ROBERT L. CHAPMAN/dte Date dictated 12/20/63 Weisberg;'' this is just one of countless available examples of non-investigation and lingering questions. It is selected because the Commission discussed as a fact that Oswald's trip to Mexico was by car one way T184 and because there is little doubt that this could not have been Oswald's brother.''... Thanks Bernice and David.....After years of reflection on Robert Oswald being mentioned as crossing into Mexico, I have come to the conclusion, if he did it is as well-guarded a secret as any other mysterious and unknown aspect of the assassination. [..............] The big ticket item, and I will eat my hat if anyone can conclusively prove it, is the allegation that Oswald had a tattoo on his left arm..... Robert, I guess I missed it-- Who alleged that Oswald had a tattoo on his left arm? William Seymour of Interpen, who some researchers allege impersonated Oswald, had a tattoo on his upper left arm. (Photos are from Spartacus website.) --Thomas Edited September 5, 2010 by Thomas Graves Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bernice Moore Posted September 6, 2010 Share Posted September 6, 2010 (edited) HI THOMAS thanks for the information, just a thought but isn't that INFO in jim d's and lisa's the ''assassinations'' I AM NOT positive NOW, BUT SOMETHING IS NIGGLING.... .something about a restaurant and a waitress reporting such ???.TAKE CARE B Edited September 6, 2010 by Bernice Moore Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Harry J.Dean Posted September 6, 2010 Share Posted September 6, 2010 hi robert; i copied this from;WHITE WASH 1V if of any help..if you do not have it....take care b.. PAGE 165; FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 1. december 20,1963 Oren Pugh,.Agent in charge,, U.S.Customs Ivestigators. Loredo, Texas, advised SA ROBERT L.,CHAPMAN on 12/20/63 that two days ago Dec.18,1963, Mr.( first name unknown ) Gonzales, Customs Administrator .Miguel Aleman. Mexico, stated that the FBI had been checking for information on Oswald and that he (GONZALES) had found the information the FBI wanted concerning re-entry at Miguel Aleman,the same day OSWALD'S brother who had entered Mexico at Miguel Aleman the same day OSWALD entered Mexico at Laredo,Texas . Mr.GONZALES advised PUGH that he was holding these records at his office in Miguel Aleman. PUGH could furnish no additional information. 20 on 12/20/63 at Loredo Texas FILE # SA 105-2009 by S,A ROBERT L. CHAPMAN/dte Date dictated 12/20/63 Weisberg;'' this is just one of countless available examples of non-investigation and lingering questions. It is selected because the Commission discussed as a fact that Oswald's trip to Mexico was by car one way T184 and because there is little doubt that this could not have been Oswald's brother.''... Chicago Tribune, Tuesday, November 26, 1963. Mexico City, November, 25, 1963 EXCELSIOR Newspaper said Oswald crossed the border at Laredo,Tex. on Sept. 26, and drove to Mexico City... The United States custom service at Laredo confirmed this crossing, A spokesman said, "there are records to establish this" The records also showed Oswald reentered the United States Oct.3. {An excerpt from the 1990 Manuscript/book,CROSSTRAILS,page 20} Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Howard Posted September 6, 2010 Author Share Posted September 6, 2010 For Thomas Graves. There are at least two "Oswald" sightings, where a tatoo is mentioned, one is the allegation by Robert Patterson, [Contract Electronics] that Oswald and Ruby were there at his store together, and that "Oswald" had a tatoo, it is rather certain, at least to me that this is Larry Crafard. The other person who met an Oswald allegedly with a tatoo was Mrs James Walker, she said he had a tatoo on his left arm of a snake. ALLEGATION BY MRS. JAMES WILLIE WALKER THAT SHE SPENT ABOUT TWO HOURS Perhaps I should have phrased my statement differently, saying "I will eat my hat if anyone who saw an Oswald with a tatoo, can prove it was really Oswald." As they say the road to hell is paved with good Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Michael Hogan Posted September 6, 2010 Share Posted September 6, 2010 The original title of this topic was: Replying to Another Osswald In Mexico City. Someone has since changed the spelling of Osswald. Why did they do that? Just curious. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
William Kelly Posted September 6, 2010 Share Posted September 6, 2010 For Thomas Graves. There are at least two "Oswald" sightings, where a tatoo is mentioned, one is the allegation by Robert Patterson, [Contract Electronics] that Oswald and Ruby were there at his store together, and that "Oswald" had a tatoo, it is rather certain, at least to me that this is Larry Crafard. The other person who met an Oswald allegedly with a tatoo was Mrs James Walker, she said he had a tatoo on his left arm of a snake. ALLEGATION BY MRS. JAMES WILLIE WALKER THAT SHE SPENT ABOUT TWO HOURS http://www.maryferre...325&relPageId=6 Perhaps I should have phrased my statement differently, saying "I will eat my hat if anyone who saw an Oswald with a tatoo, can prove it was really Oswald." As they say the road to hell is paved with good Hey Robert, That's a real interesting story about Oswald Lee at the house in Grand Prarie, which is not far from Dallas, right? GP NAS is there? And they all worked at LTV. There's too many coincidences for Mrs. JW Walker to have made up - job at TSBD, date of event - week before Holloween - Oct. 21? - use of telephone - wife in Irving, room in Oak Cliff, coffee not beer. It's all Sooo soooo Oswald, except for the tatto - of the dagger and snake - "Don't Tread On Me," the early flag of the Revolution. And like Michael, I too would like to know why the moderator-administrator changed the title of the tread, possibly correcting the Osswald name without having read the post perhaps? BK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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