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GNA’ airs infamous Abraham Zapruder home-movie of John F. Kennedy assassination: broadcast for the first time, program ignites ‘Second Gunman’ controversy, which still persists today;


Edited by Bernice Moore
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Guest Robert Morrow

Second that Capone.

[Note how BOTH Geraldo and Bill O'Reilly who know the truth about the JFK assassination - truth being it was an elite domestic conspiracy - note how they BOTH say NOTHING about this at FOX. And O'Reilly had Bugliosi on his show in 2007 and had to play along like a dumb bunny asking questions about Lee Harvey Oswald.]

I liked the part when Geraldo was in Iraq, mapping out on the sand the gameplan ("sensitive operational details) of the US military on national TV. The military kicked him out to the Kuwaiti border: http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/03/31/sprj.irq.geraldo/

Military kicks Geraldo out of Iraq

'He gave away the big picture stuff'

From Chris Plante

Monday, March 31, 2003 Posted: 5:05 PM EST (2205 GMT)

Geraldo Rivera

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Fox News Channel correspondent Geraldo Rivera is being expelled from Iraq for broadcasting details about future U.S. troop movements in the country, according to the Pentagon.

A primary obligation of the hundreds of reporters traveling with coalition forces in Iraq is to refrain from disclosing sensitive information about military operations.

The veteran correspondent, who was temporarily accompanying the Army's 101st Airborne Division, violated the rule during a live broadcast on Fox television.

"He was with a (U.S.) military unit in the field and the commander felt that he had compromised operational information by reporting the position and movements of troops," Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman told Reuters.

After the disclosure, members of the 101st Airborne were in the process of escorting Rivera out of the combat zone, a Pentagon official told CNN.

"He will be dropped at the Kuwaiti border," the official said.

Fox News in New York had no immediate comment, according to Reuters.

In the broadcast, Rivera instructed his photographer to tilt the camera down to the sand in front of his feet so that he could draw a map.

The Fox correspondent then outlined a map of Iraq, and showed the relative location of Baghdad and his location with the 101st Airborne unit.

Rivera then continued with his sandy diagram to illustrate where the 101st would be going next.

"He went down in the sand and drew where the forces are going," said a stunned senior military official. "He gave away the big picture stuff."

Edited by Robert Morrow
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Edited by Bernice Moore
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Before the move to Fox, Chris Matthews had Jesse Ventura on his show. Ventura discussed some of the JFK Conspiracy info. After the show, Chris and Geraldo had a discussion about things Ventura had mentioned...just before Geraldo started his show that evening. They both snickered and rediculed things that Ventura had mentioned. That angered me and I have not really watched either one's show since then.


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What's Larry Flynt up to these days?

The Iraq wars from Iran, Kuwait, Iraq were all manipulated, unwarranted and served a purpose. millions have died and live now in a highly toxic environment. Was this whatsisnames fault?

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""QUOTE;Rauh told Policoff, "You know Jerry, I never thought the Kennedy case was a conspiracy. But if they can do that to Dick Sprague, it must have been."




Edited by Bernice Moore
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  • 2 years later...

I will never forget seeing that show when it was broadcast.

I was in a bar in my hometown in Erie Pa. Everybody was just stunned at what they saw. And everyone came to the conclusion that either Oswald didn't do it or he didn't do it alone. It was that electric.

Jerry Policoff was backstage that night since he had escorted Groden there. He told me that they never expected ABC to let the show proceed and neither did Geraldo.

BTW, a young Andy Purdy was a law student at VIrginia at the time. HIs roommate was Rep. Tom Downing's son. After they saw the show they asked Groden for a copy. THey showed it to Tom Downing and that is how he sponsored his bill to open the HSCA.

I wish the show had been better produced and scripted, but I am glad it got on. It shows just how powerful the film is.

Really too bad what happened to the HSCA. But the combination of the national showing of the film, the outpouring of outrage, all the volunteers who wanted to be on the HSCA--they got 12,000 resumes--plus the choice of Sprague and Tanenbaum, all that alerted the other side they had to go into attack mode to fend off a possible revolution. So they managed a lobbying campaign to get rid of Sprague and Tanenbaum.

The best comment I heard on how they vilified Sprague was from the late Joe Rauh, a veteran liberal lobbyist who knew Sprague from Pennsylvania politics. He didn't really like him since they were not political soul mates but he respected his abilities as a lawyer.

Rauh told Policoff, "You know Jerry, I never thought the Kennedy case was a conspiracy. But if they can do that to Dick Sprague, it must have been."

Before the move to Fox, Chris Matthews had Jesse Ventura on his show. Ventura discussed some of the JFK Conspiracy info. After the show, Chris and Geraldo had a discussion about things Ventura had mentioned...just before Geraldo started his show that evening. They both snickered and rediculed things that Ventura had mentioned. That angered me and I have not really watched either one's show since then.


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I used to watch Geraldo's night time show Rivera Live religiously. One night, appropos to nothing, he ended his show very strangely. There was a man sitting next to him. Who was he? All of a sudden Geraldo looked at the camera and shook his head. Then he said, "Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy from behind. There was no conspiracy". The show ended and I was in shock. What a desperate son of a you know what. The following week he made an announcment (paraphrased): "I have bad tidings. I'm a reporter. I have to go where the action is. We're at war and I will be leaving this show." It turned out that he took a job with Fox as Foreign Coorespondant. Did he have to lie about the Kennedy Assassination to get in? I wonder if he ever saw the "other film." I don't know how he can stand himself.

Geraldo has made an announcement this past week. He wants to run as REPUBLICAN Senator of New Jersey. Can you believe him? If I was in NJ, where I came from originally, I would protest and work for the Democratic party, like I did this past year. I cannot believe what a creep he is. To people concerned about 9-11 he told them, "Get a Life."

He's a nasty piece of work.

Kathy C

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Guest Robert Morrow

I used to watch Geraldo's night time show Rivera Live religiously. One night, appropos to nothing, he ended his show very strangely. There was a man sitting next to him. Who was he? All of a sudden Geraldo looked at the camera and shook his head. Then he said, "Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy from behind. There was no conspiracy". The show ended and I was in shock. What a desperate son of a you know what. The following week he made an announcment (paraphrased): "I have bad tidings. I'm a reporter. I have to go where the action is. We're at war and I will be leaving this show." It turned out that he took a job with Fox as Foreign Coorespondant. Did he have to lie about the Kennedy Assassination to get in? I wonder if he ever saw the "other film." I don't know how he can stand himself.

Geraldo has made an announcement this past week. He wants to run as REPUBLICAN Senator of New Jersey. Can you believe him? If I was in NJ, where I came from originally, I would protest and work for the Democratic party, like I did this past year. I cannot believe what a creep he is. To people concerned about 9-11 he told them, "Get a Life."

He's a nasty piece of work.

Kathy C

Kathy, Roger Ailes of FOX is a very close friend and former inner circle political advisor of George Herbert Walker Bush, who a minority of JFK researchers believes was deeply involved in the JFK assassination. So what does that tell you?

GHW Bush is also the same guy who says he can't remember where he was on 11/22/63 and don't forget his epicly pitiful performance at Gerald Ford's funeral.

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GHW Bush is also the same guy who says he can't remember where he was on 11/22/63 and don't forget his epicly pitiful performance at Gerald Ford's funeral.

I agree Robert. That address to Ford's funeral was the oddest thing I've ever seen. Like he was giving away a family joke. Worth finding and posting here, if someone can...

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