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I had a wonderful interview with Ed Haslam on Wednesday and, during the fifth segment (added to make sure

I could raise some questions, I asked him about the Vary impostor. Apparently, there is a long interview with

Jim Marrs on his web site, doctormarysmonkey.com. Several interviews are linked there, including that one:



This post appeared on the Doug Horne thread. I've written extensively about Jim Marrs' interview with Ed Haslam

on the Exile thread. At about the 38 minute mark of this video, Ed Haslam describes getting a packet of materials

from 60 Minutes, delivered by FedEx. He opens it up, sees the name Judyth Vary Baker along with a phone number

for her. He describes picking up the phone and calling her.

Jim, based on this interview, exactly when did Ed Haslam call Judyth Baker?


Thanks for the link. When the radio mp3 files are straightened out,

you will see that I asked Ed one or more of your questions. The link

to his interview with Jim Marrs was his answer to the important one.

I've watched that Marrs/Haslam interview a dozen times. Please let me know when your interview is accessible.

I resent your implication that I only asked one important question about Haslam's work.

Edited by Michael Hogan
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Guest James H. Fetzer


No offense intended. I should have said the one that I interpreted as of greatest concern to you. I have

appreciated the manner in which you conduct your posts. Certainly more civil than many of my own, alas! I

think Ed met Judyth in person rather than calling her. In any case, we had one of the mp3 files missing or

or in the wrong order. I should have listened to the whole thing before it was posted. That was my mistake.


I had a wonderful interview with Ed Haslam on Wednesday and, during the fifth segment (added to make sure

I could raise some questions, I asked him about the Vary impostor. Apparently, there is a long interview with

Jim Marrs on his web site, doctormarysmonkey.com. Several interviews are linked there, including that one:



This post appeared on the Doug Horne thread. I've written extensively about Jim Marrs' interview with Ed Haslam

on the Exile thread. At about the 38 minute mark of this video, Ed Haslam describes getting a packet of materials

from 60 Minutes, delivered by FedEx. He opens it up, sees the name Judyth Vary Baker along with a phone number

for her. He describes picking up the phone and calling her.

Jim, based on this interview, exactly when did Ed Haslam call Judyth Baker?


Thanks for the link. When the radio mp3 files are straightened out,

you will see that I asked Ed one or more of your questions. The link

to his interview with Jim Marrs was his answer to the important one.

I've watched that Marrs/Haslam interview a dozen times. Please let me know when your interview is accessible.

I resent your implication that I only asked one important question about Haslam's work.

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Guest James H. Fetzer

Elsewhere, Bill has acknowledged that he has yet to read the book. So what else is new?

....Needless to say, Judyth's story would make an excellent sequel to Oliver Stone's movie JFK,,,,'

--Dr. J. P. Hubert, MD FACS

No, Judyth's story would make an excellent sequel to The Blue Lagoon.

Edited by James H. Fetzer
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This post appeared on the Doug Horne thread. I've written extensively about Jim Marrs' interview with Ed Haslam

on the Exile thread. At about the 38 minute mark of this video, Ed Haslam describes getting a packet of materials

from 60 Minutes, delivered by FedEx. He opens it up, sees the name Judyth Vary Baker along with a phone number

for her. He describes picking up the phone and calling her.

Jim, based on this interview, exactly when did Ed Haslam call Judyth Baker?

I think Ed met Judyth in person rather than calling her.

Jim, you should be embarrassed by that response.

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Guest James H. Fetzer


I have written to Ed requesting clarification. The file has been fixed at http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com.


This post appeared on the Doug Horne thread. I've written extensively about Jim Marrs' interview with Ed Haslam

on the Exile thread. At about the 38 minute mark of this video, Ed Haslam describes getting a packet of materials

from 60 Minutes, delivered by FedEx. He opens it up, sees the name Judyth Vary Baker along with a phone number

for her. He describes picking up the phone and calling her.

Jim, based on this interview, exactly when did Ed Haslam call Judyth Baker?

I think Ed met Judyth in person rather than calling her.

Jim, you should be embarrassed by that response.

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Guest James H. Fetzer


You were correct. Ed wrote, "Referring to the real JVB, I first spoke to her by phone for several months

in late 2000. She did not accompany the 60M attorney who came to see me. After 60 minutes passed, we

met in the spring of 2001 in Bradenton. We met in the Central Library and went to Miller’s Restaurant to talk."



I have written to Ed requesting clarification. The file has been fixed at http://radiofetzer.blogspot.com.


This post appeared on the Doug Horne thread. I've written extensively about Jim Marrs' interview with Ed Haslam

on the Exile thread. At about the 38 minute mark of this video, Ed Haslam describes getting a packet of materials

from 60 Minutes, delivered by FedEx. He opens it up, sees the name Judyth Vary Baker along with a phone number

for her. He describes picking up the phone and calling her.

Jim, based on this interview, exactly when did Ed Haslam call Judyth Baker?

I think Ed met Judyth in person rather than calling her.

Jim, you should be embarrassed by that response.

Edited by James H. Fetzer
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You were correct. Ed wrote, "Referring to the real JVB, I first spoke to her by phone for several months

in late 2000. She did not accompany the 60M attorney who came to see me. After 60 minutes passed, we

met in the spring of 2001 in Bradenton. We met in the Central Library and went to Miller’s Restaurant to talk."


Jim, my question remains:

This post appeared on the Doug Horne thread. I've written extensively about Jim Marrs' interview with Ed Haslam

on the Exile thread. At about the 38 minute mark of this video, Ed Haslam describes getting a packet of materials

from 60 Minutes, delivered by FedEx. He opens it up, sees the name Judyth Vary Baker along with a phone number

for her. He describes picking up the phone and calling her.

Jim, based on this interview, exactly when did Ed Haslam call Judyth Baker?

I wasn't asking Ed Haslam. I've been down that road before on the Exile thread. I'm asking you to listen to the

appropriate part of the interview with Marrs and confirm to me that my description above is accurate. It will only

take you a few minutes. Thank you.

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You were correct. Ed wrote, "Referring to the real JVB, I first spoke to her by phone for several months

in late 2000. She did not accompany the 60M attorney who came to see me. After 60 minutes passed, we

met in the spring of 2001 in Bradenton. We met in the Central Library and went to Miller’s Restaurant to talk."


Jim, my question remains:

This post appeared on the Doug Horne thread. I've written extensively about Jim Marrs' interview with Ed Haslam

on the Exile thread. At about the 38 minute mark of this video, Ed Haslam describes getting a packet of materials

from 60 Minutes, delivered by FedEx. He opens it up, sees the name Judyth Vary Baker along with a phone number

for her. He describes picking up the phone and calling her.

Jim, based on this interview, exactly when did Ed Haslam call Judyth Baker?

I wasn't asking Ed Haslam. I've been down that road before on the Exile thread. I'm asking you to listen to the

appropriate part of the interview with Marrs and confirm to me that my description above is accurate. It will only

take you a few minutes. Thank you.

@ M Hogan: It would be helpful to explain what's your point...

Edited by Karl Kinaski
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I truly feel that this is the book that will exonerate Lee Harvey Oswald beyond question, and will fundamentally restructure the way informed Americans view the assassination.

And just how is a supposed love affair going to exonerate LHO and make us view the assassination in a new light?

I dont believe Judyth for a second, but how is Lee cheating on his wife and Judyth cheating on her husband going to do anything to further assassination research?

I will answer that myself, it wont do anything

Did you read the book, Dean?

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I would suggest that, while it may be helpful to ask yourself all the questions posed by Michael Hogan, it would be much more helpful just to read the book first. What are the attackers so afraid of? It's as though people can't make an objective decision on their own. Read, compare and think for yourselves.

1) Two of the most visible and vocal proponents of Judyth Baker's story have been Ed Haslam and Jim Fetzer. Taking issue with,

or asking questions about what they write and say does not ipso facto constitute an attack on Judyth Baker.

2) During the lengthy Exile thread started by Jim Fetzer, readers were exposed to research, information, evidence, and arguments

from all different angles. Many researchers and members weighed in with their thoughts and opinions. Even Judyth Baker, through Jim Fetzer,

was an active participant in that thread. There is Dr Mary's Monkey, Judyth Baker's first book, and websites that convey the latest information;

Haslam has a website, Judyth Baker has a website; Jim Fetzer has a blog. There are tons of interviews on YouTube and elsewhere. There has been

no shortage of information that allows people to read, compare, and think for themselves, as Linda puts it. If someone has not read Judyth

Baker's new book, they are not by default disqualified from having an informed opinion.

3) Jim Fetzer and Dean Hartwell, two of Judyth Baker's most ardent and constant supporters, were the first respondents on this new thread. They voiced

some of the reasons they support Judyth's story. By and large, they seem to be the same reasons given previously. I would like to hear them explain

in more detail how they believe Judyth's new book is a game changer (or mind changer for that matter) as it pertains to her alleged love affair with

Lee Oswald. I have read their Amazon reviews of Me & Lee.

And of course Ed Haslam has constantly declined to answer questions about JVB, repeatedly explaining that he wanted to wait for her new book to be released.

It will be interesting to see if Haslam becomes more active in his participation.

4) For a myriad of reasons, the fact remains that many people do not believe Judyth Baker's story about her relationship with Lee Oswald.

It is not unreasonable to understand that some of those people may be likely to have residual anger towards someone whom they feel has repeatedly

and intimately interjected herself fraudulently into the history of this controversial and still highly-charged murder case.

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I would suggest that, while it may be helpful to ask yourself all the questions posed by Michael Hogan, it would be much more helpful just to read the book first. What are the attackers so afraid of? It's as though people can't make an objective decision on their own. Read, compare and think for yourselves.

3) Jim Fetzer and Dean Hartwell, two of Judyth Baker's most ardent and constant supporters, were the first respondents on this new thread. They voiced

some of the reasons they support Judyth's story. By and large, they seem to be the same reasons given previously. I would like to hear them explain

in more detail how they believe Judyth's new book is a game changer (or mind changer for that matter) as it pertains to her alleged love affair with

Lee Oswald. I have read their Amazon reviews of Me & Lee.

Hi Michael,

The book confirmed my belief in Judyth's story so I can't say it changed my mind. I am impressed with it's internal consistency. Judyth recounts her life in a manner I would expect one who is recalling their past. She remembers people who made an impression on her, she talks of how she felt when events took place and she discusses places she went.

I especially felt confirmation of her story when I connected her recollections to other facets of the JFK tragedy. She quotes Oswald as speaking favorably of the President and as being ardently anti-Castro. She explains his route to Mexico and confirms his trip there in a way rarely described before and yet not contradictory to facts. She also explains that Oswald could drive and had a TX driver's license, which is also well supported.

Michael, like all of us, you have read or will read this book through your own prism of how you perceive Judyth's credibility. Not a problem. I am interested in your thoughts on the book.

Edited by Dean Hartwell
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I truly feel that this is the book that will exonerate Lee Harvey Oswald beyond question, and will fundamentally restructure the way informed Americans view the assassination.

And just how is a supposed love affair going to exonerate LHO and make us view the assassination in a new light?

I dont believe Judyth for a second, but how is Lee cheating on his wife and Judyth cheating on her husband going to do anything to further assassination research?

I will answer that myself, it wont do anything

Did you read the book, Dean?

Of course not, I have a library full of my kids Mother Goose books

I dont need to add any more fairy tales to my kids collection

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Guest James H. Fetzer


During this part of the interview--and I AM embarrassed that I have not listened to it before!--Ed talks about

meeting the impostor "Judyth Vary Baker" in 1972 at a party, which seems to have been "set up" for them to

meet, but that it was not until the fall of 2000, when he received "a packet of material" from an national news

organization (we know to have been "60 Minutes"), which included her name and her phone number, that he

picked up the phone and called her. There is nothing about "FedEx" in this part of the tape, so, if that is part

of what he has told us, he does not offer that information at this point on tape. I find the whole "impostor" aspect

extremely interesting, since whoever set her up had gone to great lengths to create the impression that she was

Judyth Vary Baker by simulating her background and her interests, which not only implies detailed knowledge of

the real Judyth but a non-trivial effort to convince others, perhaps especially Ed, that she was the real Judyth. I

find this to be a striking indication that Judyth REALLY WAS THERE and that she REALLY KNEW LEE. I say that

because it would appear to have been the purpose of this charade to misinform Ed about her knowledge of Lee.

So, I would like to know why this part of the story, which you have reviewed many times, hasn't impressed you.



You were correct. Ed wrote, "Referring to the real JVB, I first spoke to her by phone for several months

in late 2000. She did not accompany the 60M attorney who came to see me. After 60 minutes passed, we

met in the spring of 2001 in Bradenton. We met in the Central Library and went to Miller’s Restaurant to talk."


Jim, my question remains:

This post appeared on the Doug Horne thread. I've written extensively about Jim Marrs' interview with Ed Haslam

on the Exile thread. At about the 38 minute mark of this video, Ed Haslam describes getting a packet of materials

from 60 Minutes, delivered by FedEx. He opens it up, sees the name Judyth Vary Baker along with a phone number

for her. He describes picking up the phone and calling her.

Jim, based on this interview, exactly when did Ed Haslam call Judyth Baker?

I wasn't asking Ed Haslam. I've been down that road before on the Exile thread. I'm asking you to listen to the

appropriate part of the interview with Marrs and confirm to me that my description above is accurate. It will only

take you a few minutes. Thank you.

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