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Is this receipt for the Mystery Package

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Does this provide us the address underneath the sticker?

(7 from the bottom - notice to attempt to deliver)

And if so does the address mean anything?



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Hi David,

It might be a matter of opinion whether that is the postage due notice for the package in the FBI photo, the package found in the “Nixie” section of the Irving Post Office after the assassination, or whether the notice in question refers to “a newspaper or a magazine” with insufficient postage, for this is what Ruth Paine told Postal Inspector Roy Armstrong:


Lee Farley (and others including me) find it intriguing that this postage due notice was reportedly found in Oswald’s suitcase at the Paine house, and was initially associated with, or possibly attached to, another postal form bearing the name and address of George A. Bouhe:



Edited by Tom Hume
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Yes that evidence descriptive sheet contains the mail notice left at the Paines' for LHO and the mystery bag.

But where do you get that it supplies a return address?

Hi Jim,

Don't believe I mentioned a RETURN address but simply the address that may appear beneath the sticker since Irving, TX was the "original" address written directly on the bag... it was just a thought... do we know who/where the PO receipt is referring to?

EDIT: my mistake... 2515 is the Paine house and 606 Nassau"s" does not exist... the receipt refers to where IT was sent, not the package I guess... then again, if the address UNDER the label is the Paine house... and the writing is trying to look like Oswald's... sending himself the paper bag... nice.

I did a google search and the home was there in 1963... built in '56.... but no ownership records.

I'm with Lee... Bouhe, like the rest of the upper class Russian white group... was very taken back by George and his antics as well as surprised at the low birth and non-social presentation of the Oswalds.

Finally... I did a little work on the bottom part of the bag... Am I seeing things or does this really say FBI on it.. UNDER the postmark?

Edited by David Josephs
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I think it matches HDH's signature

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I can see that... thanks...

Any thoughts as to why he would have his initials on there?

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Thanks for the kind words.


Several of us looked into this topic last year on a thread started by Lee Farley called "The Decision to Assassinate". Bernice Moore got us started with her post #79. Read through to the end and you'll at least see what we were able to dig up. On my final post on that thread, I wrote:

"It has been pointed out that the Oswald package is probably one more example of the waters being intentionally muddied and this may be true. But learning more about this piece of evidence still has the potential to help answer some basic questions: Was the package and its contents designed, like other pieces of evidence, to implicate Oswald? Was Oswald aware of a trap he was falling into and created the package as protection insurance? Or is it merely a red herring?

A better photograph may be in the offing and this might clarify what appear to be strange markings on the label. A hand’s-on look at the package, back and front, might tell us a lot. Some expert opinion as to the authorship of the address label is fundamental to any hypothesis. And if John Armstrong is correct, many employees at the Irving Post Office got a good look at the package - some may be still alive and even remember what information the package originally bore.

In reference to a similarly puzzling topic, Bill Kelly wrote: “There may be dozens of possible scenarios, based on what we know, but it only happened one way, so instead of trying to figure out all the possibilities and picking one you like, I like adding more pieces to the puzzle until it figures itself out.”

For those wanting to know more about the Oswald package, Michael Hogan, Bernice Moore, Lee Farley, Bill Kelly, Jim DiEugenio, and John Dolva contributed the following sources and links:

The Lee Oswald Package (AKA; D-60, Q265 & Q266), and the possibly relevant Postage Due Notices (AKA #209)


A1) Accessories After the Fact, by Sylvia Meagher - p. 63 and 64.

She paraphrases CD 205, p. 145, and gives her analysis and speculations.

A2) Harvey and Lee: How the CIA Framed Oswald, by John Armstrong – pgs. 782 to 784.

A3) Conspiracy - Anthony Summers, Paragon House Edition, pgs. 71-72.

A4) Murder from Within - Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams, Chapter 7: Scapegoat. (Probe, 1974) Soon to be re-released on CD


B1) FBI photo of Oswald package – original source unknown at this time. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_YwYqFBoL3ZA/S0nxNLG3A0I/AAAAAAAAAI8/Urm8NzsEjkg/s1600-h/PaperBagPackage.jpg

B2) Small photo of package label from The Undeliverable Package by Gary Murr.


B3) Commission Document 735 p.50 #288) Oswald possessions from Paine house (FBI) –“A blue composition suitcase, 28 inches by 16 inches by 8 inches.”


B4) Dallas Police Saturday inventory of Paine house (Nov. 23, 1963) (by Moore, Rose, and Stovall) “1 notice of attempt to deliver mail, card dated November 20, 1963, to Mr. Lee Oswald, 2515 West 5th, Irving, Texas – a parcel to be picked up.”


B5) Dallas Police Department, Property Clerk’s Invoice or Receipt (Nov. 26, 1963) Item #209 - “Postal Form, label bearing name George A Bouhe, 4740 Homer St. Dallas, Tex., Postal Form bearing name Lee Oswald dated 11/20/63”.


B6) FBI 62-109090 Warren Commission HQ File, Section 28. This is FBI inventory of Paine residence showing NO exhibit No. 209 (#209 being postage due notice found by Dallas Police)


B7) Warren Commission Hearings Volume XXIII page 420 - “On November 25, it was determined that a postage due parcel had been on hand in the Irving post office for Mrs. or Mr. Oswald earlier in the week of the assassination and was delivered about November 20 or 21.”


B8 Commission Document 735 –FBI Gemberling Report of Mar 1964 (p. 42) Item No. 209: “A U.S. Postal Form “Notice of Attempt to Deliver Mail” bearing the name LEE OSWALD and dated 11/20/63.”


B9) From: Richard Gilbride HSCA Collection, scroll down to Gus Rose Interview Transcript pgs. 23 to 25 (Conducted 4/13/78)


B10) Warren Commission Hearings, Volume XXV p. 578. FBI Laboratory information concerning Q265 and Q266. The package containing paper sack found at the Irving Post Office addressed to Lee Oswald, 601 West Nassaus St, Dallas Texas.


B11) FBI 62-109090 Warren Commission HQ File, Section 28. FBI Exhibit No. “D60” description: “Brown envelope and paper bag from Irving, Texas, Post Office”


B12) Memorandum dated 12/16/63, from S.F. Latona to Mr. Trotter, about Q265 and Q266 – lack of fingerprints mentioned.


B13) FBI 105-8255 Oswald HQ File, Section 156, page 55. Another FBI description of D60, AKA Q265 and Q266.


B14) FBI 62-109090 Warren Commission HQ File, Section 28, p. 26 and 27.


B15) “Dallas Postal Inspector Roy Armstrong was interviewed by the FBI on February 24, 1964 and said that a package…”


B16) Richard S. Stovall's letter briefly describing the Paine house search on 11/25/63 - lists personnel involved.


B17) Commission Document 205, p. 148. "On December 12, 1963, Dallas T-2 furnished information to SA Charles T. Brown reflecting a brown paper parcel had been located in the "Nixie"...18 inches in length...”


B18) From CD 735, p. 255, dated 2/25/64. With minor differences, the wording of this document was later added to a larger document, WC HQ File, Section 28, p. 26 (B15 of bibliography).


B19) This document is from CD 735, p. 254, (undated) it is similar in content to others.


B20) CD 1546, p. 102 & 103. These have to do with Ruth Paine, Marina Oswald and her children were being at the dental clinic on Nov. 20 when the postage due package might have arrived at the Paine house.


B21) CE 2060 (Vol. XXIV, p. 479. Secret Service agent Kelley speaking privately to Oswald. (scroll to CE 2060)



C1) John Armstrong’s “November In Dallas 1997” presentation “Harvey & Lee” Transcribed by Jerry Robertson. Scroll down 2/3 way. Discusses postage due notice and package.


C2) Article about package by George Bailey.


C3) Article about package by Michael T. Griffith written 1996


C4) The Undeliverable Package, by Gary Murr


C5) Michael Hogan, Post #177 on this thread quoting John Armstrong on package.



D1) Lots of examples of Oswald's handwriting - CE 780 and following.


D2) Documentation - the making of the replica paper sack at the TSBD.


D3) CE 2064 - FBI report concerning memorandum furnished by Postal Inspector HD Holmes, Dallas.


D4) Odum/Truly interview concerning packaging materials at TSBD and constructing a replica paper bag.


D5) Hoover's 3/19/64 letter to Commission- paper bags Q10, K53, and paper/tape K2 (confusion)


D6) The Paper Sack, by Jerry McLeer, March 15, 2000


D7) Oswald orders Ogonek Magazine and others.


Edited by Tom Hume
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Excellent... thank you Tom.

Not knowing enough about this piece of the puzzle Lee, I am very comfortable leaning on your instincts... and those named by Tom.

Glad to see you still posting here and adding to the collective knowledge pool


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Glad to see you're back, Tom. Well done on your recovery from what can only amount to quite a traumatic procedure.

I've missed your insights and tenaciousness.

Let me echo Lee's words. I'm glad you're back, doing and feeling well. I was wondering why you weren't posting

I thought that thread was important and fascinating, and you and Lee were a big part of it.

Your summary and organization of the evidence was a considerable amount of work and appreciated by many members, I'm sure.

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I can see that... thanks...

Any thoughts as to why he would have his initials on there?

It was Holmes who opened it post-assassination, David. We'll never know what was in it. We have just his and the FBI's word that it was a paper bag inside the package.

It's obvious, to me, that the gummed address label was put on after the assassination. I think it's Oswald's writing underneath the Nassaus label and he was sending something to himself, but for his own security didn't put the right amount of postage on the item so it would be kept at the Post Office rather than being delivered. Obviously very speculative on my part, but I don't fully buy into it containing a paper bag.

Welcome back Tom.


I read it as Holmes opening it between the two x-- --x.The tear before and after the first x appears different, so perhaps whatever was in the package could be extracted with a tear to the first x, Holmes then appears to have fully opened it and removed what may have been wraping for whtever may have been inside.

IF it's the rear of the paclage it's the from or return address that's obscured. ...?

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  • 9 months later...


I think there’s a good chance that coded meaning was intentionally placed in the bogus address of this address label. I’d like to find out if any of you see obvious signs of encryption, and if you do and are so inclined, please lend a hand.

Follow along, and I'll point out two or three ways the creator of this label may have tried to connect Lee Oswald with the Office of Navel Intelligence.

Click on this:


Last year, John Dolva noticed that the words “assassin”, or “assassinate” seemed to jump out at him. I noticed that Jack Ruby’s famous unlisted telephone number, WH1-5601, was fairly simple to tease out of this address.

I think there are three (perhaps more) extra letters imbedded in other letters on the address label.

The first is the “o” inside the circle on the top of the letter “O” in Oswald.

The second and third are imbedded in the capital “W” in the word “West”. John Dolva pointed out last year that on the left side of the “W” there is a heavy vertical line that turns the left side of the “W” into a large lower case “n”. Cover the right side of the “W” with your hand and I think you’ll easily see what I mean. Also, the very center of the “W” (the inverted V portion of the “W”), I think might well have been intended to be used as an “i” – it even appears to be dotted, although that could be an artifact of the poor photo we have (this “i” might be a weakness in my argument, but I’ll strengthen it below).

Those three additional letters are, “ONI”.

Starting at the odd additional “o” in Oswald, draw an imaginary vertical line strait down the label and stop at the odd looking “a” in “Dallas”. We have now drawn a line through the two “Os” in Oswald, the “W” in “West” which includes an “n” and an “i”, and stopped at a suspicious looking “a” in “Dallas”. If we view that “a” as a crossroads, we have an “s” on one side, and “Dall” on the other.

These letters together are: “Oo Win s Dall”. With those we can spell: “L. Oswald, ONI”.

I arbitrarily used caps, but the punctuation marks, a comma and a period, might be found near the upper right hand corner of the “6” in “601” (more about those punctuation marks in a moment).

But I’ve failed to account for the second “a” in Dallas that we used for a crossroads.

I don’t want to make too much out of the “a”, but it does look suspect. We don’t know if the word “Dallas” was crossed out by the author of the label, or a Post Office employee, but it’s been a little defiled. It seems, however, to have a vertical line running up the center of it. Perhaps that’s an intentional “i”. That same symbol (a circle with a line up the center) is also used for a Cyrillic “f” and the Cyrillic number “500”. The “a” also looks like a circle with a plus sign in the middle – like a rifle-scope. A similar symbol was used by the Zodiac killer on his coded messages. And finally, it could be an “a” with both an “i” and an equals (=) sign in the center. In that case, maybe the creator wanted us to make anagrams: “OoWinsDall” – “A” (anagram) “= L. Oswald, ONI”.

But I’m puzzling over the meaning, if anything, of the second “a” in “Dallas”. I haven’t so far been able to locate a definitive meaning for a circle with a cross in the middle – some feedback here would be appreciated. But I’m inclined to believe that at least one of the purposes for the vertical line up the center of the second “a” was to indicate another embedded “i”. And it seems that my hypothetical creator was trying to make sure that we caught the fact, before the fact, that he was claiming to be “ONI”.

To bolster my point:

To the left of the obvious (I believe) large lower-case “n” attached to the left side of the “W” in “West”, there is the number “601”. Between the “6” and the “01”, there is what appears to be a semicolon, as if the “6” and the “01” are separated. Well, if that’s the case, the “0” (zero) and the 1 (one) could just as easily serve as the letters, “O” and “I”, and when combined with the “n” on the leading edge of the “W”, this makes yet another expression of “ONI”. That’s a possible total of three “ONIs”.

However, I’m going to try to confine myself to only the “601 West Nassaus St” line (and still using the wild-card letters, “ONI”).

[The remainder of this post contained a number of mistakes, as did the following post. I’m re-writing both and will submit a corrected post soon]


Edited by Tom Hume
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I think there’s a good chance that coded meaning was intentionally placed in the bogus address of this address label. I’d like to find out if any of you see obvious signs of encryption, and if you do and are so inclined, please lend a hand.

Follow along, and I'll point out two or three ways that the creator of this label may have tried to connect Lee Oswald with the Office of Navel Intelligence.

Click on this:


Last year, John Dolva noticed that the words “assassin”, or “assassinate” seemed to jump out at him. I noticed that Jack Ruby’s famous unlisted telephone number, WH1-5601, was fairly simple to tease out of this address, as was his area code and complete home address, including his apartment number (I’ve previously posted a little about this, and I’ll have more to add later).

I think there are three (perhaps more) extra letters imbedded in other letters on the address label.

The first is the “o” inside the circle on the top of the letter “O” in Oswald.

The second and third are imbedded in the capital “W” in the word “West”. John Dolva pointed out last year that on the left side of the “W” there is a heavy vertical line that turns the left side of the “W” into a large lower case “n”. Cover the right side of the “W” with your hand and I think you’ll easily see what I mean. Also, the very center of the “W” (the inverted V portion of the “W”), I think might well have been intended to be used as an “i” – it even appears to be dotted, although that could be an artifact of the poor photo we have (this “i” might be a weakness in my argument, but I’ll strengthen it below).

Those three additional letters are, “ONI”.

Starting at the odd additional “o” in Oswald, draw an imaginary vertical line strait down the label and stop at the odd looking “a” in “Dallas”. We have now drawn a line through the two “Os” in Oswald, the “W” in “West” which includes an “n” and an “i”, and stopped at a suspicious looking “a” in “Dallas”. If we view that “a” as a crossroads, we have an “s” on one side, and “Dall” on the other.

These letters together are: “Oo Win s Dall”. With those we can spell: “L. Oswald, ONI”.

I arbitrarily used caps, but the punctuation marks, a comma and a period, might be found near the upper right hand corner of the “6” in “601” (more about those punctuation marks in a moment).

But I’ve failed to account for the second “a” in Dallas that we used for a crossroads.

I don’t want to make too much out of the “a”, but it does look suspect. We don’t know if the word “Dallas” was crossed out by the author of the label, or a Post Office employee, but it’s been a little defiled. It seems, however, to have a vertical line running up the center of it. Perhaps that’s an intentional “i”. That same symbol (a circle with a line up the center) is also used for a Cyrillic “f” and the Cyrillic number “500”. The “a” also looks like a circle with a plus sign in the middle – like a rifle-scope. A similar symbol was used by the Zodiac killer on his coded messages. And finally, it could be an “a” with both an “i” and an equals (=) sign in the center. In that case, maybe the creator wanted us to make anagrams: “OoWinsDall” – “A” (anagram) “= L. Oswald, ONI”.

But I’m puzzling over the meaning, if anything, of the second “a” in “Dallas”. I haven’t so far been able to locate a definitive meaning for a circle with a cross in the middle – some feedback here would be appreciated. But I’m inclined to believe that at least one of the purposes for the vertical line up the center of the second “a” was to indicate another embedded “i”. And it seems that my hypothetical creator was trying to make sure that we caught the fact, before the fact, that he was claiming to be “ONI”.

To bolster my point:

To the left of the obvious (I believe) large lower-case “n” attached to the left side of the “W” in “West”, there is the number “601”. Between the “6” and the “01”, there is what appears to be a semicolon, as if the “6” and the “01” are separated. Well, if that’s the case, the “0” (zero) and the 1 (one) could just as easily serve as the letters, “O” and “I”, and when combined with the “n” on the leading edge of the “W”, this makes yet another expression of “ONI”. That’s a possible total of three “ONIs”.

However, I’m going to try to confine myself to only the “601 West Nassaus St” line (and still using the wild-card letters, “ONI”).

Here are two simple and well-known methods for changing letters into numbers and vice versa:

Method #1:



Method #2:



In addition to using the number “601” as part of Jack Ruby’s unlisted telephone number, we can change it into letters, most of them interesting in this context. Since method #1 above doesn’t account for zeros very well, we can do one of two things; add 6+0+1=7, and convert that to the letter “g”. Or we can turn the number around, 106, and convert the “10” and the “6” to “JF” (also, turn 106 upside down and it becomes “109”, as in JFK’s PT-109).

Changing “601” using method #2 yields the letters, “GAB”. As Lee Farley pointed out last year, George A. Bouhe is someone who may have a connection to this package. It also spells “bag”, which is what the FBI claimed the package contained.

While we’re at this, using method #2 to change “ONI” into numbers yields “35” (14+13+8), and John Kennedy was the 35th President. Changing this “35” back into letters using method #1 yields “CE”, as in “Chief Executive”, but maybe that’s a stretch.

As John noticed, the word “Assassin”, or “Assassinate”, seems to jump out at you, and with the imbedded letters, “ONI”, there are many anagrams that could be made using the word “assassin” from just the middle line of the label. Too many to be meaningful, but it’s possible that the creator’s intention was to be able to point at only one of them.

Lets look at the address as written again:

“601 West Nassaus St”.

Using method #1 above, we change “601” into a “g”. Including the wild-card letters “o”, “n”, and “i”, our stock of letters looks like this: “g oni West Nassaus St”. Using all the letters makes several closely related anagrams – here’s one:

“Wet Assassins to Gun”.

From Wikipedia:

“’Wetwork’, or ‘wet work’, is a euphemism for murder or assassination, alluding to spilling blood. The expression “wet work”, as well as the similar “wet job”, “wet affair” or “wet operation”, are all calques of the euphemism used by the KGB for such activities, “mokrove delo” (wet job)…”

Using method #2 above, “601” becomes the letters, “GAB”, or “GAB”, or “BAG”, it makes no difference for the anagram. Our new stock of letters: “bag oni West Nassaus St”, and using all the letters, makes things like:

“Wet Assassin, Sabot Gun”.

This is a little intriguing since the word “West” is also a direction - 270 degrees. With the imbedded “n” and “i” in the “W”, we could reasonably tease out “Win. .270”, and the Winchester .270 cartridge (invented in 1923) is a favorite sniper caliber, and might be a good candidate for a previously fired 6.5mm sabot slug.

How I came up with Jack Ruby’s complete address (223 S. Ewing, #207) and complete unlisted phone number (214-WH1-5601), is a little tedious (and boring) to explain - if anyone wants, I can do it in a future post. But aside from the obvious “601” part of the phone number, there’s also a piece of his address which is in plain sight.

Zoom in on this: “601 Wes”. Remembering that there’s an “n” and an “i” imbedded in the “W”, it looks like this: “601 niWes”. And remembering that using either method #1 or #2 above, we can get a “g” out of “601”. So we have, “gniWes”. And written backwards, that’s the “S. Ewing” part of his address (223 S. Ewing, Apt. 207).

I may be wrong about this, but I think that if this bogus address has meaning, it was meant to be easily explainable using simple and possibly well-known de-coding methods. Using the two methods above, for example, yields a limited number of 3 to 9 digit numbers that might have meaning; strings that look like Social Security numbers, serial numbers, service numbers, addresses, and phone numbers. Oswald’s ONI number, if indeed he had one, might be imbedded in here somewhere (if only we knew what it was).This might be a good project for someone that has an interest in this sort of thing and a lot of relevant numbers at their disposal.

There’s a myriad of questions here and the first is: “Was this address label on the ‘Undeliverable Package’ crafted to be a storehouse of concealed and possibly pertinent information?” If it’s possible, it’s probably worth pursuing.

If there’s stuff in there, who put it there? Perhaps the package was created to muddy the waters, or maybe Oswald made to cover his butt.

What we have to look at is a rather poor photograph of the “undeliverable package” and a better conclusion about the possible intent of its creator might depend on a better image.

Bill Kelly - If memory serves, last year you had a lead on the original photo by John Armstrong - did you have any luck with that?


Tom, I know you are asking for ideas on the possible meaning of that label in terms of code. I did indeed speculate on this some time ago. I'd like to mention some other thoughts I had on this matter in light of some recent posts so it's not meant to divert but rather to take the opportunity to mention some other possible leads, though I haven't got anywhere significant except in a suggestive way.

- what particularly interested me about this is beacuse of the USPO connection, Harry Holmes etc, PI's their chain of command etc.. Secure Communications is essential in a Coup. The history of the USPO itself proves that. Postal Departments during the Civil War, the confederates and the unions and then its reunion. Therein one can reasonably (imo) argue that remnants of that division remained just as many never accepted that the Civil War was over. J.E Day was sacked by Kennedy over a racial issue I know it has been sanitized to various other vague reasons, in mid '63.

The USPO is central, a hub, in the assassination research. I know it's off the map. Out of sight out of mind. However HDH > Helms is a hop and skip as is HDH to Hoover and what HDH called ''the Agencies'', even more so to Fritz, a pal. (I still would like to see a complete list of the DCC membership list)

- as I perused the MSC files there were a couple of things that over time seemed to often be mentioned. Funnily enough timber and textiles (also real estate but that's a different story.) That led to some addresses in New Jersey and now defunct or absorbed businesses. Possibly one that may never have existed.

- this led to speculation about what I found to be cloth sizes that interestingly fitted nicely with the internal dimensions of the envelope.

- another being that the revolver would also have fitted. There are sufficient creases in the envelope photo to speculate about something a bit bulky.

therre's more but I'm a bit weary at the moment. I'll add as it comes to mind.

BTW I've disabled the email notification so if anyone ever want me personally to comment on anything and I've missed it PM me. I usually hang around here for a while last thing so that's the time to 'talk' to me. (not that I expect many takers of course). Anyway carry on..er.. and Good Job. Everyone.

- I think there is good reason to think that is the back of the envelope


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"Lee Farley (and others including me) find it intriguing that this postage due notice was reportedly found in Oswald’s suitcase at the Paine house, and was initially associated with, or possibly attached to, another postal form bearing the name and address of George A. Bouhe."

Wow. Does anyone have an image of the postal form in question with the Bouhe name? A CE #? An FBI "C" number? A Dallas record?

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Another weird notion I has at the time was that 601 west could be an address but like the rest not a real address and 601 is 2 blocks east of 401 (yes my mind works in mysterious ways) . However there is the 'plinth' next to the pond so I ditched that one but in the meantime came up with another odd notion. This package is irrelevan except possibly insofar as indicating a 'dropped' red herring as part of some fall back thing. What I don't know. OR it's a multi layered coded message and decoding it could be a good idea. Strange that the other side of the enveloped has never been photographed.

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