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For those who are not gainfully occupied in chasing mythological creatures throughout Dealey Plaza and who have an actual interest in factual truths as well as documents which will ultimately be of some historical significance, the following information is provided:

Beginning with the first weekly publishing of the newspaper (for the month of November) "THE GEORGE COUNTY TIMES", the relatively simple facts of the third/last/final shot impact to the head of JFK will be published.

Additionaly, for those few who actually have interest in facts, this, the third/last/final shot IS NOT the Z312/313 impact. (which was the second shot).

The third/last/final shot impacted the head of JFK at approximately survey stationing 4+95, which happens to be almost 30-feet farther down Elm St. from where the Z313 impact occurred.

Continuation of weekly publication throughout the month of November will be done until virtually all aspects of the third shot impact (aka "THE SHOT THAT MISSED"/aka the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET") have been presented.

Tom Purvis

P.S. For those who are already on the "distribution list", you will continue to receive your copy of each weekly publishing.

P.P.S. For Mr. Mack. Although the copies have yet to be made, you/The Sixth Floor Museum, can count on having a full-sized copy of the Warren Commission Survey Plat in hand by the first week of November as well.

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For those who are not gainfully occupied in chasing mythological creatures throughout Dealey Plaza and who have an actual interest in factual truths as well as documents which will ultimately be of some historical significance, the following information is provided:

Beginning with the first weekly publishing of the newspaper (for the month of November) "THE GEORGE COUNTY TIMES", the relatively simple facts of the third/last/final shot impact to the head of JFK will be published.

Additionaly, for those few who actually have interest in facts, this, the third/last/final shot IS NOT the Z312/313 impact. (which was the second shot).

The third/last/final shot impacted the head of JFK at approximately survey stationing 4+95, which happens to be almost 30-feet farther down Elm St. from where the Z313 impact occurred.

Continuation of weekly publication throughout the month of November will be done until virtually all aspects of the third shot impact (aka "THE SHOT THAT MISSED"/aka the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET") have been presented.

Tom Purvis

P.S. For those who are already on the "distribution list", you will continue to receive your copy of each weekly publishing.

P.P.S. For Mr. Mack. Although the copies have yet to be made, you/The Sixth Floor Museum, can count on having a full-sized copy of the Warren Commission Survey Plat in hand by the first week of November as well.

If one has to be on your distribution list in order to receive your theory on the shooting, please let me know how one may be included on it. I have sufficient time to pull myself away from chasing mythological creatures to give your ideas a patient hearing. Always the best to you, Daniel

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While we're asking Mr. Purvis to clarify his theories, I'd like to get a proper answer to this question:

Actually, the SBT is a demonstrated fact.

Really? Demonstrated by whom?

I'm a bit puzzled by that myself. In the past Tom has claimed the first bullet tumbled and hit Kennedy in the back...base first...with a piece of the base exiting his throat. He then claimed the second shot was the head shot, and that the third shot struck Connally.

If he now claims "the SBT is a demonstrated fact" it seems clear he has recently changed his theory...

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I'm pretty sure I understand Tom's explanation, but I think he should be the one to post it here.

TIP: if you wanna see a real SBT, don't focur on the first OR the second shot...if I recall correctly.

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I'm pretty sure I understand Tom's explanation, but I think he should be the one to post it here.

TIP: if you wanna see a real SBT, don't focur on the first OR the second shot...if I recall correctly.

Since anything which is "MAGIC" would also have little difficulty in accomplishing a disappearing act, and neither CE399 nor the fragments (CE567 & CE569) managed to achieve this action, then one just may want to concentrate on the bullet that did actually manage to achieve (if only temporarily) a complete disappearance.

Yep! I do believe that you fully understand the cryptics of the conversation.


P.S. Latest publication went out today in the mail!

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For those who are not gainfully occupied in chasing mythological creatures throughout Dealey Plaza and who have an actual interest in factual truths as well as documents which will ultimately be of some historical significance, the following information is provided:

Beginning with the first weekly publishing of the newspaper (for the month of November) "THE GEORGE COUNTY TIMES", the relatively simple facts of the third/last/final shot impact to the head of JFK will be published.

Additionaly, for those few who actually have interest in facts, this, the third/last/final shot IS NOT the Z312/313 impact. (which was the second shot).

The third/last/final shot impacted the head of JFK at approximately survey stationing 4+95, which happens to be almost 30-feet farther down Elm St. from where the Z313 impact occurred.

Continuation of weekly publication throughout the month of November will be done until virtually all aspects of the third shot impact (aka "THE SHOT THAT MISSED"/aka the one and only true "MAGIC BULLET") have been presented.

Tom Purvis

P.S. For those who are already on the "distribution list", you will continue to receive your copy of each weekly publishing.

P.P.S. For Mr. Mack. Although the copies have yet to be made, you/The Sixth Floor Museum, can count on having a full-sized copy of the Warren Commission Survey Plat in hand by the first week of November as well.

P.P.S. For Mr. Mack, (just in case you do not visit the other talk show)

Just found out that the copy location can accomodate copies up to only 36-inches in width.

As you are no doubt aware, the WC Survey Plat is 40-inches in width.

Will continue to attempt to locate someone who can make a full-sized copy and hopefully live up to the promise of having a copy of this survey plat to the Sixth Floor Museum prior to 11/22/11.


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Maybe you are referring to this bullet lodged behind JFK's ear?


David, most interesting! Always good to read first day memos. How strange that on Nov. 22 the Secret Service has knowledge of a bullet behind Kennedy's ear. If it is lodged there, it was not seen by anyone at Parkland (not surprising), and Humes testifed he was at a loss to account for there being no bullets in Kennedy. So if it was there at Parkland it was no longer there by the time the body reached Bethesda. "Lodged" behind the ear doesn't sound like a bullet that would in and of itself fall out at Parkland without being seen by doctors attempting to ressucitate Kennedy or the nurses who washed the body. And though someone at Parkland, according to Sibert and oNeill, informed Humes that evening that a bullet had fallen from Kennedy's back during efforts to save the President, there is no immediate testimony to such an event happening by anyone at Parkland, to my knowledge. If such a bullet was lodged behind Kennedy's ear, it might have fallen out, but why no mention of this at Parkland, and why the FBI(?) explanation to Humes that the bullet came from the back?

Would like to know more about this memo. Thanks, Daniel

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Tom Purvis always is cryptic. I've been able to glean the following over the years, regarding his curious theories:

- He thinks that Oswald fired all the shots, with that rifle, from the sixth floor TSBD.

- He thinks the Warren Commission was a joke and covered things up.

- Not 100% sure, but I believe he thinks the Zapruder film was altered.

Beyond that, it's hard to figure out anything about his seemingly conflicting set of beliefs. What is most amazing of all is that so many here continue to pay attention to his posts.

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Tom Purvis always is cryptic. I've been able to glean the following over the years, regarding his curious theories:

- He thinks that Oswald fired all the shots, with that rifle, from the sixth floor TSBD.

- He thinks the Warren Commission was a joke and covered things up.

- Not 100% sure, but I believe he thinks the Zapruder film was altered.

Beyond that, it's hard to figure out anything about his seemingly conflicting set of beliefs. What is most amazing of all is that so many here continue to pay attention to his posts.

Well I stand guilty of trying to respond to his cryptic posts, baited by his perfunctory dismissal of wound alteration, body bags, shipping caskets etc. Some time ago on Lancer Tom presented what I thought then and think now is an impossible sencario of CE 399 stiking Kennedy in the neck (at the 7th Cervical)--CE399 is tumbling clockwise due to hitting a tree and enters Kennedy's neck base first and a portion of the base exiting the front of Kennedy's throat, confusing the Dallas doctors into thinking they were looking at an entrance wound. CE 399 did not, according to Tom, exit Kennedy, but stayed lodged at the top of Kennedy's right lung. The bullet is not reported there by the Bethesda physicians so it too has disappeared by the time the body has reached Washington DC. The path of CE 399, according to Tom, is something of a dog leg; entering into Kennedy's neck at one angle, but due to its clockwise tumbling, resided base first in Kennedy's neck at a steeper angle so that the base rests against the apex of Kennedy's right lung. How a substanital piece of the lead core at the base of CE 399 could detach at an angle shallower --indeed, in Tom's picture, the lead core is traveling almost horizontally--than the initial bullet entry angle with the bullet tumbling clockwise is not clear to this reader, nor what happened to CE 399 since neither OP Wright or Tomlinson identified CE 399 as the bullet found at Parkland. Why CE 399 is not in Kennedy at Bethesda is up to Tom to explain. After all, he regularly mocks any notion of wound tampering.

So with David Joseph's fine addition, we now have two bullets lodged in Kennedy-- the Purvis bullet down by the top of the right lung, and the Secret Service bullet lodged behind Kennedy's ear. Actually there is a third -- the one Sibert and ONeill report was found at Parkland that accounted for a wound in kennedy's back and which worked its way out of the back during efforts to save Kennedy's life.

What the blazes happened to those 3 bullets?

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haven't seen the pic but perhaps the matter of something like refraction of light in a denser medium could explain that?. one perhaps ignorant reason I question the sbt is that if the bullet had done what it was supposed to have done it would have left an explosive cavitation that would have found particularly an outlet in the anatomy of the throat. re the bullet behind ear I don't think it's ever been established whether it was a whole bullet or not. It could be a fragment of the bullet that struck his head in the front midline and fragmented (from the left) creating the scores on the inner cranium with the largest fragment lodging 'behind the ear. I think there may be reason to think there was actually a double tap at this point. I don't kmow about the 'third shot', 4th?

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Tom Purvis always is cryptic. I've been able to glean the following over the years, regarding his curious theories:

- He thinks that Oswald fired all the shots, with that rifle, from the sixth floor TSBD.

- He thinks the Warren Commission was a joke and covered things up.

- Not 100% sure, but I believe he thinks the Zapruder film was altered.

Beyond that, it's hard to figure out anything about his seemingly conflicting set of beliefs.

What is most amazing of all is that so many here continue to pay attention to his posts.

For those interested, here is the Purvis "refresher course."


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Info re Bullet behind JFK ear..

FWIW, the "lodged behind the Ear" memo was written during the autopsy, when information was quite sketchy and transmitted via the phone. The doctors claimed the largest fragment recovered during this autopsy was recovered from behind the right Eye. Eye, not Ear. As a result, I think it's highly probable the reference to the ear was simply a mistake, and that the fragment in question was the so-called 6.5 mm fragment on the A-P x-ray, the fragment recovered from behind the right eye.

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