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No Barry, its exactly why this guy should not be here.

In addition to using a phony name, we have no clue as to if that is his photo. Why the mods have let him get away with this escapes me, but it may be why DPF is rising, and they are making fun of this forum with "the entity" Rago.

The worst thing about doing work in this field, is not the SBT fanatics like Von Pein and McAdams. They can be dealt with, because at least they are consistent.

The worst thing is dealing with the so called conspiracy fringe, like John Hankey and whoever Rago is.

I am sure that in the next century or so, he will show us the docs that prove David Phillips was really a double agent. He was turned by Angleton into working for the Mossad. Therefore when they were running Oswald through his paces in New Orleans and then setting up the whole Mexico City charade, they were doing that not for the CIA, but for Israel. And that is why they got LBJ to play along also. He wanted the reactor there also. Was not about Vietnam and the billions spent there and 58, 000 dead Americans and 2 million dead Vietnamese at all. It was Israel. Same with Banister and the Paines, they were all secret Mossad agents. Rago will show us the proof that idiots like John Newman, Phil Melanson and Bill Davy all missed. See,those guys all mislead us down the wrong trail. The CIA had nothing to do with anything. Hoover was on the up and up. He just made a mistake saying Todd's initials were on that bullet. The time on the receipt was wrong. And so was O. P. Wright when he said he did not recognize CE 399. And Thompson was wrong also, that bullet really was on JBC's stretcher.

This is objectivity? This is what will open up the case for us?

No this is Michael C. Piper and Spotlight stuff, the LF. (Lunatic fringe)

I have never said anything that you just said in that post. You are creating a scenario that has absolutely nothing to do with anything I have ever said. You created this so called "lunatic" fringe with your words above and decided to use me as a prop because it suited your purposes but I have never said anything like what you infer I have said in that post.

It makes me wonder what you do in your books to people you do not like. I do not think I would believe many things that you would say in any of your books Mr. DiEugenio. I am glad I have not read any of them.

If you want to see what I did say about Mr. Thompson and Mr. Aguilar's work on CE 399 here is the link.



Edited by Mike Rago
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No Barry, its exactly why this guy should not be here.

In addition to using a phony name, we have no clue as to if that is his photo. Why the mods have let him get away with this escapes me, but it may be why DPF is rising, and they are making fun of this forum with "the entity" Rago.

The worst thing about doing work in this field, is not the SBT fanatics like Von Pein and McAdams. They can be dealt with, because at least they are consistent.

The worst thing is dealing with the so called conspiracy fringe, like John Hankey and whoever Rago is. . . .

But, Jim, since as far as I can tell there is no sure way of separating the phony conspiracy-denier from the genuine conspiracy denier (if such a distinction can indeed be made), then there needs to be some sort of a refereed forum with a clear set of ground rules and a person to make a decision. Has there ever been a trial in this country with prosecution and defense, but no judge to make a ruling on the admissibility of evidence, nor any final arbiter of a decision? Show me one. There isn't. And there can't be. Such a thing is impossible. Yet, that is exactly the situation we have on these forums, and that is why the "conversation" goes round and round and round and round for decades with no resolution. Consequently, people visiting these forums end up confused, and end up running away from the issue.

No thanks, I think we've wasted enough time. I would never engage someone like that in any conversation that is not before an arbitrator.

Edited by Barry Krusch
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I am now coming to the conclusion that CIA-military rage over Cuba policy (and LBJ's personal reasons) played a far, far greater role in the JFK assassination than Vietnam.

Mike Rago called me up and told me he thought Israel and the Mossad were behind the JFK assassination - which is absurd.

That's your opinion. You are entitled.

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No Barry, its exactly why this guy should not be here.

In addition to using a phony name, we have no clue as to if that is his photo. Why the mods have let him get away with this escapes me, but it may be why DPF is rising, and they are making fun of this forum with "the entity" Rago.

The worst thing about doing work in this field, is not the SBT fanatics like Von Pein and McAdams. They can be dealt with, because at least they are consistent.

The worst thing is dealing with the so called conspiracy fringe, like John Hankey and whoever Rago is.

I am sure that in the next century or so, he will show us the docs that prove David Phillips was really a double agent. He was turned by Angleton into working for the Mossad. Therefore when they were running Oswald through his paces in New Orleans and then setting up the whole Mexico City charade, they were doing that not for the CIA, but for Israel. And that is why they got LBJ to play along also. He wanted the reactor there also. Was not about Vietnam and the billions spent there and 58, 000 dead Americans and 2 million dead Vietnamese at all. It was Israel. Same with Banister and the Paines, they were all secret Mossad agents. Rago will show us the proof that idiots like John Newman, Phil Melanson and Bill Davy all missed. See,those guys all mislead us down the wrong trail. The CIA had nothing to do with anything. Hoover was on the up and up. He just made a mistake saying Todd's initials were on that bullet. The time on the receipt was wrong. And so was O. P. Wright when he said he did not recognize CE 399. And Thompson was wrong also, that bullet really was on JBC's stretcher.

This is objectivity? This is what will open up the case for us?

No this is Michael C. Piper and Spotlight stuff, the LF. (Lunatic fringe)

With all due respect, how do you weigh and evaluate the fact that JJA, whom most of us acknowledge to have been a conspirator, if not the mastermind of the assassination, ran the Israeli desk of CI/CIA?

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Mike Rago or whatever your name is:

The combination of the Aguilar Thompson work, the Harris work, and the Hunt work is devastating.

And 1.) Hunt's work does not rest on the Todd initials. It rests on the fact that the FBI had the stretcher bullet before Rowley turned it over to Todd.


2.) FBI agents are trained to initlal bullets when they are in receipt of them. Todd was in receipt of the bullet when he got it from Rowley at the WHite House. But his initials are not there.

If you don't understand what all that means then please get back to your Israel killed JFK thread. Leave the rest of us alone.

Why not add into the mix the 'fact' that we are told CE399, the truly 'magic bullet', supposedly traveled through two people with almost nary a scratch, whereas the Z313 fatal headshot fragmented and did not affect anyone else in the limo; even Jackie, whose head was right next to and even a bit in front of JFK's at that moment?

The (imo failed) tests of ITTC can be used to demonstrate that the bullet used for Z313 did not even come from the M/C attributed by the WCR to LHO, as it did not fragment; not only in the one test used in ITTC, but in the 'extra' fourth test, which they did not include because it failed to hit the 'correct' entry point.

Edited by Pamela Brown
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Mike Rago or whatever your name is:

The combination of the Aguilar Thompson work, the Harris work, and the Hunt work is devastating.

And 1.) Hunt's work does not rest on the Todd initials. It rests on the fact that the FBI had the stretcher bullet before Rowley turned it over to Todd.


2.) FBI agents are trained to initlal bullets when they are in receipt of them. Todd was in receipt of the bullet when he got it from Rowley at the WHite House. But his initials are not there.

If you don't understand what all that means then please get back to your Israel killed JFK thread. Leave the rest of us alone.

Why not add into the mix the 'fact' that we are told CE399, the truly 'magic bullet', supposedly traveled through two people with almost nary a scratch, whereas the Z313 fatal headshot fragmented and did not affect anyone else in the limo; even Jackie, whose head was right next to and even a bit in front of JFK's at that moment?

The (imo failed) tests of ITTC can be used to demonstrate that the bullet used for Z313 did not even come from the M/C attributed by the WCR to LHO, as it did not fragment; not only in the one test used in ITTC, but in the 'extra' fourth test, which they did not include because it failed to hit the 'correct' entry point.

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Mike Rago or whatever your name is:

The combination of the Aguilar Thompson work, the Harris work, and the Hunt work is devastating.

And 1.) Hunt's work does not rest on the Todd initials. It rests on the fact that the FBI had the stretcher bullet before Rowley turned it over to Todd.


2.) FBI agents are trained to initlal bullets when they are in receipt of them. Todd was in receipt of the bullet when he got it from Rowley at the WHite House. But his initials are not there.

If you don't understand what all that means then please get back to your Israel killed JFK thread. Leave the rest of us alone.

Why not add into the mix the 'fact' that we are told CE399, the truly 'magic bullet', supposedly traveled through two people with almost nary a scratch, whereas the Z313 fatal headshot fragmented and did not affect anyone else in the limo; even Jackie, whose head was right next to and even a bit in front of JFK's at that moment?

The (imo failed) tests of ITTC can be used to demonstrate that the bullet used for Z313 did not even come from the M/C attributed by the WCR to LHO, as it did not fragment; not only in the one test used in ITTC, but in the 'extra' fourth test, which they did not include because it failed to hit the 'correct' entry point.

I don't recall them ever discussing the appearance of the bullet in the fourth test, Pamela. Is there a picture of it somewhere?

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I just read the link.

This guy is even worse than I thought.

Again, why he is still here completely escapes me. But it does not speak well for Spartacus.

It would not speak well for Spartacus (by which you clearly mean this forum, which is not Spartacus, but which was started by John Simkin, the creator of the Spartacus website) if it were to suddenly change course and apply litmus tests to its members, and eject the outliers.

If you find someone's posts a waste of time to read, don't read them.

Edited by Pat Speer
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Why not add into the mix the 'fact' that we are told CE399, the truly 'magic bullet', supposedly traveled through two people with almost nary a scratch, whereas the Z313 fatal headshot fragmented and did not affect anyone else in the limo; even Jackie, whose head was right next to and even a bit in front of JFK's at that moment?

While I do believe that CE 399 is the bullet found on the stretcher, I do not believe that is the bullet that struck Connally on his right side and broke his rib and wrist. CE 399 passed through the Presidents neck with narry a scratch and struck Connally on his left side. When Connally turned back to his right he was struck by a second bullet which caused all the damage to him. That bullet completely missed JFK.

The (imo failed) tests of ITTC can be used to demonstrate that the bullet used for Z313 did not even come from the M/C attributed by the WCR to LHO, as it did not fragment; not only in the one test used in ITTC, but in the 'extra' fourth test, which they did not include because it failed to hit the 'correct' entry point.

I realize the importance of this observation. If the bullet that struck at frame 313 did not fragment, then it raises the probability that what we see is the impact of two shots to the head, not one.

The WC conclusion that one shot struck the president in the head is just the second "single bullet theory" that they proposed. In that theory the bullet fragmented. However, I believe the evidence supports the conclusion that the president was struck by two , nearly simultaneous , shots to the head.

It appears to me that each time a shot was taken two shots were actually fired.. This would greatly increase the probability of success.

The WC presented us with two, false, single bullet theories.

Edited by Mike Rago
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Why not add into the mix the 'fact' that we are told CE399, the truly 'magic bullet', supposedly traveled through two people with almost nary a scratch, whereas the Z313 fatal headshot fragmented and did not affect anyone else in the limo; even Jackie, whose head was right next to and even a bit in front of JFK's at that moment?

While I do believe that CE 399 is the bullet found on the stretcher, I do not believe that is the bullet that struck Connally on his right side and broke his rib and wrist. CE 399 passed through the Presidents neck with narry a scratch and struck Connally on his left side. When Connally turned back to his right he was struck by a second bullet which caused all the damage to him. That bullet completely missed JFK.

The (imo failed) tests of ITTC can be used to demonstrate that the bullet used for Z313 did not even come from the M/C attributed by the WCR to LHO, as it did not fragment; not only in the one test used in ITTC, but in the 'extra' fourth test, which they did not include because it failed to hit the 'correct' entry point.

I realize the importance of this observation. If the bullet that struck at frame 313 did not fragment, then it raises the probability that what we see is the impact of two shots to the head, not one.

The WC conclusion that one shot struck the president in the head is just the second "single bullet theory" that they proposed. In that theory the bullet fragmented. However, I believe the evidence supports the conclusion that the president was struck by two , nearly simultaneous , shots to the head.

It appears to me that each time a shot was taken two shots were actually fired.. This would greatly increase the probability of success.

There WC presented us with two, false, single bullet theories.

I'm still waiting for you to accept that arbitration offer, Mike.

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Hey, I am on your side!

I guess you are referring to my belief that CE 399 is the stretcher bullet?

You may be able to show chain of custody problems with the bullet but I do not think you can show it was not the bullet.

Edited by Mike Rago
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Yes I did write that. I tend to get a bit careless on this. The video evidence indicates to me that the bullet either grazed his left side or startled him on his left side to the extent that he swiped his hat at it. I think the bullet ended up in his seat or somewhere in his clothes. When I use the "hit" him in this context, the above is what I mean.

Please watch this video. You will notice that Kennedy and Connally react at the same time. Kennedy raises his arms and Connaly turns to his left and swipes his hat at something.

Edited by Mike Rago
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No, the evidence is clear that the bullet passed through Kennedy.

We are going to have disagree on this one.

Connally reacted on his left to the bullet which passed through Kennedy's body. Basically, that bullet only caused a flesh wound to the president. It did not hit any bone, any arteries or any vital organs. If that was the only bullet to hit the president he would have recovered completely.

Edited by Mike Rago
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