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Ronald Reagan

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I see Raygun's statement as being in the finest tradition of the Alton Oschner/INCA - funded recording 'Portrait in Red', a very transparent effort to frame the patsy Oswald. Any idea when Ronnie's recording was made?

I think it comes in 5 CDs. I believe he recorded this in the 1960's or maybe when he first met Nancy and there on.

Kathy C

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I see Raygun's statement as being in the finest tradition of the Alton Oschner/INCA - funded recording 'Portrait in Red', a very transparent effort to frame the patsy Oswald. Any idea when Ronnie's recording was made?


It ist too often forgotten that Butler loaded up the truck and moved to Orange County in 1968. According to Turner and Christian he was on hand the day after the RFK assassination to blame Cuba for the assassination of RFK too. A small newspaper from the National Socialist Duchy of Long Beach California covered this particular INCA dialectic.

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I'm sure each President in the last 30-40 years probably knows the truth about what happened to JFK. It's interesting that these guys have so many questions like the rest of us about the event pre-presidency but once they get in, it's status-quo. Bill Clinton was a big JFK conspiracy guy when he was gov. and if you all remember when he was running in 92, he said first thing he'd do when he got in was find out who really killed JFK.. Can't remember the guys name but one of his buddies from Arkansas (heavy set guy) was asked to look into JFK but was stonewalled all the way through.

Edited by Rodney Rivers
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Bill Clinton was a big JFK conspiracy guy when he was gov. and if you all remember when he was running in 92, he said first thing he'd do when he got in was find out who really killed JFK.. Can't remember the guys name but one of his buddies from Arkansas (heavy set guy) was asked to look into JFK but was stonewalled all the way through.

Did you really buy that line of baloney? Clinton was an "insider" since practically day one

of his career when he made friends with Win Rockefeller. There was no way that he was

going to rock the boat and they kept him busy in his second term just so he wouldn't

get any ideas. I disagree with your assertion that every president knows/knew about

JFK but I'm sure most of them can guess. In descending order, I believe these presidents

knew/know the most:

Richard Nixon

George H. W. Bush

Dwight Eisenhower

Gerald Ford

Lyndon Johnson

George W. Bush

Bill Clinton

Jimmy Carter

Barack Obama

Ronald Reagan

I think Clinton knew who was the boss when Vince Foster was killed. When he got in, he wanted to know about Kennedy and UFOs. They told him he didn't have high enough clearance. So who's the boss -- the Military? Then when Mrs. Clinton was running, I saw Bill on a stage, campaigning for her and telling the audience, "And if you believe in conspiracy theories, we don't want you."

Someone told me that there were 200 political murders during Clinton's Presidency.

Kathy C

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If Reagan really wanted to find out the truth about the JFK assassination, he wouldn't have been one of the governors who blocked routine extradition requests during Jim Garrison's investigation.

A very young Bill Clinton, incredibly enough, was the one who drove Hale Boggs to the airport when his plane took off and vanished into oblivion. I doubt very seriously that he ever sought the truth about the JFK assassination. He supposedly tasked Webb Hubbell with finding out about that, along with UFOs, but there is nothing to indicate he ever did anything about either subject.

Bill Clinton publicly supported the lone assassin theory during his administration. Al Gore supposedly was a true believer in conspiracy; I believe he was in Congress leading up to and during the HSCA days. I don't recall him speaking about this subject, which he was allegedly so passionate about.

Of course all these people know Oswald didn't kill JFK. But they lie repeatedly for a living, and ignore the truth about a great number of important subjects.

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Bill Clinton was a big JFK conspiracy guy when he was gov. and if you all remember when he was running in 92, he said first thing he'd do when he got in was find out who really killed JFK.. Can't remember the guys name but one of his buddies from Arkansas (heavy set guy) was asked to look into JFK but was stonewalled all the way through.

Did you really buy that line of baloney? Clinton was an "insider" since practically day one

of his career when he made friends with Win Rockefeller. There was no way that he was

going to rock the boat and they kept him busy in his second term just so he wouldn't

get any ideas. I disagree with your assertion that every president knows/knew about

JFK but I'm sure most of them can guess. In descending order, I believe these presidents

knew/know the most:

Richard Nixon

George H. W. Bush

Dwight Eisenhower

Gerald Ford

Lyndon Johnson

George W. Bush

Bill Clinton

Jimmy Carter

Barack Obama

Ronald Reagan

Given his quote about the CIA in December of 1963, Harry Truman knew something.

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Bill Clinton was a big JFK conspiracy guy when he was gov. and if you all remember when he was running in 92, he said first thing he'd do when he got in was find out who really killed JFK.. Can't remember the guys name but one of his buddies from Arkansas (heavy set guy) was asked to look into JFK but was stonewalled all the way through.

Did you really buy that line of baloney? Clinton was an "insider" since practically day one

of his career when he made friends with Win Rockefeller. There was no way that he was

going to rock the boat and they kept him busy in his second term just so he wouldn't

get any ideas. I disagree with your assertion that every president knows/knew about

JFK but I'm sure most of them can guess. In descending order, I believe these presidents

knew/know the most:

Richard Nixon

George H. W. Bush

Dwight Eisenhower

Gerald Ford

Lyndon Johnson

George W. Bush

Bill Clinton

Jimmy Carter

Barack Obama

Ronald Reagan

Given his quote about the CIA in December of 1963, Harry Truman knew something.

Truman for sure. he came out on 12/22/63 exactly one month after JFK died criticizing the CIA in a filmed speech.

There are some researchers that theorize that Presidents nowadays are told the truth about JFK once they get in, and that the finger points at LBJ. They are told to keep it a secret so to protect the office. Who knows.

George Bush the first picked Dan Quayle as his running mate. Maybe he knew nobody would threaten him with Quayle 2nd in line in leading the country.

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A very young Bill Clinton, incredibly enough, was the one who drove Hale Boggs to the airport when his plane took off and vanished into oblivion" Don, first I've heard that Bill Clinton drove Boggs to the airport. Would have thought that would have made it into the excellent Roger Morris book on the Clintons. What is your source on that?

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George Bush the first picked Dan Quayle as his running mate. Maybe he knew nobody would threaten him with Quayle 2nd in line in leading the country.

You've got it. Why else would someone want Dan Quayle for Vice President? This country would explode. He told an astonished Ronald Reagan at the airport that his choice was Dan Quayle. I don't know if Reagan got it.

Kathy C

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A very young Bill Clinton, incredibly enough, was the one who drove Hale Boggs to the airport when his plane took off and vanished into oblivion" Don, first I've heard that Bill Clinton drove Boggs to the airport. Would have thought that would have made it into the excellent Roger Morris book on the Clintons. What is your source on that?

Not all deaths are murders. Boggs was flying into a very bad section. They never found the plane and they never found any survivors. It was all snow, mountains and valIeys. I know his daughter, Cokie Roberts, is a CIA media asset. She said her father never doubted the Warren Commission, but something tells me he did.

Kathy C

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Clinton himself writes about taking Boggs to the airport in his memoir. Here's a link to a story that mentions it:


Boggs didn't support the single bullet theory, but along with Richard Russell, didn't make his doubts public.

In another strange coincidence, the Congressman on board the plane with Boggs, Nick Begich, had a son, Nick, Jr. who has gone on to become a noted conspiracy theorist himself, concentrating on exposing HAARP. He appeared on an episode of "Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura."

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Guest Tom Scully


George H.W. Bush’s Eulogy for Gerald R. Ford

Published: January 2, 2007

Following is the transcript of the eulogy for former President Gerald R. Ford delivered today by former President George H.W. Bush in Washington, as recorded by The New York Times.

....And the conspiracy theorists can say what they will, but the Warren Commission report will always have the final definitive say on this tragic matter. Why? Because Jerry Ford put his name on it and Jerry Ford’s word was always good...

DECEPTIVE ANALYSIS RESULTS : http://www.stevens.edu/deception/

File Name: 7841

File Status: deceptive

Deceptive Cue: none

Deceptive Level: none


Lee Harvey Oswald :

"No, I have not been charged with that. In fact, nobody has said that to me yet. The first thing I heard about it was when the newspaper reporters in the hall asked me that question...I did not do it. I did not shoot anyone. I am just a patsy!"

File Name: 7854

File Status: normal

Page 7: http://www.judy-dutton.com/TaylorWilson.pdf

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