Greg Burnham Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 Dear Friends, I'm so upset about what happened tonight on MSNBC's "Harball," that I just posted a new journal entry. Please give it the widest possible dissemination. Here it is: SHAME ON BOTH OF YOU, CLINT HILL AND CHRIS MATTHEWS insidethearrb May 4th, 20:45 By Douglas P. Horne, author of "Inside the Assassination Records Review Board" I watched a very sorry display on Chris Matthews' MSNBC show "Hardball" tonight: Chris Matthews conducted a short, stage-managed, cream-puff interview with retired Secret Service Agent Clint Hill, and the game was rigged "from the get-go." That was obvious. But it was also completely unacceptable, and forever tarnishes the reputations of both of these men. The occasion was a brief discussion of Clint Hill's short new memoir, "Mrs. Kennedy and Me." I picked the book up in the store about three weeks ago and read the three or so pages that everyone naturally turns to: Clint Hill's description of what happened during the shots in Dallas, on Elm Street, on November 22, 1963, when he ran from the left running board of the Queen Mary (the Secret Service follow-up car that day), to President Kennedy's limousine, only to arrive at, and mount the limousine, after all of the shots had been fired. I was particularly interested to see whether Clint Hill's description of President Kennedy's head wound had changed from what he wrote in 1963, or from what he testified to in 1964 while under oath before the Warren Commission, or from the words attributed to him in the recent book "The Kennedy Detail." The words hadn't changed. In his new memoir, Clint Hill (again) described a large, gaping wound in the right rear of President Kennedy's head, and made explicitly clear that a large amount of debris had been blown to the rear after the fatal shot, and that Jacqueline Kennedy had emerged from her seat to retrieve a part of President Kennedy's skull that had gone to the rear, and lay on the trunk lid, after the fatal shot. He described all of that again today on television with Chris Matthews. Anyone familiar with his 1963 written report, and with his 1964 sworn testimony, also knows that in this 1964 testimony before Assistant Warren Commission Counsel Arlen Specter, he said that a large portion of the rear of President Kennedy's head was lying in the back seat of the car, and that the trunk lid was covered with bloody water and brain issue. All of this---the biological debris from her husband's head retrieved by Jacqueline Kennedy from the trunk lid; the large, gaping wound in the right rear of the head of the 35th President of the United States; and the blood and brain tissue sprayed over the trunk lid---all of this, of course, speaks graphically and plainly of a fatal shot from the front, or right front (not a fatal shot from the rear, where the Book Depository was). Clint Hill knows it, and Chris Matthews knows it. But they pretended otherwise, presumably for all the "low information voters" in the TV audience. The problem for these two guys is, there aren't that many low information (i.e., uneducated or stupid) voters watching this show. The show has a very highly educated audience. So what they did was not only grossly dishonest---it was blatantly offensive, as well as just plain dumb. Now, anyone who has read about the JFK assassination knows that every doctor who treated JFK at the the side of his gurney in Trauma Room One at Parkland Hospital, in Dallas, described the same head wound that Clint Hill did in 1963 and 1964: a wound that could only have been an EXIT WOUND, which meant that the fatal shot had to come from the front, or right front, not from behind. Not one doctor at Parkland who wrote a treatment report the day of the assassination mentioned anything in those reports but a wound in the right rear of the skull. (And no onementioned any damage to the top of his head or the right side of his head above the ear.) If you don't believe me, read the treatment reports (they were published in the Warren Report, after all). The wound described by these Parkland treating physicians and nurses that day was an avulsed wound (exploded outward from within), and the right rear of JFK's head was devoid of scalp and skull, in an exploded area about the size of a baseball. The head wound observed at Parkland Hospital during the 40 minutes that President Kennedy was treated (that duration was given by Dr. Clark in a press conference that day) had none of the characteristics of an entry wound whatsoever. It had all of the classic characteristics of an exit wound. A large amount of cerebral brain tissue was missing---blown out---and part of the badly damaged cerebellum, the part of the brain very low in the rear of the skull, was extruding from the head wound onto the treatment cart, as the Parkland physicians treated President Kennedy and tried to save his life. Even Chris Matthews knows that bullets make small holes when entering the body, and large holes when exiting the body. (Especially head wounds.) And yet Chris Matthews asked Clint Hill today if he had come to any conclusions about the shooting, and Clint Hill, obviously prepared for the question, said, "Sure: one shooter, three shots, from behind," or words almost identical to that. Now, Clint Hill knows that cannot be true. He always has. In fact, he knows it is such utter bullxxxx that he didn't say that in his new book---he merely described the wound he observed (an obvious exit wound), without commenting on where the shots came from or who did the shooting. I knew what game Clint Hill was playing when he described JFK's head wound in "The Kennedy Detail" and in "Mrs. Kennedy and Me"---the game was: I will describe exactly what I saw and will not lie about it, but neither will I openly challenge the Warren Commission's or the HSCA's "government line" that Lee Harvey Oswald killed President Kennedy all on his own. The rules of the game Clint Hill was obviously engaging in when these two books were published were, "I will tell the truth about what I saw, but I will not comment on what it means." In playing by those unwritten rules, Hill managed to sit on the fence, and tell the truth about the head wound, and at the same time avoided directly refuting the Warren Commission and HSCA conclusions that Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK from the Texas School Book Depository, firing from above and behind. But today Clint Hill crossed the line, and said JFK was killed by a Communist sympathizer, Lee Harvey Oswald, firing all the shots from behind. Shame on you, Clint Hill. You crossed a line today that you did not cross in either of the two recent books that quote you. What you did was unforgivable. And then Chris Matthews (who served in the Peace Corps, not in the military), gave us all his best benefit as a "firearms expert" by saying that when he stood on Elm Street in Dallas in the 1990s ("when I was down there with CBS," he said), he had concluded that killing JFK from the TSBD was "an easy shot." Gee, thank you, Chris, for this profound wisdom based on all your years as a trained marksman in the Peace Corps. Of course, Chris Matthews never mentioned today that the scope on the rifle was a cheap piece of crap that was misaligned; that the rifle found in the Depository was an unreliable piece of junk; or that it had a defective firing pin which the FBI had to replace before even test firing it. And Chris Matthews never discussed the last marksmanship test score noted in Oswald's USMC Service Record before being discharged from the Marine Corps, which was only one point above failure. (Oswald received average marksmanship scores in boot camp, achieving the middle of three shooter designations, but obviously received a "pass" in 1959---when he most likely failed his test that year. It is obvious to me that after his skills had atrophied through disuse, he was given the official score that was only one point above failure, as a gift. As fellow Marine Nelson Delgado explained to Mark Lane in 1966 (in the film "Rush to Judgment"), Oswald was such a poor shot he was always getting flagged with "Maggie's Drawers" at the El Toro shooting range; his poor marksmanship was a standing joke in his own unit.) Chris Matthews will not discuss evidence, because he knows he will lose the argument---he only wants to discuss the politically correct conclusions endorsed by the National Security State. Chris Matthews has much to be ashamed of here. He used to be the principal aide to Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill. It was Tip O'Neill who published in his own memoir, "Man of the House," on page 211 (paperback edition, St. Martin's Press, 1987), that the two aides closest to President Kennedy on a personal basis---Kenneth O'Donnell, and Dave Powers---told him at dinner in 1968, five years after JFK's assassination, that at least two shots came from behind the fence on the grassy knoll, to the right front of the limousine. O'Donnell also told Tip O'Neill at that dinner meeting that he had lied to the Warren Commission about the origin of the shots, at the request of the FBI. Surely Chris, you cannot pretend to be unfamiliar with this recollection of Tip O'Neill's??? If he did not tell you himself over a beer one night, surely you read it in his memoirs? Don't tell me you have not read the memoirs of your former boss, Chris...that won't fly. Clint Hill crossed the line tonight from telling just part of the truth, to telling a lie that I am sure he does not believe in, and that cannot be true. And he knows it. Chris Matthews, an otherwise intelligent person, repeatedly promotes the falsehood of the Lone Assassin Myth as if it were certified fact, when it cannot be true. And he knows he is promoting a Big Lie. Is this the price for keeping your job with the Mainstream Corporate Media, Chris? Or do you really believe that by lying about JFK's assassination, and pretending there was NOT a coup in this country in 1963, that you are somehow "protecting America's institutions?" I hope not, because there is nothing more corrosive to a democracy than lies perpetuated by big media and the government. How do you sleep with yourself at night, Chris? How do you look at yourself in the mirror when you shave every day? This is the last night I will ever watch Chris Matthews or "Hardball" again. I am boycotting that show, and any show he appears on, as long as he remains alive on this mortal coil, for Chris Matthews has proven himself---once again---to be a man without honor whenever he discusses the assassination of the man he professes to be his greatest hero, Jack Kennedy. The Intelligence Community (read: CIA) has a stranglehold on the national TV media and the national print media, when it comes to the JFK assassination. You are not allowed to speak about it anymore, unless you support the Warren Commission, or unless you disparage JFK's character and misrepresent the historical record of his presidency. The major executives of these outlets and their producers are in the government's pocket, when it comes to the taboo subject of the Kennedy assassination. The truth gets out on local and regional radio stations, and the government has not quite yet figured out how to shut down free speech on the internet, but Cass Sunstein, President Obama's Information Czar, would like to---he said so in a prestigious law school paper just about 4 years ago. Google his name, and you can read the outrageous paper, yourself. Sunstein actually advocated fining people on the internet who engage in "conspiracy" speech that he defines as irresponsible (including about JFK's death), and also advocated infiltrating such groups, and combating their messages, with government-sponsored third party surrogates. And this man was appointed America's Information Chief by President Obama. Unsettling, isn't it? The response to this stranglehold on the mainstream media by the American people (80% of whom have consistently concluded over the decades that JFK was killed by a conspiracy, and that there was a massive coverup) should be to openly and vociferously protest the Big Lie whenever it is trotted out as it was tonight, and to aggressively boycott those shows that promote the Big Lie. President Kennedy was killed by a conspiracy that involved many in the National Security Establishment at the time, as well as former members of the National Security Establishment; and a massive medical coverup was implemented immediately after his death in an attempt to hide all evidence that he was shot from the front (as well as from behind). That coverup has now failed. If you are not familiar with how it was carried out, you can read my five volume book, "Inside the Assassination Records Review Board." The ten depositions taken by the ARRB General Counsel and me, of JFK autopsy witnesses, in 1996 and 1997, undeniably prove that a medical coverup occurred. Anyone not afraid of the truth, and of evaluating facts and what they really mean, should read my book. It will take you to a place where you are less secure, less proud, and less confident about your own country, but if you are someone who believes that truth can be cleansing, and have a powerful, positive, and redemptive force, than my book may just be the perfect antidote to the propaganda about the JFK assassination that will rule the mainstream media airwaves and the national print media between now and the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination. Meanwhile, boycott MSNBC's "Hardball." If you truly believe that JFK was killed by a conspiracy and that the U.S. government covered it up, then turn off the tube every time Chris Matthews' face appears on the air. Chris used to only talk like this every November 22nd, on the anniversary of JFK's assassination; now he is going out of his way to do it as often as possible. Make MSNBC pay a price for promoting the Big Lie in America. We all deserve better journalism than that. END Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
David Lifton Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 (edited) Dear Friends, I'm so upset about what happened tonight on MSNBC's "Harball," that I just posted a new journal entry. Please give it the widest possible dissemination. Here it is: SHAME ON BOTH OF YOU, CLINT HILL AND CHRIS MATTHEWS insidethearrb May 4th, 20:45 By Douglas P. Horne, author of "Inside the Assassination Records Review Board" Good post. . . (snipped to save space) A few months ago, a friend of mine went to a Chris Mathews book signing at a midwest city. As he stood in line, waiting his turn, he heard Mathews say to another patron, whose book he was signing: "I have the greatest job in the world. And I'm not going to do anything to screw it up!" My friend waited patiently, and when it came his turn, he asked him the first of two questions. "If Kennedy was killed by a plot, does that change his legacy?" Here, verbatim, is what happened next: Mathews raised his voice and responded,in a sneering fashion: "Oh. . no! I see where you're coming from. "You're obsessed with this case! "He [President Kennedy] was killed by a Communist! "If someone doesn't realize he was killed by a communist, they ought to have their head examined!" My friend kept a poker face, and got to his second question--recounting what Tip O'Neill said in his memoir; about what he was told by Ken O'Donnell-that, as Doug Horne relates, he lied (not saying anything about shots from the front) at the request of the FBI. Mathews reacted, in that same sneering, "I know it better than you" fashion: "That's just a story!" "He didn't say that! That's just some story." As Mathews left the book signing table, he looked back at my friend, and said: "Send me your best theories! "Send it to MS-NBC!". . . as if he was some kind of media version of Dirty Harry. So that's what we've got, in the way of critical thinking, coming from Chris Mathews. FWIW: I can no longer watch Chris Mathews spouting off on any subject without thinking of his wise-ass, ignorant, commentary on the JFK case. Can Mathews really be that stupid, and uninformed? Or is he just plain arrogant? And in what other areas does his loud-mouthed style of commentary hide an abysmal lack of information? On April 3, 1993, in Chicago, I was on a radio program in which reporter Steve Dahl played a wonderful (and detailed) telephone interview with Tip O'Neill. For a good five minutes, O'Neill went through the entire account, as told him by Ken O'Donnell. It was clear he was dead serious, and it was not just some "story." Its absurd to believe that Chris Mathews is unaware of what his former boss had to say on this subject. I know its just a fantasy, but I wish I were the head of his network and could turn to Mathews and say, "Chris, you're fired!" Because that's what ought to happen to someone who is so totally irresponsible when it comes to such a serious issue. DSL Edited May 5, 2012 by David Lifton Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bernice Moore Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 SPECIAL AGENT CLINT HILL The man gently lowered the sheet just to expose the president's neck, and he began describing the wounds to me. A wound in the front neck area where a tracheotomy had been performed at Parkland Hospital in an effort to revive the president. He said it covered an exit wound.Then gently rolling the president over to one side, he pointed out a wound in the upper back , at the neckline quite small.This he said corresponded to the exit wound at the throat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Richard Hocking Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 "... Can Mathews really be that stupid, and uninformed? Or is he just plain arrogant? And in what other areas does his loud-mouthed style of commentary hide an abysmal lack of information?" It is truly perplexing that his show stays on the air. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dawn Meredith Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 "... Can Mathews really be that stupid, and uninformed? Or is he just plain arrogant? And in what other areas does his loud-mouthed style of commentary hide an abysmal lack of information?" It is truly perplexing that his show stays on the air. No it's not. He's paid to be a xxxx and pass on disinformation. I cannot watch him either. I totally believe he KNOWS better but...there is no truth in there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nathaniel Heidenheimer Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 Shared. Will re-share in a number of different places. These days, injections are needed in many strategic points of the media circulation system. They are thinking sneakier. So must we. It is as if Huffingtons never divorced, but rather bipartisan mytoasted. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tom Scully Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 These people are not stupid. They are very well organized, agenda driven, well informed, carefully scripted. Chris Matthews is simply a front man, near the bottom of the totem pole, doing what is in the direct, immediate, best interests of himself and his family. So is everyone else named in this post. The question should be. What are we doing? Is it all that inaccurate to call us "losers"? Sure, we can sleep at night, live with ourselves, etc. Got popcorn? Lisa McCubbin - Motion Picture Production, Motion Picture ... McCubbin is a journalist whose philosophy of life is imprinted on a t-shirt she gave ... of Sunrise, the three-hour morning newscast on KBAK-TV, the NBC-affiliate. ... Lisa gave up her news anchor chair and moved with her family to Riyadh, . John Reiss On Joining MSNBC's Hardball | The New York Observer Nov 30, 2007 – Yesterday, NBC executives named John Reiss, former executive producer of The NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams, as the EP of MSNBC's . May 7, 2009 – “Hardball” EP John Reiss has added the title of executive producer of MSNBC's Political Programming. Reiss will continue on “Hardball” while... John Reiss Executive Producer, MSNBC Political Programming and "Hardball with Chris Matthews", MSNBC John Reiss is the Executive Producer of MSNBC Political Programming and "Hardball with Chris Matthews." Reiss was the executive producer of MSNBC's coverage of the 2008 election, overseeing coverage of the primaries, caucuses, Democratic and Republican National Conventions, presidential debates and election night. Reiss joined MSNBC as the executive producer of "Hardball with Chris Matthews" in 2007 and previously served as executive producer of "NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams," from 2005 until March 2007. During his tenure, "Nightly News" received more high-journalism awards than any network evening newscast has in years. The awards included: Seven Emmy Awards, a duPont-Columbia Award, a Peabody Award, a Polk Award, six Edward R. Murrow Awards, including two for "Best Newscast," two Gerald Loeb Awards for financial reporting and two Sigma Delta Chi awards. Reiss was previously the senior broadcast producer of "Nightly News" from 2002-2005 and producer and senior producer at "Dateline NBC" from 1994-2002. Before joining NBC News in 1994, Reiss was a producer at ABC's "Good Morning America" from April 1991 - July 1994. At GMA, he produced a variety of stories, focusing on hard news and filled in regularly both as head of the field producing unit and as a line producer, overseeing the entire week's programming. From 1983 - 1988, Reiss was a writer and later head writer for ABC's "World News this Morning," and for GMA's news segments. From 1988 - 1991 he was ABC's morning news editorial producer, during which time he covered many stories, including the 1988 US-Soviet summit in Moscow and the 1989 democracy movement in China. Reiss was in Tiananmen Square on the night of the government's crackdown. Reiss began his broadcasting career in print journalism and radio. He worked as a news clerk at "The New York Times" Washington bureau and wrote and reported for Buffalo's only all-news radio station and for "The Buffalo Evening News." Reiss is a thirteen-time Emmy Award winner and a graduate of SUNY Buffalo with a Bachelor of Arts in Political Ccience. He lives in New York with his wife, Elizabeth Wilner. Wilner, Reiss Toast Engagement By Patrick on December 15, 2008 12:53 PM From Mike Allen’s Politico Playbook: POOL REPORTS — JENNY BACKUS and ED PAGANO held an engagement soiree for the divine Elizabeth Wilner and John Reiss, executive producer of ‘Hardball.’ Other co-hosts: Charlie and Lucy Cook, Josh Wachs and Molly Levinson (all the way from New York, and her parents, Carol and John Wilner. Among the revelers were Nancy, Dan and JOHN Balz. Also: Phil Alongi, Mike Berman, David Chalian, Nina Easton and Russ Schriefer, Betsy Fischer, Mark Leibovich, Kathleen and Chris Matthews, Bill McInturff, Andrea Mitchell and Alan Greenspan, Ann O’Hanlon and John F. Harris, Chuck Todd, and Teresa Vilmain. Carol W. Wilner | The Washington Center Wilner Carol is responsible for directing public policy initiatives with national constituency groups and think tanks and supporting Federal policy advocacy ... Elizabeth Wilner - TVNewser Sep 20, 2011 – “Hardball” EP John Reiss and his wife, former NBC News political director Elizabeth Wilner welcomed Jocelyn Haley Reiss into the world... News Political Director Elizabeth Wilner Stepping Down -... - Feb 12, 2007 By Patrick on February 12, 2007 10:28 AM FishbowlDC has learned that NBC News Political Director Elizabeth Wilner has decided to step down from her . Elizabeth Wilner has covered campaign politics since 1992, when she took a job right out of grad school with nonpartisan political handicapper Charlie Cook, helping to write and edit the Cook Political Report. She went on to the deputy political director post at ABC News, where she helped the network cover the midterm and presidential elections of 1998, 2000 and 2002, plus big breaking stories in between, such as the Monica Lewinsky scandal and the political impact of the September 11 attacks. In the spring of 2003, she left ABC for the political director post at NBC News, where she oversees the network's political and election coverage. Elizabeth is a Washington native with a bachelor's degree in English lit from Trinity College in Hartford, CT and a master's in journalism from Northwestern University. ][/b] New Roles for Paul Mason, Elizabeth Wilner By Chris Ariens on September 20, 2011 11:13 AMFormer NBC News Political Director Elizabeth Wilner has been named VP for Strategic Initiatives of the Campaign Media Analysis Group (CMAG). Wilner will establish an office for CMAG in New York, as well as work with clients in Washington, D.C...... BP's Show of Support May Not Save CEO Hayward By Stanley Reed and Brian Swint - Jun 9, 2010 7:01 PM ET On the night of June 7, a group including Vittorio Colao, head of telecom company Vodafone Plc, Martin Sorrell, chief of advertising firm WPP Plc, and John Sawers, director-general of the intelligence agency MI6, gathered on the sixth floor of BP Plc’s London headquarters to show support for Tony Hayward, the company’s beleaguered chief executive officer. “We have learned that he is made of steel,” BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg said as Hayward, dressed in a rumpled blue suit and dark checked shirt, worked the room. The 53-year-old CEO will testify before Congress next week. ... (LSE: WPP, NASDAQ: WPPGY) is a global advertising agency company with its main management office in London, United Kingdom and its registered and executive office in Dublin, Ireland.[3] It is the world's largest advertising group by revenues, and employs over 150,000 people[4] in 2,400 offices in 107 countries.[2][5] It owns a number of advertising, public relations and market research networks, including Grey, Burson-Marsteller, Hill & Knowlton, JWT, Ogilvy Group, TNS and Young & Rubicam.[2] The company is well known for going to great lengths to lower its own corporate tax bill, paying only 1.6% of total revenue in taxes in 2010.[6] Its primary listing is on the London Stock Exchange and it is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It has a secondary listing on NASDAQ. Wire and Plastic Products plc was founded in 1971 as a manufacturer of wire shopping baskets. In 1985 Martin Sorrell, searching for a listed company through which to build a worldwide marketing services company, bought a controlling stake of just under 30% at a cost of $676,000.[7] Sorrell had been the financial director for the advertising agency Saatchi & Saatchi from 1977 to 1985, managing its takeovers of companies in the US and the UK. The holding company was renamed WPP Group and in 1987 Sorrell became its chief executive.[7] ....WPP's research insight and consulting companies, forming a separate umbrella group known as Kantar, comprise BMRB, Added Value, Kantar Video, Indian Market Research Bureau, Millward Brown, Management Ventures Inc., Research International and TNS. ........ In a world oversupplied with information, possibilities and advice, Kantar Media goes beyond. We aim to transform data into insights that inspire our clients to make creative business decision. In short, we supply inspiration. Part of the WPP Group, we partner with our clients to maximize opportunities in today's cross-media world. .... The Kantar Media North America family of companies includes Kantar Media Intelligence, CMAG, Marx, Kantar Media Audiences, Compete, SRDS, Professional Health and Mars. We serve global advertisers, agencies and media companies by providing media and consumer research capabilities through traditional, social and digital media monitoring expertise...... Client Login Campaign Media Analysis Group, a Kantar Media solution, is the exclusive source of content analysis and advertising expenditure data for political, public affairs and issue advocacy professionals........’s hard to imagine that Kathleen and Chris Matthews, who purchased Joan Bingham’s modest Nantucket-style shingled house on the dunes, ever have time for weekend getaways. Still, the broadcasting power couple somehow manage to regularly retreat to their new home away from home, a major feat given that Kathleen anchors ABC-7 news at Five, hosts “Capital Sunday,” and is working on a new prime time news magazine while her husband is busy with his new “Chris Matthews Show” in addition to hosting MSNBC’s “Hardball.” When we caught up with the busy couple, Chris was being quizzed on American History poolside by his 16 year-old daughter Caroline who has turned their mutual love of history into a “friendly competition” that makes Advance Placement preparations a wee bit more fun. Whew! No rest for the weary. Meanwhile, in between photos, Kathleen managed to entertain Wayne and Catherine Reynolds and Gahl Burt who stopped by for lunch..... IN THE FAMILY! Jack Welch told a Nantucket neighbor about this great economy: // link // print // previous // next // THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2006 ......................................................................... MATTHEWS: Let me ask you about the fact that the public perception—I mean, you`re well off, but you’re pretty street-wise, you know what people are going through. You go to the pump and buy gas at $3 a gallon. If you’re a working guy or working woman, that usually means you have to go a long distance to your job, that’s the way it is, so you’re pouring cash in to that gas pump. Is that what’s bothering people in saying the economy is better? Or is it the war in Iraq that’s making them feel like we`re not doing so good in the world? WELCH: Chris, without question, it`s the war in Iraq. “I’m a strong Bush supporter,” the street-wise CEO soon said. “I love what he`s done with the economy.” So here you see the power elite explaining the voters’ puzzling perceptions. Why don’t average folk like this economy? Of course! The answer is clear as a bell! They’re getting the economy confused with Iraq! By the way, at no point in this conversation did Matthews or Welch say a word about the state of average incomes. Gergen had discussed it one night before. But it had flown out of Chris Matthews’ head. For the record, Matthews is a multimillionaire too. He too has a get-away home on Nantucket, like so much of the NBC crowd (see below). Indeed, he spends his spare time there with Welch—although the press corps’ power elite knows that it mustn’t discuss this. Similarly, comments like Gergen’s about average incomes seem to go straight from their heads..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pat Speer Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 (edited) Oh, God! Doug Horne has a fit over Clint Hill and Chris Matthews saying exactly what they've been saying for years, and claims they are deliberate liars, and fills his diatribe with so much nonsense one could accuse him of being just as bad. To be clear, Clint Hill, has NEVER EVER EVER said he thought the large wound he saw was an exit for a bullet entering elsewhere. He has long presented, and has apparently always believed, that the fatal bullet entered where he saw a large wound--at the top of Kennedy's head, which he thought was at the right rear. But instead of jumping on this FACT, and pointing out that "officially" the bullet entered low on the back of Kennedy's head, and that what Hill thought was an entrance was "officially" an exit, Horne invents this whole scenario where Hill thought the wound was an EXIT for a bullet entering the front of the head. He does us all a disservice, moreover, by making as though the Parkland doctors also thought the wound they thought was near the back of the head was an exit for a bullet entering elsewhere, presumably the front of the head. (He inaccurately claims they didn't think it was at the top of the back of the head--when many of them did.) Far worse, however, is that even a cursory study of the statements of these doctors will indicate that Dr. Clark, the only doctor to study the wound and write about it in a timely manner--from the very beginning--claimed he thought the large head wound was a tangential wound of both entrance and exit. Freakin' embarrassing, IMO. Neither Hill nor the Parkland doctors thought the large wound they saw on Kennedy's head was an exit for a bullet entering the front of his head, and yet Horne would have us believe there is an ongoing conspiracy to hide this "fact" which isn't remotely a fact. The "star" witness for those, like Horne, thinking there was a large exit on the back of the head, is Dr. Robert McClelland. And yet, when interviewed in December 1963 by Richard Dudman, a journalist who at that time suspected shots came from the front, McClelland was reported to say "As far as I am concerned, there is no reason to suspect that any shots came from the front." and "I am fully satisfied that the two bullets that hit him were from behind." So...get over it. There is no evidence Hill EVER thought shots came from the front. And we should quit pretending that he did. Edited May 6, 2012 by Pat Speer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Greg Burnham Posted May 5, 2012 Author Share Posted May 5, 2012 Oh, God! Doug Horne has a fit over Clint Hill and Chris Matthews saying exactly what they've been saying for years, and claims they are deliberate liars, and fills his diatribe with so much nonsense one could accuse him of being just as bad. To be clear, Clint Hill, has NEVER EVER EVER said he thought the large wound he saw was an exit for a bullet entering elsewhere. He has long presented, and has apparently always believed, that the fatal bullet entered where he saw a large wound--at the top of Kennedy's head, at the right rear. But instead of jumping on this FACT, and pointing out that "officially" the bullet entered on the back of Kennedy's head, and that what Hill thought was an entrance was an exit, Horne invents this whole scenario where Hill thought the wound was an EXIT. He does us all a disservice, moreover, by making as though the Parkland doctors also thought the wound they thought was near the back of the head was an exit for a bullet entering elsewhere. (He inaccurately claims they didn't think it was at the top of the back of the head--when many of them did.) Far worse, however, is that even a cursory study of the statements of these doctors will indicate that Dr. Clark, the only doctor to study the wound and write about it in a timely manner--from the very beginning--claimed he thought the large head wound was a tangential wound of both entrance and exit. Freakin' embarrassing, IMO. What is embarrassing is that you fault Doug and not Chris Matthews! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malcolm Ward Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 The problem with the media,much like politicians,is it serves its masters and not the public.Anyone that cannot buy that LHO shot JFK is a conspiracy nut.So branded by the media. We don't trust the media or politicians,because they lie to us.We are not like sheep that follow the crowd,but independent thinkers."I think." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Tom Scully Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 Just a coincidence??? There sure are a heck of a lot of them, aren't there? H. Weiner graduated from Winthrop High School in 1932, entered Lowell Institute, and later the evening division of Boston University. He was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Infantry Reserve on June 19, 1936. He was employed by the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company in Boston as a communications engineer before going on active duty in August 1941, as detachment commander of the 4th Airways Communications Region, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida. In February 1942 he was assigned to Borinquen Field, Puerto Rico, where in December 1942 he assumed command of the 9th Airways Communications Region. He was one of the first communications region commanders in the Caribbean area. It was during this assignment that he received the Legion of Merit for setting up the communications and flight facilities to effectively ferry large numbers of aircraft from the United States to the African theater of war. General Weiner returned to the United States in August 1943 and commanded the following units: 22nd Airways Communications Region and the 42nd Airways and Air Communications Service Group, both at Mitchell Field, New York, and the 53rd Airways and Air Communications Service Group at Peterson Field, Colorado. He reverted to inactive status in 1946 and was associated with the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company. In 1948 he again returned to active duty as commander of the 143rd Airways and Air Communications Service Squadron at Westover Air Force Base, Massachusetts. In January 1949 he was selected as one of two senior communications officers to attend the Air Force Institute of Technology's 18 month high level communications management Training with Industry course. In 1950 General Weiner went to the Continental Air Command at Mitchell Air Force Base, New York, as chief of Communications Systems Division. He became the assistant director of Communications-Electronics at Air Defense Command, Ent Air Force Base, Colorado, in 1951. He was assigned, in January 1952, as director of communications and operations at Headquarters U.S. Air Forces in Europe. Returning in 1954, he was assigned to the Air Defense Command again, this time as director of communications-electronics. His next assignment, beginning in June 1958, was at Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, where he was assigned as director of communications-electronics. In January 1959, he became assistant chief of staff, communications-electronics on the staff of the commander-in-chief, Pacific Air Forces. While in this position, he directed the preparation of plans and implementation actions which culminated in the consolidation under a single managership of communications facilities throughout the PACAF area. His conception of all communications services being managed by one unit was test run in the Pacific under his direction. This pioneering effort later led to world-wide adoption and creation, on July 1, 1961, of a new major command - the Air Force Communications Service. The geographical span of this command is one of the largest in the world. General Weiner was responsible for providing communications services covering the vast area from the West Coast of the Continental United States into Southeast Asia, and from the Far East areas of Japan and Korea, south to Australia and as far north as Alaska. General Weiner assumed the additional role of the assistant chief of staff for communications-electronics for the commander-in-chief, PACAF, on Jan. 1, 1962. This combined duty means he was the single manager of all Air Force communications support services, facilities, maintenance and staff functions in the Pacific area. In February 1963, General Weiner was assigned to the Defense Communications Agency in Washington, D.C. His position is that of assistant deputy director for the Defense Communications System. This assignment was a natural follow-on to his previous experience in the Pacific where he pioneered the initial consolidation of Air Force communications elements.... WEINER RUTH R. WEINER On Sunday, October 3, 2010, RUTH R. WEINER of Washington, DC. Beloved wife of the late Brig. Gen. James Weiner; devoted mother of Carol Wilner (John) and the late Toni Weiner; loving grandmother of Cara Wilner, Elizabeth Wilner (John) and Jonathan Wilner (Rachel); and dear sister of Irma Hyman. Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, October 5 at 2:30 p.m. at Washington Hebrew Congregation, 935 Macomb St. N.W., Washington, DC. Private interment at Arlington National Cemetery......... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Len Colby Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 So a Hardball producer is married to the granddaughter of an AF general what's your point? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steven Kossor Posted May 5, 2012 Share Posted May 5, 2012 (edited) Doug Horne's scholarship is so far beyond the ken of his critics that they would do well to read his books, learn from them, and apologize to him. His work should, and I believe eventually will be, recognized as the most comprehensive, definitive and documented collection of "what we know" about the hijacking of the American government in the 1963 tragedy we refer to as "the Kennedy assassination." The truth will out. Edited May 6, 2012 by Steven Kossor Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pat Speer Posted May 6, 2012 Share Posted May 6, 2012 (edited) What is embarrassing is that you fault Doug and not Chris Matthews! Not exactly. It's obvious that Chris Matthews wears some seriously dark blinders when it comes to the assassination, and that he likes to repeat LN talking points when a more detailed discussion might lead him back to the fence. But he didn't spend years writing a series of books on the assassination, and then misrepresent some basic facts. So, yes, it's true. I hold Doug to a higher standard. Edited May 6, 2012 by Pat Speer Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pat Speer Posted May 6, 2012 Share Posted May 6, 2012 Doug Horne's scholarship is so far beyond the ken of his critics that they would do well to read his books, learn from them, and apologize to him. His work should, and I believe eventually will be, recognized as the most comprehensive, definitive and documented collection of "what we know" about the hijacking of the American government in the 1963 tragedy we refer to as "the Kennedy assassination." The truth will out. To be clear, Steven, I respect Doug and think he made a valuable contribution to the case via both his work with the ARRB and the books he wrote afterward. But he made many mistakes and is far from the last word on the subject. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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