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Harvey and Lee: John Armstrong

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To Steven Gaal....

I tried to PM you via this forum's software, but it said you couldn't receive private messages. So... here's what I tried to send.// Hargrove


Well Im not blocking anyone. I have received a message from Don Jeffries recently. I don't understand why you (and maybe others) cant PM me. THANKS S Gaal

PS Thanks for the Tujague info.

If the Forum Software allows you to send me private messages, Steven, please send me an email address for you. If not, we'll work it out!

Why is this so hard???

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To Steven Gaal....

I tried to PM you via this forum's software, but it said you couldn't receive private messages. So... here's what I tried to send.// Hargrove


Well Im not blocking anyone. I have received a message from Don Jeffries recently. I don't understand why you (and maybe others) cant PM me. THANKS S Gaal

PS Thanks for the Tujague info.

Well, Steven, the Education Forum refuses to let me PM you!

You have worked hard for H&L, but you will NOT be allowed to SUCCEED!!!! EF has spoken, and that's it!

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To Steven Gaal....

I tried to PM you via this forum's software, but it said you couldn't receive private messages. So... here's what I tried to send.// Hargrove


Well Im not blocking anyone. I have received a message from Don Jeffries recently. I don't understand why you (and maybe others) cant PM me. THANKS S Gaal

PS Thanks for the Tujague info.

Well, Steven, the Education Forum refuses to let me PM you!

You have worked hard for H&L, but you will NOT be allowed to SUCCEED!!!! EF has spoken, and that's it!

For crying out loud... you're kidding?

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BrowserModifier:Win32/KipodToolsCby files and codes can be acquired by user from ranges of sources. Malicious links, spam email messages, or Peer-to-peer connection can lead to the infection. It may also be dropped onto your PC by threats like Trojans, viruses, or malware.


Might I ask Jim, why you didn't just post the photos here as others do, including Josephs and Gaal?

In fact, given that the photos you posted were not ones unseen by members previously (as I said before, they have all been posted a gazzilion times), why did you go to such great lengths to show them all again, and in the manner you did, creating temp pages for them at your own site?

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From the conclusion of Harvey and Lee:

The murder and cover-up of the assassination of President Kennedy, and the political murders which began in the 1960's and continue to this day, are symptomatic of a corrupt and unconstitutional government. The CIA's manipulation of government officials, ballot boxes, their complete disregard for human rights, and their unconstitu­tional and illegal activities will continue as long as they are given unlimited taxpayer dollars, allowed to operate with anonymity, and their officials are given Presidential pardons when convicted of crimes.
The old farmer from Missouri, former President Harry S. Truman, was correct when he called the Agency an "American Gestapo."
In the fall of 1994 a schoolteacher at Northside Middle School in Roanoke, Virginia, Mr. Richard Duncan, wrote a letter to President Kennedy's former secretary, Evelyn Lincoln, asking about the assassination of President Kennedy. On October 7, 1994, Ms. Lincoln replied and wrote:
Dear Richard,
It was a pleasure to receive your kind letter concerning your desire to obtain my assessment of President Kennedy's administration and assassination to pass along to your students.
I am sending along to you an article which was written by Muriel Press­man for the "Lady's Circle" October 1964, and was recently reprinted in a current issue of that magazine, which will give you an insight into my impression of the man.
As for the assassination is concerned it is my belief that there was a con­spiracy because there were those that disliked him and felt the only way to get rid of him was to assassinate him. These five conspirators, in my opinion, were Lyndon B. Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover, the Mafia, the CIA, and the Cubans in Florida. The House Intelligence Committee investigation, also, came to the conclusion there was a conspiracy.
My very best wishes to you and your students.
Evelyn Lincoln
Edited by Jim Hargrove
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I have contacted a former crew member of the Skagit. I quote his reply:

Skagit had a fully equiped and staffed sick bay
Treatment for NSU (Non-specific urethritis) and the Clap ( Gonorrhea) only required Penicillin and restriction to the ship (no liberty).
In order to diagnose these conditions, pathology facilities would have been available.
In fact, even Australian ships during WWII could perform pathology work.
Other Installations Afloat. The Whang Pu, a river steamer, was commissioned by the navy on 1st October 1943 for conversion to a construction and repair ship. The sick bay afforded space for slinging 12 patients , and had a folding operating table . Accessory services such as those for pathological work and dentistry were provided. Surgeon Lieutenant N. L. Speirs and a Leading S.B.A. and an S.B.A. comprised the medical staff.
The USS Skagit was 459 ft long. If a piddly little converted steamer for the piddly little Australian Navy could perform pathology work, I am damn sure the USS Skagit included that ability.
Edited by Greg Parker
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Skagit had a fully equiped and staffed sick bay // PARKER


No one has ever said it didn't have a sick bay. Ive seen a skematic of said ship I know its length and that 80 % is storage area (that's what it did "cargo"). When you add motor,fuel,bridge control,communications and sleep/eating facilities the space for sickbay is small. The idea of a lab that would do the bacterial work is small possibility. On file they had blood types and Im sure they could remove small shrapnel and stitch/close wounds and also do seaman to seaman transfusion. Dispensing antibiotics would be part of sick bay function (not to put down the service but Navy and STDs are closely associated). BUT grow/type a bacterial culture ??... seem a low probability ..less than 6.1 % (to throw out a figure) gaal

Edited by Steven Gaal
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To Kathy Beckett....

Thank you. That explanation makes sense.

But when a platform is given for members to make scurrilous and easily disprovable claims such as I am giving them viruses with links to clean .jpg files, it is easy to get over-excited. Thanks again.

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Greg Parker warned others here not to open perfectly fine links, provided by Jim Hargrove. When some of us, including Jim, questioned this, Greg responded in predictably indignant fashion, and attempted to make it look as if he, as always, was being wronged. A reasonable person would have simply said, "I'm sorry, Jim, I didn't mean to infer that you were being dishonest- I just reacted to what my software was telling me."

There are three primary reasons I continue to be drawn back to this topic. One, Greg Parker just keeps cavalierly accusing Jack White of fraud, without even using the "alleged" thing that the msm never uses on Oswald and other patsies. Two, his obsession with dismantling the Harvey & Lee theory has caused him to discount all the strong indications that Oswald was being impersonated in the weeks leading up to the assassination. And now three, he accused Jim Hargrove of posting dangerous links, was found to be in error about this, and not only doesn't apologize, he plays the victim and acts as if Jim was wrong to question it. If others would simply call him out on his behavior and the way he presents speculation as fact, then I could find time for hundreds of more important things than posting here.

I know that the vast majority of the research community, including most who have posted and still post here, have always found Sylvia Odio, for example, to be entirely credible. As such, her encounter with a seeming Oswald impersonator represents strong evidence of an attempt to frame him in advance for the assassination. But no one beyond myself and a few others have confronted Greg here about his contentions. Why is that? Most of you certainly have confrontational personalities.

I personally resent all this a lot more than Jim Hargrove's misunderstanding about how the p.m. system works here.

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Greg Parker warned others here not to open perfectly fine links, provided by Jim Hargrove. When some of us, including Jim, questioned this, Greg responded in predictably indignant fashion, and attempted to make it look as if he, as always, was being wronged. A reasonable person would have simply said, "I'm sorry, Jim, I didn't mean to infer that you were being dishonest- I just reacted to what my software was telling me."

Yes, I warned others - as I hope anyone would.

I posted proof of the virus. I had nothing else opened at the time except the ed forum and Hargrove's photos. As soon as I had looked at them, I opened another browser window, saw I had the virus and put up the warning.

You like conspiracy theories? Here's one. IIRC, there was only me and Hargrove logged in at the time. I think there was time for the virus to be cleaned from his links after my warning went up and prior to his contacting "support". There was no earthly reason to put up temp pages on his own site to host those photos in order to post links to them here. He could have posted them directly here like everyone else has. Links are one of the main ways this virus is given.

ps my "software" wasn't telling me anything. My browser had obviously been taken over by a virus. I looked up what "delta homes" was and how to get rid of it. Following the instructions, I cleaned some of it myself, then ran windows defender to clean the rest.

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There are three primary reasons I continue to be drawn back to this topic. One, Greg Parker just keeps cavalierly accusing Jack White of fraud, without even using the "alleged" thing that the msm never uses on Oswald and other patsies. Two, his obsession with dismantling the Harvey & Lee theory has caused him to discount all the strong indications that Oswald was being impersonated in the weeks leading up to the assassination. And now three, he accused Jim Hargrove of posting dangerous links, was found to be in error about this, and not only doesn't apologize, he plays the victim and acts as if Jim was wrong to question it. If others would simply call him out on his behavior and the way he presents speculation as fact, then I could find time for hundreds of more important things than posting here.

I know that the vast majority of the research community, including most who have posted and still post here, have always found Sylvia Odio, for example, to be entirely credible. As such, her encounter with a seeming Oswald impersonator represents strong evidence of an attempt to frame him in advance for the assassination. But no one beyond myself and a few others have confronted Greg here about his contentions. Why is that? Most of you certainly have confrontational personalities.

I personally resent all this a lot more than Jim Hargrove's misunderstanding about how the p.m. system works here.

Nothing cavalier about my accusations. One might presume I would have a posse after me if that were the case, instead of Smiley Burnett.

My "obsession" is that my history on this forum is one of having all of my threads about Oswald hijacked by HardlyLee foot soldiers. I took it on the chin for an eternity before returning fire. Additionally, in writing my books, which basically amount to a bio of Oswald, it is to be expected that I cover nearly all the same ground as Armstrong. Rather than ignore Armstrong's twisted take on the evidence and have his foot soldiers bitch about me being "wrong" I have included his arguments and dismantled them within the text. I am also taking it apart preemptively here. Got a problem with that? Tough.

As for my take on Sylvia Odio (of which you know little), you are among those calling for this community to be a broad church. It is one of your cries in regard to my dismantling of Armstrong's theory. Apparently it can only be as broad as your (Don's) own POV.

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"All officers and air controllers, including Oswald, lived on the west or main side of the base". The Missing Chapter Lee Harvey Oswald in the Far East, p105

"Buses were used to transport personnel from the West to the East Camp and vice versa" p66 // PARKER



Author Jack Swike discusses his book, The Missing Chapter: Lee Harvey Oswald in the Far East


Swike states LHO never in Philippines or Tawain or had STD. This conflicts with known history.


GOLLY SWIKE A BACKDOOR Harvey and Lee man. // Gaal


MAYBE Mr. Parker should not rely on Mr. Swike for data ,NO ?? GAAL

Swike by his own admission never met Oswald. I don't rely on him for anything about Oswald, or Oswald's Marine record.I relied on him for info about the Atsugi base - something he actually does know about since he was there before Oswald.

Edited by Greg Parker
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Skagit had a fully equiped and staffed sick bay // PARKER


No one has ever said it didn't have a sick bay. Ive seen a skematic of said ship I know its length and that 80 % is storage area (that's what it did "cargo"). When you add motor,fuel,bridge control,communications and sleep/eating facilities the space for sickbay is small. The idea of a lab that would do the bacterial work is small possibility. On file they had blood types and Im sure they could remove small shrapnel and stitch/close wounds and also do seaman to seaman transfusion. Dispensing antibiotics would be part of sick bay function (not to put down the service but Navy and STDs are closely associated). BUT grow/type a bacterial culture ??... seem a low probability ..less than 6.1 % (to throw out a figure) gaal

You forgot what the rest of what my informant said:

Treatment for NSU (Non-specific urethritis) and the Clap ( Gonorrhea) only required Penicillin and restriction to the ship (no liberty).

In order for the medical staff on board the Skagit to differentiate between NSU and "the clap", they had to be able to do the lab work.

And are you seriously suggesting that the Australian Navy during WWII was better equipped than the mighty US Navy in the 1950's?

Edited by Greg Parker
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Greg Parker warned others here not to open perfectly fine links, provided by Jim Hargrove. When some of us, including Jim, questioned this, Greg responded in predictably indignant fashion, and attempted to make it look as if he, as always, was being wronged. A reasonable person would have simply said, "I'm sorry, Jim, I didn't mean to infer that you were being dishonest- I just reacted to what my software was telling me."

There are three primary reasons I continue to be drawn back to this topic. One, Greg Parker just keeps cavalierly accusing Jack White of fraud, without even using the "alleged" thing that the msm never uses on Oswald and other patsies. Two, his obsession with dismantling the Harvey & Lee theory has caused him to discount all the strong indications that Oswald was being impersonated in the weeks leading up to the assassination. And now three, he accused Jim Hargrove of posting dangerous links, was found to be in error about this, and not only doesn't apologize, he plays the victim and acts as if Jim was wrong to question it. If others would simply call him out on his behavior and the way he presents speculation as fact, then I could find time for hundreds of more important things than posting here.

I know that the vast majority of the research community, including most who have posted and still post here, have always found Sylvia Odio, for example, to be entirely credible. As such, her encounter with a seeming Oswald impersonator represents strong evidence of an attempt to frame him in advance for the assassination. But no one beyond myself and a few others have confronted Greg here about his contentions. Why is that? Most of you certainly have confrontational personalities.

I personally resent all this a lot more than Jim Hargrove's misunderstanding about how the p.m. system works here.

Adding credence to Sylvia Odio's story of meeting ex-Marine "Leon Oswald" and the two Cubans (at the same time "Lee Harvey Oswald" is supposed to be on a bus to Mexico City) is how dishonest the FBI was in trying to discredit her. An alleged FBI interview with Loran Eugene Hall seemed to indicate that Hall and Lawrence Howard and William Seymour were actually the three men who visited Sylvia and her sister.
But when the FBI interviewed Seymour, he said he'd never heard of Sylvia Odio and, in fact, was nowhere near Dallas on any date within weeks of the "Leon Oswald" encounter with Odio. Employment records from Seymour's job in Miami, Florida confirmed that he was there--not in Dallas--from Sept. 5 through Oct. 10. Despite the fact that the FBI was well aware of this problem with the Hall/Howard/Seymour saga, the FBI used the original Seymour story in a message to the WC to try and indicate Odio was mistaken.
Warren Commission defenders always like to talk about "Occam's Razor," you know, that the simplest explanation is usually the correct one. So here's an exercise in this form of logic:
How many times does a "Lee Harvey Oswald" have to be impersonated before we begin to wonder if there is a simpler explanation?
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