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Harvey and Lee: John Armstrong

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Harvey Oswald at Stripling in the fall of 1954

The Warren Commission ignored Robert Oswald's testimony about Stripling

and concluded that "Lee Harvey Oswald" left Fort Worth in August of 1952, and moved

to New York with his mother where he attended the 7th grade (1952-53) and the first

half of the 8th grade (fall semester, 1953). He then moved to New Orleans where he at-

tended the last half of the 8th grade (spring semester, 1954), all of the 9th grade (1954-

55 school year), and graduated from Beauregard in June 1955. He briefly attended

Warren Easton High School in the fall of 1955 (New Orleans), dropped out, worked in

New Orleans for the next 8 months, and then moved to Fort Worth.

According to Warren Commission version of his background, it would have been impos-

sible for "Lee Harvey Oswald" to have attended even a single day of school at Stripling Junior

High in Fort Worth, from September 1952 thru June 1956.

After reading Robert Oswald's testimony, I wrote a letter to the principal of W.C.

Stripling, Mr. Ricardo Galindo, and asked if there were any records of Oswald's atten-

dance at Stripling.37 Mr. Galindo telephoned and said that while he did not have pos-

session of such records, it was "common knowledge" that Oswald attended Stripling.

He said all school records had been turned over to the Fort Worth Independent School

District many years ago, and suggested that I contact them to see if they had any records.

In late 1993 I made an appointment with Mr. Ralph Waller of the FWISD, 100

North University, in Fort Worth. I met Mr. Waller and his friend, Billy J. Sills, a retired

resident of Fort Worth who was devoting his time to setting up an historical archive for

the District. When I asked if the District had any school records for "Lee Harvey

Oswald," Mr. Waller instructed a co-worker to review their microfilm and provide me

with copies of any records. When I asked if there was a list of teachers who taught at

Stripling in 1954 Mr. Waller said they had no such list, but Billy Sills said he would check

his records and then left.

Mr. Waller explained that students who graduated from Ridglea West Elemen-

tary School prior to the 1951-1952 school year would have gone to Stripling Junior High.

Students who graduated from Ridglea West Elementary School during or after the 1951-

52 school year would have attended Monnig Junior High School, which opened in the

fall of 1952. Oswald graduated from Ridglea West in the spring of 1952, and a copy of

his school transcripts should have been sent to Monnig Junior High--not Stripling.

NOTE: Only Marguerite Oswald's notification that the family was moving to New York

would have prevented Ridglea Hest Elementary from automatically forwarding a copy

of Oswald's school transcripts to Monnig. Such a request was not made because the New

York school records did not contain any school transcripts from Ridglea West Elemen-


After researching their microfilm records, Mr. Waller's co-workers did not find

any of Oswald's school transcripts, which meant the original records and carbon copies

disappeared prior to 1964 (probably confiscated by the FBI in 1963 ). The only records

they located were enrollment cards from 1951 and 1952 for Ridglea West Elementary


NOTE: Prior to the mid-1960's, each Fort Worth school archived school records on site.

In the mid-1960's records from all Fort Worth schools were transferred to a central

warehouse at the Fort Worth Independent School District and microfilmed.

As I was leaving Mr. Waller's office, Billy Sills returned and gave me a handwrit-

ten list of 41 teachers who had taught at Stripling Junior High during the 1951-1952

school year, along with their most recent address and telephone number.54-18

Stripling faculty members

After many hours of long distance telephone calls, I managed to contact a sur-

prising number of former Stripling teachers, although many were deceased. One man

I spoke with was Mark Summers, a former gym teacher, who began his 10-year tenure

at Stripling in September 1950, one year after Robert Oswald graduated from the school

( 1949). Mr. Summers said that "Lee Harvey Oswald" was a student in his gym class for

a short time, but remembered little about him.

NOTE: Mr. Summers could not have mistakenly remembered Robert Oswald in his class,

because Robert graduated from Stripling the year before he began teaching.

As I continued to locate and talk with former Stripling teachers, many suggested

that I call "Frank Kudlaty," the former assistant principal at Stripling. I telephoned Mr.

Kudlaty, introduced myself as a JFK researcher, and asked if he knew whether or not

"Lee Harvey Oswald" had attended Stripling. Without hesitation Frank said, "Yes, he

attended Stripling." Somewhat surprised I asked, "How do you know that." Frank re-

plied, "Because I gave his Stripling records to the FBI."

I was momentarily stunned by Frank's answer, and asked him to tell me what

he remembered in detail. He explained, "Early on the morning following the assass-

nation, Saturday morning, I was telephoned by my boss, Mr. (Weldon) Lucas (Princi-

pal of Stripling), and told to go to school and meet two FBI agents. I lived close to the

school at that time and arrived at the school before they (FBI Agents) got there. I went

into the school and located Oswald's records. In fact I found both Lee Harvey and Rob-

ert Oswald's records for Stripling. I opened Lee Harvey Oswald's folder and briefly

looked over his records and noted that he had attended less than a full semester at Strip-

ling. He had been there long enough to receive grades for a 6-week period, but not long

enough to receive semester grades. I think he was in the 9th grade. I put the records

back into the folder and waited for the FBI agents. When they arrived, they showed me

their badges for identification, and asked for the records. I told them that I had located

both Lee Harvey and Robert Oswald's school records and asked if they wanted both.

They told me they only wanted 'Lee Harvey Oswald's' records. After I handed the

records to them they thanked me and left. I locked up the school and went home."38

Frank went on to explain that Stripling did not have a copy machine and nei-

ther of the agents gave him a receipt for the records. He said that no one, except my-

self, had ever asked him about Oswald's records at Stripling Junior High.

After speaking with Frank, I made arrangements to visit him and his wife,

Marlene, at their home in Waco, Texas. Frank graduated from Texas Christian University

(TCU), began teaching at Stripling in the fall of 1951, and by 1963, was the assis-

tant principal. After leaving Stripling, Frank became the Superintendent of Schools in

Waco, Texas, a position he held until his retirement in 1987. In 1979 the US State De-

partment asked the American Association of School Administrators to select a 25-mem-

ber team of educators to travel to the Peoples Republic of China and advise the Chi-

nese government on education. Frank was one of the educators chosen to attend, and

traveled to China in November 1979.

Frank explained, during a videotaped interview, that before the FBI agents

arrived at Stripling on Saturday morning (November 23), he briefly reviewed Oswald's

school file. He explained that when a student enrolled in a new school, in this case at

Stripling, the previous school routinely sent copies of his school transcripts. Occasion-

ally, if the records were not sent, the new school would write and request copies of the

school records from the previous school. Frank said that when he examined Oswald's

file he saw neither copies of school transcripts from a previous school nor a letter from

Stripling requesting such records. Frank said this was very unusual, as Oswald must have

attended school prior to his attendance at Stripling, yet there were no records.

Frank said the Stripling records showed that Oswald received grades for one 6-

week grade period, had attended a second grade period, but had not completed the fall


NOTE: Harvey Oswald's failure to complete a full semester of school at PS # 117 or at

PS #44 in New York continued at Stripling. His inability to complete a full semester was

probably due to his inability to provide transcripts from previous schools. This was

probably the reason he dropped out of Stripling and returned to New Orleans with the

short, dumpy, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" imposter in late 1954.

Frank explained that when students graduated or were transferred from Strip-

ling, copies of their Stripling transcripts were sent to the new school along with a cover

letter. Once again, Frank saw no indication that copies of Oswald's transcripts from

Stripling had been forwarded to any school. T he only school records in Oswald's file

were those created by his attendance at Stripling, which Frank said was very unusual.

NOTE: Copies of Oswald's school transcripts from the 8th grade at Beauregard should

have been in Oswald's file at Stripling.

Copies of Oswald's school transcripts from the fall semester of 1954 (9th grade) at Strip-

ling should have been forwarded to Warren Easton High School in New Orleans where

Harvey Oswald entered the 10th grade in the fall of 1955.

After talking with Frank, I realized that certain FBI official(s) had to have known

about Lee Harvey Oswald's Stripling Junior High attendance prior to the assassination,

which probably meant they also knew about the existence of two Oswalds. Otherwise,

why were two agents sent to Stripling to confiscate junior high school records less than

20 hours after the assassination? And why would the FBI be interested in Oswald's

records from junior high school? ..... Because those records proved that Harvey Oswald attended

Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth at the same time that Lee Oswald attended Beauregard

Junior High in New Orleans. If both of these school records were made public, they would

expose the two Oswalds and the agency responsible for merging the identity of the ac-

cused Presidential assassin with New Orleans-born Lee Harvey Oswald. Needless to say,

the Stripling records disappeared.

NOTE: In the mid-1990s I wrote to the Assassination Records Review Board and pro-

vided them with Frank Kudlaty's name, address, a synopsis of his statements to me, and

a copy of the videotaped interview. Frank's name appears on several internal ARRB

memos, but no one contacted him. The ARRB's avoidance of personal contact with Frank

Kudlaty followed the FBI/WC/HSCA's practice of ignoring troublesome witnesses.

--From Harvey and Lee, pp 97-100, posted, probably with permission of the author, by me.

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Harvey Oswald at Stripling in the fall of 1954

The Warren Commission ignored Robert Oswald's testimony about Stripling

and concluded that "Lee Harvey Oswald" left Fort Worth in August of 1952, and moved

to New York with his mother where he attended the 7th grade (1952-53) and the first

half of the 8th grade (fall semester, 1953). He then moved to New Orleans where he at-

tended the last half of the 8th grade (spring semester, 1954), all of the 9th grade (1954-

55 school year), and graduated from Beauregard in June 1955. He briefly attended

Warren Easton High School in the fall of 1955 (New Orleans), dropped out, worked in

New Orleans for the next 8 months, and then moved to Fort Worth.

According to Warren Commission version of his background, it would have been impos-

sible for "Lee Harvey Oswald" to have attended even a single day of school at Stripling Junior

High in Fort Worth, from September 1952 thru June 1956.

After reading Robert Oswald's testimony, I wrote a letter to the principal of W.C.

Stripling, Mr. Ricardo Galindo, and asked if there were any records of Oswald's atten-

dance at Stripling.37 Mr. Galindo telephoned and said that while he did not have pos-

session of such records, it was "common knowledge" that Oswald attended Stripling.

He said all school records had been turned over to the Fort Worth Independent School

District many years ago, and suggested that I contact them to see if they had any records.

In late 1993 I made an appointment with Mr. Ralph Waller of the FWISD, 100

North University, in Fort Worth. I met Mr. Waller and his friend, Billy J. Sills, a retired

resident of Fort Worth who was devoting his time to setting up an historical archive for

the District. When I asked if the District had any school records for "Lee Harvey

Oswald," Mr. Waller instructed a co-worker to review their microfilm and provide me

with copies of any records. When I asked if there was a list of teachers who taught at

Stripling in 1954 Mr. Waller said they had no such list, but Billy Sills said he would check

his records and then left.

Mr. Waller explained that students who graduated from Ridglea West Elemen-

tary School prior to the 1951-1952 school year would have gone to Stripling Junior High.

Students who graduated from Ridglea West Elementary School during or after the 1951-

52 school year would have attended Monnig Junior High School, which opened in the

fall of 1952. Oswald graduated from Ridglea West in the spring of 1952, and a copy of

his school transcripts should have been sent to Monnig Junior High--not Stripling.

NOTE: Only Marguerite Oswald's notification that the family was moving to New York

would have prevented Ridglea Hest Elementary from automatically forwarding a copy

of Oswald's school transcripts to Monnig. Such a request was not made because the New

York school records did not contain any school transcripts from Ridglea West Elemen-


After researching their microfilm records, Mr. Waller's co-workers did not find

any of Oswald's school transcripts, which meant the original records and carbon copies

disappeared prior to 1964 (probably confiscated by the FBI in 1963 ). The only records

they located were enrollment cards from 1951 and 1952 for Ridglea West Elementary


NOTE: Prior to the mid-1960's, each Fort Worth school archived school records on site.

In the mid-1960's records from all Fort Worth schools were transferred to a central

warehouse at the Fort Worth Independent School District and microfilmed.

As I was leaving Mr. Waller's office, Billy Sills returned and gave me a handwrit-

ten list of 41 teachers who had taught at Stripling Junior High during the 1951-1952

school year, along with their most recent address and telephone number.54-18

Stripling faculty members

After many hours of long distance telephone calls, I managed to contact a sur-

prising number of former Stripling teachers, although many were deceased. One man

I spoke with was Mark Summers, a former gym teacher, who began his 10-year tenure

at Stripling in September 1950, one year after Robert Oswald graduated from the school

( 1949). Mr. Summers said that "Lee Harvey Oswald" was a student in his gym class for

a short time, but remembered little about him.

NOTE: Mr. Summers could not have mistakenly remembered Robert Oswald in his class,

because Robert graduated from Stripling the year before he began teaching.

As I continued to locate and talk with former Stripling teachers, many suggested

that I call "Frank Kudlaty," the former assistant principal at Stripling. I telephoned Mr.

Kudlaty, introduced myself as a JFK researcher, and asked if he knew whether or not

"Lee Harvey Oswald" had attended Stripling. Without hesitation Frank said, "Yes, he

attended Stripling." Somewhat surprised I asked, "How do you know that." Frank re-

plied, "Because I gave his Stripling records to the FBI."

I was momentarily stunned by Frank's answer, and asked him to tell me what

he remembered in detail. He explained, "Early on the morning following the assass-

nation, Saturday morning, I was telephoned by my boss, Mr. (Weldon) Lucas (Princi-

pal of Stripling), and told to go to school and meet two FBI agents. I lived close to the

school at that time and arrived at the school before they (FBI Agents) got there. I went

into the school and located Oswald's records. In fact I found both Lee Harvey and Rob-

ert Oswald's records for Stripling. I opened Lee Harvey Oswald's folder and briefly

looked over his records and noted that he had attended less than a full semester at Strip-

ling. He had been there long enough to receive grades for a 6-week period, but not long

enough to receive semester grades. I think he was in the 9th grade. I put the records

back into the folder and waited for the FBI agents. When they arrived, they showed me

their badges for identification, and asked for the records. I told them that I had located

both Lee Harvey and Robert Oswald's school records and asked if they wanted both.

They told me they only wanted 'Lee Harvey Oswald's' records. After I handed the

records to them they thanked me and left. I locked up the school and went home."38

Frank went on to explain that Stripling did not have a copy machine and nei-

ther of the agents gave him a receipt for the records. He said that no one, except my-

self, had ever asked him about Oswald's records at Stripling Junior High.

After speaking with Frank, I made arrangements to visit him and his wife,

Marlene, at their home in Waco, Texas. Frank graduated from Texas Christian University

(TCU), began teaching at Stripling in the fall of 1951, and by 1963, was the assis-

tant principal. After leaving Stripling, Frank became the Superintendent of Schools in

Waco, Texas, a position he held until his retirement in 1987. In 1979 the US State De-

partment asked the American Association of School Administrators to select a 25-mem-

ber team of educators to travel to the Peoples Republic of China and advise the Chi-

nese government on education. Frank was one of the educators chosen to attend, and

traveled to China in November 1979.

Frank explained, during a videotaped interview, that before the FBI agents

arrived at Stripling on Saturday morning (November 23), he briefly reviewed Oswald's

school file. He explained that when a student enrolled in a new school, in this case at

Stripling, the previous school routinely sent copies of his school transcripts. Occasion-

ally, if the records were not sent, the new school would write and request copies of the

school records from the previous school. Frank said that when he examined Oswald's

file he saw neither copies of school transcripts from a previous school nor a letter from

Stripling requesting such records. Frank said this was very unusual, as Oswald must have

attended school prior to his attendance at Stripling, yet there were no records.

Frank said the Stripling records showed that Oswald received grades for one 6-

week grade period, had attended a second grade period, but had not completed the fall


NOTE: Harvey Oswald's failure to complete a full semester of school at PS # 117 or at

PS #44 in New York continued at Stripling. His inability to complete a full semester was

probably due to his inability to provide transcripts from previous schools. This was

probably the reason he dropped out of Stripling and returned to New Orleans with the

short, dumpy, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" imposter in late 1954.

Frank explained that when students graduated or were transferred from Strip-

ling, copies of their Stripling transcripts were sent to the new school along with a cover

letter. Once again, Frank saw no indication that copies of Oswald's transcripts from

Stripling had been forwarded to any school. T he only school records in Oswald's file

were those created by his attendance at Stripling, which Frank said was very unusual.

NOTE: Copies of Oswald's school transcripts from the 8th grade at Beauregard should

have been in Oswald's file at Stripling.

Copies of Oswald's school transcripts from the fall semester of 1954 (9th grade) at Strip-

ling should have been forwarded to Warren Easton High School in New Orleans where

Harvey Oswald entered the 10th grade in the fall of 1955.

After talking with Frank, I realized that certain FBI official(s) had to have known

about Lee Harvey Oswald's Stripling Junior High attendance prior to the assassination,

which probably meant they also knew about the existence of two Oswalds. Otherwise,

why were two agents sent to Stripling to confiscate junior high school records less than

20 hours after the assassination? And why would the FBI be interested in Oswald's

records from junior high school? ..... Because those records proved that Harvey Oswald attended

Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth at the same time that Lee Oswald attended Beauregard

Junior High in New Orleans. If both of these school records were made public, they would

expose the two Oswalds and the agency responsible for merging the identity of the ac-

cused Presidential assassin with New Orleans-born Lee Harvey Oswald. Needless to say,

the Stripling records disappeared.

NOTE: In the mid-1990s I wrote to the Assassination Records Review Board and pro-

vided them with Frank Kudlaty's name, address, a synopsis of his statements to me, and

a copy of the videotaped interview. Frank's name appears on several internal ARRB

memos, but no one contacted him. The ARRB's avoidance of personal contact with Frank

Kudlaty followed the FBI/WC/HSCA's practice of ignoring troublesome witnesses.

--From Harvey and Lee, pp 97-100, posted, probably with permission of the author, by me.

Comments by someone other than G Parker would be appreciated.

Edited by Jim Hargrove
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Armstrong has indeed compiled impressive evidence of two Oswalds. I'm far from finishing Armstrong's book, but one area that stands out in what I've read so far is the fact that Oswald entered the 9th grade at two junior high schools simultaneously, one in Fort Worth and one in New Orleans, in the fall of 1954. The government solved this problem by destroying the records of Oswald's attendance at Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth. The WC tells us that Oswald lived in and attended school in New Orleans through the 8th, 9th, and 10th grades.

Armstrong located former Stripling students and school officials who remembered Oswald being there, including former assistant principal Frank Kudlaty. When asked, Kudlaty readily stated that Oswald had been a student there. When Armstrong asked how he knew that, Kudlaty said "Because I gave his Stripling records to the FBI."

Kudlaty told Armstrong that he was called by his boss on Saturday morning, November 23, 1963, and told to go to the school and meet two FBI agents, to whom he turned over Oswald's records. The school had no copy machine, and Kudlaty received no receipt from the FBI. Kudlaty said it was very unusual that Oswald's file contained no transcripts from a previous school, nor was there any request for records to be forwarded to another school. He said that Armstrong was the only person who had ever asked him about Oswald's records at Stripling.

In the 1990s Armstrong wrote to the ARRB giving them Kudlaty's name, address, and a copy of the videotaped interview. No one contacted him.

Good point, Ron...

Thanks for posting this... BUT TEN YEARS LATER... NOTHING HAS CHANGED, EH??? NOT A THING!!!

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Armstrong has indeed compiled impressive evidence of two Oswalds. I'm far from finishing Armstrong's book, but one area that stands out in what I've read so far is the fact that Oswald entered the 9th grade at two junior high schools simultaneously, one in Fort Worth and one in New Orleans, in the fall of 1954. The government solved this problem by destroying the records of Oswald's attendance at Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth. The WC tells us that Oswald lived in and attended school in New Orleans through the 8th, 9th, and 10th grades.

Armstrong located former Stripling students and school officials who remembered Oswald being there, including former assistant principal Frank Kudlaty. When asked, Kudlaty readily stated that Oswald had been a student there. When Armstrong asked how he knew that, Kudlaty said "Because I gave his Stripling records to the FBI."

Kudlaty told Armstrong that he was called by his boss on Saturday morning, November 23, 1963, and told to go to the school and meet two FBI agents, to whom he turned over Oswald's records. The school had no copy machine, and Kudlaty received no receipt from the FBI. Kudlaty said it was very unusual that Oswald's file contained no transcripts from a previous school, nor was there any request for records to be forwarded to another school. He said that Armstrong was the only person who had ever asked him about Oswald's records at Stripling.

In the 1990s Armstrong wrote to the ARRB giving them Kudlaty's name, address, and a copy of the videotaped interview. No one contacted him.

Good point, Ron...

Thanks for posting this... BUT TEN YEARS LATER... NOTHING HAS CHANGED, EH??? NOT A THING!!!

No one knew about the relationship between Kudlaty and White in 2005 because, as with the Frankenstein image, certain crucial elements were withheld from the story.


"No threads on this forum are private, proprietary, or owned by the originator. All members are free to post on any thread." Jack White , Education JFK Forum May 6, 2010.

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Harvey Oswald at Stripling in the fall of 1954

The Warren Commission ignored Robert Oswald's testimony about Stripling

and concluded that "Lee Harvey Oswald" left Fort Worth in August of 1952, and moved

to New York with his mother where he attended the 7th grade (1952-53) and the first

half of the 8th grade (fall semester, 1953). He then moved to New Orleans where he at-

tended the last half of the 8th grade (spring semester, 1954), all of the 9th grade (1954-

55 school year), and graduated from Beauregard in June 1955. He briefly attended

Warren Easton High School in the fall of 1955 (New Orleans), dropped out, worked in

New Orleans for the next 8 months, and then moved to Fort Worth.

According to Warren Commission version of his background, it would have been impos-

sible for "Lee Harvey Oswald" to have attended even a single day of school at Stripling Junior

High in Fort Worth, from September 1952 thru June 1956.

After reading Robert Oswald's testimony, I wrote a letter to the principal of W.C.

Stripling, Mr. Ricardo Galindo, and asked if there were any records of Oswald's atten-

dance at Stripling.37 Mr. Galindo telephoned and said that while he did not have pos-

session of such records, it was "common knowledge" that Oswald attended Stripling.

He said all school records had been turned over to the Fort Worth Independent School

District many years ago, and suggested that I contact them to see if they had any records.

In late 1993 I made an appointment with Mr. Ralph Waller of the FWISD, 100

North University, in Fort Worth. I met Mr. Waller and his friend, Billy J. Sills, a retired

resident of Fort Worth who was devoting his time to setting up an historical archive for

the District. When I asked if the District had any school records for "Lee Harvey

Oswald," Mr. Waller instructed a co-worker to review their microfilm and provide me

with copies of any records. When I asked if there was a list of teachers who taught at

Stripling in 1954 Mr. Waller said they had no such list, but Billy Sills said he would check

his records and then left.

Mr. Waller explained that students who graduated from Ridglea West Elemen-

tary School prior to the 1951-1952 school year would have gone to Stripling Junior High.

Students who graduated from Ridglea West Elementary School during or after the 1951-

52 school year would have attended Monnig Junior High School, which opened in the

fall of 1952. Oswald graduated from Ridglea West in the spring of 1952, and a copy of

his school transcripts should have been sent to Monnig Junior High--not Stripling.

NOTE: Only Marguerite Oswald's notification that the family was moving to New York

would have prevented Ridglea Hest Elementary from automatically forwarding a copy

of Oswald's school transcripts to Monnig. Such a request was not made because the New

York school records did not contain any school transcripts from Ridglea West Elemen-


After researching their microfilm records, Mr. Waller's co-workers did not find

any of Oswald's school transcripts, which meant the original records and carbon copies

disappeared prior to 1964 (probably confiscated by the FBI in 1963 ). The only records

they located were enrollment cards from 1951 and 1952 for Ridglea West Elementary


NOTE: Prior to the mid-1960's, each Fort Worth school archived school records on site.

In the mid-1960's records from all Fort Worth schools were transferred to a central

warehouse at the Fort Worth Independent School District and microfilmed.

As I was leaving Mr. Waller's office, Billy Sills returned and gave me a handwrit-

ten list of 41 teachers who had taught at Stripling Junior High during the 1951-1952

school year, along with their most recent address and telephone number.54-18

Stripling faculty members

After many hours of long distance telephone calls, I managed to contact a sur-

prising number of former Stripling teachers, although many were deceased. One man

I spoke with was Mark Summers, a former gym teacher, who began his 10-year tenure

at Stripling in September 1950, one year after Robert Oswald graduated from the school

( 1949). Mr. Summers said that "Lee Harvey Oswald" was a student in his gym class for

a short time, but remembered little about him.

NOTE: Mr. Summers could not have mistakenly remembered Robert Oswald in his class,

because Robert graduated from Stripling the year before he began teaching.

As I continued to locate and talk with former Stripling teachers, many suggested

that I call "Frank Kudlaty," the former assistant principal at Stripling. I telephoned Mr.

Kudlaty, introduced myself as a JFK researcher, and asked if he knew whether or not

"Lee Harvey Oswald" had attended Stripling. Without hesitation Frank said, "Yes, he

attended Stripling." Somewhat surprised I asked, "How do you know that." Frank re-

plied, "Because I gave his Stripling records to the FBI."

I was momentarily stunned by Frank's answer, and asked him to tell me what

he remembered in detail. He explained, "Early on the morning following the assass-

nation, Saturday morning, I was telephoned by my boss, Mr. (Weldon) Lucas (Princi-

pal of Stripling), and told to go to school and meet two FBI agents. I lived close to the

school at that time and arrived at the school before they (FBI Agents) got there. I went

into the school and located Oswald's records. In fact I found both Lee Harvey and Rob-

ert Oswald's records for Stripling. I opened Lee Harvey Oswald's folder and briefly

looked over his records and noted that he had attended less than a full semester at Strip-

ling. He had been there long enough to receive grades for a 6-week period, but not long

enough to receive semester grades. I think he was in the 9th grade. I put the records

back into the folder and waited for the FBI agents. When they arrived, they showed me

their badges for identification, and asked for the records. I told them that I had located

both Lee Harvey and Robert Oswald's school records and asked if they wanted both.

They told me they only wanted 'Lee Harvey Oswald's' records. After I handed the

records to them they thanked me and left. I locked up the school and went home."38

Frank went on to explain that Stripling did not have a copy machine and nei-

ther of the agents gave him a receipt for the records. He said that no one, except my-

self, had ever asked him about Oswald's records at Stripling Junior High.

After speaking with Frank, I made arrangements to visit him and his wife,

Marlene, at their home in Waco, Texas. Frank graduated from Texas Christian University

(TCU), began teaching at Stripling in the fall of 1951, and by 1963, was the assis-

tant principal. After leaving Stripling, Frank became the Superintendent of Schools in

Waco, Texas, a position he held until his retirement in 1987. In 1979 the US State De-

partment asked the American Association of School Administrators to select a 25-mem-

ber team of educators to travel to the Peoples Republic of China and advise the Chi-

nese government on education. Frank was one of the educators chosen to attend, and

traveled to China in November 1979.

Frank explained, during a videotaped interview, that before the FBI agents

arrived at Stripling on Saturday morning (November 23), he briefly reviewed Oswald's

school file. He explained that when a student enrolled in a new school, in this case at

Stripling, the previous school routinely sent copies of his school transcripts. Occasion-

ally, if the records were not sent, the new school would write and request copies of the

school records from the previous school. Frank said that when he examined Oswald's

file he saw neither copies of school transcripts from a previous school nor a letter from

Stripling requesting such records. Frank said this was very unusual, as Oswald must have

attended school prior to his attendance at Stripling, yet there were no records.

Frank said the Stripling records showed that Oswald received grades for one 6-

week grade period, had attended a second grade period, but had not completed the fall


NOTE: Harvey Oswald's failure to complete a full semester of school at PS # 117 or at

PS #44 in New York continued at Stripling. His inability to complete a full semester was

probably due to his inability to provide transcripts from previous schools. This was

probably the reason he dropped out of Stripling and returned to New Orleans with the

short, dumpy, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" imposter in late 1954.

Frank explained that when students graduated or were transferred from Strip-

ling, copies of their Stripling transcripts were sent to the new school along with a cover

letter. Once again, Frank saw no indication that copies of Oswald's transcripts from

Stripling had been forwarded to any school. T he only school records in Oswald's file

were those created by his attendance at Stripling, which Frank said was very unusual.

NOTE: Copies of Oswald's school transcripts from the 8th grade at Beauregard should

have been in Oswald's file at Stripling.

Copies of Oswald's school transcripts from the fall semester of 1954 (9th grade) at Strip-

ling should have been forwarded to Warren Easton High School in New Orleans where

Harvey Oswald entered the 10th grade in the fall of 1955.

After talking with Frank, I realized that certain FBI official(s) had to have known

about Lee Harvey Oswald's Stripling Junior High attendance prior to the assassination,

which probably meant they also knew about the existence of two Oswalds. Otherwise,

why were two agents sent to Stripling to confiscate junior high school records less than

20 hours after the assassination? And why would the FBI be interested in Oswald's

records from junior high school? ..... Because those records proved that Harvey Oswald attended

Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth at the same time that Lee Oswald attended Beauregard

Junior High in New Orleans. If both of these school records were made public, they would

expose the two Oswalds and the agency responsible for merging the identity of the ac-

cused Presidential assassin with New Orleans-born Lee Harvey Oswald. Needless to say,

the Stripling records disappeared.

NOTE: In the mid-1990s I wrote to the Assassination Records Review Board and pro-

vided them with Frank Kudlaty's name, address, a synopsis of his statements to me, and

a copy of the videotaped interview. Frank's name appears on several internal ARRB

memos, but no one contacted him. The ARRB's avoidance of personal contact with Frank

Kudlaty followed the FBI/WC/HSCA's practice of ignoring troublesome witnesses.

--From Harvey and Lee, pp 97-100, posted, probably with permission of the author, by me.

The FBI clearly confiscated all of LHO's teenaged employment and school records within 72 hours of JFK's assassination. These original records disappeared forever, replaced by black and white photographs, all accepted by the Warren Commission. Why did the FBI secretly confiscate all of "Oswald's Possessions" less than 19 hours after JFK was killed? Why did Hoover's FBI do that before checking if other high ranking USG officials were in danger of assassination, of if the Official Patsty had confederates.....

Please check here: http://harveyandlee.net/FBI/FBI.html


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Jim, I'm reading the same data about Lee Harvey Oswald's six week tenure at Stripling Junior High in Forth Worth, and his similarly brief tenure at Beauregard Junior High in New Orleans in the same semester -- and I'm simply unimpressed by it.

Here was a family with no roots -- moving often -- and the kids were jerked around from school to school in the middle of the semesters. We've seen this sad scenario in other poverty-stricken homes.

The "NOTE" notations that are peppered through the text never follow, IMHO, and are distracting from the chronology. Given the chronology itself, nothing at all is out of the ordinary that I can see. One can pity the Oswald family -- that's about all I can make of it.

John Anderson jumps to conclusions like a rabbit -- without much logic. I also clicked on that link you posted at the end, and I'm unimpressed with that data as well -- it's peppered with notations that are biased and they push to a biased conclusion.

Also, this was the Cold War, and it was a time of paranoia. If Mr. Pic couldn't identify his half-brother in New Orleans handing out Communist FPCC leaflets, that could have been as much an emotional or political statement as a statement about the quality of photographic reproduction. Yet these nuances are left begging.

John Anderson overwhelms with data -- but the data are always slanted in one direction -- just as he planned from the start. Most of the data receives a partial analysis -- only enough to feed Anderson's conclusion, and then he moves on to more and yet more.

Is it possible that after a thousand items of data anybody would still be unconvinced? Yes -- if the quality of data is truly shabby.


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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The FBI clearly confiscated all of LHO's teenaged employment and school records within 72 hours of JFK's assassination.

Flat out not true.

These original records disappeared forever, replaced by black and white photographs, all accepted by the Warren Commission.

Flat out not True. The records belonged to the school boards. It was standard practice to copy documents, unless to check for authenticity, in which case, originals were needed.

Why did the FBI secretly confiscate all of "Oswald's Possessions" less than 19 hours after JFK was killed?

Why? Because they had been given jurisdiction over the case by the new Prez. Additionally there seems to have been some bad blood between the DPD and FBI.

Why did Hoover's FBI do that before checking if other high ranking USG officials were in danger of assassination, of if the Official Patsty had confederates.....

Sounds like you think the FBI didn't have enough manpower to chew gum and walk at the same time. Is anyone swallowing this? The mullarkey I mean, not the gum. Rest assured, your FBI was investigating all aspects, including possible confederates (albeit not very well) at the same time as it was collecting background data on Oswald.

Note however, that protection of government officials from any possible threats, was not the role of the FBI. That was the role of the Secret Service.

Edited by Greg Parker
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Harvey Oswald at Stripling in the fall of 1954

The Warren Commission ignored Robert Oswald's testimony about Stripling

and concluded that "Lee Harvey Oswald" left Fort Worth in August of 1952, and moved

to New York with his mother where he attended the 7th grade (1952-53) and the first

half of the 8th grade (fall semester, 1953). He then moved to New Orleans where he at-

tended the last half of the 8th grade (spring semester, 1954), all of the 9th grade (1954-

55 school year), and graduated from Beauregard in June 1955. He briefly attended

Warren Easton High School in the fall of 1955 (New Orleans), dropped out, worked in

New Orleans for the next 8 months, and then moved to Fort Worth.

According to Warren Commission version of his background, it would have been impos-

sible for "Lee Harvey Oswald" to have attended even a single day of school at Stripling Junior

High in Fort Worth, from September 1952 thru June 1956.

After reading Robert Oswald's testimony, I wrote a letter to the principal of W.C.

Stripling, Mr. Ricardo Galindo, and asked if there were any records of Oswald's atten-

dance at Stripling.37 Mr. Galindo telephoned and said that while he did not have pos-

session of such records, it was "common knowledge" that Oswald attended Stripling.

He said all school records had been turned over to the Fort Worth Independent School

District many years ago, and suggested that I contact them to see if they had any records.

In late 1993 I made an appointment with Mr. Ralph Waller of the FWISD, 100

North University, in Fort Worth. I met Mr. Waller and his friend, Billy J. Sills, a retired

resident of Fort Worth who was devoting his time to setting up an historical archive for

the District. When I asked if the District had any school records for "Lee Harvey

Oswald," Mr. Waller instructed a co-worker to review their microfilm and provide me

with copies of any records. When I asked if there was a list of teachers who taught at

Stripling in 1954 Mr. Waller said they had no such list, but Billy Sills said he would check

his records and then left.

Mr. Waller explained that students who graduated from Ridglea West Elemen-

tary School prior to the 1951-1952 school year would have gone to Stripling Junior High.

Students who graduated from Ridglea West Elementary School during or after the 1951-

52 school year would have attended Monnig Junior High School, which opened in the

fall of 1952. Oswald graduated from Ridglea West in the spring of 1952, and a copy of

his school transcripts should have been sent to Monnig Junior High--not Stripling.

NOTE: Only Marguerite Oswald's notification that the family was moving to New York

would have prevented Ridglea Hest Elementary from automatically forwarding a copy

of Oswald's school transcripts to Monnig. Such a request was not made because the New

York school records did not contain any school transcripts from Ridglea West Elemen-


After researching their microfilm records, Mr. Waller's co-workers did not find

any of Oswald's school transcripts, which meant the original records and carbon copies

disappeared prior to 1964 (probably confiscated by the FBI in 1963 ). The only records

they located were enrollment cards from 1951 and 1952 for Ridglea West Elementary


NOTE: Prior to the mid-1960's, each Fort Worth school archived school records on site.

In the mid-1960's records from all Fort Worth schools were transferred to a central

warehouse at the Fort Worth Independent School District and microfilmed.

As I was leaving Mr. Waller's office, Billy Sills returned and gave me a handwrit-

ten list of 41 teachers who had taught at Stripling Junior High during the 1951-1952

school year, along with their most recent address and telephone number.54-18

Stripling faculty members

After many hours of long distance telephone calls, I managed to contact a sur-

prising number of former Stripling teachers, although many were deceased. One man

I spoke with was Mark Summers, a former gym teacher, who began his 10-year tenure

at Stripling in September 1950, one year after Robert Oswald graduated from the school

( 1949). Mr. Summers said that "Lee Harvey Oswald" was a student in his gym class for

a short time, but remembered little about him.

NOTE: Mr. Summers could not have mistakenly remembered Robert Oswald in his class,

because Robert graduated from Stripling the year before he began teaching.

As I continued to locate and talk with former Stripling teachers, many suggested

that I call "Frank Kudlaty," the former assistant principal at Stripling. I telephoned Mr.

Kudlaty, introduced myself as a JFK researcher, and asked if he knew whether or not

"Lee Harvey Oswald" had attended Stripling. Without hesitation Frank said, "Yes, he

attended Stripling." Somewhat surprised I asked, "How do you know that." Frank re-

plied, "Because I gave his Stripling records to the FBI."

I was momentarily stunned by Frank's answer, and asked him to tell me what

he remembered in detail. He explained, "Early on the morning following the assass-

nation, Saturday morning, I was telephoned by my boss, Mr. (Weldon) Lucas (Princi-

pal of Stripling), and told to go to school and meet two FBI agents. I lived close to the

school at that time and arrived at the school before they (FBI Agents) got there. I went

into the school and located Oswald's records. In fact I found both Lee Harvey and Rob-

ert Oswald's records for Stripling. I opened Lee Harvey Oswald's folder and briefly

looked over his records and noted that he had attended less than a full semester at Strip-

ling. He had been there long enough to receive grades for a 6-week period, but not long

enough to receive semester grades. I think he was in the 9th grade. I put the records

back into the folder and waited for the FBI agents. When they arrived, they showed me

their badges for identification, and asked for the records. I told them that I had located

both Lee Harvey and Robert Oswald's school records and asked if they wanted both.

They told me they only wanted 'Lee Harvey Oswald's' records. After I handed the

records to them they thanked me and left. I locked up the school and went home."38

Frank went on to explain that Stripling did not have a copy machine and nei-

ther of the agents gave him a receipt for the records. He said that no one, except my-

self, had ever asked him about Oswald's records at Stripling Junior High.

After speaking with Frank, I made arrangements to visit him and his wife,

Marlene, at their home in Waco, Texas. Frank graduated from Texas Christian University

(TCU), began teaching at Stripling in the fall of 1951, and by 1963, was the assis-

tant principal. After leaving Stripling, Frank became the Superintendent of Schools in

Waco, Texas, a position he held until his retirement in 1987. In 1979 the US State De-

partment asked the American Association of School Administrators to select a 25-mem-

ber team of educators to travel to the Peoples Republic of China and advise the Chi-

nese government on education. Frank was one of the educators chosen to attend, and

traveled to China in November 1979.

Frank explained, during a videotaped interview, that before the FBI agents

arrived at Stripling on Saturday morning (November 23), he briefly reviewed Oswald's

school file. He explained that when a student enrolled in a new school, in this case at

Stripling, the previous school routinely sent copies of his school transcripts. Occasion-

ally, if the records were not sent, the new school would write and request copies of the

school records from the previous school. Frank said that when he examined Oswald's

file he saw neither copies of school transcripts from a previous school nor a letter from

Stripling requesting such records. Frank said this was very unusual, as Oswald must have

attended school prior to his attendance at Stripling, yet there were no records.

Frank said the Stripling records showed that Oswald received grades for one 6-

week grade period, had attended a second grade period, but had not completed the fall


NOTE: Harvey Oswald's failure to complete a full semester of school at PS # 117 or at

PS #44 in New York continued at Stripling. His inability to complete a full semester was

probably due to his inability to provide transcripts from previous schools. This was

probably the reason he dropped out of Stripling and returned to New Orleans with the

short, dumpy, heavy-set "Marguerite Oswald" imposter in late 1954.

Frank explained that when students graduated or were transferred from Strip-

ling, copies of their Stripling transcripts were sent to the new school along with a cover

letter. Once again, Frank saw no indication that copies of Oswald's transcripts from

Stripling had been forwarded to any school. T he only school records in Oswald's file

were those created by his attendance at Stripling, which Frank said was very unusual.

NOTE: Copies of Oswald's school transcripts from the 8th grade at Beauregard should

have been in Oswald's file at Stripling.

Copies of Oswald's school transcripts from the fall semester of 1954 (9th grade) at Strip-

ling should have been forwarded to Warren Easton High School in New Orleans where

Harvey Oswald entered the 10th grade in the fall of 1955.

After talking with Frank, I realized that certain FBI official(s) had to have known

about Lee Harvey Oswald's Stripling Junior High attendance prior to the assassination,

which probably meant they also knew about the existence of two Oswalds. Otherwise,

why were two agents sent to Stripling to confiscate junior high school records less than

20 hours after the assassination? And why would the FBI be interested in Oswald's

records from junior high school? ..... Because those records proved that Harvey Oswald attended

Stripling Junior High in Fort Worth at the same time that Lee Oswald attended Beauregard

Junior High in New Orleans. If both of these school records were made public, they would

expose the two Oswalds and the agency responsible for merging the identity of the ac-

cused Presidential assassin with New Orleans-born Lee Harvey Oswald. Needless to say,

the Stripling records disappeared.

NOTE: In the mid-1990s I wrote to the Assassination Records Review Board and pro-

vided them with Frank Kudlaty's name, address, a synopsis of his statements to me, and

a copy of the videotaped interview. Frank's name appears on several internal ARRB

memos, but no one contacted him. The ARRB's avoidance of personal contact with Frank

Kudlaty followed the FBI/WC/HSCA's practice of ignoring troublesome witnesses.

--From Harvey and Lee, pp 97-100, posted, probably with permission of the author, by me.

The FBI clearly confiscated all of LHO's teenaged employment and school records within 72 hours of JFK's assassination. These original records disappeared forever, replaced by black and white photographs, all accepted by the Warren Commission. Why did the FBI secretly confiscate all of "Oswald's Possessions" less than 19 hours after JFK was killed? Why did Hoover's FBI do that before checking if other high ranking USG officials were in danger of assassination, of if the Official Patsty had confederates.....

Please check here: http://harveyandlee.net/FBI/FBI.html


Not why. The question is "how" How does a 1769 word post which is only about one school justify the following claims?

The FBI clearly confiscated all of LHO's teenaged employment and school records within 72 hours of JFK's assassination. These original records disappeared forever, replaced by black and white photographs, all accepted by the Warren Commission. Why did the FBI secretly confiscate all of "Oswald's Possessions" less than 19 hours after JFK was killed? Why did Hoover's FBI do that before checking if other high ranking USG officials were in danger of assassination, of if the Official Patsty had confederates.....

I think you may have broken records for the number of logical fallacies used in one post.

Edited by Greg Parker
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Comments by someone other than G Parker would be appreciated.

First, because of the chaotic lifestyle of the Oswald and his family, parts of the chronology of LHO's early life (and even his later years) may be unknowable. Of course, Armstrong uses this confusion to his advantage.

As for Kudlaty, the first point here is the methodology of Armstrong when interviewing his witnesses. He employs what David Lifton has referred to as a "witness recruitment program". That is, instead of asking impartial fact finding questions, Armstrong befriends the person and convinces them they are a unique witness to history and in several cases made them "stars" at JFK conferences. Also, Armstrong's effective co-author, Jack White, was a personal friend of Kudlaty, a fact that he revealed to Greg Parker and then tried to minimize. All of this does nothing to build confidence in the ability of the Armstrong team to find the true uncolored facts on the Kudlaty situation.

Armstrong, as he has shown over and over, is perfectly willing to rely on the decades old memory of a witness when constructing his theory and such is the case with Kudlaty. By his own admission, Kudlaty, who "thinks" LHO was in the ninth grade at Stripling, only briefly viewed the records yet amazingly he was able 33 years later to recall considerable detail. Armstrong gives no credence to the concept that Kudlaty could be mistaken or lying, as people are known to do for various reasons, one of which could be that they have been informed they are a part of history. Another explanation for the Kudlaty story is that he is remembering Robert Oswald rather than Lee, as Robert did in fact attend Stripling and although Kudlaty remembers both brothers, it is a possibility.

However, it is possible that LHO briefly attended Stripling in 1951-52 as Robert believed. If he did, it would jibe with Kudlaty's recollection that LHO's attendance was short in duration. In any case, as Greg Parker has pointed out, you don't need a parallel universe to explain this.

Edited by W. Tracy Parnell
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I demonstrated earlier in this thread that NONE of the so-called employments of "Lee Harvey Oswald's" teenaged years were included in the lifetime earnings report from the Social Security Administration, even though there are alleged tax documents from those employers that should have been counted by SSA. The SSA provided the HSCA with "three pages from the Warren Commission Report" to cover his teenaged employment data. You can't make that weirdness go away.

Early on Monday morning FBI agents arrived at Dolly Shoe in New Orleans and confiscated all original employment records for HARVEY Oswald from January through April, 1955 (while LEE Oswald was attending the ninth grade at Beauregard JHS in New Orleans). FBI agents soon arrived at the Pfisterer Dental Laboratory in New Orleans and confiscated all original employment records for HARVEY Oswald from October, 1957 through May, 1958 (while LEE Oswald was in the Marine Corps in Japan). They spoke with the owners and employees, one at a time, and instructed each person not to talk to each other or with anyone about Oswald's employment at Pfisterer's. Hoover knew that (HARVEY) Oswald's employment at the Pfisterer Dental Lab in 1957-58 (CE 1386) created a serous problem, because during this time (LEE) Oswald was in the Marines in Japan. In an honest investigation, to learn Oswald's employment history, the FBI would simply have requested a schedule of payments made to the Social Security Administration on behalf of Oswald by his former employers. They also could have asked the IRS or the Louisiana Dept. of Revenue for a schedule of taxes (federal and/or state) withheld from Oswald's payroll.

Day after day some years back, John A. sat in the National Archives wearing white evidence gloves looking for original documents regarding "Lee Harvey Oswald." None of the original records from his pre-Marine employers were there. This is NOT hyperbole.

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Comments by someone other than G Parker would be appreciated.

First, because of the chaotic lifestyle of the Oswald and his family, parts of the chronology of LHO's early life (and even his later years) may be unknowable. Of course, Armstrong uses this confusion to his advantage.

As for Kudlaty, the first point here is the methodology of Armstrong when interviewing his witnesses. He employs what David Lifton has referred to as a "witness recruitment program". That is, instead of asking impartial fact finding questions, Armstrong befriends the person and convinces them they are a unique witness to history and in several cases made them "stars" at JFK conferences. Also, Armstrong's effective co-author, Jack White, was a personal friend of Kudlaty, a fact that he revealed to Greg Parker and then tried to minimize. All of this does nothing to build confidence in the ability of the Armstrong team to find the true uncolored facts on the Kudlaty situation.

Armstrong, as he has shown over and over, is perfectly willing to rely on the decades old memory of a witness when constructing his theory and such is the case with Kudlaty. By his own admission, Kudlaty, who "thinks" LHO was in the ninth grade at Stripling, only briefly viewed the records yet amazingly he was able 33 years later to recall considerable detail. Armstrong gives no credence to the concept that Kudlaty could be mistaken or lying, as people are known to do for various reasons, one of which could be that they have been informed they are a part of history. Another explanation for the Kudlaty story is that he is remembering Robert Oswald rather than Lee, as Robert did in fact attend Stripling and although Kudlaty remembers both brothers, it is a possibility.

However, it is possible that LHO briefly attended Stripling in 1951-52 as Robert believed. If he did, it would jibe with Kudlaty's recollection that LHO's attendance was short in duration. In any case, as Greg Parker has pointed out, you don't need a parallel universe to explain this.

None of what you are saying here is first-hand or factual Tracy.

What David Lifton has to say about other researchers is a matter of opinion, no? I've posted Palmer's reply to Lifton and HIS tactics... you can find on this forum if you search.

Parker, as usual, expands on any little tidbit he believes he hears and adds his own spin to create "facts" which are nothing of the sort. Is there anything to support these statements other than his word Tracy?

Are you now going to tell us the revelations of the ARRB and Doug Horne are not worth the paper they are written on due to the time which passed for the witnesses who spoke out?

That Kudlaty completely invented being called to his school on a saturday for the FBI? That's up to you Tracy. Are you saying that Robert attended only for those 6 weeks in 1954?

One of the options you do not mention in your "Another explanation" scenarios is that Kudlaty is telling the truth, which his reputation suggests, versus Parker whose posts and offered supporting documentation here do not support the same conclusion.

I mentioned to John all the guessing going on related to the writing of the book and what John did when finding information that required follow-up. The "Stripling #" references are to images he sent me and which can be found at Baylor http://digitalcollections.baylor.edu/cdm/tabs/collection/po-arm - there are 3 notebook with "Stripling" the two larger ones have the info while some of these docs are still on microfilm and are printed as needed.

You can go with what others say about the situation or you can read this letter and the Palmer reply and hear it from those who did it. When anyone offers their writing to be scrutinized we are not in the business of GUESSING what the motivation was, or GUESSING that the authors behavior was suspect or leading or anything else without some proof.

So how about we stick with FACTS as offered by the authors and authenticating/corroborating THEM, rather then these disgruntled attacks on the book, the process and the man from what I see as "the cheap seats" with barely a view of what is actually happening on the field..

Those assumptions would seem to me beneath you Tracy.


If and when anyone questions how and why I became involved with Oswald attending Stripling JHS in Ft. Worth, please refer to the following documents from Baylor and my explanation. Or, if you want to start a thread and show the supporting documents, be my guest.

1) After reading Robert Oswald's WC testimony, wherein he said that his brother attended Stripling JHS in Ft. Worth, I was curious and wrote a letter to the current Principal at Stripling, Mr. Ricardo Galindo on Dec 27, 1993 (see Stripling 1). I then met with Mr. Galindo who said that had talked with several teachers who remembered that LHO had attended Stripling, but none were currently teaching at the school, Mr. Galindo suggested that I contact Ralph Waller at the Ft. Worth Independent School District.

2) During my visit to the FWISD I met Billy J. Sills, who was in charge of setting up archives for the district. I explained my interest to Mr. Sills and he soon provide a handwritten list of teachers who taught at Stripling during the 1950's (see Stripling 3 & 4). It was from this list that I met and spoke with teachers who remembered Oswald (Mark Summers, physical education) and the assistant principal of Stripling in 1963, Frank Kudlaty (interview can be seen on U-Tube). After filming the interview with Mr. Kudlaty, at his home in Waco, TX., I asked Jack White to make a copy of the videos for both Robert and myself. As we were watching/copying the videos for the first time Jack said, "I think I know that guy. I think we attended the same college in the 1940's." Jack said that he did not know Kudlaty personally, but knew his name as a fellow student. I don't know if Jack had any contact with Kudlaty after viewing the interview.

3) Robert Groden was scheduled to appear on the Kevin McCarthy radio program in Dallas. I asked Robert if he would ask the listening audience if anyone had attended school with Oswald at Stripling JHS (see Stripling 2). Several people called the station and said they had attended Stripling with Oswald, but only one person left their name and phone number- Francetta Schubert/Tubbs, who then worked at the AAA office in Ft. Worth (see Stripling 3). Fran allowed us (myself and Groden) to film an interview and she provided me with a Stripling Student directory. It was from this directory, and from Francetta's memory, that I was able to learn the names of several students who also remembered that Oswald had attended Stripling in the fall of 1954. The interview with Francetta can be seen on U-Tube. The names of the students, and their memories of Oswald, can be found in my book.

4) From the Stripling Student directory I learned that Paul Gregory had also attended Stripling the same time as (Harvey) Oswald, the fall of 1954 in the 9th grade (see Stripling 5). FBI agent John Fain also lived within a few blocks of Stripling JHS.

I learned from Francetta that Oswald lived directly across the street from Stripling at 2220 Thomas Place. As Fran sat outside the school and ate lunch she watched Oswald, sometimes with his friends, walk across the street to his home during lunch. Fran also remembered that Oswald's mother wore a white nurse's uniform. 2220 Thomas Place was probably the same house where the MO impostor was storing furniture and clothing in 1947, while living across the street from Georgia Bell in Benbrook, TX. This was also the same house (actually a duplex) in which the MO impostor was living on 11/22/63.

5) The house at 2220 Thomas Place belonged to Mrs. Mary McCarthy,a close friend of Fred Korth (see Stripling 6). The MO impostor likely lived at 2220 Thomas Place before moving to Benbrook (across from Georgia Bell), lived there with Harvey in 1954, and was living there on 11/22/63.

I wrote to the FBI (FOIA request) and asked for copies of any and all documents they had relating to Stripling JHS in Ft. Worth, but was told there were no documents.

The importance of Stripling is simply that when Harvey was attending Stripling, in the fall of 1954 (or anytime for that matter), Lee Oswald was attending Beauregard where he got into a fight with Johnny Neumeyer (fall of 1954).

The fact that Hoover sent FBI agents to confiscate LHO's attendance records at Stripling within 20 hours of the assassination is a good indication that someone knew the importance of confiscating and destroying these records. And that someone knew about Harvey and Lee and the inexplainable conflict that the Stripling school records could create.



I Googled "Jack White Frank Kudlaty" and this was on the first page....

Greg Parker guessing about John Armstong, Jack White and Frank Kudlaty


Quick response which I will expand on later if needed...


7. The alleged collection and destruction of evidence is extremely questionable around Armstrong's claims. One example - Stripling. Did you know that the star witness here - Frank Kudlaty - was an old college friend of Jack White and that Jack White was one of the creators of this theory? You won't find that out in "Harvey and Lee" because that relationship is not declared. It only came to light at all because I questioned Kudlaty's story and the late JW sprung to his defense by declaring he had been a friend since college and he could therefore vouch for his honesty. When I told Jack I thought that the relationship should have been declared in the book because it creates a kind of "conflict of interest" situation, JW backtracked at a hundred mile an hour and suddenly changed his story. Kudlaty was now transformed into a mere acquaintance who JW hadn't actually seen in 50 years. So I then asked, if this second story was true, how he could vouch for his honesty? I don't think I ever got a straight answer to that - just abuse.

Since this is only on a forum post, the freedom to say whatever one wants is understood. Like DVP, he can state and defend whatever he likes regardless of the reality of the situation or the number of times he is exposed to the evidence involved.

Does Greg have anything to prove White says all this... or are we simply to believe whatever GP offers ?

What did Greg find out when he asked White what he meant by "Friends since college" - do we get any proof of this?

Did anyone else witness this "back tracking" you claim occurred or is this just your story of what was said between you and someone who cannot now defend himself?

Why exactly would Kudlaty (who was superintendent of schools in Waco, TX at the time) risk being caught lying about the FBI's actions knowing it would be in a book with his name and all...? Kudlaty was not a nobody Greg... he was fairly accomplished in his circle. (the FBI never did have him arrested for liable or slander nor was JA ever sued for making false statements)

At some point along this line we need to begin separating what GP believes or creates as facts and what the facts of the situation really were.

If one was writing their own series of books one would think it more important to prove their own sources and facts are legitimate and authentic rather than spend so much time trying and failing to prove whether another's work is or not. (note: debunking Judy Baker comes with easy to understand problems with the evidence offered... so far all that GP offer are opinions and interpretations which are continually wrong like his take on the NYC school dates)

Something about glass houses and throwing stones comes to mind.

Again... if readers choose to accept the info he offers as factually authenticated, fine. Please then stay away from the book and materials themselves as the actual facts of the situation would only cause confusion.

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FBI agents seize school records on 11/23/63, at which time J.Edgar Hoover appears badly informed about the most basic alleged facts pertaining to the assassination. Something's not right here. Why would Hoover, if he was clueless, send FBI agents to seize the particular school records in question? Doesn't make sense.

Two possibilities: [1] Persons posing as FBI agents seized the records. [2] Alan Belmont, whom some have alleged controlled the FBI's response to the assassination, was on the ball even though Hoover wasn't.

I believe it was #[1]. I believe Hoover immediately perceived he had been snookered. And that he reacted as any adversary could have predicted. He acted to protect himself and the FBI. Not to seek the truth, but to circle the wagons.

Footnote: It strikes me that some third party, who knew American leaders and American politics, knew how to manipulate the levers of American government by framing Oswald, as early as 1:56 p.m. CST as the assassin and as the killer of J.D. Tippit.

It's real easy to point fingers at the CIA. That's why, IMO, focusing on the CIA is a false trail. The CIA was snookered as well and reacted as could have been predicted.

Edited by Jon G. Tidd
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David Josephs Said:

What David Lifton has to say about other researchers is a matter of opinion, no?

What Lifton said is completely relevant and correct in my view. If you take a witness and tell them they are important, their views have historic significance and them make them a star at JFK conferences, do you think it is possible that might influence their behavior? I do.

As far as McBride (whose letter to Lifton I have read and don't find compelling), Armstrong laments the fact that he was never called before the WC. But nobody wishes McBride had testified more than I do. What Armstrong fails to realize is that had McBride testified before the commission, he almost certainly would have been confronted with the documentation that showed he was in error and would have retracted his statement. I say this because that is exactly what happened when researcher David Lifton interviewed McBride on camera in October of 1994, as you know. This is a short but relevant excerpt from that interview:

Lifton: OK. In this (FBI) statement, you also write, “during his first visit to my home, in late ’57 or early ’58. . . “

McBride: No, that’s not right. Its gotta be ’56. Its gotta be ’56. It can’t be ’57.” . . . .

Lifton: I want you to go through this. Do you have any theory as to why you were confused, why you thought it was ’57 or ’58 back when you made the statement?

McBride: No. I can’t figure it out as to why I thought it was ’58. If he was already in the Marines in’56, he sure as hell wasn’t at Pfisterer.

But Armstrong got to McBride, as Lifton has explained here many times, and the rest is unfortunately history. Of course, had McBride testified and recanted his 1963 statement, Armstrong could have still gotten to him at any point and convinced him he was a "star" witness. And that is a major point here. These people have a motive to lie or at least exaggerate. After all, no one at a JFK conference wants to hear that Oswald was at Pfisterer in 1956. But if Armstrong tells them they are a witness to history, they can say, "hey, I was right after all!"

Are you now going to tell us the revelations of the ARRB and Doug Horne are not worth the paper they are written on due to the time which passed for the witnesses who spoke out?

This is not the place for a discussion of the ARRB but Doug Horne has done some fine work including finding the tax documents that offer additional proof that McBride was mistaken in his remembrances. Armstrong was left with no choice but to declare them forgeries.

As for Kudlaty, I am not saying he DID lie, only that it is a possibility. If he was telling the truth and honestly trying to remember the situation, then another possibility is he was simply mistaken.

The entire H&L theory is built on witnesses (some anonymous, some lying and some just mistaken) and mistakes and inconsistencies in the documentation of Oswald's unusual and confusing life. And anything that doesn't fit the theory can be explained as faked or just ignored. But an alternate universe is not needed to explain the evidence.

Edited by W. Tracy Parnell
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Parker, as usual, expands on any little tidbit he believes he hears and adds his own spin to create "facts" which are nothing of the sort.

You know better than to make allegations like that without providing examples. If you had any, I assume you would have provided them.

Are you now going to tell us the revelations of the ARRB and Doug Horne are not worth the paper they are written on due to the time which passed for the witnesses who spoke out?

If the ARRB and Horne did such a great job, where is the new investigation? Where is the public outcry?

That Kudlaty completely invented being called to his school on a saturday for the FBI? That's up to you Tracy. Are you saying that Robert attended only for those 6 weeks in 1954?
If the FBI wanted to speak to him, it was about Robert.
One of the options you do not mention in your "Another explanation" scenarios is that Kudlaty is telling the truth, which his reputation suggests, versus Parker whose posts and offered supporting documentation here do not support the same conclusion.
What evidence regarding his reputation do we have? The say-so of Jack White that he was impeccably honest? The same Jack White who claimed to be a friend of 50 years standing, only to downgrade Kudlaty to a mere long unseen acquaintance - the same Jack White who allegedly told Armstrong that he never knew Kudlaty at all? And what supporting documentation would you like from me? I have told you repeatedly that schools do not keep historical student records - they are kept by the school district. I have also told you that standard procedure is NOT to take original documents - UNLESS they are questioned documents. When all that is needed is the information on the documents, copies only are taken. That is because the originals belong to the school board and to those former students who are the subject of the documents.
You can go with what others say about the situation or you can read this letter and the Palmer reply and hear it from those who did it.
Palmer McBride can say what he wants. His memory doesn't change the real history, The facts are that there were riots in FW in early September, 1956 due to the implementation of the Brown decision. There were NO riots in 1958. That places the REAL HISTORICAL Oswald in FW in 1956 - not 1958. I have also told you in the past that McBride never mentioned the Sputnik launch to the FBI - why? Because it was still 2 years away! What he mentioned was the success of the Russian space program - and I have provided headlines from 1956 which verify that the Soviets were regarded as successful long before Sputnik.
So how about we stick with FACTS
YES! What a novel idea from your side of the fence! Let's look at this fact. On page 3 of Armstrong's Stripling file, it states clearly at the bottom that historical school records are kept by the district board.
Quick response which I will expand on later if needed...
7. The alleged collection and destruction of evidence is extremely questionable around Armstrong's claims. One example - Stripling. Did you know that the star witness here - Frank Kudlaty - was an old college friend of Jack White and that Jack White was one of the creators of this theory? You won't find that out in "Harvey and Lee" because that relationship is not declared. It only came to light at all because I questioned Kudlaty's story and the late JW sprung to his defense by declaring he had been a friend since college and he could therefore vouch for his honesty. When I told Jack I thought that the relationship should have been declared in the book because it creates a kind of "conflict of interest" situation, JW backtracked at a hundred mile an hour and suddenly changed his story. Kudlaty was now transformed into a mere acquaintance who JW hadn't actually seen in 50 years. So I then asked, if this second story was true, how he could vouch for his honesty? I don't think I ever got a straight answer to that - just abuse.
Since this is only on a forum post, the freedom to say whatever one wants is understood. Like DVP, he can state and defend whatever he likes regardless of the reality of the situation or the number of times he is exposed to the evidence involved.
Does Greg have anything to prove White says all this... or are we simply to believe whatever GP offers ?
What did Greg find out when he asked White what he meant by "Friends since college" - do we get any proof of this?
Did anyone else witness this "back tracking" you claim occurred or is this just your story of what was said between you and someone who cannot now defend himself?
Hmmm. That puzzled me. Armstrong googled "Jack White Frank Kudlaty" and all he found of relevance was a post on my old forum? Well, I just googled the same thing and guess what? In the search results BEFORE my site was... the discussion with White showing what his ORIGINAL claim was AND what he changed it to when challenged on the grounds of conflict of interest. Here it is right here:
Why exactly would Kudlaty (who was superintendent of schools in Waco, TX at the time) risk being caught lying about the FBI's actions knowing it would be in a book with his name and all...? Kudlaty was not a nobody Greg... he was fairly accomplished in his circle. (the FBI never did have him arrested for liable or slander nor was JA ever sued for making false statements)
If the FBI went after everyone who made outlandish claims about them, they wouldn't have time to cover anything up in the first place!
At some point along this line we need to begin separating what GP believes or creates as facts and what the facts of the situation really were.
What "facts" have I created? Be specific.
The truth is, you want the "facts" to be accepted on the evidence provided by a bunch of witnesses who spent X amount of time with Armstrong and team before going before a camera under no threat of cross-examination - let alone perjury. In the only cases I've looked at, 3 of the 4 - Kudlaty, McBride and Darouse - are beaten by historical facts and the testimonies of others. The only one I now give any credence to is Kurian - who I admit I have flip-flopped back and forward on over the years. But even Kurian doesn't help you. The real, historical Lee Harvey Oswald WAS a short kid at the time. You guys are misreading 54" as 64".
Can you deal with the facts outlined here, or are you going to ( a ) change the subject again? ( b ) run off again, or ( c ) start trying to bait me again?
Edited by Greg Parker
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However, it is possible that LHO briefly attended Stripling in 1951-52 as Robert believed. If he did, it would jibe with Kudlaty's recollection that LHO's attendance was short in duration. In any case, as Greg Parker has pointed out, you don't need a parallel universe to explain this.

The FBI and/or WC apparently disagreed with you, because all the Stripling records disappeared.

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