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JFK and the Ku Klux Klan

John Simkin

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Any revolution or coup d'etat needs one thing that is often overlooked. Guns make noises, events are reported etc but behind all that is the means of communication.

For that one needs to look at what was available then.

The valkyrie plot would have been successful if the plotters had had control over all communications for another few hours, Hitlers success was because of the control of communication. Likewise one can look back to the civil war at the split and reunion of the USPO and how personnell moved and many other aspects of the conduction of that war.

The USPO (JFK) was presided over a patronaged cabinet member (care of B.F.) (till getting the boot in mid '63 over a civil rights offense).

He testified that heads of USofA intelligence and finance approached him to ensure the continuation of the USPO PI illegal mail opening operation (since '53, possibly earlier) two weeks after assuming office (appointed by JFK).

Between him and the relevant USPO's there was the head of the USPO PI department and then the various PI's.

PI DAT7 H.D. Holmes is heavily implicated in many matters in the attempt to implicate Oswald alone and in the killing of Oswald as well. So there is one example of a direct line from the ground to the top.

What I'm suggesting is that much makes sense if one sees the assassination as a hierarchical structure where only the top needs to know everything. All below can be manipulated for whatever reason applies. It is in that light on a large scale view that the KKK for example should be seen which makes the KKK and its ilk a worthy pursuit in a part fo the overall search for an answer.

I won't accept any attempt to discredit that by association. I'm open to reason though.

This is not a need to discredit nor laud anyone. One does a good enough job of doing that by ones self.

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Let's get back on track, people. Stick to the topic of JFK and the KKK. It is an interesting question on its own merits.

Insofar as Guy Banister was in Terry, Mississippi, soliciting help in his cause from the KKK, that is important historical information. Terri Williams may be controversial, but if this turns out to be correct history, then she should be appropriately rewarded.

We have written evidence from the New Orleans Times Picayune in February 1961 that Guy Banister ran for Councilman in New Orleans on the platform of "the segregation of races." This is a matter of record. This historical fact, all by itself, justifies research into Terri Williams' claim that Guy Banister went to towns where the KKK was strong and openly operating, to recruit members for his cause.

Please stop attacking Terri Williams on the basis of her various theories on other topics, and help validate this single, important item in JFK assassination research -- namely -- that Guy Banister (who was amply identified by Jim Garrison in 1968 with complicity with Lee Harvey Oswald) also worked with the KKK to advance his racist politics.

The KKK angle in JFK research is ugly -- no doubt. Violence and atrocity are the legacy of this underground, secret organization. It is dangerous, even today, for non-members to attempt to interview members of the KKK.

It is difficult -- but this should not dissuade the historian from research.

Validate or invalidate this single point, please. Did Guy Banister recruit the KKK in Terry Mississippi in 1963 ?


--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul, do you mean that Banister was in Terry to recruit assassins or racists? What I heard across the road from the Klan rally that Banister attended in Terry in the summer of 1963, was that Banister was talking about what was going to happen to Kennedy. He said that Mr. Lewis was a "Champion of Freedom" and JFK was called a "communist puppet".

They were planning the assassination at those rallies. Their children filled me in at school, with all their bragging. The children of the Klan were so pumped that summer and rather cocky to anyone who didn't agree with them. The children made it clear, in October that if JFK went to Dallas, he would not walk out. Then the Texas children sang, "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You till Gabriel blow his horn".

I knew by the end of October Kennedy would be killed in Dallas, that's why I wrote him to warn him. Too bad he didn't listen.

(To all those who have attacked me, I have heard it ALL before, so I am not phased one iota. It just shows that you cannot discern nor tell the truth. Too bad for you.)

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Guest Tom Scully

Please! Enough already! This thread is an affront to the sensibilities of almost all of us. Make it stop. The significance of the role of the KKK and like minded groups will not be diminished, challenged, negated, countered, blunted, pre-empted, or minimized in the least if this thread is locked and discussion continues elsewhere without this "witness". What on earth are some of your thinking in continuing this? It makes me wince to see it here on the Ed Forum, as it has since the first page of this thread.


Posted 02 June 2011 - 05:38 PM

snapback.pngdekker87, on 02 June 2011 - 08:29 AM, said:

@ the niece...

i've had a mooch round your blogs.

i'm a little confused - are you claiming that your uncle was also involved in JFK's assassination on the 'snakes' blog?

and that he was also involved in the green river murders, the pickton case and was also a hells angel?

and that you have personally been attacked by al-qaeda operatives who basically told you of their plans to attack the wtc prior to 9/11?

forgive me if i've got things a little mixed up....i've got the mother of all migraines at the moment..

This forum is about the Zodiac Killer. Save yourself a headache and disprove one of my blogs at a time. Can you disprove what evidence I HAVE presented about my uncle?

PS- You forgot the mention the DC Snipers, but I'll save you the questions. The FBI have the surveillance footage of my meeting with them in Vancouver and can clearly see on the footage that the man, John Muhammed, told me of his plans.

Even in that case I tried desperately to notify police, to no avail.

Edited by TheNiece, 02 June 2011 - 05:42 PM.

One year and ten months later, here on the Ed Forum:

This topic has nothing to do with this thread, except that I witnessed it. The 911 terrorists were in Canada in 1999. They said they were here to learn to fly crop dusters. There is evidence that this might be true, that they planned to also use crop dusters, but it is not my place to investigate the crime, just to tell what I know to be true, since the truth does matter.

The DC Snipers must be true or else why is it still there? The FBI found the surveillance footage. They saw what I described. The VPD officer to whom I spoke, was possibly where I said he was. And it is possible that he blew me off. He is thought of as a bully by those who have had to work with him.

My uncle needs to seriously be investigated in the crimes I mention, but I doubt it will ever happen. Until it does, no one will know for sure who the Zodiac Killer was. I'll put my money on it, since I had to live with him in the summer of 1970, in San Bruno, California. No one will ever know the whole truth about the Zodiac Killer, not without knowing the truth about JFK.

This thread is about JFK and the KKK, so let's just stick to that here. You can make all the comments you want about my other blogs, on the sites. This is not an appropriate place for them.

What about my recollections of what happened in Terry, Mississippi, in 1963, does not fit which facts?

Edited by Tom Scully
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Paul, do you mean that Banister was in Terry to recruit assassins or racists? What I heard across the road from the Klan rally that Banister attended in Terry in the summer of 1963, was that Banister was talking about what was going to happen to Kennedy. He said that Mr. Lewis was a "Champion of Freedom" and JFK was called a "communist puppet".

They were planning the assassination at those rallies. Their children filled me in at school, with all their bragging. The children of the Klan were so pumped that summer and rather cocky to anyone who didn't agree with them. The children made it clear, in October that if JFK went to Dallas, he would not walk out. Then the Texas children sang, "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You till Gabriel blow his horn".

I knew by the end of October Kennedy would be killed in Dallas, that's why I wrote him to warn him. Too bad he didn't listen.

(To all those who have attacked me, I have heard it ALL before, so I am not phased one iota. It just shows that you cannot discern nor tell the truth. Too bad for you.)

Terri, it seems fairly clear to me that Guy Banister traveled to Terry, Mississippi in 1963 to recruit paramilitary fighters to support his personal politics of race segregation. What better place than a county that was dominated by the KKK (and was only 3.5 hours away from his Lake Pontchartrain paramilitary training camp) than Terry, Mississippi?

It makes further sense that Guy Banister would attend a KKK rally while in Terry, Mississippi in the summer of 1963. It makes further sense that Guy Banister would be a featured speaker there -- after all, Banister was a political candidate in New Orleans, running on the race segregation platform.

Like nearly all US race segregationists in 1963, Guy Banister believed that Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren should be impeached (or worse) for his Brown ruling of 1954 that mandated the racial integration of all US public schools. JFK's enforcement of that law with thousands of Federal troops at Oxford, Mississippi in 1962 was the last straw for many.

We have a handbill published by the KKK in the early 1960's that reads, "Wanted for Treason: Earl Warren". It reminds us eerily of a similar poster that circulated in Dallas on 24 October 1963 (during the Adlai Stevenson humilitation) and on 22 November 1963 when JFK was killed, namely, the "Wanted for Treason: JFK" handbill.

The new ideological development inside the race segregation movement after the Brown decision was that race integration was a Communist plot. "Race mixing is Communist!" was the KKK slogan. This slogan united Racists and Anticommunists into one big blob. Here is the level of hatred that carefully organized the JFK assassination, IMHO.

Therefore, it makes further sense that the topic of Guy Banister's speech in Terry, Mississippi in the summer of 1963 would be that JFK was "a communist puppet." That made JFK into a traitor. And the just reward of all traitors is the firing squad.

I find it very easy to believe -- given all this evidence -- that the KKK rallies in Terry, Mississippi in the summer of 1963 were full of talk about killing JFK.

(Harry Dean says that in California, inside the Minutemen organization training camps, although there was no talk about race segregation, nevertheless rumors about killing the Main Communist, JFK, were heard every hour.)

Your eye-witness, Terri, of this historical period in Terry, Mississippi, could become a valuable part of resolving the case of the JFK assassination, which has remained open in the public mind for 50 years now.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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Paul, do you mean that Banister was in Terry to recruit assassins or racists? What I heard across the road from the Klan rally that Banister attended in Terry in the summer of 1963, was that Banister was talking about what was going to happen to Kennedy. He said that Mr. Lewis was a "Champion of Freedom" and JFK was called a "communist puppet".

They were planning the assassination at those rallies. Their children filled me in at school, with all their bragging. The children of the Klan were so pumped that summer and rather cocky to anyone who didn't agree with them. The children made it clear, in October that if JFK went to Dallas, he would not walk out. Then the Texas children sang, "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You till Gabriel blow his horn".

I knew by the end of October Kennedy would be killed in Dallas, that's why I wrote him to warn him. Too bad he didn't listen.

(To all those who have attacked me, I have heard it ALL before, so I am not phased one iota. It just shows that you cannot discern nor tell the truth. Too bad for you.)

Terri, it seems fairly clear to me that Guy Banister traveled to Terry, Mississippi in 1963 to recruit paramilitary fighters to support his personal politics of race segregation. What better place than a county that was dominated by the KKK (and was only 3.5 hours away from his Lake Pontchartrain paramilitary training camp) than Terry, Mississippi?

It makes further sense that Guy Banister would attend a KKK rally while in Terry, Mississippi in the summer of 1963. It makes further sense that Guy Banister would be a featured speaker there -- after all, Banister was a political candidate in New Orleans, running on the race segregation platform.

Like nearly all US race segregationists in 1963, Guy Banister believed that Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren should be impeached (or worse) for his Brown ruling of 1954 that mandated the racial integration of all US public schools. JFK's enforcement of that law with thousands of Federal troops at Oxford, Mississippi in 1962 was the last straw for many.

We have a handbill published by the KKK in the early 1960's that reads, "Wanted for Treason: Earl Warren". It reminds us eerily of a similar poster that circulated in Dallas on 24 October 1963 (during the Adlai Stevenson humilitation) and on 22 November 1963 when JFK was killed, namely, the "Wanted for Treason: JFK" handbill.

The new ideological development inside the race segregation movement after the Brown decision was that race integration was a Communist plot. "Race mixing is Communist!" was the KKK slogan. This slogan united Racists and Anticommunists into one big blob. Here is the level of hatred that carefully organized the JFK assassination, IMHO.

Therefore, it makes further sense that the topic of Guy Banister's speech in Terry, Mississippi in the summer of 1963 would be that JFK was "a communist puppet." That made JFK into a traitor. And the just reward of all traitors is the firing squad.

I find it very easy to believe -- given all this evidence -- that the KKK rallies in Terry, Mississippi in the summer of 1963 were full of talk about killing JFK.

(Harry Dean says that in California, inside the Minutemen organization training camps, although there was no talk about race segregation, nevertheless rumors about killing the Main Communist, JFK, were heard every hour.)

Your eye-witness, Terri, of this historical period in Terry, Mississippi, could become a valuable part of resolving the case of the JFK assassination, which has remained open in the public mind for 50 years now.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

You are a disgrace. You have been marginalised now to the point that the only two members who are responding to you positively are the nicest guy on the forum and a stark raving bonkers lunatic.

You must be one of the only people alive who believes Allen Dulles, the "great American", was perfectly "justified" in covering up the JFK assassination because the Cold War was still raging. I've even read comments from people who think Oswald did it where they are still astounded that Allen Dulles was put on the Warren Commission.

The great American Nazi sympathiser being idolised here at the Education Forum by a man who uses the "Great American's" playbook to support his own theory. The KKK killed JFK. Anything that fits, shove it in, anything that doesn't, chuck it away. Any old piece of crap will do including the ramblings of a woman who has also met the Washington snipers, the 9/11 hijackers, the pig farm murderers, and thinks her uncle was the Zodiac killer.

WTF is going on here nowadays?

I say the evidence for Ralph Yates story is weak. I get a xxxxstorm.

This biased clown has been writing the most laughable, cherry picked, garbage month after month, paints a picture of Lee Oswald that is 100x worse than what the Warren Commission painted, and has some crazy lunatic who has met every mass murderer since 1960 at his side asking members to hunt down green trucks and elusive assassins.


Go to hell, Trejo. Say "Hi" to Allen while you're there...

P.S. The "Report" button is next to "Multiquote" in case you've never used it before... ;-)

You are quite good at mis-quoting, so I thought you needed some straightening out. I have not met ever mass murderer since 1960. I did live with one serial killer for a while in the summer of 1970 and met the 911 terrorists in Canada in August of 1999, while they were on their way to Saskatchewan to learn to fly crop dusters. The evidence is in on that fact. They DID try to buy a crop duster in Canada.

"The terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Centre may have shopped for a crop dusting plane on the Canadian prairies"


Have you ever known something about a crime and felt compelled to say something about it? Well, I figure since so many people still want to know what happened to JFK, I should say what I KNOW to be TRUE. YOU don't have to believe me, but it is the truth nonetheless.

Connecting the green Ford pickup truck to Banister would show that Banister just might have been in Terry when I said he was. At least it would show a connection between Banister and the KKK. That would be an important point, would it not? I am not looking for glory here pal. Ever since I witnessed what I did witness, I have been attacked by every nutbar out there. Join the club.

Edited by Terri Williams
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Paul, do you mean that Banister was in Terry to recruit assassins or racists? What I heard across the road from the Klan rally that Banister attended in Terry in the summer of 1963, was that Banister was talking about what was going to happen to Kennedy. He said that Mr. Lewis was a "Champion of Freedom" and JFK was called a "communist puppet".

They were planning the assassination at those rallies. Their children filled me in at school, with all their bragging. The children of the Klan were so pumped that summer and rather cocky to anyone who didn't agree with them. The children made it clear, in October that if JFK went to Dallas, he would not walk out. Then the Texas children sang, "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You till Gabriel blow his horn".

I knew by the end of October Kennedy would be killed in Dallas, that's why I wrote him to warn him. Too bad he didn't listen.

(To all those who have attacked me, I have heard it ALL before, so I am not phased one iota. It just shows that you cannot discern nor tell the truth. Too bad for you.)

Terri, it seems fairly clear to me that Guy Banister traveled to Terry, Mississippi in 1963 to recruit paramilitary fighters to support his personal politics of race segregation. What better place than a county that was dominated by the KKK (and was only 3.5 hours away from his Lake Pontchartrain paramilitary training camp) than Terry, Mississippi?

It makes further sense that Guy Banister would attend a KKK rally while in Terry, Mississippi in the summer of 1963. It makes further sense that Guy Banister would be a featured speaker there -- after all, Banister was a political candidate in New Orleans, running on the race segregation platform.

Like nearly all US race segregationists in 1963, Guy Banister believed that Supreme Court Justice Earl Warren should be impeached (or worse) for his Brown ruling of 1954 that mandated the racial integration of all US public schools. JFK's enforcement of that law with thousands of Federal troops at Oxford, Mississippi in 1962 was the last straw for many.

We have a handbill published by the KKK in the early 1960's that reads, "Wanted for Treason: Earl Warren". It reminds us eerily of a similar poster that circulated in Dallas on 24 October 1963 (during the Adlai Stevenson humilitation) and on 22 November 1963 when JFK was killed, namely, the "Wanted for Treason: JFK" handbill.

The new ideological development inside the race segregation movement after the Brown decision was that race integration was a Communist plot. "Race mixing is Communist!" was the KKK slogan. This slogan united Racists and Anticommunists into one big blob. Here is the level of hatred that carefully organized the JFK assassination, IMHO.

Therefore, it makes further sense that the topic of Guy Banister's speech in Terry, Mississippi in the summer of 1963 would be that JFK was "a communist puppet." That made JFK into a traitor. And the just reward of all traitors is the firing squad.

I find it very easy to believe -- given all this evidence -- that the KKK rallies in Terry, Mississippi in the summer of 1963 were full of talk about killing JFK.

(Harry Dean says that in California, inside the Minutemen organization training camps, although there was no talk about race segregation, nevertheless rumors about killing the Main Communist, JFK, were heard every hour.)

Your eye-witness, Terri, of this historical period in Terry, Mississippi, could become a valuable part of resolving the case of the JFK assassination, which has remained open in the public mind for 50 years now.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

You are a disgrace. You have been marginalised now to the point that the only two members who are responding to you positively are the nicest guy on the forum and a stark raving bonkers lunatic.

You must be one of the only people alive who believes Allen Dulles, the "great American", was perfectly "justified" in covering up the JFK assassination because the Cold War was still raging. I've even read comments from people who think Oswald did it where they are still astounded that Allen Dulles was put on the Warren Commission.

The great American Nazi sympathiser being idolised here at the Education Forum by a man who uses the "Great American's" playbook to support his own theory. The KKK killed JFK. Anything that fits, shove it in, anything that doesn't, chuck it away. Any old piece of crap will do including the ramblings of a woman who has also met the Washington snipers, the 9/11 hijackers, the pig farm murderers, and thinks her uncle was the Zodiac killer.

WTF is going on here nowadays?

I say the evidence for Ralph Yates story is weak. I get a xxxxstorm.

This biased clown has been writing the most laughable, cherry picked, garbage month after month, paints a picture of Lee Oswald that is 100x worse than what the Warren Commission painted, and has some crazy lunatic who has met every mass murderer since 1960 at his side asking members to hunt down green trucks and elusive assassins.


Go to hell, Trejo. Say "Hi" to Allen while you're there...

P.S. The "Report" button is next to "Multiquote" in case you've never used it before... ;-)

You are quite good at mis-quoting, so I thought you needed some straightening out. I have not met ever mass murderer since 1960. I did live with one serial killer for a while in the summer of 1970 and met the 911 terrorists in Canada in August of 1999, while they were on their way to Saskatchewan to learn to fly crop dusters. The evidence is in on that fact. They DID try to buy a crop duster in Canada.

"The terrorists who destroyed the World Trade Centre may have shopped for a crop dusting plane on the Canadian prairies"


Have you ever known something about a crime and felt compelled to say something about it? Well, I figure since so many people still want to know what happened to JFK, I should say what I KNOW to be TRUE. YOU don't have to believe me, but it is the truth nonetheless.

Connecting the green Ford pickup truck to Banister would show that Banister just might have been in Terry when I said he was. At least it would show a connection between Banister and the KKK. That would be an important point, would it not? I am not looking for glory here pal. Ever since I witnessed what I did witness, I have been attacked by every nutbar out there. Join the club.

I'm not your "pal", Terri. I agree with everything Blair Dobson said before his post went into Room 101. I'm sure your mentor was quick with the REPORT button.

I don't think the Internet is the place for someone who has the problems that you demonstrate.

But you use the internet? :-D

What exactly are "my problems"? Are you qualified to make an assessment? If so, your license need revoking for making such crass assumptions online. If not, you are not much of an expert at judging one's psychological state. In any case, you are not adding to the discussion, so why are YOU here?

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What exactly are "my problems"? Are you qualified to make an assessment? If so, your license needs revoking for making such crass assumptions online. If not, you are not much of an expert at judging one's psychological state. In any case, you are not adding to the discussion, so why are YOU here?

Good for you, Terri. Such cantankerous talk deserves to be shut down quickly. Offering psychological help without a license might be illegal, for that matter. Perhaps a lawsuit is in order.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

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What exactly are "my problems"? Are you qualified to make an assessment? If so, your license needs revoking for making such crass assumptions online. If not, you are not much of an expert at judging one's psychological state. In any case, you are not adding to the discussion, so why are YOU here?

Good for you, Terri. Such cantankerous talk deserves to be shut down quickly. Offering psychological help without a license might be illegal, for that matter. Perhaps a lawsuit is in order.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo


Gosh if I had taken all of them to court, I'd be rich, or dead. In any case, maybe it is time to pursue the nutbars in court. This guy is outrageous.

Edited by Terri Williams
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What exactly are "my problems"? Are you qualified to make an assessment? If so, your license needs revoking for making such crass assumptions online. If not, you are not much of an expert at judging one's psychological state. In any case, you are not adding to the discussion, so why are YOU here?

Good for you, Terri. Such cantankerous talk deserves to be shut down quickly. Offering psychological help without a license might be illegal, for that matter. Perhaps a lawsuit is in order.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Knock yourself out. Would you like my address? Please PM me. Will you be hiring an international lawyer specialising in international law? if I ignore the summons will you be extraditing me? Should I contact Julian Assange to see if there's any room in the Chilean Embassy?

My only concern with a courtcase against Forrest Gump would be that the court would be quickly surrounded by a variety of international terrorists.

Hasn't this forum got some sort of policy concerning making lawsuit threats?

No. I know a very good American lawyer. And yes I would like your address. That would be helpful. TY. You may PM me. Stop the slander and libel or justice can be enforced. Note the difference between a "threat" and a warning to stop the slanderous statements.

Edited by Terri Williams
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I agree with everything Blair Dobson said before his post went into Room 101

I honestly don't know how anyone could disagree with what Blair said.

I do however,think it would have been better had he made his offer of help privately. It would probably have got the same reception - but maybe a slightly better chance of being accepted than a public one ever was.

On the other side, I guess now the elephant can no longer pretend it's not there...

Edited by Greg Parker
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But you use the internet? :-D

What exactly are "my problems"? Are you qualified to make an assessment? If so, your license need revoking for making such crass assumptions online. If not, you are not much of an expert at judging one's psychological state. In any case, you are not adding to the discussion, so why are YOU here?

I don't know what you think my "problems" are considering you replied that I also "use the Internet."

Your problems lie in the fact that you have multiple blogs claiming (with a straight face) that your uncle was the Zodiac Killer, that you met the Washington snipers, that you sent a letter to President Kennedy warning him that he was going to be assassinated by people from your backward town, and that you met the 9/11 hijackers when they were hiring crop dusters in Canada...

Pretty simple really.


Yep. That's it in a nut shell.

--Tommy :sun

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But you use the internet? :-D

What exactly are "my problems"? Are you qualified to make an assessment? If so, your license need revoking for making such crass assumptions online. If not, you are not much of an expert at judging one's psychological state. In any case, you are not adding to the discussion, so why are YOU here?

I don't know what you think my "problems" are considering you replied that I also "use the Internet."

Your problems lie in the fact that you have multiple blogs claiming (with a straight face) that your uncle was the Zodiac Killer, that you met the Washington snipers, that you sent a letter to President Kennedy warning him that he was going to be assassinated by people from your backward town, and that you met the 9/11 hijackers when they were hiring crop dusters in Canada...

Pretty simple really.


Yep. That's it in a nut shell.

--Tommy :sun

I didn't join this forum to defend myself from attacks of people like you. If my uncle is not the Zodiac Killer, why don't police just do that DNA comparison I have been asking for? They could so easily put an end to my claim. But they don't.

If I didn't meet the DC Snipers, why does the FBI have the surveillance footage of our meeting?

If what I claim on my blog about the 911 terrorists was not true, why haven't the RCMP sued me? It has been up for years. They even had a chance to summons me right there at the Missing Women's Inquiry. But they didn't. The RCMP lawyers RAN from the room so I could not talk with them. And I had just made the SAME CLAIM in front of a roomful of judges, lawyers, Police Commissioner, and police.

And yes, I DID send Kennedy a letter to warn him of the danger that awaited him. Someday I hope to have the letter back in my possession. It IS somewhere.

And as for the elephant, there is a lot of them.

I'm pretty sure it would boggle your mind to know all that I DO KNOW.

Edited by Terri Williams
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What exactly are "my problems"? Are you qualified to make an assessment? If so, your license needs revoking for making such crass assumptions online. If not, you are not much of an expert at judging one's psychological state. In any case, you are not adding to the discussion, so why are YOU here?

Good for you, Terri. Such cantankerous talk deserves to be shut down quickly. Offering psychological help without a license might be illegal, for that matter. Perhaps a lawsuit is in order.

Best regards,

--Paul Trejo

Knock yourself out. Would you like my address? Please PM me. Will you be hiring an international lawyer specialising in international law? if I ignore the summons will you be extraditing me? Should I contact Julian Assange to see if there's any room in the Chilean Embassy?

My only concern with a courtcase against Forrest Gump would be that the court would be quickly surrounded by a variety of international terrorists.

Hasn't this forum got some sort of policy concerning making lawsuit threats?

No. I know a very good American lawyer. And yes I would like your address. That would be helpful. TY. You may PM me. Stop the slander and libel or justice can be enforced. Note the difference between a "threat" and a warning to stop the slanderous statements.

You've already made the "threat".

S-T-R-E-T-C-H! YAWN. :ice

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I feel a bit bad not having posted since pages ago - my opinion since then hasn't advanced much though.

  • Do Terri's accounts when considered collectively seem far fetched - of course and I don't think I've picked up anything from Terri that suggests she can't see why anyone would naturally come to that conclusion
  • Are they even possible - unlikely yes, strange yes, impossible No
  • Is there anything of interest in her post re JFK and the KKK - I think so - even if I do not buy all of the account

Finding more about the truck shouldn't be that difficult and if the Banister link can be proven it would be an important development.

I don't gamble but seems like a worthwhile potential return on a very insignificant stake, If it comes to nothing very little has been lost.

Would I gamble a grand, never. Would I throw in a pound - oh yes.

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