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Why would Oswald take a pot-shot at Gen.Walker?.

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Was Oswald forced to shoot at Walker in an attempt to ingratiate himself

With yet another group?.

I honestly believe if you are gonna kill a general make sure you succeed!.

More than one shooter would be required to make sure of success.

Was Oswald onto Walkers team and his intended target.

I find it very hard to accept a communist Oswald ,as he gladly joined the marine corp

And I believe accepted any task given him .

His study of the Russian language ,his obvious training whilst serving

At very hush-hush places .

Oswald would have understood the magnitude of murdering a general

I think Walker faked it for any number of reasons mainly self promotion.

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I think this whole thing depends on who Oswald really was .

And yes you are right nobody is that out of touch they would stick

Their head in the noose twice.


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One possibility: If (big if) Walker was behind the assassination, having JFK's alleged assassin shoot at him too would tend to deflect suspicion. (As I recall, Walker was also on an airliner at the time of the shooting and made sure that everyone on board knew it. How come?)

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One possibility: If (big if) Walker was behind the assassination, having JFK's alleged assassin shoot at him too would tend to deflect suspicion. (As I recall, Walker was also on an airliner at the time of the shooting and made sure that everyone on board knew it. How come?)

That theory would also thus include John Connally as a suspect, also having the alleged assassin shot him too.

Certainly plausible.


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One possibility: If (big if) Walker was behind the assassination, having JFK's alleged assassin shoot at him too would tend to deflect suspicion. (As I recall, Walker was also on an airliner at the time of the shooting and made sure that everyone on board knew it. How come?)

That theory would also thus include John Connally as a suspect, also having the alleged assassin shot him too.

Certainly plausible.

Well the understanding, of course, would be that the shot at Walker would miss, as it did. I doubt that Connelly said, "Let's make it look really good, I want you to actually shoot me."

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Not to make more work for everybody, but maybe a timeline is in order so the reporting of Oswald's involvement in the Walker shooting can be evaluated.

What I mean is, how was Oswald's involvement reported, and by whom, and under what circumstances, chronologically? This may have to include memories reported by claimants years after November 1963.

Maybe we can find out whom and what to not trust through this.

Edited by David Andrews
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For a Marxist/communist he certainly Attracted a lot of right wing "friends"

And Marina went along for the ride . What interest would the cultured

,educated George De M have in Oswald ?.

Ditto The Paines?. Oswald was not just a normal defector he came back with a wife and child .

It appears to me that he was singled out for a function long before his

"Defection" by then He was "in it up to his neck" according to Nagell.

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Food for Thought:

taken from Jack Ruby: Garry Willis and Ovid Demaris page 222

Weissman knows he is being hunted. He has gone to ground. Ruby is wrong about his name. They had asked him to change it, all right, to please some right-wing bigots; but that was too much to ask of him. He was not ashamed of his name. He made damn sure it was on the ad - it would be dangerous to let Larrie get all that notoriety. Let them know Bernie Weisman was a power in the movement. The movement. It looked discredited now. Weissman is hiding and will have to leave Dallas. Ruby is right; there was a plot behind that ad. Big plot.

It started in 1962, in a German beer-hall; in Munich, as a matter of fact, just miles from the beer hall where another man's rise to power began.

Edited by Robert Howard
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  • 4 weeks later...

Food for Thought:

taken from Jack Ruby: Garry Willis and Ovid Demaris page 222

Weissman knows he is being hunted. He has gone to ground. Ruby is wrong about his name. They had asked him to change it, all right, to please some right-wing bigots; but that was too much to ask of him. He was not ashamed of his name. He made damn sure it was on the ad - it would be dangerous to let Larrie get all that notoriety. Let them know Bernie Weisman was a power in the movement. The movement. It looked discredited now. Weissman is hiding and will have to leave Dallas. Ruby is right; there was a plot behind that ad. Big plot.

It started in 1962, in a German beer-hall; in Munich, as a matter of fact, just miles from the beer hall where another man's rise to power began.

Thanks for that one Robert,


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I'm not as knowledgable about the alleged Oswald attempt on Walker as in some other facets of the case, but doesn't all of the evidence collected pre-JFK assassination point to two shooters, both with cars, and an entirely different bullet caliber recovered with a different spectrographic makeup?

Isn't 100% of the evidence suggesting Oswald was involved come from dubious sources- Marina threatened with the deportation of her children whilst held in isolation, or from known intelligence assets, the Paines and the Baron?

I suspect a much stronger case could be cobbled together proving that those folks were handlers of Oswald, than Oswald trying to shoot anyone.

The single bit of evidence outside of those "witnesses" is the photo of the car parked in Walker's driveway, which can be proven to have been altered by the police after it was "found" by them. It would have been thrown out as evidence, once Fritz lied about the licence plate, and pictures showed up with it intact in police hands.

The only thing that photo would convict, is the Dallas police force. What else is there? Anything?

I think the case against Oswald as Walker's assailant is by far the weakest of the crimes the government attempted to pin on him. Well....maybe his alleged attempted assassination on Nixon is weaker, but not by a lot.

You might as well hang Mussilini's demise on Lee. After all, Oswald owned a carcano, and that's Italian. Hunter of Facists, indeed!

Edited by Patrick Block
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