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Bill Decker and John Tower

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Hi Star Mariner:

I gave my review of Talbot’s book here.  I segued from it to reading a biography of Karl Wolff.  I have already read enough about Nazis to last a lifetime, but Wolff’s career was sickly fascinating, and easy to see why he was one of Dulles’s favorite Nazis (Wolff was one of Hitler’s favorites, too, with his aristocratic looks and comportment), along with Gehlen.  I wrote a series of JFK posts recently, in which I presented my views.  

I made a succinct post on my view of the JFK hit.  I have written plenty on the JFK hit in recent years, in addition to my site’s rendition.  I go plenty into the Magic Bullet and the backyard photos.  IMO, the Magic Bullet, rifle, backyard photos, and the camera that allegedly took them were all planted evidence to frame Oswald to be, in his words, a “patsy.”  Ruby’s job was to silence Oswald, and quickly, before he really spilled the beans.  Ruby was a big-time mobster, not some two-bit hustler.  Framing a patsy became the standard MO in most high-profile American assassinations during the generation after the JFK hit, when the spooks ran amok.  And yes, Dulles kicked it all off.  The mob and CIA often worked together, and a similar alliance nearly killed Charles de Gaulle a year before the JFK hit, and de Gaulle did not miss the similarity.  

Hunt was in the JFK hit up to his eyeballs, and his amazing “alien presence” explanation to Doug Caddy may well reflect Hunt’s view, but don’t expect any revelations in Hunt’s papers, either.  Spies like him are not going to leave much juicy material behind.  The raid of Angleton’s vaults after his death, as he met Dulles in hell (in Angleton’s words), yielded gems such as RFK’s autopsy pictures (probably trophies for Angleton), but I doubt that Hunt left much honest behind, especially in his papers.  



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Hi Star Mariner:

I have plenty of JFK/Oswald posts on this thread, so a few posts on my thread is fine, and it is a subject of my big essay:)Nice chin pics.  Here is my take on the backyard photos.  I write plenty about them on my site, and I’ll be referring to it.  Just like the rifle and Magic Bullet, the provenance of the backyard photos and the camera that allegedly took them is highly dubious.  

We will begin with the first one: Oswald was asked about the photos before they were officially discovered, and they somehow eluded the search on the day of the assassination.  Two developers working in the FBI’s lab on the night of the assassination said that they saw a color transparency of the backyard photos the day before they were “discovered.”  

On the chin, Oswald himself began the “fake” argument, because he called them fakes when he saw them, and said that he could prove that they were fakes.  He said that his head was pasted onto somebody else’s body.  Of course, the next day, he was silenced forever.  Right at the chin, there is a crop-line that the HSCA explained away as water spots, but spots don’t run in lines.  So, right where you might expect the crop line, if Oswald was right, is a crop line, which was explained away very dubiously.  

Of course, there is plenty of evidence that there were two Oswalds, so I always look at the photos of the man in Dallas PD custody.  You are right that sometimes his chin does not look as pointy, but the backyard photo chin sure looks a lot more like Roscoe White’s than Oswald’s.  Particularly damning of the HSCA’s “analysis” was when the chin data was purposefully omitted from its Penrose study.  How obvious could it be?  

As you know, the chin is one of many anomalies regarding those photos, and I’ll go into some of them here.  Again, the provenance of the evidence is highly damning to the official version.  Not only was Oswald asked about the photos before they were “discovered,” and the FBI apparently had a color version on the day before they were “discovered,” the negative of the most famous backyard photo has never been introduced into evidence, even though the evidence inventory shows one more negative than was ever presented as evidence.  

More than a decade later, Roscoe White’s widow was found to possess a third backyard photo.  A Dallas PD reenactment in 1964 proved that they knew about that photo in 1964, but it was “discovered” in 1976.  There also may have been a fourth one, of Oswald holding the rifle over his head.  The very compliant Marina initially denied taking any photos, but when prodded enough, said whatever the Warren Commission wanted her to.  

Not only that, but a year after the JFK hit, George de Mohrenschildt discovered a version of the most famous one (133-A) that was clearer than the “original” and showed area outside the frame of the original.  The pictures are taken in sunlight, but the weather of the day in question was cloudy and rainy.  Oswald never had clothing like the man in the photos did.  It goes on and on.  

The camera was like the photos, in that it was not found in previous searches, to miraculously appear in that garage, actually discovered by Oswald’s brother.  It did not even work when it was “discovered.”  I have seen the many chain-of-custody issues with the photos explained away by Dallas PD malfeasance or cavalier treatment of the evidence.  So much evidence disappeared or miraculously appeared that it is very difficult to believe the evidence at all.  

There are many other anomalies with the backyard photos.  I have to give Jack White credit for his work, although he should have just stuck with those photos, IMO.  But I also have some contributions of my own.  The newspapers that Oswald holds up have several anomalies to them.  One is the newspapers themselves.  Oswald poses with his guns and papers, like some revolutionary, but the newspapers themselves are from the “peaceful co-existence” faction of communism, and Oswald would have known the distinction.  It would be like a gun-toting militia member in camo fatigues holding up his weapons and copies of Time and The New York Times, to show how “radical” he was.  

Oswald’s hand holding up the newspapers is very anomalous.  For one thing, the fingers are chopped off, and they don’t cast any shadow, like his nose obviously does.  The entire newspaper looks like a special effect.  The same goes for the hand holding the rifle.  Where is his forearm and elbow?  

The rifle is doubly planted.  Not only is there very convincing evidence that there were at least two rifles in evidence, neither one of them is the rifle in the backyard photos.  The serial number issue proves, to me, that there were two rifles in evidence, even disregarding how the Warren Commission switched ads to force the official rifle in evidence with the ad that Oswald would have bought the rifle from.  There is a circular strap ring on the bottom of the rifle stock, obvious in the backyard photos, but the rifle(s) in evidence show oblong side-rings.  Also, it is obviously not the same strap, either.  A light-colored one that looks like just a strip of canvass is in the backyard photos, while the rifle in evidence has a leather strap dyed black like the rifle stock.  Oswald the starving commie sure played around a lot with his rifle.  

With at least three rifles in evidence, which one shot the Magic Bullet?  The Magic Bullet also entered into the evidence ledgers miraculously.  For starters, for the official story to make any sense, that it caused both the back and neck wounds before its dance through Connally’s body, it would have had to pass through JFK’s spine, which was a greater feat than penetrating his skull, which the head shot(s) did.  The head shot bullet(s) broke into a million pieces, while the Magic Bullet remained almost perfectly intact, and then made several wounds in Connally, shattered bones, and then rolled out intact into his clothes, to be miraculously found on an unused stretcher at Parkland Hospital, with not a trace of flesh or blood on it, even after microscopic examination.  Magic indeed.  

So, for me, the chin issue is just one of many that points to fabricated and planted evidence.  I’ll agree that maybe the chin issue is not quite a slam dunk, but the HSCA treated it with strange logic, and the experts never convinced Congressman Fithian that that was Oswald’s chin.  These doubts do not just issue from the minds of paranoid conspiracists.  

Of course, I treat Gary’s testimony as fact, so I have no doubt that Oswald was not the Lone Nut assassin.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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Hi Star Mariner:

Since we are discussing the most infamous murder of the 20th century, it is very reasonable to think that the best spook resources would have been used on the photos.  As you know, there are great doubts about the authenticity of the autopsy photos and other autopsy evidence (to disguise the fact that the back of JFK’s head was blown out), and the man who performed it burning his notes afterward is typical behavior around the JFK hit.

As I stated, the chin issue is far from the only one.  Oswald’s right hand’s fingers and disappearing left arm are very odd.  But yes, even in Gary’s conversation with John Tower, the pictures were discussed as a ploy to make Oswald’s “assassination attempt” appear believable, and your scenario is plausible.  I’ll agree that it is possible that the photos are not altered, but the HSCA, among others, sure did not do much to dispel the doubts, with its water spots explanation and Penrose study, and that professor that you cite actually works with the FBI, which was involved with the JFK hit, so once again, we have an “expert” with a conflict of interest (similar to McAdams’s working closely with the CIA – I am all-too-familiar with such “experts” and “skeptics” appearing on the scene like they did and being lionized for bolstering the official story).  I don’t consider Oswald’s body shadows to be anomalous (although the pictures were almost certainly not taken on the day that the Warren Commission concluded), but the finger ones I do.  I believe that the body is genuine, and I was not very impressed with that professor’s analysis (I saw it years ago, when it was ballyhooed).  All that it might show to me was that the head was photographed at the same sun angle as the rest of the photo, which would be elementary for any forgers.

Even if the photos are genuine, that rifle is very likely not the “murder weapon” in evidence.  I am pretty confident about that.  The many anomalies about the photos and camera, as far as their provenance, make me think that they were planted to frame Oswald, genuine pictures or not.  The photos were definitely made to make it look like Oswald was some kind of violent revolutionary, when he wasn’t.  He was an expendable covert action asset, and met the fate of many like him.

On a related note, yesterday’s JFK document release went about as expected, but once again unintentionally supports the “frame Castro” angle that Tower discussed, as the Northwoods documents did.  It is somewhat amusing to see the media take that bait once again, and focus on Castro as the likely agent of murder, so that operation in a way was successful, even though killing JFK was an unintended outcome for the chumps who were involved.



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Hi Star Mariner:

As you know, you can’t dive very far into the JFK hit before seeing evidence disappear and magically appear all the time.  Witnesses were silenced, had their testimony altered by the Warren Commission, many came to untimely ends, and the like.  So much about it smells bad.  Having a man who despised JFK, whom JFK fired, heading the “investigation” and who covered the CIA’s tracks at every turn – what an abomination.  Of course, LBJ got a friendly wink as he was being sworn in.  The evil goes on and on.  I lived in Texas because of LBJ, and even spent some weeks in Dallas.  The Magic Bullet in evidence is not the one described by the orderly who found it, etc.

On the Carcano, its provenance is extremely dubious, beginning with the ad that Oswald would have used to order it.  Yes, I am well aware of the initial “Mauser” identification.  Gary’s JFK adventures began with the conversation that arms experts around the country were having right after the assassination: there was no way that Oswald could have made those shots from that position with that Carcano.  There were no fingerprints on the rifle, as if Oswald carefully wiped down the Carcano after using it, but a palm print miraculously appeared on it after he was dead, “discovered” by the FBI.  

As you know, the controversy is fierce on these issues, with Warren Commission apologists going after the independent researchers, with the conspiracy advocates fighting with each other, each with his/her pet theory and favorite evidence, etc.  What a circus.  I have given my general views on the situation.  

So, yes, the rifle in the backyard photos is not the one discovered in the depository, and Oswald was not even in the sniper’s nest when whatever shots were fired from the window were made.  He was definitely not in on the real hit, so he was somehow redirected, such as sitting in the depository lunchroom, waiting for a call, while the real hit played out, and he soon realized that he had been had.  The real assassins tried to kill him as he fled, but policemen Tippit was killed instead.  I have tried to imagine what Oswald must have been thinking.  He had to be silenced by the real killers, and quickly, and he was.  Ruby was a big-time mobster, and mobster attorney Belli (he wanted a $250K retainer to defend Dennis – I didn’t have that kind of money :) ) defended Ruby for free.  

To me, the backyard photos are merely part of a constellation of planted and possibly forged evidence.  They had to make it all look at least plausible, but there is no perfect crime.  There is far too much damning evidence, for those who care to look at it with their eyes open.

On a related note, Hoover may have been in on the JFK hit from the beginning.  He began beating the “Lone Nut” drums on the day of the assassination, and they only got louder.  Dulles, another who was in on it, according to those taped conversations, handed out a “Lone Nut” book to the other Warren Commission members before they ever convened.  Those skids were greased from the beginning, and the “new” Hoover memo issued when Oswald died is no revelation.  George Bush the First was also involved from the beginning, according to the tapes, which explains the Tower conversation.  I have seen it argued that Tower was providing misdirection with his conversation with Gary, but I strongly doubt it.  

For me, the entire JFK affair only shows the complete fraudulence of our government.  The USA is a plutocracy and always has been, back to when its richest citizen became its first president, and used his office to steal even more and set the blueprint for stealing a continent.  What a saint.  

JFK was the last president who thought that he could make a dent.  All presidents since then have been puppets and know it, with perhaps the exception of Trump, but if he hasn’t figured it out yet, he will: he is relatively powerless and completely in the dark on the important issues, and chief of which is the subject of the technology that can usher in a new Epoch of the human journey.  Everything else pales beside that.  No president has come within a country mile of that knowledge.  



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Today is the 50th anniversary of Robert F. Kennedy’s murder.  I recall seeing my mother watch JFK’s funeral when I was five, but I was ten when RFK was murdered, only an hour’s drive from where I lived, and it is a vivid memory.  If anybody thinks that one of those murders was due to a conspiracy, they have to suspect that both were.  The Kennedy family themselves thinks that they were related.  A person’s head has to be buried deeply in the sand to not suspect that those murders were related.  But, amazingly, I have encountered people who think that they are unrelated crimes, even though they think that they solved JFK’s murder.  That is a close cousin to the tunnel vision that has plagued scientific specialists, which Bucky Fuller said was encouraged by the ruling class, to keep scientists lost in the weeds, never seeing the bigger picture.  Generalists see the connections, and comprehensive thinkers try to combine the detail-orientation of the specialist with the big-picture orientation of the generalist, which is no easy trick, but scientists today are trained to think that way, although their naïveté is a big problem, which helps to prevent them from truly understanding how our world works.

It is not hard at all to see the connections between the deaths of JFK and RFK, and in a word: Rockefeller.  The Dulles brothers were Rockefeller fixers from the beginnings of their careers.  Richard Nixon was their creature.  The Bush family worked for the Rockefellers back in the 1800s.  David Rockefeller publicly challenged JFK’s policies, and after JFK was murdered, his Alliance for Progress became a Rockefeller tool and the antithesis of what JFK’s intentions for it were.  Overthrowing Latin American governments became an American specialty after JFK’s murder, and the Dulles brothers began that parade with their overthrow of Guatemala’s government on behalf of Rockefeller interests (but those events go way back).  E Howard Hunt ran the Bay of Pigs operation, led the operation that got JFK killed, was involved in overthrowing Guatemala’s government, and his statement to Douglas Caddy is amazing, but consistent with what I know.

George Bush the First was involved in the Bay of Pigs operation (and later ran the CIA and stonewalled new president Jimmy Carter on the UFO/ET issue), JFK fired Allen Dulles over it, and Dulles soon led the “investigation” into JFK’s murder, with Rockefeller tool John McCloy, and the “lone nut” angle was being promoted within days of JFK’s murder.  Dulles primed the other Warren Commission members before they even convened, sending them all a “lone nut” book.  Gerald “Magic Bullet” Ford was there when Nixon was taken out, to step up, and Nelson Rockefeller was right behind him.  Two “lone nuts” immediately tried to take out Ford, and Nelson nearly became the second president who was never on a ballot, and Ford was the first.  When Reagan became president, a “lone nut” immediately tried to take him out, and the “nut” was a friend of the Bush family.  This stuff is not even all that subtle.  

All of the “lone nut” assassins, from JFK to Reagan, including those who shot Martin Luther King, Jr., George Wallace, and John Lennon, had connections to intelligence operations.  The guy who shot Lennon worked for the organization that was run by the father of the Reagan shooter.  My personal opinion is that taking out JFK worked so well that the spooks had their heyday for a generation, taking out political figures at will, with a lone nut “assassin” served up each time.  

David Rockefeller actively managed the Empire clear into his 90s, calling Dennis at home, just before the feds ran him out of the country.  It did not matter that the sitting president’s energy adviser was one of Dennis’s fans.  The Rockefellers owned the Bushes.  The Rockefellers were involved more than once in wiping us out.  But the Rockefellers are not at the top, if they ever were.  Slaughtering American political figures was more of a domestic issue than a global one.  I’ll write more on this subject soon.  



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On 10/2/2013 at 5:31 AM, William Kelly said:

Gary Wean, a US Navy vet of WWII and LAPD cop, wrote a book in the 1980s in which he recounted meeting Dallas Sheriff Bill Decker through actor and Medal of Honor recipient Audie Murphy. Decker told Wean that at one conversation over lunch "Decker told them that he knew Oswald had not fired the shots, and that a man in Dallas wanted to talk to somebody about it."

Murphy, Wean and another man then flew to Ruidoso, New Mexico where they met Decker and a man later identified as John Tower, who told them, "...Oswald was anything but a 'lone nut.' He was a U.S. intelligence agent acting under the direction of E. Howard Hut. Oswald had been recruited into military intelligence when he joined the Marines. His hanging out in an expensive Tokyo nightclub as a private , his learning Russian at the highly sensitive U2 base in Japan, his defection to the Soviet Union and other oddities were part of his intelligence career...Oswald was inducted into CIA covert activities and came under Hunt's direction....Oswald was going to participate in a fake assassination attempt on John Kennedy, and frame Castro for it. Oswald's apparent visit to the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City was part of laying an elaborate trail to Cuba. Hunt believed that if Castro could be implicated in an assassination attempt on JFK, the American people could be riled up into supporting an outright invasion of Cuba. JFK Was not aware of the fake assassination plan, but high-ranking officials in the government and administration were. Military intelligence, the FBI and CIA were all involved...."


For more details see Wade Frazier's


While I don't put much credence in this story, I wonder if John Tower did try to promote this three weeks after the assassination, and if some parts can be confirmed - did Decker know Murphy?

Did Wean write the book and say that in the book The Fish In the Courthouse - 1987?

And why did they meet in Ruidoso, New Mexico? Did somebody live there?

There might not be much to this story, and it could be certifiable Disinformation, but then again, there might be something to it, especially if Tower did have documents and photos to back up his story.


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Hi Valerie:

I see your thanks on posts.  I hope that the reading is worth it.  Some pals do the thanks so that I know they are reading.  There is some German synchronicity this morning.  My wife is not happy about it, but I have been reading more about the Nazis that the USA brought in under Operation Paperclip, and it is grim reading, as usual.  My summer of studying World War II, back in 1999, damaged me and my marriage.  Not only did the USA’s Founding Fathers inspire Hitler’s genocidal plans for Eastern Europe, but Hitler’s anti-Semitic policies were inspired by one of the USA’s greatest industrialists, Henry Ford.  Hitler once said that Ford taught him all that he knew, and the Third Reich even gave Ford a medal.  About a third of the Third Reich’s trucks during World War II were produced by Ford, which I heard was demoralizing for American soldiers when they captured German equipment.  The Volkswagen (literally “The People’s Car”) was Hitler’s answer to the Model T, so it is ironic to hear these rumors that Volkswagen was going to produce a 200 MPG car, to get shot down.

The thing about Paperclip was not just how disgusting it was, bringing in death camp Nazis to help with the Cold War: the Nazis were partly responsible for the Cold War.  The Gehlen Org lied to the USA about Soviet intentions and capabilities, telling their handlers what they wanted to hear, and helped lead the world to the brink of World War III.  As Uncle Ed wrote, the USA’s “containment” policy was fraudulent.  The Soviet Union was just a handy excuse for American imperialism.  When the Soviet Union collapsed, American imperialists had a problem on their hands: finding a new boogieman.  As Ed and Noam noted, the “war on terror” provided a useful substitute for the Soviet Union, although with few actual “terrorists” in the world really doing much, Russia has been “rehabilitated” into a malevolent threat once again, as it has been demonized in the Western media for more than a century.  

The Rockefellers were also deeply in bed with the Nazis from the beginning, and their creatures the Dulles brothers were not only architects of the Cold War, but liberally used Nazis.  And it was not just some kind of embarrassment for the USA: to a significant degree, Nazi policies became American policies.  Those Nazis who performed human experiments on death camp prisoners did not just bring their findings and expertise to the USA, but their ethics, too.  The Nazi experiments were the direct predecessor of MKUltra and other programs, which were often performed on involuntary subjects.  Americans thereby became victims of Nazi human experiments.  Thousands of American soldiers were used as guinea pigs that way.  Fluoridation is compulsory “medicine” forced on the American populace, and before the USA began jamming it down the public’s throat, soon after hiring death camp Nazis, the Nazis literally used it in their concentration camps, to make the prisoners more docile.  I have fluoride added to my water today, as do most Americans.  Hmmm.

The Nazi connection runs far deeper, too.  Goebbels used Edward Bernays’s work in his propaganda efforts, and Bernays actually helped design the propaganda campaigns to addict women to tobacco, fluoridate water, and overthrow the Guatemalan government on behalf of the Rockefellers.  I have several Rockefeller connections myself, and for the first time, I’ll reveal a little about my relative who was a CIA contract agent: he worked for Rockefeller interests.  I may never reveal any more about that situation (to protect family members), but that revelation should be safe now.  The Rockefellers helped take out Dennis more than once, beginning with wiping out the factory that he planned to use in Seattle (so Dennis had to build his own factory), and the final time was when Dennis was pursuing high-MPG technology.  

The first practical application of nuclear energy was gratuitously vaporizing two cities in a defeated nation that was trying to surrender, and at the same time as the USA was being mass-fluoridated and the witch hunts for “commies” were at their peak, the American government was trying to turn those nuclear swords into ploughshares, even though the initial euphoria had long since worn off in the USA.  Hubertus Strughold was the godfather of MKUltra and other human experiment programs in the USA, and his protégé, Heinz Haber, was also Werner von Braun’s sidekick on a Disney show promoting space travel to children.  Walt Disney and the Nazis were spiritual brethren, and Walt was an enthusiastic red-hunter who also endorsed Hollywood’s blacklist.  While Walt hunted out commies, death camp Nazis were fine, and when Disney was asked to make a propaganda film about nuclear power, Haber was their man, who led the making of a Disney show that promoted nuclear energy, and Haber then wrote a children’s book on the wonders of nuclear energy.  The Wikipedia article on Paperclip is a whitewash, which I suppose is fitting, as Paperclip itself was a whitewash of death camp Nazis.  

Of course, Allen Dulles very actively covered up JFK’s murder and likely had a hand in it.  JFK was trying to end the Cold War, and for that, among other affronts to corporate America, he had to go.  Although it is no secret, it has largely disappeared down the Memory Hole that JFK proposed a joint mission to the Moon with the Soviets soon before his murder, which would have ended the Space Race.  With JFK’s murder, Johnson not only escalated the Space Race, but he also escalated the low-level Vietnam imperial conflict into an outright genocide, and I spent a year in Houston during all of that, as Mission Control was one of Johnson’s pork barrel projects.  I am not writing as a disinterested scholar, but as somebody whose life was profoundly affected by Rockefeller machinations.  Of course, it goes far higher than that, too.  The highest councils on Earth wondered what to do about us, and both the “White Hats” and “Black Hats” intervened multiple times.  

Time for work.



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Hi Paul:

I am happy to discuss Gary’s little story on the JFK hit.  You can take it to the bank that Gary recounted the John Tower conversation to the best of his recollection.  Being a policemen and detective, Gary tried to solve the crime, and his encounters with Jack Ruby are highly germane to the JFK hit.  Ruby was no two-bit nightclub owner.  

For me, the lesson of the JFK hit is not so much who did it, although I believe that it likely came from the Dulles/CIA milieu, but that the entire “investigation” was a whitewash from the beginning, to frame the “patsy” and make it go away ASAP.  Every president since JFK was a puppet and knew it, although somewhat ironically, Trump may not have figured it out yet.  Like JFK, he came from a rich background, so did not have to sell his soul to play the game.   If Trump has not figured it out yet, he may be beginning to suspect.  



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50 minutes ago, Wade Frazier said:

  Like JFK, he came from a rich background, so did not have to sell his soul to play the game.   If Trump has not figured it out yet, he may be beginning to suspect.  

I think this is very important  as a study in character.  The Clintons, surely, are  living proof that money is more valuable than integrity in political life. I don't think IKE cared, although he had friends build the home at Gettysburg, it can't really  be said that he saw the government position for its money or power. Nixon, LBJ, Ford, Bush I and II and Obama all owed people and institutions. Carter, we've discussed on a current thread didn't. Neither did JFK. I thought Trump was going to be in that circle of disinterested and impartial figures, but I simply roll my head each day when trying to grasp what Trumpness means.

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I always question the small nobody image of Ruby regards his connections to the mob.

Yes, in some ways he seemed like a small time loser with his always being behind in bill payments and stripper's salaries and other expenses and having to share ( or maybe doing this just to have company? ) rather modest apartment accommodations.

He did carry some good sized cash on his person fairly often he says, hence his explanation for carrying a gun. But one or two grand even back then wasn't big Mafia kingfish money.

But we also hear stories about Ruby being the bag man in other nefarious doings such as gun running and if so it's very likely he did this for other ventures also.

And the record of Ruby's long distance calls in the month or two before 11/22/1963 ( Seth Kantor recounts these ) shows he was calling several established mob big shots and muscle men in Chicago, Florida, New Orleans and one or two very close to Jimmy Hoffa.

Would a "nobody" in the area of organized crime be able to call and talk to these higher level mob guys one-on-one, especially if these calls were just about Ruby's strippers demanding higher pay than Ruby was paying them? Ridiculous.

Ruby was also close to Lewis McWillie. Considered him a mentor. McWillie wasn't a nobody in the mob.

Ruby provided mobsters,cops, wealthy social types and probably politicians with women. His strip business brought in young attractive women many of whom knew the real score in that business.

In this specific regards alone, I believe that many very high people personally knew Jack Ruby well.

Ruby's easily triggered red hot temper, which he took all the way into pummeling others, was one of his greatest emotional issue flaws that probably did keep him from advancing any further in the areas of organized crime. However on occasion he still connected with some very high placed mobsters. 




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Hi Robert:

I certainly am not singing Trump’s praises, although he has been caught in the crossfire of a favorite American activity: demonizing Russia.  In fact, if we credit Doug Caddy’s amazing reporting of what E. Howard Hunt said, and I do, the last straw for taking out JFK was his getting too cozy with the Soviets, as he tried to end the Cold War.  I’ll buy that, but I also think that the “alien presence” reason was just an excuse, and I suspect that the entire “alien presence” issue was related to JFK’s proposing a joint mission to the Moon with the Soviet Union, which would effectively end the Space Race and go a long way toward ending the Cold War.  The assassins had to have known that the Soviets knew plenty themselves.  I doubt that it matters much who the president is, but as we both note, Trump is not as much of a creature of special interests as every president since JFK was.  

On Carter, that is a near and dear subject.  Brian O’Leary was Mo Udall’s speechwriter, and Udall was in the lead for the nomination until Carter came out of nowhere, with his Rockefeller (CFR) backing, and it looks like Carter stole Brian’s energy policy.  The energy crisis is what got me and most of my fellow travelers pursuing the energy issue, which eventually led us to free energy.  Free energy technology is likely older than I am.  You can take that to the bank.  

David Rockefeller handpicked all presidents since JFK.  Carter’s energy policy is what allowed Dennis to take his run at carpeting the USA with the world’s best heating system.  Carter’s “human rights” stance was phony, but what else is new for American politicians?  But Carter gets points for raising the UFO issue, as Daniel Sheehan’s amazing testimony shows.  The way that I heard it, Carter was eventually threatened into silence, after he fired Bush the First from the CIA for stonewalling him on the UFO issue.  

I have published my rough estimation of how the world’s power structure looks, and American presidents are down several levels.  During my adventures, we attracted attention from the top, and it wasn’t much fun.  My life and the lives of those around me were destroyed, and Dennis should not have survived.  I can’t regret any of it, but don’t want to come close to events like those again.  My sense is that JFK ran afoul of the big interests.  Not at the very top, but more like the national-imperial power structure.  I think that Rockefeller interests were involved, which also took us out more than once, and the most recent time, David himself got involved.  

Thanks Joe.  Gary is in my pantheon, and whatever he reported that he witnessed, you can take that to the bank.  His encounters with Ruby, due to his surveillance of Mick Cohen (and some of Gary’s Cohen anecdotes were hilarious) showed that Ruby was far from a small-time loser (Cohen’s attorney became Ruby’s attorney), and I consider his official portrayal about as faithful to the facts as portraying Oswald as some lone nut commie.  I have seen attempts to discredit Gary by challenging his attempts to solve the crime, or how his book was not scholarly, but those attempts miss the point, probably intentionally, of Gary’s reporting.  You can take his reporting of the John Tower conversation to the bank, but when Gary attempts to connect the dots, challenging his ideas is very appropriate, but his ideas are also not easy to dismiss.  

Specifically, Gary thought that the Jewish mob was behind the JFK hit.  Well, Ruby was a Jewish mobster, so right there, Gary’s idea has some merit (Michael Piper Collins wrote a book to that effect, and Gary told me that he gave Collins the idea).  I don’t know what Gary’s evidence was, but Gary thought that Arlen Specter monitored Hunt’s grand plan and coordinated the real hit, as it interposed the fake one.  We all know “Magic Bullet” Specter’s role in the Warren Commission.  Ruby’s phone activity was really something, which RFK and others thought highly peculiar for a small-time loser.  Gary noted a call from Jewish mobsters in Ventura County at the time of the JFK hit, and Gary thought that it was significant.  I sure don’t know and, to me, that is all ancillary to what Gary wrote that he witnessed.  Gary constantly waged lawsuits against the Jewish mobsters, trying to get his evidence on the record.  I thought that it was pretty amazing for Doug Caddy to know just the gangster judge that I was writing about, because of a case from the 1970s.  You don’t take on people like that, waging lawsuits and risking your life, and make stuff up.  Gary told me that the only thing that kept him alive was always obeying the law, or they would have had a handy excuse to murder him.  

For the record, Gary wrote his book while working at his gas station and store, drafting it between customers, and his wife typed it up.  After his career was wiped out because he refused to frame people (he was made the offer he could not refuse), that store became his retirement nest egg.  I know all too well the kind of situation that Gary was in, trying to survive the evil activities directed at him, and when critics noted that he spelled Dealey Plaza incorrectly in his book, as a way to discredit him, they don’t get it.  To me, that makes Gary’s book even more credible, knowing how he wrote it.  And the gangsters who run Ventura County stole Gary’s store from him, too, and he died destitute, in exile, in Oregon, with a warrant for his wife’s arrest in California, as she refused to hand over the deed after they stole his store.  As I learned the hard way, they can just make it up as they go.  

For the record, I think that the Jewish mob was involved, but they were not the masterminds.  They were part of the muscle for the hit, and the shooter teams were likely a CIA/mob operation, and Ruby’s job was silencing Oswald, who probably should have been killed immediately after the JFK hit, but survived, so Ruby had to finish the job, with a suicidal hit on national TV.  Oswald knew way too much, and had to be silenced ASAP.  That is my take on it.



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On 8/1/2018 at 4:51 PM, Wade Frazier said:

Hi Paul:

I am happy to discuss Gary’s little story on the JFK hit.  You can take it to the bank that Gary recounted the John Tower conversation to the best of his recollection.  Being a policemen and detective, Gary tried to solve the crime, and his encounters with Jack Ruby are highly germane to the JFK hit.  Ruby was no two-bit nightclub owner.  

For me, the lesson of the JFK hit is not so much who did it, although I believe that it likely came from the Dulles/CIA milieu, but that the entire “investigation” was a whitewash from the beginning, to frame the “patsy” and make it go away ASAP.  Every president since JFK was a puppet and knew it, although somewhat ironically, Trump may not have figured it out yet.  Like JFK, he came from a rich background, so did not have to sell his soul to play the game.   If Trump has not figured it out yet, he may be beginning to suspect.  



I’m with you in Ruby being important in the Dallas conspiracy. It’s hard to imagine all those phone calls with mobsters just being about Union contracts.

i am also in agreement on the Nazis incorporated into our Intelligence structures.

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Thanks Paul:

This forum has members that have spent their lifetimes studying the JFK hit, and I have a lot of respect for their positions.  The JFK hit is a small part of my work.  My lifetime’s magnum opus is several hundred pages long and only devotes a paragraph to the Kennedys.  As far as the JFK hit goes, amongst such august company, my greatest contribution is going to be lending credence to Gary’s reporting.  To that end, I plan to make a series of posts on Gary and me, in a way that I have not quite done before, to make Gary as real as I can.

I have stated it many times: solving the crime is not really my goal regarding the JFK hit, and I doubt that anybody ever will, not in a way that will convince casual observers.  The best evidence was deeply buried at the outset, other than stray pieces that will likely never see the light of day, such as the package that John Tower gave to Gary.  You can take Gary’s reporting of the Tower conversation to the bank, and if legit (and I have no doubt about that), then it means that there is no way that Oswald was a Lone Nut commie, and that the Warren Commission was a whitewash from the outset.  And that means that our government and system in general is completely illegitimate.  That is the point of my work on the JFK hit.  Our system is not worth believing in, and I seek people who have awoken to that fact or are on their way to that revelation, and maybe my work can help them.  But people can only awaken by experience, not a literature review or received teaching.  Work like mine can only help along a process that already began.

For the record, I believe that the people that interposed the JFK operation, turning a fake assassination attempt to frame Castro into a real one, hailed from the Rockefeller/CIA side of the house, as the Eastern Oligarchy took out the upstart newcomer who was a very reluctant imperialist, and Allen Dulles was their man.  If Dulles was not involved in the hit, and there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that he was, he undoubtedly led the cover-up.  The cover-up was so successful that assassinating key political figures became a pastime for America’s spooks for a generation, clear up to the Reagan shooting, with a lone nut patsy served up each time, and each “nut” had connections to the spooks.

But I am going to leave that aside for now and just write about Gary and my relationship with him.  It was not as close as we would have liked, but it was close enough, and we were pals for the rest of Gary’s life, after he came through for me, and big, in my hour of need.  For that alone, Gary will always be in my pantheon, even though our political philosophies did not have a great deal in common, when looked at a certain way.  In other ways, we sang the same song.  So, without further ado, I’ll write about Gary and me.

The setting for Gary’s book is Los Angeles and Ventura County, where Gary worked and lived during his odyssey.  I was born in Seattle and live there today, my parents were born and raised in Bellingham, Washington, but they discovered sunshine when my father joined the marines.  After graduating from the University of Washington, my father moved the family from Seattle to Ventura County when I was four, and except for his year at NASA in Houston, my father spent the rest of his life in Ventura County, and has lived in the same house in Ventura for more than 50 years.  Ventura is the primary setting for Gary’s book.

I went to the university in San Luis Obispo, and the last place on Earth where I wanted to be after graduation was LA, but I picked the worst recession in 40 years to graduate from college.  After my first post-graduate misadventure in Seattle, I really began my career in the big time in LA, working for one of the world’s largest accounting firms, and spent my life’s three unhappiest years working there.  My naïveté was pronounced and even charming back then, as I tried to make sense of my “education” in comparison to what I was encountering in the real world.  An overgrown Boy Scout met reality.  

My journey is filled with many larger-than-life events, such as a voice in my head leading me into accounting and leading me straight into what became my life’s work: changing humanity’s energy paradigm and ushering in a new Epoch of the human journey.  When I chased the owner of the energy company that I worked for in Seattle out to Boston, chasing my teenage dream, becoming his partner was the furthest thing from my mind.  But I did, in another series of preposterous events, and the same year that I became his partner, when my learning curve insanely steepened, Gary published his book, There’s a Fish in the Courthouse, which chronicled his adventures.  Like the Kennedys and my work, the JFK hit is really a minor part of Gary’s book, a brief interlude during Gary’s adventures, which is probably the closest real-world example of the plot of the movie LA Confidential.  

As fate would have it, soon after becoming a partner in pursuing free energy, my connections saw me land in Southern California again, which was the last place on Earth where I wanted to be, but there I was, and my life was ruined over the course of the next three years.  When I staggered out of Ventura in 1990, never to return, I had been radicalized and would never see the world the same way again.   But there was compensation.  I picked up a wife during that stint, and Gary was one of the beacons in the darkness during my ordeal.  His advice was instrumental in my sacrificing my life and springing my partner from jail, in the biggest miracle that I ever witnessed, which we all knew was a case of divine intervention.   

With that prelude out of the way, on to Gary’s life, which will be a synopsis of his book, to a degree, and I will show how Gary’s life overlapped with mine, long before we ever met.  




Edited by Wade Frazier
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I am planning to write from memory for most of this, but I got a copy of Gary’s book off of my office shelf, to refer to periodically.  I see that it goes for $180 on Amazon today (one copy is being sold for $10K), and less than ten copies are for sale, so it is not easy to get anymore.  Both editions of Gary’s book were printed pretty cheaply, and quickly began to fall apart on me.  It was a self-published edition, and was sold by one of Gary’s pals out of Texas for years, but it looks like it is not anymore.  Kind of like Uncle Ed, Gary was never very disclosing about himself, so I don’t know what his early life was like.  His standard author bio states that he was in the Navy in the Pacific Theater in World War II (you can see that on his gravestone), and joined the LAPD a month after his discharge, in January 1946, and that is where I’ll begin my story.  Gary manned a gun aboard a warship, and only referred to his Navy days briefly, including the carnage that he witnessed.  During his days in LA, Gary became close friends with America’s most famous war hero, Audie Murphy, and even moonlighted as Murphy’s bodyguard.  

When Gary became a cop, the LA crime scene was run by Mick Cohen.  Cohen was a boxer while young, worked with Al Capone’s outfit, running gambling operations and sometimes killing patrons, and did a little prison time during his Capone stint.  Cohen also worked for Meyer Lansky for a while in Cleveland.  In 1939, Cohen arrived in LA and worked for Bugsy Siegel, the mobster who “built” Las Vegas.  While working for Siegel, Cohen set up the race wire, which was a foundation of Vegas gambling.  I have connections to Vegas, some of which are kind of funny, in one of the many overlaps that my journey had with Gary’s.  Siegel was murdered in 1947, leaving Cohen in charge in LA.  Art can imitate life, and in LA, life could imitate art.  Gary wrote that Cohen had mannerisms that resembled movie gangster Edward G. Robinson’s.  Who was stealing from whom?  

At the beginning of his career, Gary was assigned to put Cohen under surveillance.  In the summer of 1946, Gary provided traffic control and a police presence at Hollywood Park for the racing season and Cohen arrived in his limo regularly that season.  Gary gave Cohen’s limo special traffic privileges, and at the end of the season, Cohen said thanks in a way that only gangsters can, as he demonstrated to Gary that the horseraces were all rigged.  Cohen rode in the back of his limo, and sometimes had VIPs ride with him in the back.  One day, Gary saw somebody new in the back with Cohen, and the next year, Gary ran into him at a restaurant that Cohen’s gambling partner ran.  The man knew that they were cops and introduced himself as Jack Ruby, and he waxed on about how the West Coast was dead due to the end of World War II, so the mob was putting its money into its operations in Havana and New Orleans (the equivalent of many billions of dollars today), where the new action would be.  Fittingly, Ruby wore a huge ruby ring.  Gary was working as a plainclothes cop in 1947, and while chatting up a bar owner, who told Gary that he could place his bets at the bar, in walked Cohen and Ruby, who both recognized Gary.  Gary never saw Ruby again, until he made the news in 1963 as Oswald’s assassin.  

Like in movies and consistent with his background, Cohen hung out at the racetrack, the boxing arena, and ethic restaurants.  Gary used a Jewish informant to sit near Cohen, listening to his conversations in Yiddish.  His informant also wore a wire at times.  As with Ruby, Cohen would meet with people that Gary did not initially know, but Gary and his team would do the legwork and find out.  In the late 1950s, Gary saw somebody new whom Cohen seemed to be taking orders from, and Gary discovered that it was Menachem Begin, the bona fide terrorist and future Israeli prime minister, whose reign was legendary for its brutality.  Few Americans know it, but when Begin was Israel’s prime minister, he never visited the United Kingdom, because he was wanted for murder there, for blowing up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, which killed nearly a hundred people.  

Cohen and Begin regularly met at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel’s lunch counter, and Gary’s informant once sat next to them, listening to their conversation in Yiddish, while Gary and his partner sat in a nearby surveillance van.  The conversation was all about Jack Kennedy, Cuba, and military operations.  It is well known that Cohen was an arms dealer for Israel, donating a gun ship to Israel in their early days.  One of Cohen’s top-notch hookers often serviced Begin when he was in town, and Begin became a regular LA visitor in those days.  

One night, Gary and his partner tailed Cohen and Begin, who had been having a conversation about JFK as they cursed him for wasting money on the Peace Corps, to what turned out to be Melvin Belli’s house, and Cap Weinberger’s car was there, too.  Weinberger became the Secretary of Defense under Reagan, and Belli, who was also serviced by Cohen’s hooker-girlfriend, was Cohen’s attorney, and later, Ruby’s, after he shot Oswald.  

Gary was right in the middle of all of that, and one evening in 1947, Gary surveilled a meeting that Cohen had in a parking lot with several Jewish mobsters, and one was Cohen’s protégé, a Jew who became a federal court judge in LA, who reigned for nearly 40 years as a “liberal” judge.  He died last year, so now I will name him: Harry Pregerson.  When I began writing about it on this thread, the original Watergate defense attorney, Doug Caddy, knew whom I was writing about, as he had witnessed one of Pregerson’s judicial irregularities in the 1970s.  

Gary got in deeply, too deeply, which cost him his LAPD job, as Pregerson and friends got Gary fired.  Gary then took a job in Ventura County, where we eventually met.  By the late 1950s, Gary was back in LA as an investigator for the District Attorney’s office.  

There is a great deal more to write about Gary’s days before we met, and I’ll get into our many overlaps.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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There is so much to write about Gary’s career, long before it ended in 1970, when he refused to help frame people and was framed instead.  Dealing with the escapades of Hollywood celebrities, gangsters, and politicians was Gary’s daily existence.  Gary wrote about how the “glamour of LA” was far more image than substance, and he wrote of how aspiring gangsters would come to LA, along with other Hollywood hopefuls, planning on a glamorous gangster life, with exotic and daring assignments, to only barely make it as a hooker’s pimp on Hollywood Boulevard.  One such aspiring hood was Johnny Stompanato, who was in Peleliu and Okinawa with Eugene Sledge, and after the war he was a supremely endowed Italian Stallion that cut a swath through Hollywood, so much so that, in 1948, Frank Sinatra asked Cohen to tell Stompanato (who was Cohen’s bodyguard) to stay away from Ava Gardner.  In 1957, Stompanato hooked up with Lana Turner, and early in their torrid relationship, Cohen magnanimously paid for a hotel room in Malibu, where the lovers could frolic one weekend.  Cohen had the bed wired for sound, however, and made two thousand records of the recording of their trysts.  It became a hit at Hollywood parties.  Their relationship was famously rocky, Stompanato roughed up Turner a few times and pulled a gun on Turner’s beau, Sean Connery.  When Turner’s daughter stabbed Stompanato to death in Turner’s home, it was ruled as justifiable homicide, in one of Hollywood’s bigger scandals.  In the wake of Stompanato’s death, that record became the “must have” item in Hollywood, and Cohen printed up thousands more copies, making big money.

Gary’s account was far more than salacious gossip, as Cohen later planned to deliver a tape of Marilyn Monroe and JFK in bed together, and that begins treading into JFK territory.  JFK was nominated for president in LA in 1960, and Gary surveilled the Malibu beach party at Peter Lawford’s home, where JFK met Monroe.  Anthony Summers had already written a book on the JFK hit, published in 1980, and was researching his Marylyn Monroe book when he was put in contact with Gary, as the only person left from those days who knew what happened.  Summers met with Gary and repeatedly tried to get Gary to go on TV.  During their encounters, Summers told Gary that it was Joey Bishop (another Rat Packer), not Frank Sinatra, who arranged JFK’s introduction to Monroe.  That Vegas connection through my relative is also a Rat Pack connection.  Bishop was one of Cohen’s pals, a fellow Jew, and Gary believed, with cause, that Monroe was being used in an influence-peddling scheme in the White House.  JFK was not very friendly with Israel, as he promoted Arab and African independence and development.  JFK was a legendary philanderer, and getting him and Monroe in a room together with like putting a match and stick of dynamite in close proximity.  Monroe was supposed to elicit JFK’s intentions about Israel in pillow talk, and Cohen planned to get a tape of JFK and Monroe in bed together, to blackmail JFK if necessary.  Blackmailing the sitting president; that takes some brass.  

Gary knew that Monroe was controlled by mobsters and that she was in way over her head, and that her mobster handlers killed her, and he regarded Summers’s claim that Bobby Kennedy was there when she died as spurious.  Gary wrote that Summers also had twisted their conversation as presented in his Monroe biography.  

Gary wrote that the legendary Fred Otash, whose exploits were the inspiration for the movie LA Confidential and the TV show 77 Sunset Strip, was involved with bugging Stompanato and Turner’s love nest, and that Otash tried mightily to get something on JFK and Monroe together, but he never could.  Gary may have been mistaken.  Otash was the chief information source for Summers’s documentary, and Gary called Otash: “without any equal, the most conniving, thieving, lying shamus the Hollywood scene ever experienced.”  Gary helped convict Otash for drugging racehorses, and they were not pals.  Gary was glad that he did not take up Summers’s offer to be on TV with him.  

The life of a cop could be a string of boring tasks punctuated by violent situations.  In 1947, Gary was on a high-speed chase through LA.  The quarry had just murdered somebody in a robbery, and as the chase ended and Gary arrested the suspect, the suspect shot Gary’s hand and shoved his pistol into Gary’s abdomen and fired, and Gary was miraculously saved by his belt buckle.  

Next, I’ll cover the event that Gary is most famous for, his meeting with John Tower, three weeks after the JFK hit.  It is really a small part of his book, but it understandably is what most people are most interested in.  



Edited by Wade Frazier
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