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Time Mag: Rare photo suggests why Oswald is guilty

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Wonder if they also took a picture of THIS guy....



too embarrassed to put the arrest time in the document?

Here are MOST of the DPD Oswald arrest reports... wanna GUESS how many state he was in the balcony... yet the man arrested in on the main floor?

Box 2

Folder 7

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by E. R. Baggett. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/02/63. 00000632 1 page 02 07 001 0632-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by P. L. Bentley. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/03/63. 00000636 2 pages 02 07 004 0636-001.gif 0636-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Marvin A. Buhk. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/03/63. 00000644 2 pages 02 07 008 0644-001.gif 0644-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Bob K. Carroll. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/04/63. 00000649 2 pages 02 07 012 0649-001.gif 0649-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by E. L. Cunningham. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/03/63. 00000654 2 pages 02 07 015 0654-001.gif 0654-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Ray Hawkins. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/02/63. 00000659 2 pages 02 07 018 0659-001.gif 0659-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Gerald L. Hill. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/05/63. 00000665 2 pages 02 07 022 0655-001.gif 0655-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by T. A. Hutson. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/03/63. 00000669 2 pages 02 07 025 0669-001.gif 0669-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by K. E. Lyon. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/04/63. 00000675 1 page 02 07 028 0675-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by M. M. McDonald. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/03/63. 00000680 2 pages 02 07 032 0680-001.gif 0680-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by E. E. Taylor. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/03/63. 00000683 2 pages 02 07 035 0683-001.gif 0683-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by H. H. Stringer. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/03/63. 00000687 2 pages 02 07 039 0687-001.gif 0687-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by J. B. Toney. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/03/63. 00000693 2 pages 02 07 043 0693-001.gif 0693-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Charles T. Walker. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/02/63. 00000700 2 pages 02 07 047 0700-001.gif 0700-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by W. R. Westbrook. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Original), 12/03/63. 00000705 2 pages 02 07 050 0705-001.gif 0705-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Gerald L. Hill. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed), 12/05/63. 00000727 2 pages 02 07 054 0727-001.gif 0727-002.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by E. E. Taylor. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed), 12/03/63. 00000729 1 page 02 07 055 0729-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Marvin A. Buhk. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed), 12/03/63. 00000730 1 page 02 07 056 0730-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Ray Hawkins. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed), 12/02/63. 00000732 1 page 02 07 057 0732-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by W. R. Westbrook. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed and Annotated), 12/03/63. 00000734 1 page 02 07 058 0734-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by Bob K. Carroll. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed), 12/04/63. 00000736 1 page 02 07 059 0736-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by H. H. Stringer. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed), 12/03/63. 00000738 1 page 02 07 060 0738-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by K. E. Lyon. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed), 12/03/63. 00000740 1 page 02 07 061 0740-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by J. B. Toney. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed), 12/03/63. 00000743 1 page 02 07 062 0743-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by M. M. McDonald. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald (Carbon copy, first page only.) This report differs from previous reports. It is single spaced whereas previous versions are double spaced, (Carbon Copy), 12/03/63. 00000746 1 page 02 07 063 0746-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by E. R. Baggett. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed), 1 page 02 07 064, 12/02/63. 00000748 0748-001.gif

Report to Chief J. E. Curry, by E. L. Cunningham. Report concerning the arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald, (Carbon Copy Signed), 12/03/63. 00000749 1 page 02 07 065 0749-001.gif

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Someone please explain how the automatic 38 shells found at the Tippett scene were fired by Oswald's revolver? More magic bullets,eh?

They weren't... unless the pistol taken from Oswald was an automatic.... :-)

Oswald was already at the Theater when Tippit was killed...

Hill of course mutters the famous words

1:34 550/2 (Sgt. G.L. Hill) The shells at the scene indicate that the suspect is armed with an automatic 38, rather than a pistol.

and let's not forget the other statement made at that same time:

1:34 221 (Ptm. H.W. Summers) Might can give you some additional information. I got an eye-ball witness to the get-away man. That suspect in this shooting is a white male, twenty-seven, five feet eleven, a hundred sixty-five, black wavy hair, fair complected, wearing a light grey Eisenhower-type jacket, dark trousers and a white shirt, and (. . . ?). Last seen running on the north side of the street from Patton, on Jefferson, on East Jefferson. And he was apparently armed with a 32 dark-finish automatic pistol which he had in his right hand.

Years later Hill tries to explain that because the shells where bunched together, as auto weapons eject the shell in the area of the shot, he concluded they were autos... yet the "shells at the scene" were already in a cigarette wrapper while the other shell(s) are found by the Davis'....

Just another example of BAIT & SWITCH


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But LHO tried to shoot the police inside the theatre... that is not normal behaviour.

I would take Detective Cletus P Banjo and Officer Wife Beater at their word of course. The Dallas police circa 1963 were a pretty stand up buncha guys.

If they said it happened, it's true...LOL

What about the patrons in the theatre; they saw it, didn't they?

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Indeed Evan... one of DPD's finest was supposed to have made a list of everyone in the theater at the time... a list that has disappeared of course....

The story of the two Bentley's at the theater - neither called to testify before the commission


C. F. was driving south on Zangs Boulevard and had just turned east on West Jefferson Boulevard when a call came over the police radio saying that an unknown subject had entered the basement of the Oakland Public Library at the intersection of East Jefferson Boulevard and Marsalis Avenue. C. F. proceeded to the library along with several other squads that were available. The officers got out of their patrol cars, searched the building, and found out that the suspect in question was an employee of the library.

All the officers re-entered their patrol cars and left the scene. C. F. began driving west on East Jefferson Boulevard. He was then sitting at a red light at the intersection of Zangs Boulevard and East Jefferson Boulevard. When the light turned green he traveled approximately 20 yards past the intersection when another police radio dispatch was broadcast that a suspect had entered the Texas Theater and was in the balcony. C. F. was almost directly in front of the Texas Theater at the time of this broadcast, and so he pulled into the first parking spot in front of the theater. He was the first squad to arrive there and as he got out of his car another arrived right after him. C. F. entered the front door of the theater with his shotgun and was told by a theater employee that the suspect had gone to the balcony.

By this time there was another police officer beside him (name unrecalled) and they both went up the stairs to the balcony. As far as he could see there were 3 to 5 people in the balcony at that time, and he could hear voices saying turn up the house lights, but unfortunately the house lights were already on and it was still very difficult to see. At this time C. F.’s uncle Paul and another detective arrived in the balcony. Paul told C. F. to search everyone in the balcony and to get their names. Just as C. F. began to do this someone downstairs hollered, “The son of a bitch is downstairs!”

All the officers turned and exited the balcony, ran down the stairs and turned left into the theater. As C. F. entered the seating area he could see an officer wrestling with a white male who had a pistol in his hand. As he approached Paul Bentley was off to his left. When they reached the two men who were fighting C. F. hit Lee Oswald in the face with a vertical butt stroke of his shotgun. Paul Bentley then punched Lee tearing some of the skin off Lee’s forehead with the Masonic ring that Paul wore on his hand. At this point several additional officers grabbed Lee and then C. F. heard someone shout, “I got his gun!”

At this point the officers were able to get Lee under control and while they were handcuffing him C. F. pulled away from the scuffle. As Paul Bentley and other officers were removing the suspect from the front door of the theater C. F. went out with them. The officers then put the suspect in an unmarked police car and departed the scene. C. F. also left the scene, returned to the Southwest Substation, turned in the police car and shotgun, and returned home.


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Indeed Evan... one of DPD's finest was supposed to have made a list of everyone in the theater at the time... a list that has disappeared of course....


So the only recorded testimony is from the policemen themselves? No-one who claimed to be present ever disputed their version of events?

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How many people were in that dark theatre?

Who were they?

How reliable are they?

How do you know the statements weren't messed with?

Were they even interviewed in relation to the arrest itself?

afaik the only official record of the Oswald arrest was delivered to the press via the police first and I have not seen any witness statements from those at the theatre. never seen a list.

what was released and has been pointed out quite well already is that there were TWO arrests, one in the balcony and one on the main floor.

When a camera crew and some keystone cops come running into a theatre and yell "THAT'S HIM!" one might be led to think "THAT'S HIM".

it's a type of chinese fire drill.

go to a mall tomorrow and if you see someone walking quickly in any direction, point at them and yell "THATS THE ONE STOP HIM!" and see what happens...then start questioning witnesses and see what kind of unbiased info you get.

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The beauty of the JFK investigation is that some folks never let facts get in the way of their opinions. The coverage on this has been abysmal. Oswald went to the Soviet Union...he was a communist....he left his wedding ring....so therefore he did it. What a sad commentary on "historical truth"

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Has anyone ever put their arms around why Oswald (the patsy) went to the Theatre? Was it simply on the escape route - after fleeing the rooming house - and a convenient place to duck into with police sirens blaring? Or was he intentionally there because he was to meet his 'handlers' for the next step? I seem to recall accounts that Ruby was actually present in the theatre. Why would both Lee and Harvey be in the same theatre, at the same time?

One aspect of this last stop (i.e. Texas Theatre) which is poignant is that movie theatres are classic meeting places for clandestine operators... was this another example of Oswald's exhibiting intelligence tradecraft?

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A couple of things...

When's the last time half the police force showed up (with press in tow) because either someone was acting "suspiciously" and/or snuck into a theater? They were "tipped off" probably by his FBI/CIA handlers that knew ahead of time what his instructions were.

Guns and Texas. Has anyone spent any time in Texas? Everyone in Texas is armed. Little old ladies will pull out 357 magnums that rival Dirty Harry's at a moments notice. A pickup in Texas without a gun rack is from out-of-state. There is nothing weird about carrying a gun in Texas. It's weird NOT to have a gun in Texas.

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