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Steven Hager: Richard C. Nagell is a key to the JFK assassination

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Why is everybody wrong except John McAdams? That's the gist of all the Nagell stuff and supporting articles on Reitzes' pages.

McAdams and Reitzes sites are astonishlingly bad.

"so, you have to agree, if apple is orange, then milkshake is potato..." etc...

This disease is shared by Dennis Von Peen as well...and many others.

This being an "educational" website, we should try and find a way to test their lack of critical thinking and logic skills..Just so they could see.

Of course then, logic and critical thinking would become constructs of CT'rs.....

I must commend these guys though..for unprofessionals, they bend and warp things like real lawyers do...

"so if you didn't divorce her, you are still married then CORRECT? ANSWER THE QUESTION!!"

"my wife has been dead for ten years..."

"uh...your witness..."

Cluster B land.....

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Since we are suggesting alternatives, I would note that Dick Russell's most recent edition as well as my 2010 edition of SWHT both contain additional information on Nagell including

a strong candidate for "Bob" in Mexico City and details which would explain the relationship with him Nagell described.

If you really want to dig into the story yourself, get Keys to the Conspiracy on CD from Lancer which contains a host of Nagell documents and an analysis of them - it is important

to note that Nagell's story and remarks are indeed "situational" in context of his jail sentence, his effort to obtain custody over his children and his disability settlement. You just

can't cherry pick quotes, you have to look at the full and extremely broad story which developed over many years beyond 1063.

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Thank you Larry....

CONTEXT being the real key to the evidence...

Every item has a backstory and one that carries it forward... which interconnects with other individual ITEMS until context is revealed....

Nagell claims to have been tasked with killing Oswald prior to the assassination to STOP the assassination from happening...


Was he supposed to kill LEE or HARVEY ??

Did he even know about a LEE and HARVEY ?

And finally, why is he carrying a fake DoD ID for Oswald...



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David, Nagell would have known the Oswald in Japan which is where they first crossed paths. I doubt that he would have had a clue that there could have been

two or more folks using the name and in 1963 he reconnected with the same fellow from Japan.

In terms of the fake ID card with Oswald's name and Nagell's photo, I certainly wish I knew but it would seem possible that somewhere, most likely in Mexico City, possibly even

in Miami, Nagell may have been "dropping" Oswald's name, claiming to be him. Of course nobody would know any better. Its an interesting thought that several people

report someone named Oswald in Miami in late Spring or early Summer and while we can't place Oswald there we certainly can place Nagell in Florida. Why Nagell would

be doing that escapes me but perhaps it was a fishing expedition to turn up people who had been in contact with Oswald who would reveal themselves by pushing back that

Nagell was an imposter?

As to who he was supposed to kill, its pretty clear that it was the individual that Nagell knew in Japan and whom the Soviets knew from Russia....beyond that my head explodes

so I'm not going there.

One thing we do know for sure is that the Lee Oswald that Nagell described being contacted by Cuban exiles for something in Washington DC was indeed writing about

relocating there - to both the SWP and CPUSA.

-- Larry

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David, Nagell would have known the Oswald in Japan which is where they first crossed paths. I doubt that he would have had a clue that there could have been

two or more folks using the name and in 1963 he reconnected with the same fellow from Japan.

In terms of the fake ID card with Oswald's name and Nagell's photo, I certainly wish I knew but it would seem possible that somewhere, most likely in Mexico City, possibly even

in Miami, Nagell may have been "dropping" Oswald's name, claiming to be him. Of course nobody would know any better. Its an interesting thought that several people

report someone named Oswald in Miami in late Spring or early Summer and while we can't place Oswald there we certainly can place Nagell in Florida. Why Nagell would

be doing that escapes me but perhaps it was a fishing expedition to turn up people who had been in contact with Oswald who would reveal themselves by pushing back that

Nagell was an imposter?

As to who he was supposed to kill, its pretty clear that it was the individual that Nagell knew in Japan and whom the Soviets knew from Russia....beyond that my head explodes

so I'm not going there.

One thing we do know for sure is that the Lee Oswald that Nagell described being contacted by Cuban exiles for something in Washington DC was indeed writing about

relocating there - to both the SWP and CPUSA.

-- Larry


Thanks for identifying the "Oswald" ID card Nagell was carrying as having Nagell's photograph on it. I couldn't tell who it was from the photocopy of it in TMWKTM. All I knew was that it sure didn't look like Oswald.

--Tommy :sun

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it always amazes me when people take the intelligence world and its characters at face value and that there is no acting, no shadings or interpretations. no layers and only one dimension.

they never consider, for example, that nagell may have been "acting" the way he did some of the time when he seemed stressed for a reason other than a superficial one and that a trip to a mental health center was for a purpose other than treatment. he was playing a role.

they don't even see a looking glass to go through.

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it always amazes me when people take the intelligence world and its characters at face value and that there is no acting, no shadings or interpretations. no layers and only one dimension.

they never consider, for example, that nagell may have been "acting" the way he did some of the time when he seemed stressed for a reason other than a superficial one and that a trip to a mental health center was for a purpose other than treatment. he was playing a role.

they don't even see a looking glass to go through.

The same can be said about how Organizations overlap...Cubans, Mafia, FBI etc...

Like going to a family get together and there is a Police officer, a Fireman, a bank robber and an arsonist...all sitting at a table..

It happens.

Most people don't understand spycraft or statecraft....

Marionettes may see the strings but not the hands as I like to say...

The garbage McAdams and Reitzes sites are a great example of this: They completely ignore the Duplicate Oswald ID for it's significance and paint Nagell as a nut...well, he was a pretty important "nut"...

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