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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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Gorlovka, Sand, Avdeevka – news of the last hour on January 21, evening reports, 16 hours – in Gorlovka shellings on civilians, transfer representatives of self-defense of the city.

Some days civilians spend the time in shelters. Since the morning security officers began attack from "Hail" installations and howitzers. There is information that in the Nikitovsky district of Gorlovka a shell damaged a gas pipeline pipe. Attack is conducted in all directions in the city, partially destroyed the residential 9-storeyed building, messages on wounded and the dead also arrive.

It is noted that especially strongly and powerfully fire at TsGR, the Deep area and Kurganka. Representatives of self-defense order to inhabitants to pass into shelters. Residents of Gorlovka through social networks ask about the help: "People, save Gorlovka, it is a lot of killed and wounded, interruptions in light, VSU army tries to cut off people from the outside world, mobile communication and the Internet will perhaps cease to rabtat". The fighting spirit remains, and civilians don't intend to give Gorlovka to the Ukrainian army just like that.

Gorlovka, Sand, Avdeevka – news of the last hour on January 21, evening reports, 16 hours the latest news of a militia: according to the Chief physician of Gorlovka in five days of 109 people are killed, in mortuaries there is no place and because of attacks there is no opportunity to bury people.

Novorossiya's artillery strikes back behind the settlement Sand, work at Krasnogorovka is audible. The militia of DNR waits for a reinforcement from the back. From Avdeevka at the moment so far there is no information.
Gorlovka, Sand, Avdeevka – news of the last hour on January 21, evening reports, 16 hours at a morning press conference Eduard Basurin made the promise that by the evening the area Sand will be behind DNR militia. Earlier it was reported about a partial capture of the settlement.

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The information bureau of a militia of Novorossiya reports that the situation on the line of contact of a militia and the Ukrainian security officers "remained intense". For last days, at least, 35 cases of a use of weapons are recorded from the last.

On Donetsk the direction the districts of Gorlovka, Kirovski, Staromikhaylovki, Dokuchayevsk were fired. Besides, attack was conducted on residential quarters of Donetsk and across the territory of its airport.

On Lugansk the direction Stakhanov's regions, Frunze, Donetsk, the Fillet were fired. Besides, the Ukrainian saboteurs blew up the bridge through the Seversky Donets near the Village Lugansk.

The journalist of Russian "Komsomolskaya Pravda" Alexander Kots reports that around the new terminal of the Donetsk airport the next group of the Ukrainian military personnel in number of 16 people was taken prisoner.

The war correspondent Bella Chao reports about fights from Mariupol to the Donetsk airport.

"Near Mariupol "roast" was given morning, rebels again cover the enemy on posts and near the city. In Gorlovka explosions are constantly audible, beat from Kodem: The builder, the Komsomol member under blow. Mikhailovka, Ozeryanovk — there hot", - is marked out by the war correspondent.

According to him, rebels beat off attack of the Ukrainian security officers to the new terminal of the airport, having destroyed 1 armored personnel carrier, 1 tank, 4 cars and to 30 soldiers.

"From Kiev preparation for information delivery of the Donetsk airport proceeds. Object already openly call useless from the military and transport point of view. Most likely, if within 3–5 days of attack to a complex of office buildings don't bring result (and they will definitely not bring), it will be declared that "cyborgs" heroically carried out the task and receded on more advantageous positions for the purpose of "improvement" of a front line", - the war correspondent notes.



I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The choked approach of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) to Donetsk, and the barbarous methods of war by the Ukrainian military which became obvious, even for the Europeans sympathizing it once, made senseless Poroshenko's meeting with financial and political elite of Europe and the world.

Troubles for Poroshenko began at once after arrival to Zurich where he was met by numerous anti-war demonstration, and presidential lecture about world peace was interrupted by shout of the local student who urged not to listen to "the person killing children". Right after it the Ukrainian president burst in "Twitter" in several incoherent tirades and declared himself "the president of the world".

The statements on a social network, more similar to justifications, Poroshenko, seemingly, depicted the purpose of the visit to Davos. In Switzerland the Ukrainian leader was going to tell much and emotionally about "the bus shot by terrorists" under Volnovakhoy, the "peace plan" which set the teeth on edge for half a year and reformatory aspirations. Then would ask financial and political support. While Poroshenko raised money in Switzerland it was supposed that in the homeland of his generals will continue attacks of Donetsk and Gorlovka and will compel a militia to recede from controlled territories. Then after triumphal return from Switzerland to Kiev Poroshenko in same "Twitter" could declare that the situation in a root changed, and representatives of the Donetsk and Lugansk republics can be not considered as subjects of tripartite contact group any more. It would mean that with such work the agreements reached in the fall in Minsk morally became outdated, and it is necessary to copy on the terms of Ukraine.

However this plain combination broke: despite the massive attack of the cities of Donbass which is daily claiming the civilians lives, rebels proved to Kiev the readiness to protect the homeland and high motivation. They not only rejected troops right Kiev from the Donetsk airport, but also developed tactical success on other sectors of the front. For example, beat out the Ukrainian security officers from two basic posts on Bakhmutskaya Route — the fact which some "loud-hailers" of the Ukrainian promotion from among volunteers and deputies of the Verkhovna Rada were compelled to recognize even. This tactical success put all group of the Ukrainian troops in the north of Lugansk area in extremely vulnerable situation.

Publication by the prime minister of the Donetsk national republic Alexander Zakharchenko of information on losses of the Ukrainian army became a painful blow for official Kiev also — only in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday it lost 40 people the killed that in tens times exceeds "standard" reports of the press service so-called "anti-terrorist operation". Stories of captured "cyborgs" that command, in fact, sent them "for slaughter", caused a painful rupture of the settled template in aggressive citizens of Ukraine many before if to judge on their emotional reaction on social networks.

"Glamourous patriotism, inappropriate military shows and parades, propaganda victorious reports allow fools to do nonsenses, and to criminals in shoulder straps — to commit crimes. Parades and show ended, ladies and gentlemen. The latest events say at the front that we have even no necessary tactical reserves for localization of activity of the opponent" — the famous Ukrainian volunteer Yury Kasyanov who can't be suspected of sympathy for rebels so summarized a situation.

More and more obvious loss of trust of Ukrainians to information of official mass media threatened carrying out partial mobilization which Poroshenko "blessed" with the signature before departure to Switzerland. Even information resources of the western areas of Ukraine can't hide that men of military age hastily leave the country, and many run not to Poland, and to Russia: the train "Lviv — Moscow" tickets are bought up for the month ahead.

Gradually the point of view on "anti-terrorist operation" and in the world changes: when Poroshenko was in Zurich, the most authoritative German ZDF channel showed the reporting in which the Ukrainian army was accused of death of civilians. The American Associated Press agency came to the same conclusions.

Everything is listened less by Poroshenko and Kiev "hawks". So, during its absence the deputy of Rada Sergey Pashinsky declared that the power is ready to enter the martial law in the country. It will mean that all Ukrainians will become "not eligible to travel abroad", Poroshenko the concept local "anti-terrorist operation" will fail otstaivayemy, the international financiers will stop negotiations with Kiev. Considering all this, further stay of Poroshenko in Davos looked senseless. And now, having returned to Kiev, the head of Ukraine should compose new "the peace plan" not to lose already all country together with a presidential mace.


I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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The authorities of the Donetsk national republic were compelled to suspend occupations in educational institutions until attacks don't stop. How military operations affect youth life, the rector of Donetsk national university Sergey Baryshnikov told TV channel Tsargrad.


Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya


Mass media report that in Donetsk shells of the Ukrainian fighters got to a stop and the trolleybus, it happened in Leninsky district of the city on January 22 in the morning. There are various data on victims during attack in Donetsk — someone speaks about 13 dead, someone about 9, writes "LifeNews".

At 10:00 Moscow time shells of the Ukrainian fighters departed over the heads of civilians of Donetsk again. As a result of firing of VSU by the victims there were passengers of the trolleybus in Donetsk standing on a stop civilians. It is also known of death of the driver of the car who stood near a stop — the shell which got to the car became deadly to the driver.

As it is reported, the shells which got to the trolleybus in Donetsk became the reason of at least seven death. One of shells got to the car standing nearby, the driver died on the spot. Already it is known that because of attack of at least 10 people got wounds, and was lost from 9 to 13 people.

Attack of the trolleybus and stop in Donetsk (video of the eyewitness):

On materials mass media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya
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Infernal logic
Only we took breath after fascinating statements of Yatsenyuk for invasion of Russia into Germany and to Ukraine as the baton in race of historical vandalism at it from hands was snatched out by the Foreign Minister of Poland Mr. Skhetyna.

Commenting on a question of the invitation of the Russian side for the 70th anniversary of release of camp Auschwitz, he declared literally the following: "Better to say that it is the Ukrainian front, the First Ukrainian front and Ukrainians freed Auschwitz because there the Ukrainian soldiers were this day in January, and they opened gate of camp, and they released camp".

In principle that to Yatsenyuk that you won't refuse to Skhetyna infernal logic - everything meets: Russia attacked peace Germany and independent Ukraine, and the Ukrainian front which fought against the Soviet occupation, freed Auschwitz, and it is absolutely unimportant from whom.

You know, after all it is only at first sight enchanting marasmus. If to continue this logical chain, won't seem not to Russia a little at all. Here you look. If as Skhetyna claims, Auschwitz was freed by Ukrainians as it was the Ukrainian front, and Baltic was freed by Balts, their Baltic fronts. And according to any occupation of these countries by the Soviet troops on what they built the concept of historical fight, and wasn't: themselves was released, and then themselves was occupied.
We go further. The flag over the Reichstag was set up by whom? Kantariya, Egorov and Birch barks. So "" (according to Yatsenyuk) has to bear responsibility for occupation of Germany not only Russia, but also Georgia with Ukraine.

What do we have a following? And! The Soviet totalitarianism, repressions, GULAG for which gets to Russia. Now we know - all questions to Tbilisi, well and partially to Sukhumi. Russia, on this logic, is reliably covered by Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin.

And, of course, these hated to the whole world the Soviet intelligence services by which frighten children. Mr. Skhetyna, you don't want to be responsible for Felix Edmundovich?
And now it is serious. There is nothing more terribly than similar merrymakings on historical bones and dances with national tambourines. Quite so the national consciousness degrades in nationalism and, in of course account, mutates to Nazism. Process prompt, and sometimes irrevocable, though very pleasant falling of the person in an abyss of a vseobjyasnyayushchy ethnic question begins with such words.

It is strange to write it, but nevertheless:
1. Auschwitz was freed by divisions of Red army.
2. Divisions of Red army weren't formed by the national principle.
3. The first Ukrainian front - is formed on October 20, 1943 by renaming of the Voronezh front (I hope where there is Voronezh, Mr. Skhetyna knows). The second Ukrainian front is formed on October 20, 1943 by renaming of the Steppe front – such nationality in general isn't present. I will make a reservation – yet wasn't, you never know still we should hear. The third Ukrainian front is created on October 20, 1943 by renaming of the Southwest front. And the Fourth Ukrainian front is formed by renaming of the Southern front.
4. Lack of the First Russian and the Seventh Georgian fronts doesn't mean nonparticipation of Russians and the Georgian in fights of the Great Patriotic War.
5. People of various nationalities were soldiers of Red army. We don't divide the Victory on Russian, Belarusian, Armenian, Ukrainian, Jewish, Georgian, Tatar, Ossetian, etc. It as we sing, one on all because behind the price didn't stand.
6. Nobody has the right to manipulate memory of soldiers of Red army, using that can't give the majority of them for such words in a muzzle any more.

Mr. Skhetyna should have read it.

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


Whether lightning war and a victory in Ukraine is necessary to Russia?

The active military operations which were resumed at the beginning of last week in the southeast of Ukraine once again confirmed that no Minsk arrangements will stop the "nezalezhny" government from attempts to solve Novorossiya's problem by force. At the same time, against January fights at the airport of Donetsk, near Mariupol and at "number" posts, in Russia discussion how to resolve a problem of the Donetsk and Lugansk national republics was once again developed.

In increasing frequency appeals to solve "the Ukrainian problem" by force, that is to enter the Russian troops not as "peacekeeping", and to crush the Ukrainian troops in all Left-bank Ukraine began to sound.

Sanctions pressure upon Russia because of events in Novorossiya doesn't weaken, moreover, requirements of the western countries are so vague that it is difficult to understand that now want from Russia. At the same time actions of the Ukrainian party nobody condemns, and moreover, is public and secretly support. An economic situation in Russia rather intense, the words "recession", "crisis", "inflation" in increasing frequency sound. And the U.S. President Barack Obama, acting in the Congress of the USA on January 20 this year, I declared that "the economy of Russia is destroyed". There is nothing surprising that the solution by force seems to much very logical.

Article "Coercion to the world-2 became a good example, such approach: the near-term outlook of Russia in Ukraine" the famous military expert, the editor-in-chief of the Moscow Defense Briefing magazine Mikhail Barabanov, published in the Periscope-2 Internet edition.

Undoubtedly, the Russian troops, can be not in 72 hours, but will carry out objectives on defeat of the Ukrainian troops in the territory of Left-bank Ukraine, will leave to Kiev, etc. There is a question – whether NATO holds? Most likely, everything will be limited to spiteful rhetoric and transfer to Europe of crews of "Stryker" of Army of the USA and several aviation wings. The European countries will be able to tighten some crews, on the territory of the East European member states of North Atlantic alliance.

The Russian army in recent years generally got rid of problems which were revealed by war with Georgia in 2008. Besides mass deliveries of modern samples of arms and military equipment, Armed forces of the Russian Federation gained skills of maneuverable military operations in the unfamiliar territory.

Undoubtedly, "72 hours to Kiev" (by analogy with American "21 days to Baghdad") the Russian military will receive the, and the victory will be not less brilliant, than at the American military in April, 2003 in Iraq.

But supporters of such option of actions for some reason have no question what will be "after war"? It is unclear that will do further the Russian troops. It is left the territory of Ukraine how was in 2008 when Russia left Georgia, or will remain, how the guarantor of the world in the busy territory how the American military in Iraq in 2003 made?
If to leave the territory of Ukraine where a guarantee, what having recovered after "72-hour war", the Ukrainian politicians with assistance of the western sponsors won't return on a former course, only even more "anti-Russian", and won't try to organize the revenge demanding repeated input of the Russian troops? Moreover, such option of succession of events the most probable, as confirms experience of war with Georgia. Only, unlike August, 2008, Ukrainians will get support much more considerable, than Mikheil Saakashvili. War will break out with a new force.

If the Russian troops remain, then "and cards in hands" to NATO countries. To create aggressive opposition and resistance in the busy territory it is possible the opponent, it is enough to remember that in Army of the USA five groups of "green berets", which main task – preparation and training of various guerrilla and insurgent formations. They successfully cope with this task already many years.

To the western and Ukrainian politicians, taking into account modern media technologies, it won't be necessary to support many "insurgents".

The main thing here – loud acts of terrorism which then there will be raspiarena. The Russian military, anyway, should create local law enforcement agencies and military formations for fight against "insurgents". As shows the Soviet experiment in Afghanistan and American in Iraq and in the same Afghanistan, it can be tightened for many years.

All this time the Russian parts and divisions should bear the main loading and, by no means, not without loss in return. And death of military, them "zinc coffins" will cause discontent with war in the territory of already Russia and the requirement to disengage troops.

Whether it will turn out "to measure" the busy territory how it was in Chechnya? Unambiguously - No. It is necessary to block financing, and also streams of financial support and fighters of bandit underground, but as shows experiment of war of the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, with massive support of the western countries it is extremely difficult, and, most likely, at all not реализуемо.
Undoubtedly, the prospect of a lightning and resolute victory against a modern political situation around Novorossiya is very tempting. But, what will be then? Speaking to words of the main hero of one of the American movies: "It how to urinate in trousers on a frost. At first it will be warm, and then it is very unpleasant" …

Alexey Ramm

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


The authorities of the Donetsk national republic decided to show to the Ukrainian military captured in Donetsk to the airport results them (the Ukrainian retaliatory groups) attacks of quarters of the city. Some prisoners carried out by that stop at which from a rupture of the mine released representatives of ukrodiversionny group 13 people were lost.

Citizens who went outside to look in eyes to so-called Ukrainian "cyborgs" and the representatives of the Ukrainian diversionary groups who survived during special operation of DNR army, asked the prisoners who hung the heads:

Why you to us came?

One of prisoners tried to explain that everything not so explained to them with their command about a situation in the city, on what the inhabitant of Donetsk answered:

And you have the head? We didn't come to you to Lviv, to Ternopol. Why you came here?

The small column of prisoners which appearance reminded nothing "legendary cyborgs" about whom for months without a break victorious materials gave out ukrosm, walked on streets of Donetsk under shouts "the Shame!", whistle and under sounds of the glass bottles breaking before it.





I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The American general Ben Hodges who arrived to the territory of Ukraine visited one of hospitals and awarded the Ukrainian military personnel passing there treatment. Awards were so "high" that the Ukrainian fighters long were in perplexity relative that they were reported by the American military leader.

It appeared that Ben Hodges (the commander-in-chief of land forces of the USA in the territory of Europe) handed to the Ukrainian soldiers... no, not awards, not a medal and even not badges, and … counters.

On the face of a counter the symbol of the American overland military contingent, and on the return – the text that counters were handed personally by the commander-in-chief is put. Reports about it Gromadsk. TV.

Handing candy wrappers counters, Ben Hodges delivered an ardent speech of the training of the Ukrainian military personnel which rather shook his imagination and wisdom of the authorities of Ukraine. The general is quoted by "Ukrainian Pravda":

Considering that the armed formations receive a lot of weapon from Russia, but the Ukrainian forces can stop them, it testifies to courage and talent of the Ukrainian heads and soldiers.

The NATO general argues on courage and talent of the Ukrainian heads, standing near beds of at whom from this "talent" tore off a hand or a foot at whom a splinter punched a lung.

On materials mass media
I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


13 people were lost, more than 20 got wounds as a result of hit of a shell in a bus stop in Donetsk. Rebels already reported about detention of diversionary group which suspect of participation in a crime. According to the Ministry of Defence of DNR, for the last days the Ukrainian military fired at the territory of the self-proclaimed republic 43 times.

Central news agency of Novorossiya
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VIENNA, January 22. /TASS/. The shell that hit a trolleybus stop in east Ukraine’s city of Donetsk killing at least 13 people had been fired from a northwestern direction most probably from a mortar or an artillery unit, the Special Monitoring Mission /SMM/ of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe /OSCE/ said in a spot report on the shelling incident in Donetsk on Thursday.

According to the reports, two craters were observed at the scene of the incident. “One of them, 8m north-east of the bus, had a depth of 5cm and a diameter of 1.5m. The other, 150m south-east of the bus, had a depth of 15cm and a diameter of 1.8m. At 11:00hrs the SMM conducted a crater analysis on both craters, and determined that the rounds that caused the two craters had been fired from a north-western direction. The SMM also determined that the weapon(s) used was most likely either a mortar or an artillery piece,” the report said.

The SMM arrived at the scene some 20 minutes after the incident to see “a trolleybus which had been hit by shrapnel and a burnt-out car 20m away, also hit by shrapnel. All windows in the trolleybus were shattered and tyres punctured,” the report said. “The SMM observed seven dead bodies, three females, three males and one of indeterminate gender. Three of the bodies were in the bus, three in close proximity to the bus - the furthest approximately 25m away - and one in the burnt-out car.”

The SMM later visited the Donetsk hospital, where the chief surgeon 13 people injured in the incident had been admitted at the hospital. “All of the injured, he said, had suffered serious injuries and all of them required surgery,” according to the report. The SMM also “contacted a representative of Donetsk City Morgue, who said that eight bodies - related to the incident on Kuprina Street - had been received by the morgue.”.

DONETSK, January 22. /TASS/. Dead bodies in NATO uniforms and a great number of US-made weapons have been recovered from under the debris of the Donetsk airport, Eduard Basurin, a spokesman for the defense ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) said on Thursday.

“While examining the building of the Donetsk airport, we found a great number of American firearms, assault rifles and hand mortars, equipment and communications devices,” he said. “We also found publications in European languages, including on religious matters.”

Apart from that, “we found dead bodies in NATO uniforms under the debris in the new terminal. Personal belongings indicated that these people were foreign citizens contracted by private military companies who operated under the disguise of Ukrainian subversive groups,” he said.

KIEV, January 22. /TASS/. Ukraine has pulled its reserve troops closer to the area of the military operation in its south-eastern regions,

DONETSK, January 22 /TASS/. The authorities of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) have demanded international investigation into Kiev’s war crimes, the DPR’s Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.

“We hope that this tragic event (the shelling of a bus), which is another evidence of the barbaric crimes of the Kiev leadership, will impel representatives of such respected international organizations like the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to launch an immediate and full-scale investigation into a mass of military crimes committed during Ukraine’s aggression against the people of Donbas,” the DPR Foreign Ministry said.

MOSCOW, January 22. /TASS/. Observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) have reported a growing number of refugees moving from Ukraine to Russia through the Donetsk and Gukovo border checkpoints, the OBCE observer mission said

NOVO-OGAREVO, January 22. /TASS/. Russia will spare no effort to stop bloodshed in Ukraine and not let the “party of war” in Ukraine get the upper hand, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Thursday.

KIEV, January 22. /TASS/. Ukraine’s cabinet of ministers on Thursday expanded its list of territories in the country’s east which are not controlled by authorities in Kiev,

DONETSK, January 22. /TASS/. A total of 84 miners were trapped in a coal pit near Donetsk, in eastern Ukraine, as a shell hit a local electric substation, cutting power to the coal mine, a regional police chief said on Thursday.

The accident occurred at the Severnaya coal mine of Ukraine's Dzerzhinskugol company, Vyacheslav Abroskin wrote on his Facebook page. “84 miners are underground,” the official said.

The Donetsk regional administration said shortly after power was restored and all the miners were brought to the surface. Officials said no one was injured in the accident.

ODESSA, January 22. /TASS/. Activists of Ukrainian far right nationalistic movement Right Sector and the so-called Maidan self-defense groups staged disorder Thursday at the building of a local court which is trying a criminal case over the May 2014 massacre which killed 48 in southern Ukrainian city of Odessa.

A group of radical activists broke into the court building and attacked close relatives and the next of kin of defendants, injured parties and their lawyers. They were crying out “Glory to Ukraine” and “Glory to Heroes”
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Politician Novorossiisobytiya Novorossiiobshchestvo Novorossiiinteresno all
The end of the Russian special troops, or About a svidomost, zombiing and belief

Just I found in the Internet subsoil one more pearl of the Ukrainian promotion of a name of doctor Goebbels about "neumerushchikh" cyborgs of the Donetsk airport.

The great drevneukrovsky legend of mighty and terrible defenders of air harbor absurdly and suddenly died... And to present to more svidomy people and there is nothing. To brag there is nothing. Well, in any way in a military field banderovsky commanders couldn't prove.

And "the sacred spirit of Bandera" doesn't help with military business. It had, strictly narrow, a specialization. Only "work" on civilians and only retaliatory operations. And it at neobanderovites and without its ideological protection and so perfectly turns out.

Well, it is necessary to rescue a legend! At least in order that the mighty fighting spirit of svidomy army wouldn't sdrysnut together with the carriers somewhere to Evroppa ahead of time.

For this purpose, in my opinion, also fast on all "ideological" sites of article about competently strategically planned, excellent and very cunning supersecret plan which is heroically realized by gifted Ukrainian commanders on an enticement in a trap and to the subsequent destruction of elite special troops, perfect parts of various ministries and departments of Russia.

Thus to the zombie reader it is thin hint: for some months elite spetsnazovsky parts suffered so terrible losses that the fighters who survived exhausted and demoralized couldn't be changed already simply! Well, all special troops, and at valorous "defenders" of the airport - almost without loss came to an end already at Russia... Only in one described below fight invincible cyborgs destroyed one and a half hundred (and it is wounded - in general, nemeryano!) the most experienced and blood-thirsty Russians!

That is interesting - so it is reaction to similar frank ravings the svidomykh of readers therefore their comments too are attached to this post. The point of view "the nesvidomykh and not patriotic" is given below.


Yzakevich Yuriy, on January 17 at 14:52 • is edited •

To Côme Ts_cavo, povniya аналіз fight від "_nformats_yniya опір"...

War of Russia against Ukraine. Tactical analysis of fight. Ukraine, Donetsk, the airport - 15.01.2015

Why this fight? For the first time for very long time actions of the Russian side had a tactical drawing and the general planning of fight. I will carefully state own assumption - one person planned and ordered fight. Most likely – someone from staff officers of special troops of an average link (battalion regiment). Signal "Bumblebee". Who such - we don't know, but it is sensible and it is competent.

The main objective - to liquidate group of the Ukrainian VS at the airport.

Possible intermediate stages: - to surround, cut off the first from supply, - to destroy the second (to squeeze out, force out).

Tactics - we throw special troops, we push aside VSU, we throw a landing - we expand break, we throw tank division and with assistance of all others we put an end. An idea beautiful and for fights at the airport the non-standard.

Usual tactics of fights of the Russian Federation at the airport - shelling - breakthrough by lump. Then VSU fire in the places adjusted long ago follows - and escaped get to warm embraces of cyborgs with all that it implies.

In this case the classic method of special troops - fast rapprochement, "pressing" was applied to the opponent on the minimum distance, fixing, the corrected fire, but only then - attack by the main assault weight.

Divisions available for performance of an objective:

Divisions of the 5th separate armored brigade of the 36th OF VVO

Divisions of the 331st paraborne regiment of the 98th airborne forces division of the Russian Federation

Divisions of the 234th of a landing and assault regiment of the 76th DShD

Divisions of a summary shock battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of ChR

Divisions the 31st Guards ODShB airborne forces (* in / h 73612 Ulyanovsk)

RG of the 175th separate prospecting company 76-DShD

Divisions of the 22nd separate crew of GRU GSh Russian Federation (*в / h 11659, Rostov region)

For especially gifted is doesn't mean that they were in full strength here. The word of "division" means that some part them is here. For example, from the 175th separate prospecting company 76-DShD was only one reconnaissance group in number of 21 persons.

Total number: within 1200 people at 8-20 tanks.

Preliminary preparation: shelling, mine clearing of attack of the territory, adjacent to object. Mine clearing was executed by volume blasting a special charge of mine clearing.

Mistake: Check of the area of mine clearing by engineer divisions wasn't executed. Whether they aren't present, whether counted upon equipment.

Due to the incident 14.01.2015 "District of N of the item Donetsk. I Bring state of emergency to your attention that as a result of the arisen quarrel because of the unfriendly personal relations the employee of a summary shock battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of ChR shot from an individual weapon of the officer of the 31st Guards ODShB airborne forces. I ask instructions on an immediate re-deployment of a summary shock battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of ChR". use of a summary shock battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of ChR and division of the 31st Guards ODShB airborne forces (* in / h 73612 Ulyanovsk) is obviously recognized impossible and they didn't participate in fight.

Certainly the alarm was caused also by a psychological state of the 22nd separate crew of GRU GSh Russian Federation (*в / h 11659, the Rostov region). The day before in Lugansk as a result of attack to a place of a dislocation of the arrived change many fighters of division were lost. "The district of N of the item Lugansk the Specified data on losses of divisions of the 22nd separate crew of GRU GSh Russian Federation (*в / h 11659, the Rostov region) "200 ″-42, "300 ″ – 23 TMH – 1".


But anyway replacement to this division wasn't. Briefly about the 22nd separate crew of GRU GSh Russian Federation. Division - the veteran of the Ukrainian-Russian war. This that division which covered withdrawal of forces of the Russian Federation after deafening defeat at the end of November - the beginning of December, 2014 in Donetsk to the airport. This division is called often mistakenly "Chechen". On it there are objective reasons. The main scene of action of division - the Caucasus. From the very beginning of formation of this division it was formed by the principle "a Muslim battalion". In it there are a lot of representatives of the people of the Caucasus, BUT … there is no inhabitant or the native of the Caucasus. Is at war silently, quietly, protects people, without excessive heroism carries out a task, it is very disciplined and solid. Even left this meat grinder with the minimum losses. Though it is very difficult to explain in the light of it a frank puncture with a demaskirovka of arrival of new replenishment.

General drawing of fight: the prospecting group of the 175th separate prospecting company 76-DShD was the first echelon of attack. Task usual. Is reserved to come nearer, visually to mark the purposes, to correct fire of artillery, when passing the second echelon to support sniper fire. But it wasn't taken from the very beginning. The group got on not sdetonirovanny part of a minefield, was found and destroyed. "The district of N of the item Donetsk, the airport of division of the 175th separate prospecting company 76-DShD when performing a fighting task got to a zone of not detonated part of a minefield. Were found and fired from large-caliber machine guns. Communication with division broke".

At all this the group designated a dangerous site and provided though some reference points for the second echelon of approach as a part of divisions of the 22nd separate crew of GRU GSh Russian Federation behind which almost closely began the movements and divisions of the 331st paraborne regiment of the 98th airborne forces division of the Russian Federation. Maneuver was carried out classically precisely. Fast promotion, "pressing" to the opponent, occupation of a position, massive application of "Bumblebees". The Ukrainian artillery obviously didn't manage to expose protecting fire. Similar tactics was obvious surprise for the Ukrainian divisions protecting the terminal.

And the more so that in such non-standard situation they acted surprisingly accurately is surprising. They began retreat deep into of the terminal, dragging off for attacking, depriving of them operational advantage, breaking off a distance between them and the following echelon of attack which is already moving forward to the terminal divisions of the 234th landing and assault regiment of the 76th DShD.

Maneuver was carried out accurately, beautifully, retreat went "ledges" and was executed almost perfectly. At this moment made a mistake of division of the third echelon of approach: without having received, obviously, teams, without having oriented in a situation (because the head of operation was entirely occupied with the second echelon entering the terminal) they tarried and got under the first, badly corrected, but very powerful volley of the Ukrainian artillery. Losses were minimum, but the division trembled and tarried. Also got under the second, already precisely modified volley of Ukrainian "gods of war". "District of N of the item Donetsk, airport. Divisions of the 234th landing and assault regiment of the 76th DShD are repeatedly covered with dense fire of artillery of VSU and began unauthorized withdrawal deep into of the attacking constructions".

Such happens in the war … Nobody wanted to die. The head of operation reacted precisely and only with the correct image - began removal of divisions of the 5th separate armored brigade of the 36th OF VVO. Maneuver dangerous, not absolutely at the right time, but it was necessary to stop up a gap quickly. But the Ukrainian artillery obviously began to enjoy and having obtained new data covered the moving-forward parts with repeated volleys. "The district of N of the item Donetsk, the airport of Division of the 5th separate armored brigade of the 36th OF VVO are covered with a rocket gun-fire of big power. Losses of l \with are specified".

Having lost 3 units of armored machinery, tanks began to spin on the area, trying to avoid repeated defeat, and couldn't give any help to divisions in the terminal any more.

Meanwhile in the terminal the drama developed. Having appeared in the terminal, attacking got to space where were guided poorly. The attacking columns dissipated on levels of the building and rather poorly coordinated joint actions. Divisions of the 331st paraborne regiment, having got on the highest floors of the building on fire-escapes, trying to be guided by districts, continually came across positions of defenders in the most unexpected places. All this situation demanded exact coordination of actions from the head of operation, but at this moment, having silently peeped, at the attacking divisions communication was gone. The interesting Ukrainian gadget joined … For the Russian troops which got used to indisputable advantage in the sphere of radio-electronic fight it was the real shock.

Events on January 11 with destruction of elite group the vatutinskikh of experts of REB ("The district of N of the item Donetsk. Missiles by rockets of high precision against a place of a dislocation of division of OSNAZ 1020 KRTs GRU GSh (*несколько specific division of ensuring reconnaissance actions are launched: communication, radar-location, bearing and so forth) placed directly within the city. … All equipment of division (14 units) is destroyed completely. The l \with, being on alert, was lost. The location of the commander of division isn't established. Losses of l \with are specified") and still not replaced, turned back very unexpected consequences. Attempts to establish relation on open channels it wasn't successful. Fight broke up on separate, a little connected among themselves, events. The Ukrainian artillery at high-speed speed established a fire barrier to attempts of tankmen of the 5th separate armored brigade of the 36th OF VVO to take part in fight. In the conditions of such fight the beginning obviously to appear advantage of cyborgs. The knowledge of the district, good coordination, a wide experience gradually peredavlivat a superiority in strength of the opponent. Attempts of Russians to deblock the "fearless soldiers of Kadyrov" sitting in the cellar too weren't successful.

All this proceeded long enough. And at some point the Ukrainian artillery passed into the mode of suppression of weapon emplacements of the opponent. It became clear that the Ukrainian troops prepare break in the airport. Once again tried to rush into this moment of division of the 5th separate armored brigade of the 36th OF VVO inside, but spotters of the Ukrainian troops didn't miss this maneuver and with a surprising speed the artillery of VSU struck on coming. Having lost one more tank, the 36th was rolled away. Break of the Ukrainian special troops on the territory of the terminal put the end to this fight.

Under the first blow divisions of the 331st paraborne regiment of the 98th airborne forces division of the Russian Federation got, having beautifully closed with which divisions of the 22nd separate crew of GRU GSh Russian Federation started departing quickly. The situation returned to the provision of previous "status quo".

Who won a result, if against all at the? Russians didn't understand sense of this airport. The Donetsk airport - a huge trap where as a bait cyborgs serve. The Russians climbing here sustain enormous losses. WITHOUT SOLVING ANY MILITARY PROBLEMS. Cyborgs carried out the task - caused the maximum loss to the opponent in manpower and equipment. Who won - solve.


Losses of troops of the Russian Federation: it is killed 132 it is wounded 149 TMH 12.

Losses of VSU: it is killed 2 it is wounded 8 (5 hard).


Hizhnyak Larisa read so far, without noticing tears, cried. I didn't understand from what more. our boys HEROES, but also from darkness come the pro, it is sick. scary on January 17 at 15:09

George Young Fine news at bedtime. Спасибі to Heroes і death to voroga! On January 17 at 15:41

Hizhnyak Larisa Vverkhu after all it is visible that Yury reposted at "_nformats_yniya опір"... Now many posts are similar externally, but in details differ, anything suspicious in it isn't present, on the contrary - the description of the attacking is for the first time given. On January 17 at 16:12

Oleg Shpak Remarkable blamestorming session. Thanks a lot! On January 17 at 16:21

Hizhnyak Larisa Slushayte, boys, this post was allocated with that the darkness has pros, system, and it FOR us is fraught. what difference 15 or 17!, you read through the word perhaps?. On January 17 at 16:35

Lyudmila Chaika V_chna пам'ять to zagibly hlopchik! Shvidky одужання poraneny! Death to voroga on January 17 at 16:40 • 9

Lesya Rogovska of St_lki of details... A little підозріло, Alya so wants a v_rita, що already I will permit собі repost. On January 17 at 16:43

Thanks Mykhaylo Bogdan. Probably I now feel like a giraffe. Because just now I understood how it was thin everything is thought up, or so itself left. But after all DAP became that "Monergeym's line" of which so a lot of things soberly conceiving Ukrainians spoke and dreamed. On January 17 at 19:39 • 9

Hizhnyak Larisa Yes Isn't present, I not the first time read that this person writes, there are no children, each of us learned to understand trolling long ago (after all in throws there are no cunnings: look to whom favourably). For this reason I pay attention that this post - bears in itself the analysis, and it is a rarity, usually children unsubscribe, - and that to us pleasure. == Personally such calculations are valuable to me, I am an analyst (certainly, - in the sphere), all that I don't do, I don't reach - the preliminary analysis; therefore there are no "podozritelnost" involving something negative for us. It is obvious that the person not "As if over battle was present all the time.", and I was the participant of the above. Why excluded similar option? On January 18 at 1:05 • It is edited •

Olga Semivolos My God, це it is simple... it isn't guilty відбуватись!!! To Alya відбувається... shah, scorching heat, shelter, біль, vtrat... і героїзм, v_dchaydushny nemislimy героїзм ours ukra§nskikh хлопців... Наші d_d so itself fought з fascists... Genya. Great B-@, сьогодні надвечір "I am Bogoyavlennya, a reality милість the, pardon people the tvo§kh - воїнів ours і all our skorbotny people of ukra§nskiya - send a peremoga і the world землі нашій і happily turn the vs_kh захисників ours to the r_dnikh master! In ім" I Ottsya і Xing і the Holy Spirit. Амінь... To heroes Slava!!! On January 18 at 3:23 • 10

Elena Luchko Here not mathematics. And each death is a loss for all of us! Yesterday, at 4:09 • 1 Nikolay Skuridin Stsuko, already cramps cheekbones... So many children perish... For the sake of what (whom)... xxxxing dwarf. It is a pity that all who came from Russia, are simply processed by promotion plus money. Yesterday, at 4:45 • 5

Hizhnyak Larisa Elena, so silly to argue because it is more rigid, than mathematics: there is no analysis of fight - the death of boys many times increases. Yesterday, at 4:50 • 4

Ilya Sretensky But how they identify all participating groups with such accuracy there? Yesterday, at 11:42 • 1

Hizhnyak Larisa Mozhet to be and eat defined/blundered, we aren't pros therefore I consider that it is necessary to be respectful, at least, to that that the participants of these military events speak. In a different way it is impossible. Yesterday, at 12:25 Valentin Zakharchenko Slava Geroyam, що б*ють klyatikh москалів!!! 12 h. • 1 [/vrez]

The comment from the blogger of "axel320":

The purpose of my comment - not kindling of national discord and hatred to Ukrainians. No. Rather - I want to induce to reflect on the events prime causes. And, probably, to regret. Yes. To regret these people.

Here such links are published on the information websites of Ukraine. Transition was from the site "Tsenzor.Net" on "Facebook".

Strikes not the content of nonsense of this madman any more. Whatever perverted and improbable it was. Really impresses scope. You only read. Here and transfer of names of army divisions, number, course of action, tactics and so forth. And how it is written? You read - and it seems that you watch the Hollywood movie. "Rambo: first blood". Only Rambo not one. Them a little. The strong, brought-up ukrovoinov-professional. Cyborgs. Which alone resist to kadyrovets, special troops of GRU and in general a half of staff of all Russian troops. "To heroes - glory!"

And if it is serious, after all on such literary trash and all collective madness the svidomykh is under construction. A propaganda machine in all its beauty. Not one grant can be written.

It is a pity for people. How in the movie "Brother", you remember? "There were people, and suddenly all … there were cretins!" Who is guilty? Someone will tell, they if allowed. Also will be right. Everyone is free to choose itself that to read to it, to see and in what to trust.

As if from such the comment of the "brotherly" people most not to begin to cry. "New line of Mannergeym, darkness, heroes..." The consciousness refuses to believe that it occurs nearby. With the former friends, relatives, brothers. Perhaps all this dream?


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The comment from Vladimir Batkovich (it is a little from early, not much from are fresh cast):

Warmly we thank you, mister expert, for carefully carried out analysis of a situation and grandiose conclusions, worthy really great strategist and the commander! What we without you would do? To us, orphaned and illiterate, it is absolutely heavy to be guided in the occurring reality without assistance of the knowing person... Thank you that are engaged in such useful business! Took and at once all points over "i" placed. And we without you still as drunk hedgehogs, in fog of ignorance would roam. And now everything is clear. Everything in the head fell into place. Clarity limit. Thanks.

Well how here not to be upset... According to the message, the ELITE division is again destroyed!!! Yes that for trouble such... That the message - that is destroyed ELITE division... That Omsk special troops, Pskov paratroopers, assault parts of GRU GSh Russian Federation... The Lord from VSU, have conscience! You so without elite troops will leave us soon!

Well that for discrimination such... Somehow even it is dishonest in relation to other troops of the Russian Federation! Our simple motor-shooting crews too dream to be destroyed under Debaltsevo, and you, misters strategists, even you don't wish to turn attention to them... Be cheloveka... Let's also simple Russian soldiers die adequately for Fatherland... Already Pskov landing will be enough to destroy... And so, poor fellows, already on the seventh time perish... Will start missing soon...

Than, for example, armored troops aren't pleasant to you? Besides - it is possible to report on quantity of the burned equipment.... Misters, don't go too far, and that Russia can really land a numerous and spiteful landing … psychiatrists. Also will carry out treatment in due form of the war which is thought up by you.

… Fly agarics - only the most interesting piece... Well, it is simple - devilishly the most fascinating occupation... And at them there, at all in VSU-. an experience in this hard business... Already year, at least... They long ago professionals... Where to us to them... And fly agarics some vigorous... In abnormal places, on the course, collected... Here only one guards: some symptoms, well. really absolutely identical... So doesn't happen... That all VSU with the hallucinations were at war with application of all types of weapon...

If, of course, they to themselves gather mushrooms... However, I am tormented by vague suspicions that these fly agarics (collected on some, especially confidential, to state standard specification), without fail are a part of army officer rations... Or they removed the special, infectious type of idiocy extending as a flu virus - an airborne way... Or sexually... The horse-radish knows it... They have this counter in fashion now... Or all of them are aliens... Or live in the seventh measurement...

Glitch. Simply glitch... And glitches, as we know, a video camera, especially, orbital satellites aren't removed...

Morons!!! If Russia decided to enter into Banderlogiya at least two divisions, only the deplorable state the nezalezhnykh of majestic roads could affect the speed of advance of our tanks to Kiev... And the local population would meet them with bread and salt, silently having jostled favourite benderovsky flags in the distressful intimate places...

And here one more astounding analytical article published by UKROSMI on behalf of experts of NATO:


The comment from Vladimir Batkovich (too, I will partially a little repeat):

Absolutely sad news. Especially concerning a preventive strike and the occupation of Moscow planned by Kiev, so far Russia from so shattering defeat didn't manage to recover...

At once it is felt that analysts of NATO - true professionals! From them you won't hide anything, you won't conceal... We and concepts had no that our army lost in fights in Ukraine more than 500.000 people...

I, however, too heard quite recently that valorous cyborgs of VSU on the head crushed the last elite Komi - Permyatsko - the Chechen airborne horse and armored division of special troops of militia of special function of GRU GSh Russian Federation. And on a place of the constant dislocation as to be itself on honest fight to fight with valorous great-power troops under Kiev, it refused flatly.

So the way into Kuban, the Caucasus and Moscow is almost free... In any case Moscow - to the Urals!

But I also didn't guess that everything is absolutely sad that it was the last hope and a support of our army! Absolutely we defenseless remained...

And the international public is silent. As always. Where UN? On holiday? Only one GREENPEACE became interested in destiny of the divisional horses who remained in fights...

However, Ukrinformbyuro immediately informed all progressive mankind that the horses who escaped in this bloody slaughter in the Siberian ravines separate groups of incidentally survived in that terrible slaughter, emaciated, demoralized and in panic scared members of spetsnaz and the Pskov paratroopers, in wild horror and expectation of a cruel penalty hiding there from inevitable severe punishment for attempt at sacred integrity of Great-power Nezalezhnosti eat up for a long time...

Also it was declared that Kiev, in connection with the occurred events, brought in the Hague tribunal the next charge to the Kremlin upon mass animals abuse... About as!

But there is more to come... The most terrible that, according to the statement of NATO experts and the Ukrainian mass media, in Russia total mobilization began. And an age framework is catastrophically expanded... From 16 to 60 years... They say that even women and disabled people are going to be called... So I have every chance under distribution to ring out.

Turn, don't turn... And I all the same under an appeal get! What to do? Well not to Kiev actually to emigrate... After all in the same place with their my knowledge of "a ridny mova" - a direct road on a gilyaka... And more, probably, any country to itself will also not let...

But at the end ends, patriot I or not??? I will wait for the next round-up from a regional military registration and enlistment office. If catch, I will tell that the volunteer... Here I sit... I wait...

But I think that not all is lost... Recently on a box told that in the Far East and on Sakhalin two full-blooded diving and cavalry armored divisions of special troops of marines by miracle remained.

Also told that the summary Chukchi-Koryak regiment of snipers of militia of special function on the tachankakh is quickly formed of dogsleds, from volunteers of hunters-field men who sincerely promise to beat the svidomykh as polar foxes - is strict in an eye, what not to spoil a skin...
So we will a little more do some fighting, children! Glory of Russia!!!

And the most interesting is that svidomy backward inhabitants and farmers SINCERELY trust in all these ravings!!! Also writhe in paranoid hysterics... Digging out sawn-off shotguns and Mausers on kitchen gardens... Sharpening a pitchfork.... Preparing in just patriotic majestic незалежном anger for a crusade to Moscow... At all without doubting its fastest most crushing defeat (not without the aid of YuSA, of course), for the purpose of vengeance for the scolded power nezalezhnost... And, quite natural, deserved settlement of moskalyak on a gilyaka... Anticipating with shchenyachy delight and gloating as will be, in a patriotic rush, изгаляться over come running to be given in captivity and the Pskov paratroopers asking about mercy who dared to profane the dirty boots their native, primordial, drevneukrovsky earth.... Fat to Ukraine!!! Death to Russians!!!

Goebbels has a rest... So what, after all, fly agarics they there, on the Suburb, guzzle everything???



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Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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Politician Novorossiivlast Novorossiya
Diplomacy under a roar of tools
Viewings: 3718


Kiev will go for serious negotiations with Donbass only in case of large military defeat.

On January 22 in Berlin there took place the next meeting of "the Norman four" devoted to settlement of the conflict in Donbass. Foreign Ministers of Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France once again declared that they support urgent branch of heavy arms from the line of contact which is recorded in the Minsk arrangements. "If it occurs, we will be able to speak about an essential de-escalation of the current conflict" — the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told. The minister added that idea of branch of heavy arms which initiative was taken by the president of Russia Vladimir Putin, rebels of DNR and LNR supported.

According to the chief diplomat of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, at a meeting of the party achieved "notable success, though there was no break".

- It was difficult business, and I can assure you that patience of all participants on an outcome. But today I had an impression that four Ministers of Foreign Affairs, the audience here, understand the responsibility and understand that further so can't proceed - Steinmeier declared to journalists.

At the same time, as "The independent newspaper" writes, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin remained is dissatisfied with meeting results.

Negotiations took place against tragic news from Donbass. Besides, Ukrainian security officers were compelled to recognize that they had to leave the Donetsk airport. And the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko - after the tragedy at a stop in Donetsk, declared intention "to remove" a front line from the capital of the republic to secure civilians of the megalopolis against shellings.

There is a feeling that "negotiation process" goes in itself, and military operations in Donbass – in itself. Whether there is a chance of peaceful settlement of the conflict?

- Europe would like to stop war in Donbass, but on the conditions, - the leading expert of the Center of military-political researches of MGIMO Mikhail Alexandrov considers. – Simply speaking, they want capitulation of DNR and LNR.

In recent days we saw that the Ukrainian troops intensified military operations. Probably, tried to understand, the opponent is how strong, and whether it will turn out to take at them the offensive. As a result, they received counterattack of rebels. And the happy successful. The most important that beat out the Ukrainian military from the Donetsk airport. But also on other sites, including near Lugansk, there are successful offensive operations.

On this background Europeans began to fuss. From here and Steinmeier's phrase that can't proceed so further. Of course, the EU doesn't arrange when there come rebels. Therefore again started talking about branch of heavy arms. Though this idea arose at the very beginning of a truce. Even the line of differentiation was planned. It was already necessary to take away artillery, but instead attacks of the peace cities by the Ukrainian security officers proceeded.

It means that the advantage of negotiations is practically not present. Yes, it is necessary to participate in them to show that we are interested in the world (and this is true), but it is hardly worth counting on positive result of such negotiations.

In a present international situation negotiations will make sense only when the front of the Ukrainian army falls off, and rebels will go to Kharkov and Kiev. Here then from Ukraine and the EU serious negotiations will begin.


Today the head of the Donetsk national republic Alexander Zakharchenko made the statement according to which DNR won't make from now on attempts to speak with Kiev about any option of a truce.

According to Alexander Zakharchenko, attempts to agree with the Kiev authorities about a truce don't make any sense as recent practice showed. Any arrangements all the same break the Ukrainian retaliatory divisions that leads to the new victims among civilians.

The head of DNR is quoted by RIA Novosti:
Attempts to talk about a truce from our party it won't be undertaken any more. We will look now as Kiev will react. Kiev now doesn't understand that we can come on three directions at the same time.

Thus Alexander Zakharchenko noted that consultations only concerning an exchange of prisoners can be conducted.

There will be exchanges of prisoners because our children who are in captivity — they need to be extended.

The head of the Donetsk national republic declared that approach will go up to an exit to borders of Donetsk region:

We step on Avdeevka, Ocheretino. The Lugansk National Republic also comes. We will come to borders of Donetsk region but if I see threat and from other parties, we will liquidate it.

On materials mass media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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In Donetsk there took place burial service and transfer of bodies of the soldiers of the Ukrainian army killed in fights for the airport. At a ceremony there were rebels, the representative of the Ukrainian command and parents of several dead. After burial service the priest urged the audience to stop

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya


At the end of 2014 the prince Dmitry Mikhaylovich Shakhovskoy with the spouse her politicians concerning a situation in Ukraine made the letter in support of Russia, in particular. The document addressed to world leaders was signed subsequently by more than hundred representatives

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Sudden hysterical surge in fighting and firing activity of armed forces of Ukraine was stopped. The next attempt of the Kiev security officers in defiance of the Minsk agreements to make the next blitzkrieg in Donbass was stopped by army of the novoross which took in places the offensive and occupied new strategic points.

By a reserved assessment of rebels, only for the previous days of VS of Ukraine lost about 200 people the killed and wounded (and all for these some days — to 700). Besides, the militia established control over the settlement Sand. Losses from rebels — 8 people the killed and over 300 wounded.

During the same period 56 shellings of settlements of DNR and positions of a militia were recorded. And to Gorlovka the air bomb weighing about 500 kg was dumped. It is dumped not precisely, from five-kilometer height — it is simple on the city where will fall.

The received repulse from rebels with counterattack prospect on the positions controlled by Kiev induced Poroshenko's team immediately to remember September maneuver in Minsk: to return to the negotiating table. Moreover, they allegedly were ready to cease fire since January 19. But didn't stop.

Also paranoid doubling of speeches of Poroshenko proceeds: in the morning he says that in the military way the problem of Donbass won't manage to be solved, and acts on false and aggressive "march of the world" in the afternoon and shouts in a microphone that "will return to Ukraine all territories to the last scrap".
Well and on Tuesday it was adequately catcalled by students in university audience of Zurich as "the murderer of children of Donbass".

So, every time when the Kiev junta suffers a defeat in the battlefield, it asks respites. For a regrouping and accumulation of forces if not to tell, accumulations of the gun meat driven on slaughter.

Experts of OSCE recognized innocence of rebels in execution of the regular bus. Responsibility for this crime is born by the Kiev authorities. It seems that and at OSCE the patience comes to an end. On Tuesday in Vienna adopted the resolution on immediate ceasefire in Donbass there. The algorithm of a pacification of the parties offered OSCE assumes three stages: ceasefire (in two days), branch of heavy arms (on it five days are given) and cultivation of forces through differentiation according to the Minsk memorandum (21 days).

And still the ruling transnational clique of the West in every possible way warms up militaristic waste of Kiev. After acceptance in the USA "The act of support of freedom in Ukraine" the European Parliament approved on January 15 the unprecedented resolution on Ukraine on narrow-mindedness and aggression. In both documents the military aid urged to guarantee continuation of military operations and destruction of part of Ukrainians hands of their compatriots is promised the Kiev junta. Besides diplomatic support, Washington and Brussels provide secret arms supplies. So, the head of DNR A. Zakharchenko showed to representatives of OSCE the American weapon found in the airport exempted from chasteners by Donetsk. Earlier rebels reported about movement on positions of VSU of armored machinery of foreign samples.

We will especially note: not terrorist battalions were at war this time in the whole VSU, but. Nazis — "hid". As some observers consider, they are grouped in Dnepropetrovsk "khaganate" for a campaign to Kiev, against Poroshenko.

The cochairman of the social movement "Popular Front of Donbass" V. Rogov claims: "Poroshenko now is on the verge of revolution as a result of which he can be killed, and Yatsenyuk, Turchynov and the same Kolomoysky will come to the power. Not incidentally we see rigid approach to business of the last from Poroshenko. To prevent revolution during which the president will be declared by the traitor of Ukraine, it began full military operations. We see that the major role in them is played not by retaliatory groups and various private battalions, and active armed forces which submit to Poroshenko. In turn, Kolomoysky's battalion "Dnieper-1" refused to take part in military operations".

That is the present scenario is written to Poroshenko, but not his opponents in junta.

The main task of the Kiev puppets consists in involving Russia in the conflict. A problem of Kiev that the number of the zombie Ukrainian people ready to become suicides in Donbass, apparently, comes to an end.
Not incidentally Poroshenko declared the fourth wave of mobilization. If in the first 37 thousand people, in the second – 40, in the third – 60 were called, is now planned to put under the gun 50 thousand more. Thus the number of the Ukrainian troops under control to Kiev doesn't increase. And rotation as that, isn't carried out. Expert's conclusion: tens of thousands of people remain to lie in the State of Donbass.

"Ceasefire — is absolutely hypocritical initiative — V. Rogov claims. — Taking into account the level of destructions in the cities of Donbass and that humanitarian disaster which covers this territory. Poroshenko it would already be necessary to leave with the plate "I — Gorlovka", by analogy with the Kiev meetings on which the driven students and workers of housing sector hold plates with an inscription "I is Volnovakh". After this logician Clinton I had to go with the poster "I — Belgrade"".

We will add: and Hitler with Himmler — with plates "I — Auschwitz", "I — Khatyn", etc.

* * *

16 meetings of the UN on the Ukrainian question took place, however under pressure of the USA they had no constructive character. War in Ukraine is necessary for Washington for avoidance of a default to which promptly there are USA.

Suddenly on Tuesday passed the message that the Ukrainian authorities after all are ready (were silent earlier) to take as a basis proposals of the president of Russia on settlement of a situation in Donbass. Poroshenko thus lovely called an unbinding of full-scale military operations in Novorossiya "excess".

But while there are new messages to delicate negotiations, the Ukrainian government considers a question of temporary closure of check points through frontier. After all from Ukraine mass flight of men who mobilization of the fourth wave are subject began. Run both to the Crimea, and to big Russia, and to Belarus. Kilometer turns gathered on automobile points, stations and the airports are crowded.

* * *
How there takes place mobilization?

Living in the Western Ukraine, run away more often to the west. Persons liable for call-up in large quantities leave to the European Union countries allegedly on earnings only not to get to zone ATO. In Ternopolshchina similar flight turned into the real nightmare for military registration and enlistment offices. As one of military commissioners reported the other day, 60 residents of the village of Dybshche of the Kozovsky region of the Ternopol area had to receive the agenda and go to east front. However somehow they knew of it in advance. As a result of 45 potential soldiers went abroad in five days prior to an appeal. Still all men of military age were gone in one village of area in a night. Moreover, according to military commissars, "the most part of men in area is afraid even to receive the agenda for medical examination passing".

For example, from 14 thousand men who had to be in a military registration and enlistment office for passing of medical board, 7,5 thousand didn't come. They reasonably consider that it is better to put a tile, to plaster, and even to wash toilet bowls somewhere in still quiet European place, than to perish on senseless war in Novorossiya.
In the Dnepropetrovsk area the corresponding inspection is carried out. "A little more than 2 thousand men who received the agenda, didn't appear in military commissariats and dropped out of sight the military account, and, perhaps, law enforcement agencies" — the deputy chief Shtaba of expeditious command told the South the colonel A. Kirichok. In total in the Dnepropetrovsk area from mobilization more than 14 thousand recruits evaded. Chairmen of regional administrations force to carry the agenda of a military registration and enlistment office of public men and employees of ZhEKs as those don't cause in residents of "mobilization suspicions". We will remind as in September employees of the Dnepropetrovsk military registration and enlistment office came to hand the agenda to deputies of the City Council, but those quickly left the hall of a meeting.

It is ordered to Cabinet of Ministers "to transfer national economy of Ukraine to functioning in the conditions of the special period in the volumes guaranteeing uninterrupted ensuring requirements of VSU and other military formations of Ukraine during performance of the tasks assigned to them to bring certain branches, the enterprises, establishments and the organizations into degree of full readiness".

Impress also scales of "recruitment". According to the Minister of Defence of Ukraine S. Poltorak, till April 50 thousand Ukrainians will be mobilized, and in case of complication of a situation carrying out additional mobilization about 13,5 thousand people in April-June and 40 thousand people in June-September is provided.

Thus, the total of the mobilized can make about 104 thousand people. In turn, the military prosecutor of Ukraine A. Matios in general called the terrifying figure in 200 thousand Ukrainians who will be attracted in army during the fourth, fifth and sixth waves of mobilization.
Where? What for? With what armadas to be at war such number?

Kiev carefully hides data on quantity mobilized during the first three waves. According to, to collected mass media, during the first and second waves about 60 thousand people were captured, and the third mobilization which actually broke, had to join ranks of VSU and retaliatory battalions on 50 thousand people, i.e. the same 110 thousand.

Actually, it wasn't succeeded to collect such quantity because of mass evasion of citizens of the country from the mobilization and protest actions which in general broke an appeal in some regions, in particular, certain regions of the Zakarpatye area where military registration and enlistment offices were simply compelled to refuse to carry out it.

In general, the Carpatho-Russian movement consecutive and resolutely opposes carrying out the fourth wave of mobilization in Zakarpatye and supports statements of the Zakarpatye businessmen for need of the immediate termination of civil war and military opposition. The Carpatho-Russian movement is uniform in opinion that it in principle "war, others for Ukraine and Zakarpatye" which bears death to the Ukrainian citizens and ruin to national economy. Many zakarpatets already died in this war, among which Russinians, Hungarians, representatives of other nationalities of the Zakarpatye area. However among them there is no representative "the right sector — a Carpathian sicha", the Zakarpatye Maidan protesters, the Zakarpatye deputies of different level who shout of need of carrying out ATO. These famous bawlers, such as O. Dyba, V. Bed, A. Garosh and their allies from banderovsko-oligarchical alliance — for some reason aren't torn to war.

* * *

The power, seemingly, considered last mistakes and now promises Ukrainians a choice between death under waste heaps of Donbass and prison. As the first deputy chief of Head department of defensive and mobilization planning of the General Staff of VSU V. Talalai declared, "if the citizen openly declares the unwillingness to pass military service, criminal liability for it is supposed from two to five years of imprisonment. Easier violations assume administrative responsibility". Recruits are waited also by other draconian measures.

Against mass evasion from an appeal the junta is compelled to resort to more and more sophisticated ways of replenishment of ranks of gun meat. So, the military age for men is increased till 60 years. Along with old men women will get to army also now from 25 to 50 years if they had misfortune to receive profession of the physician, operator, radio operator, operator of computer facilities, cartographer, surveyor, etc. Plans the Ministry of Defence and creation of a female battalion.

It is necessary to pay attention that the martial law in the country isn't declared and lawyers urge to consider all mobilization actions of the power illegal. It is also necessary to tell that the law on the martial law in parliament is already prepared for vote and can be adopted any day.

Though articles 17 and 18 of the law "About a Military Appeal and Military Service" accurately designated the list of categories of people who have the right for a delay and release from military service, military registration and enlistment offices "zabrivat" both fathers having many children, and disabled people, and frank criminals. Violations of the rights of recruits became so system that it is difficult to find appeal examples according to the law in series of violations.

For example, in Kharkov some cases when were enough with summer of men of military age directly at transport stops, in shops and on beaches are known.
The deputy military commissar of the Kharkov regional military registration and enlistment office Yu. Kalgushkin told about features of the fourth wave of mobilization. So, "professional and psychological selection" which recommends the General Staff and the Ministry of Defence will be entered. This carrying out testing — on a suicide, on compatibility in collective and another. Before such tests practically didn't carry out. On a question of, whether the tests "on separatism" will be carried out, the zamvoyenkoma answers: "First, regional military registration and enlistment offices passed to the new state. Staff of a wartime. The quantity of staff is increased practically by 4-5 times. And it is enough this number of officials to lead individual discussions with each person liable for call-up. Here, in individual conversation patriotism "level", separatism "level" will also become clear. Individual discussions will be led by both psychologists, and skilled military personnel who have experience of communication with voyennobyazanny". Thus, according to Kalgushkin if during conversation the recruit refuses flatly service in army to introduce the anti-Ukrainian ideas, law enforcement agencies will be informed on it, and such person won't be called. Someone from the voyenkomovskikh of ranks of Kharkov, it seems, told even that "separ" as an ukazuyushchy finger will use for mobilization of militant "patriots". Similar to a fake, but it is logical.

According to insaydny information it became known that in Kharkov the agenda will carry not in a registration place, and in a place of official employment. Also will take away not from apartments where doors systematically don't open for voyenkomatovets, and directly from a workplace. Directors of firms received notices of a duty to submit lists of all men who are officially employed at the enterprise.

Difficult will disagree with the comment in one and social networks that "all have only one question: where and how to dump from the agenda. Where and as. More questions aren't present so far".
Deputies of the Verkhovna Rada in connection with mass and universal "zakosa" from army and bribes suggested to consider the sum of a "honest" payoff. The people's deputy from "Samopomochi", scandalous "the battalion commander of a terbat" S. Semenchenko suggested to determine the payoff sum from service, equal 2 thousand dollars. However the profile committee BP on national safety and defense suggests to determine the sum for a payoff from military service, equivalent to annual or five-year financial security of the contract employee. It was declared by the deputy from "Popular front" A. Teteruk. "It has to be rather essential sum which will allow people who really earn money, to pay off. And it has to be not the shameful, and settled in a legislative field procedure" — the people's deputy told.

Mobilization takes place, nevertheless, violently, with application of threats. As the residents of Melitopol called in a military registration and enlistment office reported, wasn't carried out neither medical board, nor poll put under the law on a profession, structure of a family, etc. Took away everyone, houses, without reckoning neither with presence of children, nor with a state of health. In a number of the settlements of Nikolayevshchina local authorities put pressure upon young people and their families to send children to a zone of retaliatory operation under the threat or a penalty, Ljubo of prison term.

It is almost impossible to escape from service. Stories when the father of a large family appeared in the war, there is a lot of. The Prosecutor General's Office even began check of such cases when military registration and enlistment offices were called on service of the only supporter of a large family or men who bring up disabled children, or such which mobilization for health reasons aren't subject.

* * *

One more system violation of the rights mobilized is that the vast majority of them is issued as participants of military collecting, i.e. in case of death and mutilations of a privilege, put to participants of military operations, they won't receive.

However, military burdens of not everyone concern. "To protect the homeland" People's Deputies and their offsprings aren't obliged. For example, the military commissar who dared to send the agenda to the son of the current secretary of SNBO A. Turchynov was degraded and sent to privates to zone ATO.
Fighters of voluntary battalions of national guard had problems with registration of the status of the participant of military operations (PMO). Often they can't apply for military privileges (75% of a discount for payment of a communal flat, free drugs according to the recipe, a free pass in transport, annual permits in sanatorium etc.) because of negligence of commanders. Nearly a half of soldiers in battalions officially wasn't issued. On the other hand, in treasury there is no money for providing military privileges and there is a secret instruction to tighten registration.

According to Ministry of Justice, UBD were received by 3,5 thousand people from whom 200 have no relation to subjects of ATO (for example, prosecutors, tax specialists etc.). Fighters of voluntary battalions of unit among them. In the Ministry of Defence speak: for a start, volunteers have to be issued correctly, and it is a problem of their commanders. Moreover, documents are filed and the acting fighters, and UBD can receive the status only those who finished service.

* * *

As a result of a nightmare with attacks of settlements of DNR and LNR arranged with artillery and aircraft of VSU in recent days therefore tens people including children, the head of DNR A. Zakharchenko at a press conference in Donetsk made on January 20 the non-standard promising statement were lost: "I address to Poroshenko. Every time when we come into any settlement, I will call number of kilometers to your residence. And our meeting with you is inevitable".

Also Zakharchenko addressed to mothers of the Ukrainian military: "Your children with the weapon came to our earth. Dear Ukrainians, we don't want to frighten none of you. Think again, don't send the children to death".

However process of renewal of war on Donbass is untwisted as an infernal flywheel. Clashes go practically on all front line, including strategically key Mariupol.

* * *
We will look at a situation geopolitical and we will call things by their proper names.

"Merkel received from Obama a label on possession of Europe besides the European Union and after its disintegration. Without any democracy. And Merkel started implementation of this new project under the name "Germany (in Europe) Above All". Actually it is the fourth Reich, but in scenery of the XXI century" — the famous analyst V. Tretyakov writes on Facebook.
Really, seemingly, that America made the choice, the main rate. So was and in the 1930th. The thinker seer A. Zinovyev when said was right that the USA accepted relay from a Hitlerite Reich.

The president of the Center of the system analysis and forecasting R. Ishchenko warns about high probability of the scary scenario. The expert is convinced that "The United States and junta need zhutchayshy provocation". "Provocation can happen anywhere, but the best place for it Kiev — is more noticeable also rezonansny than everything — the analyst claims. — It isn't sure that I will manage to write article with detailed justification, therefore tezisno: Kiev needs the next peace respite, differently the army can collapse in two-three weeks. Russia it is very difficult, it is almost impossible "to soglasit" a militia on the world without serious (at least to borders of areas) results. Kiev can't recede to borders of areas without disorder of army. If the army collapses, it is senseless to stop on borders of areas not only, but is criminal — not to leave all country to a Makhnovism. Total again to return to the world almost (except for a miracle) it is unreal. That defeat and disorder of Kiev weren't too fast and catastrophic and to try though finally and though to win back something, the USA and junta need zhutchayshy provocation in comparison with which "Boeing" will be children's game in a sandbox. I am afraid that those who is afraid of shellings of the capital of Ukraine, in case of approach to it of a front line, don't know that it is necessary to fear actually. There are things in comparison with which shellings can seem a god-send, and attacks of Donetsk as it terribly doesn't sound "New Year's fireworks". If the junta has enough time and opportunities for the organization of the last provocation, we will understand that means "the live will envy the dead". One hope that at this demoversion of the third Reich as usual, something won't grow together. But it is necessary to hope for the best, and to prepare for the worst".

Author Lev Zolotko

Part of fighters of the battalion "Donbass" of the first set made the decision on transition from National guard to armed forces of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine because of escalation of tension in a battalion. In other words, that part of sworn brothers of Semenchenko whom he threw near Ilovaysk, under the pretext of wound in a loin passes into army. These are those volunteers who took part in military operations near the cities of Novoyekaterinovka, Lysychansk, Artemovsk, Popasnaya, Ilovaysk and could survive. They will serve in the 46th separate battalion of a special purpose "Donbass-Ukraine".

The former chief of a staff – the first deputy commander of the battalion "Donbass" lieutenant colonel Vyacheslav Vlasenko, signal "Eagle owl" is approved as the commander of a battalion. About what it speaks? That демифологизирован image of Kostya Grishin, patriot and battalion commander. The general whom the army leaves, is considered degraded. Most likely, Kostya won't be admitted and to the club of battalion commanders formed in Rada: A birch, Melnichuk and other chasteners avoid for a long time Grishin to whom Avakov and corrected the new passport on a surname of "Semenchenko".

Apparently, Kostya will be beaten, maybe feet soon - as at the classic. It was merged. The battalion "Donbass" - one of the most cruel retaliatory groups too on fast was cloned: those who with experience of war and policy right there faded from a band under an official wing of VSU. Due to the approach of a militia and its possible victories "Grishin's army" right there kept separate from murders, tortures and robberies of civilians in which "Donbass" is involved.

Obviously, the shadow of scandal will fall and on the Lvov party "Samopomoshch" which parliamentary ranks the speaking balaklava enters. Now Semenchenko is tried as the speaking helmet, retelling reports of ATO. This niche is rather free: having become deputies, the former speakers of ATO consider to disperse patriotic signals below the advantage, and Semenchenko simply has no other exit.


nvestigators of the Donetsk national republic can't get to work on a place of the state of emergency which happened to bus under Volnovakhoy because of the Kiev authorities. The chief of Investigative committee of the State Office of Public Prosecutor of DNR Roman Belous reports about it.

According to him, now investigators of DNR have no material evidences, and also judicial and investigative documents for carrying out own investigation in the matter of state of emergency under Volnovakhoy.
"The Ukrainian party doesn't give us opportunity to work with material evidences, also we have no medicolegal documents, we have no opportunity to leave on a scene. That is anything new on business doesn't occur" — Belous told.
Earlier TO "Kharkov" reported that according to representatives of OSCE attack of the bus under Volnovakhoy was made from the North, that is from positions of the Ukrainian security officers.
We will remind as already wrote TO "Kharkov", under Volnovakhoy the passenger minibus was undermined by means of an antipersonnel mine of MON-50. More than ten people became the victims of the tragedy.

The Donetsk airport remains under control of the Donetsk National Republic, VSU throw troops, unprepared to military operations, on its storm, the Head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko declared today.

"The airport, as well as yesterday, today in our hands. All attacks are beaten off — near the settlement Spartak, in Maryinke, Elenovke, Dokuchayevsk. The Ukrainian troops lost to 200 people the killed, about 9 - 10 pieces of equipment were burned" — Zakharchenko declared, acting in the press center of Donetsk news agency.

"Judging by prisoners, the Ukrainian government throws in fight of the low-trained fighters — the Head of DNR told. — These people they close the defeat in the airport. Their defeat not accident, defeats will proceed".

"How fired peace quarters, Ukraine won't frighten us, in reply it will receive only unity of our people" — Zakharchenko emphasized.

Captured Ukrainian military tell about tasks which were set for them by the Ukrainian commanders-in-chief, and then expressed the opinion on the events and on military operations.

"How your government treats you?". "As to meat" — the captured Ukrainian soldier answered.

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ene (PL) Representatives of the alternative government of the proclaimed people's republic of Lugansk (RPL) denounced today the blockade on the part of the authorities of Ukraine to food donations of international charity organizations.

The minister of Work and Social policy of the RPL Svetlana Malajova declared that there are retained almost one week ago shipments of approximately 15 thousand bags of products with more than 20 kilograms.

The official said that the authorities of the locality of Severodonetsk - controlled by the forces of Kiev - block the way of the vehicle that transports the humanitarian load of the organization international Help and development to the settlers of Lugansk, who support deficit of food and medicines, in addition to long cuts of electricity and of the water services and gas.

As Donetsk, the rebellious region of the Donbass is an object in the recent week of intense incursions of gunfire and with the lethal systems multicoheteriles Grad and Uragan.

From the head office of the Center of information of Lugansk, the holder of the republican parliament Alexéi Karyakin denounced also that the troops of Kiev use during the offensive in the Donbass ammunitions of bunch, prohibited by the international conventions.

The genocide without precedents against the civil population not only is carried out by the Grad and Uragan, but by the bombs bunch, supported Karyakin this Friday.

Contras catalogued also of terrorism the actions of the Ukrainian forces the rebellious regions, on having warned that it will put the efforts maximum so that international organizations and the groups of contact grant to this blood bath a juridical qualification and that its culprits receive the fully deserved punishment.

It referred to the recent lethal attack of the Ukrainian artillery to the city of Stajov, bombarded yesterday, and from the dawn of this Friday submitted to intense and massive gunshots, with balance of civil dead persons and injured men, the legislator stated.

In Moscow, the civil defense the Donbass announced the arrangements of the twelfth trailer of humanitarian aid to, informed the agency TASS.

According to the holder of the Russian department of emergency Situations, Vladimir Pushkov, they will move food, medicines and necessary materials in the works of reestablishment of the electricity and rehabilitation of facilities of social importance, destroyed by the blows of artillery and the aviation.

From the middle of August, 2014, Russia has sent almost 14 thousand tons of humanitarian aid to the populations needed from Donetsk and Lugansk.

The previous trailer came to the Donbass last January 8 with nearly 1,4 thousand tons of humanitarian shipment.

Ukraine recognized the official figure of 850 thousand wrongly placed registered interns, while Russia was already taken into account by more than one million Ukrainian refugees in territory of the Federation.

As well as, the long conflict has paid with five thousand 86 dead persons and almost 11 thousand injured men, as there updated the UNO the statistics of the victims of the large-scale military operation in the southeast of Ukraine, immediately after the recent offensive on the Donbass, without precedents from the summer.


ene (PL) The presidents of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and of Belorussia, Alexandr Lukashenko, talked today by telephone on the sharpening of the Ukrainian conflict after the reinicio of an offensive arranged by Kiev, he confirmed the service of press of the Kremlin. On Lukashenko's initiative both leaders exchanged points of view on the dark worsening of the situation in the nearby exSoviet republic, added the source.

They debated, also, points of view on the cooperation and bilateral integration and the program of the next contacts in the different cooperation spheres, it concluded the text published in the presidential web.

Coincidentally, the Defense Department belaruso expressed today serious worry for the additional concentration on its borders of forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) equipped with heavy armament.

Along with locating components of its aviation on the pretext of protecting the air space of the republics of the Baltic, the alliance concentrates on the border belarusa additional terrestrial contingents equipped with heavy skill, it exhibited.

In previous reports, Moscow and Minsk warned that the flights of the American ships of recognition and of its Allied Forces of the NATO became much more frequent in the region of the Baltic in 2014.

Víktor Bondarek, chief of the Aviation of the Kremlin, denounced that these recognition operations are realized in the exact neighborhood of the limits of Russia with the target to achieve an electronic interception even beyond 500 kilometers inside the federal territory.

The target is to explore the characteristics of the Russian electronic systems of control on the antimissile troops, defense and the aviation of the adversary, added the expert.

Bondarev exemplified with more than 140 trips of the planes spies RC-135 of the alliance noratlántica in 2014, incomparable quantity as regards 22 flights of 2013.

The NATO also has been using massively means of early air alert and control systems to explore the situation in the sky of the western section of the Black sea, Ukraine and Russia, the general concluded.

Russia and Belorussia have an integrated system of aerospace defense.


Kiev, 22 ene (PL) The assertion of which the chief of the party neonazi Right Sector, Dmitri Yarosh, was hurt in Donetsk increases today the suspicions on the implication of Ukraine in recent lethal offenses on means of transport in this city. While the Ukrainian leaders blame to the people's republic of Donetsk (RPD) of tens deaths in two attacks against bus of public transportation, a source of the Ministry of Home Affairs made sure that Yarosh was hurt close to the airport of this city.

Anthony Geráschenko, adviser of the holder of this portfolio, said to the channel 112 Ukraina that the extremist looked by Interpol due to the incitement to the terrorism in social networks was hurt by gravity, although without risk for its life.

It was submitted to an operation on Wednesday night, reported Geráschenko, who indicated that the chief neofascista was heading the activity of Right Sector in its emulation of "helping the defenders of the airfield" with Donetsk taken finally the rebels.

Shock troop during the coup d'état of February 22, 2014, Right Sector constitutes the nucleus of the National Guard and of paramilitary groups accused of crimes since the punitive operation of big importance began in April against the southeast (Donbass).

On having showed images of the attack thrown eve against the bus in the center of Donetsk with balance of 15 dead persons and 20 injured men, the correspondent of the First channel remembered that in November an Ukrainian command was stopped with a minelayer camouflaged in a truck of garbage.

A spokesman of one of the responsible for battalions to maintain the order in the city mentioned then that in the last months an increase of the actions registered saboteurs.

These blows against the militias and the population they had heyday great in August of last year immediately after a successful rebellious counter-offensive, he said to Novosti.

Zorian Shkiriak, adviser of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine for his part, admitted that formations diversionistas to the service of Kiev realize war operations in the rearguard insurgent "and do it with enough success", as it expressed.

For the Russian and Ukrainian commentators who intervene in the television debates "Right to Speak" (TV Centr) and "The Time demonstrates it" (the First channel), there did not go unnoticed the propaganda employment of the last two offenses on the part of Kiev.

Minutes after the crime happened on eve in the center of Donetsk, the Ukrainian prime minister, Arseni Yatseniuk, appeared in the television and accused the rebels of the offense happened to 08:30 (hour of Kiev), when major is the movement of those who despite the war work or study.

Another recent attack against a bus that killed 12 persons and hurt 18 in the locality of Volnójava, in the outskirts of Donetsk, served to the president Petro Poroshenko to throw accusations against the insurgents and against Russia in full Forum of Davos, in Switzerland.

With advance, the millionaire elected chocolate seller head of state headed along with Yatseniuk last Sunday a multitudinous declaration in Maydán in memory of the victims of the multiple murder.

Although the preliminary report of the Organization for the Safety and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) adds that the killer missile departed from the north (area occupied by the troops of Kiev), the Government manipulated the act on having compared it with the recent terrorist attack on the weekly paper Charlie Hebdo, in Paris.

The concentration was realized under the slogan "I am Volnójava" legend in Ukrainian and Frenchman carried by thousands of persons in direct reference to the expression "I am Charlie" in rejection to the crime of extremist elements in France.

An entire control of the mass media and its employment to present the economic disaster Ukrainian like resulted from a supposed aggression of Moscow, allows the leaders of Kiev to be provided with the support of 60 per cent of the population, according to surveys of specializing institutions.

In such circumstances, who occupants proclaim like ideological compass Stepan Bandera, collaborationist chief with the troops German during the Big Native War (1941-1945) repeat the lie as if it was true, according to the formula of the maker of the propaganda of Hítler, Joseph Goebels.


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RT :

More than 5,000 people have died since April as a result of the conflict in Ukraine, according to the UN. The news came hours after the leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic said he reject a truce with Kiev and will continue to fight.

The United Nations human rights office made the announcement on Friday saying that 262 people had died in the last nine days alone. This, they noted, is the “most deadly period” since the Minsk agreement in September, which should have paved the way towards a ceasefire.

"The significant escalation in hostilities has taken the toll to 5,086 individuals and we fear the real figure may be considerably higher," UN human rights spokesman Rupert Colville told a news briefing in Geneva.

READ MORE: Heavy weapons in Ukraine must be pulled back urgently – ‘Normandy Four’

The UN refugee agency also hit out at the Ukrainian government, with the Geneva based organization saying that government security regulations were making it difficult to deliver aid to those affected in the east of the country and it is making it more difficult for those who have been displaced.

Обстрел в #Донецк продолжается. В этот раз попали "Градом" в 4-ю часть #МЧС и 2 автобуса. pic.twitter.com/oFPreiwwzv

— Roman Kosarev (@Kosarev_RT) January 17, 2015

Meanwhile, Aleksandr Zakharchenko, leader of the self-proclaimed People’s Republic of Donetsk, says his anti-government forces aren’t interested in a truce with Kiev and will instead try to push Ukrainian forces back to the borders of the Donetsk region. While talks with Kiev have been ruled out for the moment, Zakharchenko said discussions would continue concerning prisoner exchanges.

There won’t be a ceasefire. There will only be exchanges of prisoners. Our fighters need to return home,” he said on Friday, as reported by TASS.

Aleksandr Turchynov, who is the head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, hit out at the rebel forces in Donetsk for rejecting the ceasefire. He says the situation is being exacerbated in the east because the rebels are continuing their offensive.

3 civilians killed 10 wounded after overnight shelling of #Donetsk by #Ukrainian army. 07.12.14 pic.twitter.com/0DR9mYmeBQ

— Roman Kosarev (@Kosarev_RT) December 7, 2014

Tensions in eastern Ukraine have significantly risen in the past two weeks, Deputy Chief of the OSCE mission in Ukraine Alexander Hug told RT on Thursday. He called for the Minsk documents to be followed especially the ceasefire in east Ukraine.

"It is important that the weapons are quiet, heavy weapons are withdrawn, so the civilian population can be given a reprieve and some tranquility, especially now when the tensions have risen significantly in the past two week," Hug said.

READ MORE: At least 9 killed in eastern Ukraine rush hour shelling amid conflicting arrest reports (VIDEO)

Russian President Vladimir Putin says responsibility for the deteriorating situation in the east of Ukraine lies with those who give “such criminal orders”.

"The Kiev authorities have given an official order to start large-scale military operations practically throughout the whole line of contact," he said. “The results of this are many people have died and have been wounded. This has happened not only amongst soldiers from both sides, but even more tragically, amongst innocent civilians, which includes children, pensioners and women.

Putin was speaking 24 hours after a deadly attack on a trolleybus in Donetsk left nine people dead and 20 wounded. The Donetsk self-defense forces blamed government forces for launching mortar rounds on the transportation vehicle.

The Russian President added that there could not be “no other way to end the conflict, except for peace talks and showing political will.”

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Divisions of rebels exempted from VSU the settlement the Red Guerrilla who is between Donetsk and Gorlovka. It was occupied with Armed forces of Ukraine and "The right sector".

As reported in a militia staff, to the opponent was suggested to leave it or to be given. Some fighters refused and were liquidated during clash. The others receded or were given in captivity.

Attacks of the city of Yasinovataya were conducted with the territory of the settlement the Red Guerrilla. The front line which is removed from Donetsk led to reduction of number of attacks of the capital of DNR.

Capitulation in the Red Guerrilla was confirmed also by the Ukrainian party: "Are compelled to report that the opponent took the Red Guerrilla (The Donetsk Region). Our post is broken", – reports "Euromaidan".

According to the Ukrainian security officers, they lost four dead, also some wounded were taken prisoner DNR armies.

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Last events, since the middle of January and till today, were marked by activization of divisions of VSU and brought a set of significant and critical events on a front line in the armed opposition on Donbass.

So, already in the middle of month over air harbor of the Donetsk airport of force of army of Novorossiya set up a flag of the Donetsk national republic, however a small amount of fighters of VSU remained in the "new" terminal of the airport. Though the airport already has practically no strategic importance, but it acts as a significant ideological factor. It "transition from hand to hand" is a sign and critical event. As at the Ukrainian party round it a certain aura, as well as concerning the "cyborgs" protecting it - paratroopers is created. It is investigative for VSU there was a powerful loss that promises destruction of stereotypes about "invincibility of the cyborgs" put by means of promotion in consciousness of people.

The capture of the airport caused numerous attempts of counterattacks, from next to it Peskov and Avdeevki. However VSN didn't keep themselves waiting long, and within several next days heavy fighting was started in these settlements. In this area in the next few days you shouldn't expect considerable change of a front line as VSU make all efforts and will enter considerable reserves for deduction of this area under the control — with possible subsequent counterattack on earlier handed over positions in Sand and at the airport. In turn VSN to exclude attacks of the city and activity of DRG VSU on this direction, within several weeks, will try to shift a front line on 30-40 kilometers to the west to move the line of contact to Great Novoselka, Kurakhovo and Krasnoarmeysk.

In the north, most likely, the Donetsk front will extend in the next weeks to Druzhovk's line, Artemovsk then the period of position fights on approaches to Kramatorsk where the rear line of defense of VSU and a staff of ATO is located will follow. After delivery of positions at the airport, Peskov and Avdeevki, a possible capture by forces of VSN of Kramatorsk certainly will cause decadent moods and a panic at the pro-Ukrainian forces and in many respects will affect a further outcome of the armed opposition on Donbass. Owing to this fact for VSU Kramatorsk the Donetsk airport is so important symbol, as well as.

Possible formation of a debaltsevsky copper can become one more important, critical factor. Divisions of DNR from the district of Gorlovka and LNR from Bryanki's region, already passed to offensive actions, with the obvious purpose further "boot mouth zakhlopyvaniye" around to the north Debaltsevo. In this area it is worth expecting fights of high intensity and cruelty as if VSN will create a copper, in an environment it will be from 11 to 15 thousand Ukrainian soldiers also a significant amount of equipment. The Ukrainian party perfectly understands it therefore already I set two echelons of the defense in motion and previously created the third, rear, for a possible deblokada of a copper.

On Bakhmutskaya Route of division of LNR carried out a number of productive fights owing to what a number of posts, such as the 29th and 31st posts of VSU, passed under control of VSN. Battles for the posts 37-1, 28 controlled so far VSU are at the moment conducted. In the subsequent prospect, in the next few days, under control of army of Novorosiya all territory which is on the southern coast of the Seversky Donets — can pass up to Toshkovki where there is the main crossing of VSU.

From DRG VSU attempt of blasting the important automobile bridge in the Village Lugansk was made. Owing to this event in the middle of the bridge the funnel because of which movement of buses and trucks on the bridge became impossible was formed. The bridge has an important strategic importance as it connects LNR and Ukraine, and through it forces of army of Novorossiya could go to approach.

In general, on this direction of prospects of advance are very complicated by existence of a water barrier in the form of the Seversky Donets and opponents so far only probe defense of each other. Thus at well planned collaboration of engineering troops and covering their artilleries, prospects of speeding up of the river and advance of VSN in the northern direction raise further repeatedly. Most likely, activization of artillery and engineering divisions of VSN will also be a condition of approach of VSN on this direction.

The separate attention wants to be paid to the Mariupol direction. For the last some days continuous artillery duels owing to what VSN forces gradually push aside the Ukrainian security officers in city building are carried out there. At withdrawal of division of VSU mined fields round Mariupol, carried out blasting the bridges conducting to the city and prepare for encounter attacks in the conditions of the city. Despite it, Novorossiya's army involved significant forces on the Mariupol direction and began approach with East and northeast side of the city.

So, around Talakovki local tank break of defense of VSU is carried out, and on Vinogradovki's suburbs assault divisions conduct battles. The situation if suburbs of Mariupol, such as Vinogradovka, Kalinovka, Talakovka, Sartana completely pass under control of a militia that will allow VSN to leave to the closest suburb of Mariupol — for the purpose of the subsequent environment of the city will be a signal of readiness for storm of Mariupol.

Development of a further situation in Mariupol, most likely, will go in a key of a total block of the city, without calling of forces of Novorossiya it. Calling the city promises difficult city fights which most likely will cause considerable losses both among security officers of both parties of the conflict, and among civilians. Most likely, it is necessary to expect that after an environment and blockade of the city, force of VSN will give the chance to divisions of VSU to leave the city. As, at such succession of events, VSU and the leadership of Ukraine will behave, we will be able already to see for the next week.

Mikhail Bolshakov — the military observer

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


As users of social networks, the Ukrainian politicians and mass media report, commenting on the latest news of ATO and referring to the intercepted data of reports of the Russian army, today near Lugansk still the part of the Russian army is destroyed. ©

E-e … As a cultural gleam. In Russian Federation army use a digital radio communication with local enciphering. It is possible to intercept, but to decipher - No. The code changes in 50 min., hour, hour twenty two — according to any unpredictable schedule. The Ukrainian military and rebels — use old analog to which it is possible to listen … And in the Russian army communication now such what was only on lines with ZAS earlier, any government revolving objects — it is possible to hear only a crash and such characteristic murmur.

When at the front before VSU there is the Russian army, it will be easy to be understood.

The first sign — refusal of all means of communication, a full discharge of accumulators in cars tanks and other equipment, at the same time a discharge of batteries in mobile phones, in sights, in radio stations. Then there is a rupture of electrochains in all equipment — any. It is EMI. All engines become deaf, to get there is no opportunity. So the Hingan system, with a radius of 20 km works.

— full refusal of all systems using liquid crystal monitors, failure of all the tseleukazuyushchikh of devices of the air defense system — a radar the dead cost the second. The Altair system works.

The third — refusals in attempt of use of any kinds of the operated weapon — from PZRK to PTURS. In attempt to use shells self-destruct at once … It is Mercury system — on the basis of MTLB, such antenna high. Now at Russians in each battalion is. Works on the radius of 15 kilometers.

The fourth — can't be used drony-bespilotnik. They or fall, with failure of a navigatsionka and the engine, or sit down in an arrangement of Russians. The Krasukha-4 system puts the onboard equipment of planes and any other aircraft out of action. The Motor depot system carries out interception of control of UAVs. Russians presented it to Iranians, and those stole the most confidential shock UAV of the USA "A Kandahar animal".

The fifth sign will manage to see and understand not only only everything. It is the phenomenal accuracy of art fire, distance, conducted with inaccessible to the Ukrainian artillery. Stations of art investigation and targeting of the Russian army work via satellites and the UAVs. Russians modernized shells, they at them now with system of homing, became longer and bear more Centuries.

Ukraine has no satellites. Only two communication satellites … From the American satellites expeditious correction of fire of an ukrartilleriya is impossible.

Tens (hundreds, if necessary) the latest fighting helicopters, having ridden out all roads, begin hunting in the back behind armored machinery units, trains, cars. Railway it is paralyzed, arrows are broken, bridges are blown up. In the back light dies away — substations are broken. Civil and military staffs in the back and certain heads are at a time liquidated by in advance introduced groups.

And here then … "Cotton wool" comes back to Earth. Стопицот airborne forces and GRU divisions.





I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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Novorossiya's army began tank approach near Mariupol. The People's Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Evgeny Deydey, the coordinator of the retaliatory battalion "Kiev-1" reported about it.

"After Zakharchenko's statement of the head of DNR for intention to take Mariupol in areas, adjacent to the city, rebels began approach with tanks. Now strongly rattles in Talakovke. We keep. I don't exclude that active attacks in other sectors of ATO — the distracting maneuver" — were written by E. Deydey.

Also the people's deputy reported that "now strongly rattles in Talakovke", the Navigator writes.

We will remind, today the head of the Donetsk National Republic declared: "We will drive chasteners to borders of DNR, talk on a truce won't be any more".

In too time the speaker of so-called "ATO" Andrey Lysenko self-confidently disproved information on the beginning of tank approach of DNR army on the suburb of Mariupol.

"Rebels conduct intensive attacks of positions of forces near vicinities of Mariupol, in particular, is fired from artillery and tanks" — Lysenko reported. At the same time, according to him, it is impossible to call these attacks the beginning of approach of army of Novorossiya.

Lysenko self-confidently declared that to come rebels "aren't able yet".

The military situation in Donetsk on heat of events remained on January 23 stable and disturbing. Within the city heavy fighting wasn't conducted, massive shellings from the Ukrainian chasteners wasn't made. Opposition points on approaches to the capital of Donbass remained former.

Near Avdeevkaya transient clashes with application of small arms proceeded. To the west from Donetsk, near Selidovo and Krasnoarmeysk, the Ukrainian army feverishly digs entrenchments and trenches, hastily builds new defensive boundaries, assuming approach of DNR army in this direction.

Understanding that, as well as the airport, Avdeevk should be handed over, fascists are afraid to get to an environment and in advance plan withdrawal for new positions.

Judging by the latest events, DNR army long won't delay this time Avdeevki's release as the main continuous fire across Donetsk sowing death and destructions exactly from there is conducted.

In the Kiev district of Donetsk around Putilovki work of enemy artillery was audible.

From Krasnogorovki on the southwest direction chasteners opened fire on positions of DNR army in senseless attempt of revenge for the lost airport at night, these attempts were stopped by suppression of weapon emplacements of the enemy and his posts.

Around mine of Abakumov the military police of DNR and group of fast reaction were engaged in search and neutralization of the Ukrainian saboteurs with cleaning forest plantations and country territories.

Two days running under serious attack of the Ukrainian gunners there was Dokuchayevsk. In Dokuchayevsk serious destructions of inhabited sector and communications are recorded, about ten wounded civilians came to hospitals.

Also the enemy conducted attack of Gorlovka from Mayorsk and received address counterbattery fire. Capture of N of the item. The red guerrilla means establishment of control of DNR over strategically important route Gorlovka-Donetsk.

The report on the rebel with a call sign "Fellow countryman"

Today very difficult and important day. Positions near Mariupol where tank and artillery firefights now don't stop are especially important.

Debaltsevo sections of the route - Artemovsk on which there can be VSU, are cruelly fired.

Upon VSU already in the Debaltsevsky copper. All attempts were unsuccessful to break. The only exit is blocked.
Now there are fights in vicinities of Svetlodarsk (Lozovoye).

The Gorlovsky garrison storms VSU positions on Uglegorsk a reservoir".

The column of armored machinery of VSU is destroyed


On materials mass media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


Losses of armed forces of Ukraine due to the lack of coordination in actions of the Ukrainian army reached 752 people. It was declared by the second-in-command of the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR Eduard Basurin.

"VSU continue active offensive actions on militia forces in the areas adjoining the airport, a cart Sand and the Mariupol direction. Rebels conduct maneuverable defense, successfully reflecting all attacks of the Ukrainian troops. These operations VSU due to the lack of coordination of divisions have chaotic character" — Basurin reported.
He added that today since the beginning of operation the Ukrainian army lost the killed 752 persons. Besides, 59 tanks, 51 BMP and the armored personnel carrier were destroyed. According to DNR, Kiev threw all available forces on storm of the airport.
Thus in a today armed forces of Ukraine put across the territory of DNR of 10 artillery attacks. Because of attacks Skochinsky's mine was disconnected, underground there were not less than 20 miners. Their number can reach 24 people.
Basurin promised that miners will be lifted on a surface even if the electric power won't be restored, reports Donetsk news agency.
Days before the second-in-command of the case of the Ministry of Defence of DNR I reported that the general losses of armed forces of Ukraine around the Donetsk airport make 597 people. Besides, 49 tanks were destroyed, 47 BMP, over 1500 people were wounded. For two days of fights around the Donetsk airport rebels took prisoner of 18 Ukrainian soldiers, including two officers. These data confirmed in Kiev.

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Poroshenko who ran away from Davos quickly held meeting with security officers where a certain plan of further steps for counteraction to terrorists was approved. As assure the informed sources, all this plan represents discussion of only two questions: where to run? how to take out stolen from Ukraine?

"According to information received by us from captured Ukrainian officers, the order "about storm of the airport at any cost" without reckoning with losses, it was given on January 21 by the secretary of SNBO Turchynov during meeting with an administrative board of retaliatory operation VSU" — he noted at an evening briefing in the press center is GIVEN today.

As a result, as marked out the second-in-command of the case, the number of the dead at the airport is estimated in hundreds. "Hundreds of bodies of fighters of VSU storming the airport are actually thrown by the Ukrainian command. Our attempts to take away these bodies to transfer to relatives for burial, are immediately stopped by the opponent's art fire. Thus from the Ukrainian party anybody doesn't even try to take away bodies of the dead. As a result many tens Ukrainian military remain missing persons for the family" — he noted.

According to Basurin, there is an impression that the Ukrainian command directly is interested in it not to bear responsibility for the dull actions leading to such large number of losses.


On materials mass media
I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


Being indignant concerning the new victims of attacks of Donetsk, the leader of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko declared that "will remove a front line" from the city and will come to border of the Dnepropetrovsk area. Also he promised to give the order not to take prisoners. From a militia it is about performance of tactical problems of defense which, however, can lead to crash of all front of the Ukrainian forces in the region.

No euphoria concerning "approach" of DNR/LNR armies can be. Now not August of last year when the situation developed promptly, the Ukrainian front then in fact was hacked, and divisions of rebels freely maneuvered across the open territory. Now it is about the solution of exclusively tactical tasks directed on the general improvement of a situation on all front. In fact – about defense.

Another thing is that the solution of these tasks is connected with occupation of settlements, including enough large, and with "loud" (from last year) names. But geographically, for example, creation of a buffer zone in front of Donetsk with the purpose to stop bombings of residential quarters really will lead to an exit to border of Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk areas.

It is logic of military operations, the course of events of war. So happens quite often: operation of purely military, tactical character can pull for itself far-reaching consequences in the field of policy or ideology. Kiev the first got to this trap, turned senseless deduction of the airport nearly into national idea.

Heavy losses which parts of VSU suffered in the last week on space between the settlement Sand and the airport, fell even not on contact fight. In advance it was clear that command of VSU and so not great mind of the man, and in a situation when it is adjusted by politicians from Kiev, will throw into fight new reinforcements on the only road from Karlovki.

The artillery of DNR simply covered the Ukrainian columns still before they managed to approach a front line. And even in spite of the fact that the part of reinforcements after all reached the settlement Sand, it was impossible to keep this area in the previous form already.

It is some prime tactical tasks at rebels. First, it is urgent need to remove the front from Donetsk to stop the terrorizing bombings of the city and vicinities. For this purpose the militia continues pressure upon the area Sand and Avdeevka where the Ukrainian army, in turn, continues to download reinforcements persistently.

Artillery positions of VSU near Avdeevkaya remain, and contact battles for the settlement accept more and more fierce character. Sand too not under complete control of DNR as the Ukrainian army continues counterattacks. Command was compelled to remove one crew from the Mariupol direction in favor of point Sand, as a ratio of forces still not in favor of rebels.

Moreover, there is a deficiency of experts of technical military professions, as in DNR, and LNR. For example, in Lugansk the militia has serious park of trophy tanks and BMP which simply stand in a reserve without crews. Of course, it is possible to tell that the battalions "Somalia" and "Sparta" at the moment the best infantry in the world, but in practice in a concrete situation they can solve only uzkotaktichesky problems.

And Karlovka who is carrying out a role of distant strengthening in front of Donetsk can become the following such task after establishment of complete control over the area Sand (the Ukrainian artillery is removed to the steppe for this settlement) (if to take a detached view Dnepropetrovsk). And it in fact is also an exit to border of Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk region, as well as establishment 40-kilometer "a sanitary cordon" that will stop attacks of the city from the northwest.

On the direction, western from Donetsk as it is paradoxical, serious Ukrainian barriers aren't present, and that is – so-called constant number posts – for rebels not a barrier. On this direction it isn't conducted even artillery duel, and representatives of VSU recognize that there (as well as on some other sectors of the front) the army took absolutely passive position long ago. It is a stalemate.

Parts of VSU can't, don't want and simply are rather afraid to attack, to them nobody sets a fighting task and they, by and large, and isn't able to undertake something independently. Rebels purely physically don't have forces to move ahead also in this direction.

However if parts of VSU start departing from the settlement Sand, the Ukrainian party simply should or remove voluntary posts (Lozovoye, Maryinka) and to leave these settlements without fight, or to throw the motor-shooting parts standing there from the Dnepropetrovsk area on slaughter. And it is unclear, what option will choose Kiev from ideological reasons as Lozova's leaving will also lead to an exit of rebels to border of Donetsk region.

One more task is an adjustment of direct interaction between parts of DNR and LNR. For this purpose the fourth day pressure upon Popasnuyu is put. At the moment that there is in a triangle Gorlovka – Debaltsevo – Popasnaya, – nearly a key element of battles of the last and forthcoming weeks. The Lugansk militia systematically squeezes out the Ukrainian parts from the strengthened posts in the Slavyanoserbsky area. The village Troitsk is already occupied, fights go for Crimean.

Having left the Area of Sokolniki (not Moscow, but local), rebels, thus, slowly move ahead on the northwest in the direction of Lysychansk. To it it is still quite far, but the general tendency is clear.

Fire of artillery is transferred to the steppe not to allow approach of the Ukrainian reinforcements than which objectively it is more, than rebels can increase on one sector of the front. VSU in reply bombs Gorlovka and makes attempts to attack this city from which already practically remained nothing.

The matter is that joint approach to Lysychansk and Popasnuyu even if such quite slow rates, can end with an environment of the region of Debaltsev with its large and well equipped (up to tanks) the Ukrainian garrison.

And it "the second Ilovaysk", repetition of August defeat which can end now for VSU absolutely tragically. There are no signs of that the Ukrainian command is going to evacuate "the Debaltsevsky ledge" that, however, in their spirit and is defined by reasons exclusively political.

Besides, nobody can estimate plainly, which reports come to Kiev about the course of fights. It is quite possible that the Ukrainian command treats situation in Debaltsevo's region in own favor as opportunity to use artillery in this zone remains and to fire at large settlements in the back of rebels, for example, Stakhanov.

And the militia slowly and thoughtfully, with fights passes the first line of the Ukrainian defense that creates in Kiev illusion of control over a situation. Actually the front on this site can collapse literally in some hours, once rebels promote on the Lisichansk direction still of kilometers on 10.

Third direction – Kramatorsk, Slavyansk. From the practical point of view return under control of these settlements guarantees stability of Donetsk. In particular, in Slavyansk still there are systems of supply of Donetsk with water. Now crisis with water supply of the city isn't present, but household life support systems function in emergency operation and constantly are exposed to threat.

On the other hand, return of control over Slavyansk – a task and extremely important in the psychological plan. It even is more important than occupation of Mariupol which is seemingly much more favorable with strategic and even the economic point of view.

However to speak about advance in the direction Konstantinovka – Kramatorsk – Slavyansk it will be possible not earlier than the Ukrainian front is hacked at Avdeevka. And it will automatically mean retreat to the north of large forces of VSU (if they in general remain), removal of a siege from Gorlovka and Debaltsevo's environment.

On the fourth direction – Mariupol – in the last couple of days generally artillery duels at slow approach of the front to the city are observed. The artillery works not only around Sartana and Granite as it was a week ago, but already and on the coast around grape gardens. The militia doesn't make attempts of frontal storm for quite explainable reasons, but gradual advance to border of the city is observed.

Most likely, command as DNR, and by LNR couldn't decide on the main direction of pressure upon the Ukrainian front and therefore kept excess forces under Mariupol. It caused a certain irritation (as well as inaction of part of rear garrisons), especially in Lugansk area.

In recent days rear garrisons are reallotted to the main command, with the assistance of military police here and there, but in general internal disagreements among rebels in the face of the general enemy aren't present more. Excess parts which were saved in the back of the Mariupol front to steppes, are translated under Avdeevka and Sand now.

In general for Kiev a situation on fronts the extremely menacing, teetering on the brink of new defeat. On the other hand, Ukraine possesses disproportionately big human reserves which remorselessly throws into fight directly from march. In areas of settlements Sand, Avdeevka, the Lisichansk automobile route of a reinforcement arrive regularly while rebels don't manage even to be fixed on the taken positions.

It is clear that Kiev engages to action already the reserves of the third echelon consisting from the mobilized and badly trained soldiers, but simply physically there is a lot of them. To the same Mariupol it is possible at desire to overtake for such number of troops that its storm will become senseless for a militia, whatever strategic problem he solved. Messages on removal of several divisions from the Recop in favor of Mariupol only confirm this version.

But even in the conditions of numerical and qualitative superiority of VSU we weren't able to carry out approach around the airport. Constant pressure upon Gorlovka – key point if to look at a situation eyes of the Ukrainian command – degenerated in already habitual shelling of the areas. And statement by command of a militia of tactical tasks runs on the viscous resistance of so-called number posts which Ukraine strengthened during "truce" without any prerequisites for possibility of active actions.

The aircraft is completely excluded from military operations (except crazy emergence in the sky at very big height of the remains of the Ukrainian bombers over the same Gorlovka). It quite strange looks for those who got used to consider modern wars through a prism of the American operations somewhere in Afghanistan. There are no cruise missiles, any precision weapons. Any orbital satellite group.

In such conditions serious superiority the rebels who saved up already wide experience of contact, near fight, trained in tactics both in city conditions, and in the steppe possess. On their party and huge psychological superiority which as prompts experience, in near fight becomes nearly a decisive factor.

Initially enormous overweight of the Ukrainian party in fire power about which spoke still a year ago, in the conditions of near fight loses the value. The artillery of VSU is almost entirely involved in the terrorizing attacks, and only in minority of cases – in duels with artillery of a militia. From here and a distortion towards use of battallion and company mortars at a small distance.

Both parties don't suffer from shortage of ammunition, however their expense and use depend on tactical training of gunners and tankmen. And here rebels, besides, seriously surpass the Ukrainian parts. But finally these advantages rest against quantitative superiority of VSU as in manpower for which nobody feels sorry, and in equipment.

The militia seeks to put not simply out of action tanks and armored machinery of the opponent, and to capture them, otherwise in a week - two all this iron repaired in Kharkov will return back on the front.

But this tactics works only at advance forward, and it isn't always possible. As a result on some sites (for example, northeast part of Lugansk area) the front actually stopped.

In the area Gorlovka – Popasnaya – Debaltsevo – Lisichanskaya Road battles are conducted in the district oversaturated by small villages (the characteristic name – Trekhizbenka, and I since the childhood remember the village of Pyatikhatka), by pits, beams, branch lines that automatically excludes maneuverability and compels a militia to slow advance with difficult contact fights.

Therefore to call all this some such "approach" it is impossible, DNR and LNR are simply compelled to solve tactical problems by method of expression of the opponent from positions which the Ukrainian army equipped in three months. Another thing is that parts of VSU are so overstrained on all front that it should break though somewhere from the directions described above as practically all system will fail. After that advance of rebels can gain maneuverable character until they don't carry out prime tactical tasks.

Thus, that can easily lead to an exit to border of the Dnepropetrovsk area and occupation of large settlements of strategic, political and ideological importance, simply follows from the course of events of war. And to stop this "the course of events" a simple hail and reasons of political character won't work well owing to rapidity of events. And psychologically for command of DNR and LNR it isn't too uncomfortable.

Source: "Look"

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


Urgent news! On January 24 at 12:00 on TV channel Tsargrad will begin a live broadcast of a press conference of Igor Strelkov heading the Movement "Novorossiya". It will be the first public statement of Igor Ivanovich in 2015. Also among participants - Evgeny Fyodorov, Konstantin Krylov, heads of representations of the Movement "Novorossiya", representatives of political parties, public and cultural figures. The air will be available on our channel in YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/tsargradtv

Anton Karamazov
Central news agency of Novorossiya

The American military decided to render signs of attention to fighters which carry out responsible, in their opinion, mission - turn own country into a ruina.

The military hospital in Kiev was visited by the commander-in-chief of land forces of the USA in Europa Bin Hodges.

The general accompanied by the Ukrainian suite made raid on chambers and expressed support to cyborgs.

Judging by the disappointed faces of the last, visit of the American curator didn't satisfy them. "Would bring artificial limbs better", - wounded didn't hide the disappointment.

"Month was in an uchebka then sent to ATO", - 24-year-old Ruslan Karnets who lost the left hand and a foot told the short military biography to the American. That with sympathy listened to the translator and paternally swung the head, and after short history solemnly handed it a metal badge of ground forces of the USA in Europe. "Promised us 100 thousand euros", - with hope Ruslan explained. But the American had other plans. "I you am proud and proud of your service", - the general solemnly declared and went further on chambers.

As showed "Gromadsk TV", the general with himself had a lot more such badges. Much more, than hands and feet at the Ukrainian guys.

On materials mass media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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The ordinary belief that as the ship you will call, so it and will float, not always works on the land, if the speech about something the Ukrainian production.

Ukraine called the soldiers "cyborgs", however, the loud alphabetic design was useless – only in three days they turned into a scrap metal heap.

Especially as Ukraine in the ill-fated Donetsk airport of not fired recruits of exclusively civilian professions – mechanics sent, electricians, drivers and builders - which before sending to the airport not that gunpowder didn't smell, but poorly imagined for what it exists. In any case, from ten "cyborgs" taken prisoner by a militia, only three, and that – with great reserve, know how quickly to sort, and then to assemble the machine gun.
It it is mentioned in the video record which was prepared by war correspondents of the Militia. On a question of the correspondent, whether they can quickly collect and disassemble the machine gun, no more than 2-3 people decided to raise a hand.

None of them before sending to the airport didn't take part in military operations, but in victorious and relational reports of the Ukrainian promotion these people crushed all elite of Armed forces and special forces of the Russian Federation long ago. Actually the effect of invincibility of "cyborgs" is at the same time simple and cynical: it only expeditious replenishment of pervaka positions instead of those whom it is accepted to call the "two-hundredth".
Their history is banal and traditional for the last days: command of deception directed the military operations doomed in epicenter, having carefully warned, what even "don't worry - it isn't necessary to shoot".

Now each of them appeals to mothers and wives with a request to affect "the so-called state of Ukraine" and to promote release from captivity, sentencing that "it not its war" and "he very much wants home".
Taken prisoner it was inexpressibly lucky, after all unlike hundreds of their colleagues decaying the "two-hundredth" under ruins of the airport, they will come back home. And even rather whole and safe. The destiny and the Militia spared them. But so will be not always. And therefore that "is not my war" to the Ukrainian citizens better to remember before cynical well-wishers put off them the machine gun.

On materials of Internet mass-media
I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

Invocations of the president Petro Poroshenko to the people consciously to approach mobilization on war with Donbass don't find an enthusiastic response in the hearts of his compatriots. The day before the Ukrainian journalists who are interested in the mobilization course hardly managed to find in the Odessa military registration and enlistment office of the one and only volunteer who decided to justify hope of the president.

Today news from the Zakarpatye area that 75% of the population which is subject to mobilization simply left out of area limits arrived.
About that swindle with recruitment of gun meat in Zakarpatye wasn't set, to the Ukrainian mass media the military commissioner of the Zakarpatye regional military commissariat colonel Ivan Vasiltsyun blabbed out.

"The biggest problem now is that about 75% of those who gets under an appeal, left out of area limits. Now we receive confirmation from militia, where exactly they are", - Vasiltsyun told.

Also in a military registration and enlistment office confirm that a large number of zakarpatets suddenly left on earnings to the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
"I ask those who has experience of service in special forces: come to military registration and enlistment offices! It you keep people who are inexperienced and never were in army", - Vasiltsyun addressed to the skilled contingent, thereby having confirmed that the mode sends to certain death of people who aren't ready to the front at all.

It is known that some from such as though derisively, nicknamed "cyborgs" and ordered to seize the Donetsk airport. The majority of these quasicyborgs never held earlier the machine gun and when to the Militia bothered to play at giveaway in hand, them perekroxxxx in dust in three days.

On materials mass media
I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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the battle for Mariupol


Capture of Mariupol, Kramatorsk or 15 thousand in "copper" at Debaltsevo. Where the militia laid up a wooden stake for the Ukrainian army?

The operational situation on Novorossiya's fronts was in recent days characterized by difficult fights almost all directions. Approach of a militia goes with great difficulty, and on separate sites of VSN are compelled to pass to defense. Military analysts fix approximate parity of forces at opponents, sufficient for effective defense, but obviously insufficient for large-scale approach, at least, proceeding from those forces which are now at the front. Undoubtedly both VSU and at rebels have reserves which aren't involved in military operations yet, but it is necessary only to guess their volume and quality. There is a peculiar game cat and mouse. The militia became more active at once on several directions, but effectively to work at once and everywhere it will hardly be able, the fist is necessary to strike in one, at most in two directions. VSU tries to define this direction, forces are most stretched also a task - to throw reserves in this direction, and there who whom will play. Possibly, because of it counterattacks of VSU have chaotic character, and transfer of reserves from the 2nd and 3rd line of defense is limited. Though according to the last messages of investigation of a militia from Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk the movement of troops towards DNR went, but what direction they will cover or where the Ukrainian fist it will be still not known. VSU waits for blow at least on three directions – Happiness - Stanitsa-Lugansky, Debaltsevo and Mariupol.

The push after which the domino effect at first will destroy shaky system of military management, and then and political has to become a turning point in civil war in Ukraine. In current opposition VSU have such Achilles' heel on each of the above-mentioned directions, peculiar red lines.

The most probable of them are:

1. Capture militia of Svetlodarsk. The capture of this settlement will mean emergence on a debaltsevsky ledge of full-fledged "copper" in which will appear to 15 thousand Ukrainian military, loss of several strengthened areas, destruction of a reserve of the 2nd line of defense of the directed VSU for the last days to this area and groups "Right sector" which not only cover Svetlodarsk, but in act as protecting groups. Crash of debaltsevky group will allow to carry out approach by already integrated forces of DNR and LNR. Though this option vozmozht only when approaching to rebels of a large reinforcement and stupid persistence of the Ukrainian fighters who won't recede along still available corridor.

2. Capture militia of Kramatorsk. Branch of larger reserves of the second line of defense to Svetlogorsk will weaken possibility of expeditious transfer of reserves to the line of Happiness and Stanitsa-Lugansky. If rebels are able to collect the available forces in a fist and displace defense of the opponent in this area, the front line will quickly be displaced to Artemovsk and Druzhkovke, and in the absence of serious ukreprayon, and to Kramatorsk. Practically it will mean an exit to positions of the beginning of active military operations of last year which symbol is Slavyansk. It will become not only in military, but also ideological blow from which Kiev will hardly be able will recover.

3. Capture militia of Mariupol. Many experts give preference to Mariupol direction, and on the first two there will be distracting blows which will connect the Ukrainian reserves. On total of a saturation artillery and armored machinery of part of VSU being in this area, and retaliatory battalions considerably concede to the first two directions. The militia has superiority here in artillery Debaltsevo doesn't have that and the Village, and approximate parity in armored machinery. Besides, the capture of Mariupol opens the road to Zaporozhye. However for full storm of Mariupol it is necessary to take under control settlements, adjacent to the city, and first of all important transport knot of Sartana. Now are conducted fight near settlements of Vinogradovk, Talakovk and Kalinovk. In confirmation of this version for the last days the situation near Mariupol began to be characterized by tank attacks around Talakovki. It is favorable to conduct bloody battles in the city only VSU as it will turn back severe losses for a militia and destruction of city infrastructure. The optimum option is a blocking of the city, granting a corridor for an exit of the surrounded parts. But for this purpose time is necessary and it is necessary to consider fanaticism of retaliatory battalions. Nevertheless, the exit of rebels to administrative border of Donetsk region can become a push to final decomposition of the Ukrainian army.

It is necessary to hope that at a militia forces are saved up for this purpose, and the policy with the next truce won't interfere with a situation, on prudence of the Kiev governors the hope isn't present.

Author: Aleks71

I prepared for the publication
Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


Mariupol. Attack by "Hail" removed the video recorder 24.01.2015

Video is made from the yard at the house No. 60 on Zhukov Ave.

On video attack of the residential district in Mariupol today, on January 24 is visible.

Shells get both to high-rise buildings, and to objects, close to them.

Central news agency of Novorossiya

The emergency inclusion from the front: counterattack of army of Novorossiya brought a set of victories for the last days: occupational troops are put into three coppers, there is an active approach to Mariupol. Some settlements in DNR are freed. It means inevitable defeat of VSU.

From Novorossiya's fronts urgent messages on a situation come at the front. The commander of division "Varangian" Alexander Matyushin informs on short circuit of "copper" in Debaltsevo. At the moment fighters of army of Novorossiya are at a zaverxxxxelny stage of blocking of Debaltsovsky "copper".

Around Avdeevki artillery duels still don't cease. Meanwhile it isn't known of concrete results of fights. Within the last days the division "Varangian" carried out fighting tasks near the settlement "Sand". In the evening of VSU started tightening of the last reserves of military equipment to this area. As the representative of a militia reported, in the Mariupol direction rebels turned into counterattack. Data on it were confirmed by the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko. Meanwhile, the war correspondent of "KP" Dmitry Steshin informs on the first results of approach of DNR army: fighters of a militia entered on the suburb of Mariupol.

"Rebels already in nine-storey buildings on the northeast suburb called under Mariupol. Returned from the first settlement freed during counterattack — the Red guerrilla. To Donetsk returned already direct road" — the war correspondent reported.

The militia closes a copper around Debaltsevo. The emergency inclusion from DNR, video:

The latest news from LNR. The fighter of a militia with a call sign "Horned owl" reports about a situation on Lugansk the front. Near the route "Bakhmutka" heavy fighting became more active again. Active military operations at the moment go under Crimean. LNR army attacks VSU positions in Nut Donetsk from Kryakovki. Retaliatory divisions conduct attack of settlements of Lobochevo and Yellow. In the operational report it is said that in the territory of LNR occupational troops cook in several coppers: one of them is at the height of 175,9 located in the Slavyanoserbsky area. Positions of junta are taken in an environment and are strongly fired from Hurricanes. One more "copper" with VSU is located on the 37th to a post. Rebels undertake measures for elimination of the surrounded enemy forces. The opponent from powerlessness and rage conducts ruthless attack of residential quarters of Pervomaisk and Stakhanov.

One more urgent message arrived from the Donetsk national republic. The fighter of DNR army from Enakiyevo (near Gorlovka) Evgeny reported about a capture of Mayorsk. Uglegorsk and Dzerzhinsk stand the following on turn, according to him. Also the rebel informs on heavy fighting in Nikishino located on the suburb of Debaltsevsky "copper".


On materials mass media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya


Moscow. January 24. INTERFAX.RU - the First fighting groups of rebels of the self-proclaimed Donetsk national republic came on the suburb of Mariupol.

"The first combat units with fights came on suburbs of Mariupol and were recorded on positions, approach proceeds", - declared to "Interfax" a source in the Ministry of Defence of DNR.

Earlier representatives of the Ukrainian regiment of special function "Azov" reported about new attacks of east suburbs of Mariupol from the Hail installations. "On east suburbs of Mariupol explosions are again audible", - the shelf "Azov" in a social network of "VKontakte" is reported on the page.

Meanwhile the head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko confirmed the beginning of approach of divisions of rebels to Mariupol on Saturday, and also declared plans to take strategically important settlement of Debaltsevo in a ring.

On Saturday morning the artillery attack was struck to east suburbs of Mariupol. According to the city authorities, the death toll across Moscow reached at 18:00 27 people, are wounded 97.

Armed forces of the Russian Federation in the Crimea are alarmed in connection with events in Mariupol


Due to the events in Mariupol the armed forces of Russia which are based in the Crimea are lifted. The prosecutor of the Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya reported about it in the Twitter. We will remind, since morning east part of Mariupol got under attack.

Official confirmation of this information isn't present so far.

On materials mass media

Vladimir Batkovich
Central news agency of Novorossiya

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