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US/NATO/EU and the desperate subversion of Ukraine

Steven Gaal

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During meeting in Slavyansk city council Oleg Zontov solemnly gave the icons presented by the "twin-city" of Korostenem appointed junta, to priors of dissenting churches of Slavyansk, so-called "The Kiev patriarchy".

The icons brought by the Ukrainian invaders were transferred to hands to the pseudo-father Savva and the pseudo-father Vladimir.

Accepting a gift, the father Savva noted that his church, just now receives due consideration.

Also he shared construction plans of the temple on Kommunarov Square (milk plant district) and renamings of this area.

"I hope that icons will be soon placed in the new temple of the Holy Trinity which will be built on Kommunarov Square. We will rename the area later.
In the Ukrainian city in HH_ century there can't be an area with such name.
For the temple, the truth it is necessary to vote still. The city council at the next session has to make the decision on transfer of the land plot of church" — he noted.

We will remind that the Ukrainian chasteners since spring of 2014 purposefully killed priests and destroyed Orthodox Churches of the Moscow Patriarchy.

The fascism came to the Russian land again, and together with it and new "priests".

More than 100 prominent descendants of white emigration in Western Europe and North America — representatives of ancient Russian princely childbirth and aristocratic families, so far signed the Parisian declaration "Solidarity with Russia" expressing a protest against russophobia in the western mass media and their politicians of misinformation concerning modern Ukrainian crisis.

The text of the declaration made at the end of November by the prince Dmitry Mikhaylovich Shakhovsky and his spouse, the princess Tamaroy Georgiyevnoy Shakhovskoy living in France is published on the site of initiative group "Russky Bridge". The list of signatures under the document as it is noted in a preamble, "is replenished every day with new names". Among the signed — not only descendants of emigrants, but also "other persons which had or not having communication with Russia".

As they say in the declaration, in the context of a sharpening of intensity both on Donbass, and in the international relations "the conclusion arises: the aggressive hostility which is developed nowadays against Russia is deprived of any rationality", and "the policy of double standards reads off scale". "Russia is accused of all crimes, without proofs it a priori appears guilty while to other countries amazing condescension is shown, in particular concerning observance of human rights" — it is noted in the document.

Authors of the declaration declare that can't "reconcile to the slander which is daily falling upon us to modern Russia, its management and her president whom subject to sanctions and defame contrary to elementary common sense". "This ridiculous invention, self-destructive for the European countries, sets thinking seriously all those who sees in it aspiration of the West, it is rather to prevent development of Russia, than to settle crisis in Ukraine" — it is told in the address.

Descendants of the Russian emigrants in particular expressed indignation of "shameful concealment by the European official instances and mass media of those cruel bombings which the Ukrainian army supported by military groups under nazi symbolics brings down in Donbass on civilians and objects of civil infrastructure". "Such concealment is perceived by the Kiev authorities as granting full authority for continuation of murders and destructions to them" — signers noted.

Besides, in the declaration the attention to the violence facts repaired concerning priests and believers of the Ukrainian orthodox church of the Moscow patriarchy is paid. "Priests are pursued, forced to flight and even killed, fifty temples from which 20 are destroyed completely are destroyed by bombing, believers are exposed to persecutions. Where here European values?" — authors of the declaration ask a question.

Shakhovskiye's princes and together with them assured other descendants of White Russians that "won't remain indifferent and silent witnesses in the face of the systematic destruction of the population of Donbass, scandalous russophobia and hypocritical approaches which are completely contradicting interests of Europe loved by us". "Very much we want to hope that the countries which sheltered in due time our families will follow a way of prudence and impartiality again" — it is told in the conclusion.

1419487220_1419441925_poroshenko10.jpgYes, the naive. Yes, didn't read the text of "agreement" of 99% and believed that they will be started up at once without visas in the EU for study with the subsequent employment in prestigious corporations. But thus all demanded to clean from the power of oligarchs, to stop manual control by Ukraine in interests of children of Yanukovych and his confidants.

Today, communicating with these children, I hear burning offense in their voices. At first they were forced out from a Maidan by the outcasts who came in large numbers generally from Galicia replaced an intellectual protest with the burning tires and the requirement to lift "Russians on knives". The vast majority from beginning a Maidan is sent away, damning banderovsky cattle, with which on one hectare a Maidan even... to stand nevmestno.

And after the armed revolution all oaths, promises and the purposes were thrown out in those trash cans in which the armed cattle pushes the officials who didn't manage to pay off.

For the first time for 23 years the oligarch and the rich person came to the power not simply. Forbes-Ukraine Poroshenko took away the sixth position in a rating of the Ukrainian money-bags, having estimated its assets at $1,3 billion. And meanwhile, the Constitution of Ukraine of discounts does to nobody. In the 103rd article accurately it is also clearly stated that the president can't be engaged in the paid or business activity.
But Junta and personally Poroshenko pretend that possession of chocolate factories, some automobile and bus plants (Lutsk automobile plant, Bogdan corporation), shipyard "Lenin кузня", TRT, your radio, the Pilot Ukraine, Radio Next, Radio Nicko FM, Radio 5, the Korrespondent magazine, the portals korrespondent.net, bigmir.net et cetera to business of the relation have no.

And it is only a small share of the empire of Poroshenko which he also isn't going to sell. And though on May 25 he officially won the first round of elections from 54,7% of voices, the hereditary disabled person from iodine deficiency Galicia trusts in it unless glukhosleponemy. Really, voters of the Left bank and the South were against this mode, and the Maidan crowd itself pushed together Poroshenko from the bulldozer. From where to undertake to such figure!?

The data given below became known thanks to information leakage from the Presidential Administration (PA). It is no secret that any power needs objective information, but not that cud with noodles which is chewed in mass media and hang out on ears of listeners. At the end of fall of AP the group of sociologists for whom set the task to learn real popularity of the president Poroshenko and the high-ranking officials was involved.
The group conducted informal survey in all territory of Ukraine, including also territories of DNR and LNR. Representative selection included also opinion of fighters at the front for the sake of what it was necessary to leave repeatedly in zone ATO. As expected, results were far from the official. But nobody expected, as far as.!

Popularity of the president Poroshenko made 4 percent, the prime minister Yatsenyuk - 11 percent, and it would seem the forgotten coward Yanukovych long ago - nearly 25 percent. The reasons of it are various. In the east of Poroshenko represents Nazism and war, in the Western Ukraine - treachery of the promised instant victorious war.

These data became the reason of today that Poroshenko very much tries to find any supporters anywhere. He perfectly understands that if tomorrow someone from his "colleagues" will decide to make revolution, the population will be delighted simply. Will make the whipping boy guilty of everything of it. While clans in Junta suffer - under Poroshenko the EU and the USA still give let not billions, but hundreds of millions. If money isn't, for Poroshenko's life anybody and broken hryvnia won't give.
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December 25, Donetsk Music and Drama Theater of Donetsk People's Republic of Alexander Zakharchenko made an official appeal to all residents. The speech of the DNR collected a full house, the event was attended by many officials of the republic.

In his official speech Alexander Zakharchenko remembered what events in Ukraine prompted the former inhabitants of Donetsk region to create the Donetsk People's Republic and to take up arms to defend it. Chapter DNR noted that the formation of the new state happened and is happening in the face of constant shelling of cities, economic and humanitarian blockade by the official Kiev.

Press center of the DNI
Central News Agency Novorossia

Chapter DNR told reporters on the nationalization of the republic of Ukrainian enterprises, as well as plans to create a single economic space between the DNI and the LC.

Nationalization in DNI

Enterprise in the territory of the People's Republic of Donetsk, which were owned by the state of Ukraine, already nationalized. The head of DNR Alexander Zakharchenko said in an interview Donetsk news agency.

According to him, "where state ownership was part of Ukraine, DNR will act as a business partner." Zakharchenko also noted that the nationalization of private assets should be treated "with great caution, carefully studying each individual case."

According to the head of DNR, the country's economy to remain in the zone of the hryvnia. "I am an adherent of us to be in the zone of influence of the hryvnia" - expressed his views Zakharchenko.

However, according to him, everything will depend on the steps of Kiev in the near future, and "a lot in this matter must decide talks in Minsk."

Nationalization in LC

In turn, the head of Igor LC Carpenter has declared September 30 that the country must pass nationalization, and all that should belong to the people, he will be returned.

"Today, someone somehow managed to get around people and make his own personal fortune. Nationalization should be. Electricity, water, gas, "- he said.

In this case, Carpenter emphasized that "approach to the issue of privatization should be very careful with the understanding lawfully."

"We also do not want to look like in the times of our history," steal the stolen ". There must be a clear understanding of what belongs to the people, will belong to him, "- concluded the head of the LC.

Common Economic Space

Alexander Zakharchenko said that the agreement on common economic space between the DNI and the LC can be developed after the New Year.

"Further more structured our relationship, I think it will be after the New Year, when the outer glow subsides," - he said.

According to him, it will be acts of friendship and cooperation, as well as the common economic space at the level of people's councils DNR and LC. Zakharchenko said that at the moment between the DNI and LC "action zone bestamozhennoy trade."

Head of the republic also noted that the DNI will build partnerships with its neighbors. He stressed that the establishment of political and economic ties with Kiev is largely dependent on the Ukrainian authorities.

Anton Karamazov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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MOSCOW, December 26 /TASS/. Russia’s Federal Bailiff Service (FBS) has found the money of Privatbank belonging to the Ukrainian oligarch and governor of Ukraine’s Dnipropetrovsk region, Ihor Kolomoyskyi, the FBS press service told TASS on Friday.

"The bailiffs found cash resources worth 191 million 840 thousand Ukrainian hryvnias or more than 665 million Russian rubles (about $13 million) in a period from November 24 to December 5. All the cash belonging to Privatbank has been arrested,” the Federal Bailiff Service said.

Russia has initiated criminal proceedings against Kolomoyskyi on charges of organization of murders; the use of banned means and methods of warfare; abductions and also for putting up obstacles to journalists’ work. He has been arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list.

LUHANSK, December 26. /TASS/. Railway workers of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) have finished the preparatory stage to resume railway service between Luhansk and Moscow, acting chief of the Luhansk Railways’ regional directorate Gennady Borodin said on Friday.

Railway lines, cars and locomotives have been repaired. Necessary documents are prepared for resuming the railway service, the news agency Luhansk Information Center said.

YASINOVATAYA, December 26. /TASS/. Kiev’s troops and militias of the self-proclaimed republics in Donbas have made the largest ever exchange of prisoners since the start of the armed conflict in the country's east in the format of “222 for 150,” a TASS correspondent reported from the site.

“There were no violations during the exchange and all services worked in coordination,” Darya Morozova, the human rights ombudswoman of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, told reporters.

The procedure ended at 08:20pm Moscow time.

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KIEV, December 27. /TASS/. At least 490 people are listed as prisoners of war in Donbass, the centre for POW release reporting to Ukraine’s Defence Ministry said on the Facebook social network on Saturday.

On Friday, 146 prisoners were set free, with “privates and officers of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the National Guard, Interior Ministry and volunteer battalions among them,” the centre said.

MOSCOW, December 27. /TASS/. The Donetsk People’s Republic sent addresses to the OSCE and the International Committee of the Red Cross to inspect facts of the abuse of prisoners in Ukraine, the Donetsk republic’s plenipotentiary envoy at the talks in Minsk said on Saturday.

“We see how washed out people look. Many of them have signs of tortures,” Denis Pushilin said commenting on the prisoner swap of December 26.

“We addressed the OSCE and the Red Cross to conduct a medical examination of people released from captivity,” he said.

“At the moment, according to our lists, 800 people are held captive in the territory of Ukraine. People are held in battalions’ units and in pre-trial detention centres. The work will be done with every person from the list,” Pushilin said.

The prisoner exchange between Kiev and the Donetsk republic was held in the town of Yasinovataya, north of Donetsk, on December 26.

MOSCOW, December 27. /TASS/. A convoy from Abkhazia delivered 500 tonnes of humanitarian cargoes to the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, the Donetsk news agency said on Saturday.

“Six trucks delivered 50 tonnes of humanitarian cargoes. Twenty-three tonnes out of them are Abkhazian mandarins,” the chairman of the Abkhazian parliament committee for defence and national security, Fazlibei Azizba said.

“Last time we were in Donetsk on November 27. We saw the difficult situation. While returning to Abkhazia I addressed my colleagues and the republic’s leadership to provide humanitarian aid to the DPR,” Azizba said.

Humanitarian cargoes have been collected within the shortest period of time - 20 days, he said, adding that Abkhazia would continue providing humanitarian aid to the Donetsk republic in 2015.

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A year ago, in the column "Happy New 1414 Year!", I am reminded that the last time the 14th year was peaceful in Russia for six centuries ago. Hopes that the "curse of the 14-year" does not work, do not come true - the war in Ukraine.

This is our war. Little Russia and New Russia is not just historical Russian land, this is Russia. Galicia, pushed out of the Russian world seven centuries ago, is a tiny part of the "Ukraine", and everything else - Russia, the former and future. We pay the bills, 1991 - mad, catastrophic. More precisely, even - we are forced, forced to pay for them.

But it's good, even great. Because if States have not tried in February to tear Ukraine away from Russia, it would not be the Crimea and the Russian spring, there would be no sanctions and global confrontation with the Anglo-Saxon globalizers.

Attempted kidnapping of Ukraine has left Russia choice - Putin has made that his place had to do any real Russian ruler, who turned in a situation where there is no place to retreat, "behind the Moscow".

He accepted the challenge - and thus Russia has chosen not to send peace, but a sword. Because delivery of Ukraine would mean betrayal, abandonment of Russian history and Russian future.

And until February, it was clear that the conflict with the United States is inevitable - after Putin's return to the Kremlin policy of containment of Russia stepped up sharply - but he could unwind gradually, slowly. Although Putin did not sit on the defensive - on the contrary, he put counterattacks from Snowden to Syria - will still go into a global counter-attack Russia did not plan.

The President was well aware that we need to first build a broad coalition to become stronger and more independent - but just as he was aware that the United States will only increase the pressure. The February revolution in Kiev blew the situation after it became clear that the United States goes to the attack on Russia in our land. Away from combat was no longer possible - and in Crimea Putin crossed the Rubicon.

Whether Putin was aware that the elites are weak, and the economy is dependent on the West? Of Course. But the enormous energy of Russian patriotism, released by Russian spring, can move mountains. This force, which greatly increases the possibility of Putin in the country.

In 2014, he almost never used it - because all the attention and efforts were concentrated on the external front, in the confrontation with the United States, on the tug Europe, China and, more importantly, on building new structures, post-American world order, from financial and geopolitical.

Missed at the end of the year amid falling oil prices blow to the national currency is not surprising - it would be strange if in the ongoing global war States did not use the main, financial, weapons.

Russia was unable to defend himself from it - because we have been inscribed in the global financial market as a field for the game of the Western speculative capital. Part of our nedonatsionalizirovannyh oligarchs also acts virtually as a fifth column, bringing capital abroad.

Of course, a pity that the government did not have time to spend deofshorizatsiyu economy and strengthen the national financial system before the start of the conflict - but now all this will be done at a fast pace and inevitable.

Exactly the same process will go with the "elite" - soft forms its nationalization input Putin in the past three years, removable hard, mobilization. The laws of war dictate the vital necessity of forming working, responsible and nationally-minded management class.

Putin is starting a revolution from above - building a range, forcing her at the same time and be closer to the people, and take responsibility for the decisions. There is simply no alternative - because attempts to arrange a social revolution in Russia, which will take national traitors, can be successful only if the new personnel policy will not lead to a significant improvement of the bureaucratic class.

And all its levels - from municipal, which is due to the accepted laws of this year is finally starting to fit into a single vertical of power to the federal.

Putin's call to ensure that everyone who is willing to take responsibility, has been involved in the implementation of development plans of countries and regions, applies not only to relations between the authorities and society - this requirement upgrade the Russian authorities. The level of people's trust in Putin allows him to carry out any reprisals against resist change part of the elite - and, moreover, strict measures will be welcomed by all.

But Putin does not want to break the working mechanism (although it functions and problems - but he created them from scratch after paralysis 90) - he wants to infuse new blood into it and treat those who are able to change.

It is not a question of the relationship Putin and elites - is a matter of creating a class of commanders, who will be able to lead the country to a breakthrough in the coming years, when in a tough geopolitical conflict will need to fundamentally improve the quality of public administration and eliminate the soil to fuel antivlastnogo sentiment.

Because at stake is not the fate of the elite - and the fate of the country. Battle for the future of Russia Putin took, took the people, and no doubt or hesitation "elite" can not prevent them from doing what is needed to strengthen and develop the country.

So if a coup in Ukraine was not - it had to be invented. Because "until the thunder breaks out," because "long harness" because "not eh Moscow for us." And when it was decided, that there is no power that could stop traffic.

2014 launched the Russian march. Do not stand in our way!

Peter Akopov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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DONETSK, December 28. /TASS/. Minister of Defence of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Vladimir Kononov will meet with representatives of Ukraine’s armed forces, the press centre of the DPR government said on Sunday.

“The sides will try to agree how to observe the Minsk agreements, to find points of contact and coordinate a common position,” the press service said, adding that the meeting would be held behind closed doors. After the meeting, the DPR minister, according to press service, will make an “important statement.”

MOSCOW, December 28. /TASS/. Moscow praises highly the participation of Ukrainian Choice public movement leader Viktor Medvedchuk in talks for a captive exchange between Ukrainian authorities and representatives of conflict-torn regions in southeast Ukraine.

“Moscow values highly the role which Medvedchuk played in attaining an accord on the recent captive swap,” Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told TASS.

“In fact, his constructive ties showed that these talks have no alternative to shape an atmosphere of trust and to achieve concrete results to settle the conflict in Ukraine,” he noted.

“This is Medvedchuk who succeeded to agree on a captive swap with representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics,” a Ukrainian Choice source said earlier on Sunday. “The contact which he established with representatives of the self-proclaimed republics played its role in this issue. Such a large exchange was finally attained,” the source said.

“Medvedchuk’s participation makes guarantees that our people will be freed much higher,” spokesman of Ukrainian Security Service Markiyan Lubkovsky said.

“Good working contacts with Medvedchuk made it possible to release 222 militias,” Donetsk republican Defence Minister Vladimir Kononov said.

On December 26, the 222-for-150 captive swap most massive for the whole period of conflict in southeast Ukraine was made between militias of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and Kiev law enforcers.

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Preface. Many wonder: Donbass rebelled, but what other Novorossiisk city? Why silent heroic Odessa, Zaporozhye glorious, giant national science and culture, the once fearless "the first capital" Kharkiv ?? On May terrible tragedy Odessa know, perhaps, everything. And in this material - a few more strokes to the creepy "portrait" of those who now calls himself a power-suffering outskirts ...

Just over a month ago in Kharkov SBU was killed Victor trestle. Afghan war veteran, a member of the protests in Kharkov in April-May 2014, the opponent of the current government in Kiev - the junta, was cynically SBU caught and killed.

He was tortured. Four days. All these four days, he was required reading for other people to kill them. But it is not broke. He did not give up favorite city, not leave it in the hands of the enemy, as did Yanukovych in February. He was face to face with the enemy until the end. And he won.

Yes, the SBU was able to kill him. But do not throw. In the words of Frederick the Great: "Russian enough to kill, it is necessary also to lay low." Victor could not knock him down.

He was found on one of the back streets of the district HTZ with broken ribs and fingers. Face - solid bruise. Skull cracked. He was all covered with blood. But he was still alive.

Passers-by who found Victor, immediately called an ambulance. He was taken unconscious to intensive care. But "free health care", which quite successfully operated in the Soviet Union, under the new "European", the government was powerless. There was no need to maintain drug plasma was not to save the dying Victor, there was no blood supplies the desired group.

But in this time zone ATO volunteers "Aydar" and "Azov" were warm socks and snaryadiki right caliber to kill more children and women.

Victor was in a coma and never regained consciousness, he died. More precisely, it held a war and survived, the former always sober mind, and killed those who, without regaining consciousness, accept the "Maidan" and continues to kill the country.

"Personally, we were not familiar. Saw him a couple of times at meetings of veterans. My fellow Afghans spoke well of him. Now men tear and toss "- told reporters at the" Kharkov "Special Forces veteran BB Kharkov Vladimir Kiyaschenko.

The murder of Victor was not just arrogant and cynical. The city has many of the arrested opposition, whose fate is largely unknown. Death of Victor SBU could easily hide. Any city crematorium in full their disposal. Why did they kill Victor Topchaeva so "pokazushno" deliberately in public? For all to see?

"The fact is that slowly but surely increasing number of resisters. In addition, the front rolled back to Kharkov. In Chuguev housed the National Guard and volunteers, the city gradually flooded with weapons. The case of Victor - a warning to those who are willing and able to take up the gun. That's why so brutally murdered, "- said Vladimir Kiyaschenko.

Kiev authorities nervous. She is afraid. The country has become effective "death squads". Everything is repeated.

Here need a little remark. Sixties. South America. By region, once aptly named writer O'Henry "edge of a banana republic," a wave of right-wing coups, inspired by the United States. Come to power endless "samosas" and "Pinochet." The population has traditionally leftist, socialist convictions, does not accept the new power.


He loved fishing, but not the war.

In response, the shopkeepers and small businessmen who are inclined to the right and racist ideas, organizing "death squads". "White Hand", "death squads", "Salvadoran anti-communist brigade", "Caribbean Legion", "Central American anti-communist front", "eye for an eye", "Purple Rose", "The new anti-communist organization", "Argentine anti-Communist Alliance" - they do not have the number. What can not officially make power, volunteers do. Nationalists. Volunteers. In disguise, with bats and chains in his hands. A little later, and with guns. The purpose - to intimidate. As in Odessa.

Familiar? And you, Brutus ...

But not all the rope twisted ... In Kharkov, thundering explosions. A militia troops at the border. The government can not stand the nerves. Death of Victor - proof.

"They are now offset by nervousness" volunteer "activities. Those who had raged in the square, now quiet and beg for a shop, collect food for the "warriors". Pravosekov and ultras mainly imported from the Dnieper. As for the missing, that is, those who may have been killed, I will not lie, I do not know. But in jail I have a friend, said that detainees antimaydanovtsev sits 81 people, almost no charge brought. Pressure on the guys hard, "- said Vladimir Kiyaschenko.

Victor killed revealing. It is to teach it. For all to see. I repeat: in Odessa, in an attempt to intimidate. Only in Odessa killed fifty people at once, and in Kharkov slowly and carefully for more than two hundred in six months.

"We are in a" White Paper ". All junta crimes committed. All. And nothing will be forgotten. And it does not list as Vasilyev in Russia, "from the bulldozer" - football and basketball teams. These are real people. Death of nearly two hundred, we can prove with documents in hand, the court ", - told reporters at the" Kharkov "Konstantin Dolgov.

Victor was killed exactly in the style of "death squads". Just Mirabel sisters were killed - three Dominican nuns on the orders of the dictator Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic for participation in the struggle of the revolutionary movement on 14 June. This exponential penalty "for disobedience." And while lawyers Savchenko rave ideas that Putin about shoot "aviatrix-naletchitsa" Savchenko on Red Square, Ukrainian fellow soldiers' soldier's wife Jane "has shot people in Ukraine.

"I knew him pretty close. Victor has always been a fundamental and direct man. Never hid his views. Always said, as he thought, "I gave one oath." This country, said I did not have to, and if I die, then for the country, for which he fought in Afghanistan. And so it happened. It was almost a personal conflict. He SBU beginning to "drip brains" back in May, when the protest movement in Kharkov was still strong and not hidden as they are now. Snachlala tried to appear "chums in the board." They said, well, we all understand, in some schools studied, just such a time, shut up, do not "shake the boat". Like, no one does not want war. And in Odessa was. Already there was a war. And then Donbass. And then they also openly demanded to close the mouth. Not only Victor. Many have left as Sobchenko, for example. And Victor remained. This said, my city. Horseradish them. Instead of Kharkov. And they "fished Zakusilo." Come on principle. And Victor not "- told reporters at the" Kharkov "Afghan veteran Sergei Kharkov.

In Ukraine, there is a war. And no matter how much call it anti-terrorist operation, the civil war will not cease to be it. West managed importantly, make Russian war with Russian. And believe it - the road to the "bright future". In a quiet, peaceful life, as in "pechenkopodobnyh" Switzerland or Denmark.

And to drive us there will be "death squads" ...

Oleg money.
Central News Agency Novorossia


Russia has officially responded to the statement by President Barack Obama on the possible supply of US weapons in Ukraine.

State Duma deputy, member of the Committee on Defense Franz Klintsevich in an interview with Interfax news agency said that in the near future at a meeting of the lower house of parliament will be proposed for military assistance militia Donbass.

The MP believes that the transfer of weapons involved in Afghanistan, for the destruction of the civilian population of New Russia - a crime that could further destabilize the situation in the world.

- Best of their capability as deputy last four convocations, will initiate a special appeal to the State Duma of the Russian president to make a decision on the delivery of Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republic of Russian military equipment.

As assured Klintsevich if America does not abandon its undertaking, members of the President of Russia will offer to make a step back.

- Protection of the civilian population of Russian-speaking Donbass - our primary objective.

Does this mean that Russia will still help Donbass militia protecting their wives and children, weapons? I want to believe it's true.

Recall that the issue of US arms was raised by the United States after the completion of the mission in Afghanistan. However, Kabul refuses to return to the US military technology.

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia


So, "the mountain gave birth to a mouse": December 26, 2014 the authorities "Nezalezhnosti is the independent" reported that they intend to grant amnesty to those Ukrainian citizens who participated in the armed conflict on the side of the DNI and the LC, but did not attack the military APU.

According to the speaker NSDC A. Lysenko, measures are needed that would "... these people take on our side and then verify, and enable them to ensure that they will not be punished ...".

To do this, the Ukrainian side makes the following conditions: 1. Lack of evidence-attack on the Ukrainian armed groups; 2. "Simple" patrol functions and protection of warehouses with ammunition; 3. Willingness to actively cooperate with law enforcement and intelligence agencies of Ukraine.

Minsk Minutes of September 5, 2014 includes the adoption of the amnesty law by the Ukrainian side. At the same time, September 16, 2014 is pleased to support amnesty parties to the conflict in the Donbas.

However, the question arises: what will it be for "forgiveness", which is limited to a narrow circle of people, in fact, was not even involved in any active confrontation?

In this regard, recall the bitter epigram in 1905: "The king was frightened, issued a manifesto dead - the freedom of living - under arrest!"

Constantine Bunakov
Central News Agency Novorossia

he final provisions of the new State Budget for 2015 suspended payments to participants ATO, as well as families who have lost a breadwinner in the terrorist operation of the Ukrainian Army in the Donbas. In addition, payments will no longer be the media who cover the situation with the right side of Kiev.

People's deputy Rada Sergey Mishchenko cynically said that Ukraine has no money, but to give up payments to the ATO is also impossible:
- I personally vote for the budget will not. As such, it can not be taken even in the first reading.

Of all people, as "participants Maidan" and especially "participants ATO" on their skin should feel the charm of the regime that they are now protected by killing those who disagree with him, "- said political analyst Alexei caustically Blyumin.

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia

It would seem that the events of the Great Patriotic War took place over 70 years ago. It was then that the members of the UPA actively destroying the civilian population of Ukraine, women were raped, mutilated and murdered children, destroyed the infrastructure of the USSR.

But today, nothing has changed. Only in the case come from the children and grandchildren of former Ukrainian fascists who do not hide their commitment to the precepts of their ancestors.

Residents of Mariupol already reported atrocities punitive. In particular, the Battalion "Azov" were accused of rape that take place every day. However, the law enforcement agencies of the city did not respond to the application of civilians.

Today we have yet another proof of the criminal activities of the Ukrainian army soldiers. One of the members of the local women's penitentiary said in an interview on "Kharkov" that housed in the Battalion raped young zechek. According to him, every night takes command of the battalion of the 107th Azov colony of 15-20 women under the age of 35 years. Women barely alive in the morning to go back.

Official visits are made as "the provision of services for sorting and packaging of various materials." For such services in the colony there is a special price. Thus, rape colony also earns money.

"It is possible to provide on a contractual basis of labor among the convicts that are contained in the area of ​​social rehabilitation for work at customer sites counterparty in the number up to 5 people. the daily return on the company, "- according to the website of the colony.

Zechek some who refused to go with the soldiers, killed, writing off all of escape. A prison officer also asked to write a letter to the OSCE mission in Ukraine and talk about things happening in his city mayhem.

True, some of the rapists were not chevrons - sleeves were wrapped in red tape. Note that red tape labeled his "pravoseki", which in May burned House of Trade Unions in Odessa.

"Our girls are raped fighters destroyer battalions, but now is not the German and Ukrainian. In one case, brought to our hospital four young women were raped. And not just warriors mocked at them, and poured the anus of construction foam. When they were brought, all the staff were shocked. Doctors have good, so save the life of these women, "- said the nurse from Mariupol who asked not to be named for security reasons.

As for the National Guard soldiers, they are, according to local residents, mostly robbed.

In neangazhirovannost Ukrainian military and law enforcement officials believe less and less.

Where to watch Europe - is unknown.

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Revision of the Kharkiv regional newspaper "Capital of the Future" is concerned the disappearance of its journalist Andrew Dementieva. Andrew is known to the public as a fundamental Kharkov journalist streamer, objective coverage of crime junta seized power by Maidan and unleash a fratricidal war.

The last time Andrei Dementyev get in touch with the editors and prepared materials at the end of November 2014. Later in his name began to appear on the e-mails that allegedly he is broken phone, but his phone calls to come (go beeps), and no one picks up the phone. We suspect that Andrew was kidnapped, and his phone (it stores the password of the mail) are to send on behalf of e-mails that allegedly with him all right.

Please anyone who knows the whereabouts of Andrew Dementieva, contact the editors.

Jaroslav Karachevtsev,
Central News Agency Novorossia

Igor Plotnisky (center) with self-defense militias© Stanislav Krasilnikov/TASS

LUHANSK, December 29. /TASS/. The self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic is nationalizing enterprises which are main employers in cities in order to support required infrastructure, republican Luhansk leader Igor Plotnitsky told a final news conference on Monday.

Meanwhile, he noted that republican leadership would also take deserted enterprises under control. “There are some facilities which are significant for republican activities and they should not be idle. If the owners abandoned an enterprise and ran away, we will take it under our control and will put it into operation,” Plotnitsky said.

The leader of the self-proclaimed republic focuses on plants, factories and mines which are the main employing enterprises in biggest cities.

A new economic model will be built in the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic, Plotnitsky said.

Plotnitsky also said all payments will be made in hryvnia (the Ukrainian national currency) over the next couple of months.

However, he said, "the Ukrainian authorities’ efforts aimed at ruining their economy" can make the republic create a bi-currency zone.

Earlier, he said the republic would transfer to the Russian ruble payment system in the long term.

Late in the evening of December 28 Ukrainian invaders began massive shelling of cities and towns of Donbass. Under fire Donetsk, Gorlovka, half Telmanovskiy district., Dokuchaevsk.

Army Novorossia alerted and is preparing to repel the attacks.

Advanced unit DNR withstand the onslaught of the enemy, is fighting in the northern sector of Donetsk - mine Butovka.

Details boestolkonoveny and artdueley specified.

Posted by militia Gorlovki:

"It is reported from Gorlovki that about 22:30 (by MSK) began bombing. The shells are falling on areas of mines №6, 7, deep, wide beam, mercury, and Kurganka Besarabka. In the second half of the day in Donetsk tense, occasionally heard a volley of heavy weapons around the city.

As a result of the resumption of hostilities, in a house on the street. Luzin 1 in the Kuibyshev region hit by a shell. Destruction are from 5 to 3 floor of the house. No one was injured, emergency workers went to the scene. In the settlement Sands continues shooting battle near the mine Butovka (Donetsk) heard the guns and the dull explosions. According to the radio interception tomorrow morning (29.12.) Is expected artudar from 03:00 to 04:00 and Petrovsky Lugansk, Donetsk, Kiev district. Information is checked. "

According to intelligence militia continues intensive doobespechenie punitive groups in the occupied territories of New Russia.

In the area of ​​Slavyansk (86 km northwest of Donetsk) concentrates a large amount of military equipment, ammunition and food supplies. Over the past day in the area arrived at least 20 units of automotive vehicles with material and technical resources.

In Stanichno-Lugano (12 km north-east of Lugansk) to strengthen the National Guard units arrived battery self-propelled guns.

In the occupied part of the punitive Luhansk region has been a sharp tightening of access control.

Just Vladimir
Central News Agency Novorossia
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DONETSK, December 29. /TASS/. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s statement about Ukraine’s readiness to buy coal from eastern Ukrainian Donbas territories beyond its control is the first step towards economic cooperation between Kiev and Donetsk, speaker of the People’s Council of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) Andrei Purgin said on Monday.

“So far, it is too early to speak about trade in coal between Kiev and Donetsk. There are a lot of issues to be settled. We have always said we are ready to sit down at a negotiating table with Kiev on economic matters. Warfare, politics and market are different things. We are ready to look at economic cooperation with Kiev. Today’s statement by Poroshenko is the first step towards economic cooperation between Kiev and Donetsk,” he told the Donetsk news agency.


Today, there is information about the results of the visit of Foreign Minister Alexander Kofman DNI in Tskhinvali (Republic of South Ossetia) December 27, 2014.

During the talks with President of South Ossetia Leonid Tibilov the parties agreed to establish diplomatic relations. Plan to sign a contract in early 2015.

- The people of Donbass immensely grateful for the recognition and never forget that it was the first to recognize South Ossetia DNR - said Coffman. - Today we are ready to develop bilateral relations. A major operation on the preparation of a cooperation agreement Donetsk People's Republic and South Ossetia, both economic and political.

Thus, the Republic of South Ossetia became the first country to officially recognize Donetsk People's Republic. Further - more ?!

A mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries is always good.

Sergey Sanginov
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Someone, likely some yankwank, has been hacking the site of the Republics of Lugansk and Donetsk the last couple of days. Whoever will probably get bored and move on to be a nuisance elsewhere. Naturally the latest will available still be posted regularly here. Peace.

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As resistance grows, Ukraine puts anti-fascists on trial

By Greg Butterfield on December 28, 2014

Anti-fascists held in cages at Odessa court.

Photo: timer.od.ua

A frame-up trial of 20 anti-fascist activists began on Nov. 27 in the Primorsky court in Odessa, Ukraine. The defendants are among 70 people jailed or held under house arrest since the May 2 massacre at the House of Trade Unions.

Armed fascist goons from western Ukraine were bused into the southeastern city in April and May to suppress the protest movement against the U.S.-backed government in Kiev, which took power in an illegal coup last February.

Unleashed on the multinational port city, the ultra-right attacked and burned an Occupy Wall Street-style encampment on Kulikovo Field. Anti-fascists fled to the nearby House of Trade Unions. The neo-Nazis shot at, gassed and finally burned those inside. Survivors who jumped from the blazing building were beaten, some to death.

Officially, 48 people were killed in the massacre, though activists believe the true number is far higher.

None of the neo-Nazis who carried out the massacre have been jailed, much less put on trial — despite the existence of extensive video footage and photographs of the massacre, some of it proudly posted online by the fascists themselves. An official parliamentary inquiry into the tragedy led to stonewalling by police and the Interior Ministry.

The preliminary hearing of the anti-fascists in the Primorsky court was a farce, as reported by independent news site Timer. The 20 defendants were caged. Many of their attorneys were absent. Just 10 minutes before the hearing was scheduled to started, the prosecutor requested a 60-day extension of the prisoners’ detention. The request was granted.

The hearing started late. After a brief appearance, the judge hid in his chambers. Eventually the hearing was declared over, to be resumed Dec. 3, but the defendants refused to come out of the cage and leave the courtroom. They chanted, “Freedom to political prisoners!” and “No to the bloody regime!” (Timer.od.ua, Nov. 27)

Family members and supporters in the courtroom shouted, “Shame on the Primorsky court!” as police forced them out. Outside, right-wingers attacked two defendants.

After that debacle, the Primorsky court refused to hear the case further, referring it to the Odessa Regional Court of Appeals, which promptly sent the case back. As of Dec. 12, Primorsky was still refusing the case.

Albu: ‘Prisoners must feel our support’

Workers World spoke about the trial and the situation in Odessa with Odessa Regional Council Deputy Alexei Albu, a leader of the anti-fascist movement and survivor of the May 2 massacre. A coordinator of the Marxist organization Union Borotba (Struggle), he was forced to leave the city in May under threat of arrest. Albu currently lives in exile in Crimea, where he co-founded the Committee for the Liberation of Odessa and the investigative website 2May.org.

“Among the 70 opposition members arrested by the government are people of different political views, and even some bystanders, who are accused of various crimes,” Albu explained.

“The charges include terrorism, attempting to change the borders of Ukraine and support for the People’s Republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. Some are accused of plotting a coup — even though those in power now got there through a coup!

“All the political prisoners are united in hatred of the neo-fascist regime,” he said. “They include anti-capitalists like Vladislav Wojciechowski and Nikolai Popov.”

“The authorities can’t prove the guilt of the defendants,” stated Albu, noting that some gave confessions under torture. “The judges themselves realize these people aren’t guilty, but they are under intense pressure from the executive branch to condemn the anti-fascists in Odessa. The judges understand that they have to live in Odessa and look people in the eye, which is why they are refusing to deal with the criminal cases.”

Albu said the Committee for the Liberation of Odessa is urging people to come out and support the political prisoners at future court dates: “We have to be in the court because the political prisoners must feel our support. They must feel that they are not alone. They need to understand that everything they did was not in vain.”

Protests grow bolder

After seven months of occupation by neo-Nazi gangs and intense repression, Odessa workers and anti-fascist activists are growing bolder in their resistance.

Kiev and the local rulers are doing everything they can to suppress protests, Albu told WW, explaining that “coming to the courthouse, relatives and supporters are arrested or attacked by organized ultra-nationalists.”

Yet activists and victims’ family members continue to gather every Sunday on the Kulikovo Field to mourn those who died on May 2, despite facing frequent harassment from police and violence from junta supporters.

A man was arrested at the Dec. 7 commemoration, after putting on a St. George’s ribbon, the orange-and-black striped symbol of the anti-fascist movement and the Soviet victory over Nazism in World War II. Police dragged him off in front of his crying 8-year-old son and detained him for several hours. (Borotba.su)

On Dec. 10, an explosion ripped through a so-called volunteer center — actually a fascist organizing headquarters that gathers supplies for the Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO), the regime’s brutal war against the independent People’s Republics of the Donbass mining region. (Molbuk.ua)

More than 600 workers walked off the job Dec.14 in a bold anti-war action at the Odessa Portside Plant, one of Ukraine’s largest chemical facilities. The workers demanded an end to the economic blockade against the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics.

Because of the war in Donbass, the plant has lost business, and is now operating at 30 percent of capacity. Workers held signs and banners reading, “No economic blockade” and “Make peace so we can work.” They also demanded the rehiring of laid-off workers. (Tribuna.ru, Dec. 15)

The combination of the civil war unleashed by Kiev, austerity measures demanded by the U.S. and European Union, and the global crisis of capitalism has pushed Ukraine to the brink of bankruptcy.

Like many areas of the country, Odessa suffers from rolling power outages, utility and rent hikes, and cuts in social services. On Dec. 13, the government predicted consumer gas prices would jump three to five times higher this winter.

In response, Kulikovo activists are planning to protest at the Odessa Regional State Administration building on Dec.19. Under the slogan “We want to live, not just exist,” they are calling on local residents to join them. (Timer.od.ua, Dec. 15)

“Today everyone understands that the regime in Ukraine will not last long,” said Albu. “The junta will fall, and everyone who helped the ATO, who attacked our loved ones, who threw our friends into prison, who made them starve, will have to answer for it.

“It’s this awareness of imminent retribution that hardens the fascist attack dogs. But the pendulum of history has already started moving back and there’s no getting around it,” Albu concluded.

Also see:

  1. Anti-fascists massacred in Odessa to be remembered, honored
  2. Anti-fascists organize resistance as crisis grips Ukraine coup regime
  3. Pro-West gangs attack Ukraine anti-fascists
  4. Moscow rally supports Ukraine anti-fascists

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Edited by John Dolva
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What is a "dead end"? Oil and the ruble fell, pro-American Native Administration controls almost all of Ukraine - "Nerossiyu" inhabited by millions of Russian. At the time the West praises Barack Obamovichu sing. And he may have quite seriously considers himself the winner in the geopolitical battle with "Putlerom" thinks his sanctions and threats make "Russian bear" nibble out of fear their claws, fangs break off and cowardly puffing out of the den, watching someone else's grizzly drags himself to the barrels with honey and fruit baskets, instead of leaving the inhabitants of the Russian forest fewer colored wrappers.

It is amazing how stupid the West in their self-confidence, far from the slightest understanding of Russia's peoples inhabiting it, and their leader. Although in recent years the rate on a pro-Western "swamp" opposition shoblu Khodorkovsky - Nemtsov - Rabinovich (Russians, unlike the Ukrainians do not occur twice on the same rake, remembering what has become of their country "democrats" of the nineties) was replaced attempt to organize "patriotic Maidan" under the pretext of "New Russia drain."

I will not argue with any such "democrats" or similar "patriots." For me it is determined a few personal memories. Many of us have similar, each - their own, but the essence is the same.

The end of the eighties

Still alive, many veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Talk to one of them, having passed through the war. In the early years of the five times out with the fighting troops as part of the environment (twice commanding Rushes parts instead killed senior commanders), the war ended in Berlin. What I then teenager was most struck in the story of a veteran - not blind faith and firm belief in our victory even in the most difficult days of defeat and retreats.

When I asked where such confidence, he was surprised and said the words that I have a quarter of a century, I remember almost verbatim: "And how can you not believe? Because otherwise everything was in vain: all our history, all of life of all generations of our ancestors - Murom, Nevsky, Khmelnitsky, Suvorov, Kutuzov, Nakhimov ... How could betray everything and everyone? That Stalin understood, whose feat inspires people, orders the appropriate established. A terrifying enemies and traitors in the war - alarmist. They, like leprosy, may even good soldiers temporarily infect animals horror. After all, such as you baked allegedly want to save your life, urging surrender or flee, but life does not save up and die a traitor. Why then live? Neither you nor your children, nor your homeland do not need that kind of life. "

The beginning of the nineties

A newly born state of Ukraine. Without the War of Independence, reluctantly people voted in March for the preservation of the USSR (in August to raise the question of withdrawal from the Soviet Union feared). All citizens of the USSR decided not to, and not even yesterday's communist "bumps" in Moscow, and their new masters - in Washington.

Whatever it was, on the part of the ruined a great country instead of red fluttering blue-yellow flag. My friend, who was interested in spirituality and other mystical knowledge, admires the new flag: "It does not have red, the color of blood! Ukraine has a great, but a peaceful future: we have the most developed industry, agriculture and infrastructure former Soviet Union, there is no reason for conflict - almost all want to live in Europe, and geographically (and hence mentally) we closer to her, than Russia. In Russia, for the successful development of peaceful borders are too long, too much territory, too heterogeneous, and too much drinking population. And most importantly - red, bloody color on the flag. We also - lucky. "

Mid-August 2014

Junta troops still closely linked armored wedges around liberated towns and villages of New Russia, residential neighborhoods are exposed daily barbaric attacks from rocket launchers, heavy guns, missiles "Tochka-U". "The road of life" between Donetsk and Lugansk everything thinner sweep often not only artillery, small arms and punitive ...

Is panic reigns in the militia? What is there! Unshakable confidence in victory! Looking at them, I remember my veteran of the 80s and see absolutely no difference! Those open, clear, yes, even good-natured looks real warriors, the same confidence in the rightness of their cause, the same people winning! People of different nationalities, from different countries, but volunteers are united by one, the anti-fascist idea. These are the same defenders, as well as seven decades ago, the Russian world from the fascist aggression! "The power of money can not buy - in truth force."

What punishers? Western mercenaries paid pro-war is not won. And the graves of their relatives began to come more often remittances. APU for the most part - to mobilize the masses, not quite sure where it is or with anyone, nor for what fights. Two-thirds of the so-called "volunteer battalions" - the poor, ready for 6-7 thousand. UAH. per month (then it was about US $ 500) to risk their lives. The remaining third "Turbat" - frank Nazis with appropriate ideology and attributes of action. But to be a "primer" on "Maydan" and fight against the armed resistance - two big differences.

Because neither then nor now there was no doubt in our victory.

December 2014

Life brings with a friend - amateur esotericism. I asked him - how peaceful Ukrainian flag colors? Why ceased to act? Answer intrigued: "'23 flag acted. But it was replaced by the Bandera Evromaydane black and red. Because peace Ukraine ended her death symbolizes the blood-color Bandera funeral. "

I am not a supporter of mystical knowledge. For me, another symbolic. All recognized that Euromaidan - another "color" revolution, organized by the United States. Washington does not hide this - even boasted that victory of "democracy" in Ukraine has spent 5 billion. That is now interference in the affairs of other countries - not an international crime, and merit. And what is this "democracy" if Yanukovych it on all the talk show could sling mud (albeit often deserved), but now all the media controlled by a totalitarian (ie Nazi) regime, all the real opposition are persecuted and destroyed? Fig-leaf residues of Regions in the Verkhovna Rada cover dictatorial junta are not able to.

The junta can not even answer that in Russia, too, pursue dissent: all sorts of "Rain", "Ehi Moscow" and other mouthpieces "fifth column" operating even during the ongoing West anti-Russian hybrid war. The fact that the ratings of the "opposition" miserable, - Putin's fault? Or is it the rule of "twice on the same rake not attack" (see above) work?

So in fact not paid for the defense of democracy in Ukraine, America, and the establishment of a fascist dictatorship (+ return Crimea Russia). And the name of this revolution "Ukrainian national revolution dignity" clear stretch - entirely at the mercy of the Jews. But the name "Jewish national revolution in Ukraine" just does not explain. Just another "color revolution" - it's time yet to decide on the color. The driving force behind the coup States chose trained them Bandera, "pravosekov" and other Natsik with relevant attributes, character and course of action. Flag Bandera, often yellow-blue flickering on the Maidan - black and red. Mixing these colors gives chestnut shade of brown. Here is the "puzzle" and became friends! Color feces color fascists! Bravo to the world "defenders of democracy"!

Did the Jews by the Nazis may be prevailing in the Ukraine, and their "black gentleman" - an African American Obama (not really black, that is a descendant of slaves brought from Africa, and the son of a Jewish-stripper and threw her to the child Kenyan student)? Can, and how! In fact fascism - it's not just German Nazism. The fact that the Jewish fascism (Zionism) allegedly not - ask the millions killed and expelled Palestinians from their homeland. Dregs of any nation (German, Russian, Jewish, Ukrainian) are fascists. These are the ones for whom their own nation, their own country, "above all" ("Hubert alles", "Hope truncated"), and the rest - second-class citizens, "not the Aryans", "Goyim", "subhuman", "no title" ...

Last "color revolution", organized by Washington - frankly fascist, "brown" dictatorship in Ukraine, "Brown Square". Masks finally dropped - even during the UN vote, only three countries did not support the anti-Nazi resolution: world hegemony and its most dependent colonies Ukraine to Canada.

Best as representatives of all nationalities - Russian, Ukrainians, Jews, Caucasians - in the ranks of the Resistance! "Democratizers" do not hide the fact that they have at the forefront of the Nazi militants with swastikas. You are either with the Nazis or against them! You can not be "half pregnant." Once you priemlesh death "hundreds of Heaven" and "Boeing", "Odessa Khatyn" and the Nazi policy of "scorched earth" in the Donbas, Kyiv arranged junta (the proof is obvious and no one seriously challenged not), then you are on the side of the Nazis, and your fate will be similar to their fate during the Second World War. That's why our business right now! Victory will be ours!

Well, fascism, as well as 70 years ago, will find his grave on Russian soil! As Hitler's fatal mistake was the attack on the Soviet Union, and a fatal mistake Obama was "Brown Square" - the fascist coup in the center of Europe, the next stage of the plan "Barbarossa" plan for the destruction of Russia. If Hitler had plans for world domination justified the "superior race" Obama justifies their "defense of democracy". By the way, the real democracy in destroyed, broken, bleeding Libya, Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, close does not smell. After a clumsy staging "09.11.2011" "does not smell" democracy and in the police force itself in the world - the US, tracking not only for its citizens, but also for the whole world, without charge or trial in pursuit of all unwanted, throwing them in secret prisons or just destroying.

Brown "revolution" with the establishment of the fascist dictatorship - a litmus test of civilization, moral, and whatever other deadlock Fashingtona, capital city of the world's policeman, the eve of his upcoming collapse.

Constantine Odessa,
Central News Agency Novorossia


Bright New Year's celebration for all the children of the village of Peter staged students of the Institute of Culture and Arts and the Faculty of Philology University of Luhansk.

A trip with the support of the Trade Union organizations faculty and staff LNU held on 27 December. This is not the first trip to the children - before the university activists gathered for this village humanitarian aid.

- Recently we have with students collected humanitarian aid for this municipality - said Dean of the Faculty of Philology Jeanne Marfina. - In the process of delivering products and toys found out that they have no people and no base to give the children a holiday. And we responded to their request to show New Year's performance. Students themselves have assembled a team of actors, wrote the script, made costumes. We are very pleased that we learn such sympathetic guys who dropped everything to make the kids just a little happier.

Representation in the assembly hall of Peter's school number 1 was very dynamic. Children were involved in a plot a Christmas tale, danced, solved riddles, sang songs and recited poems to Santa Claus.

- I believe that such activities, and especially in the remote areas of our Republic, are important - shared the role of the Snow Maiden singer Anastasia Valdamirova. - Children who have experienced these terrible times attacks last summer, now in need of positive emotions like no other. The boys from the University gladly responded to the invitation to please the kids so that we can organize yourself. Do good, and it certainly will come back to you.

Besides matinee guys were also made to the children of employees and professors University of Luhansk on 28 December.

Press Center of the University,
Central News Agency Novorossia

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Tough year and was terrible year for the birth of Christ, 2013. But in 2014 became even worse

Twelve months ago, Ukraine was like Vesuvius, izvergnuvshy first massive explosion, removable temporary lull before another, even more terrible eruption.

After a while Maidana first blood was shed, then it human blood, no longer considered sacred and inviolable life. Since then, Ukraine kill all the time and regularly. People were divided into Maidan-antimaydan, Vatnikov and dill.

Ukraine, a country that has kept himself a quarter-century after the Soviet Union without war, finally threw off the entire raid of Soviet civilization. And people began to animals. The murders were the daily work for many.

To this day, Ukrainian land immersed in chaos and bloodshed. Lost the Crimea, the Donbass uprising began - "Russian Spring". Donetsk took up arms. Donetsk tired of their choice for the second time has been subjected to abuse and desecration. Donetsk - serious people, so cheap to arrange a show for the cameras did not. Donetsk armed only instrument of justice and retribution. Automatically brilliant Soviet engineer Kalashnikov.

Criminal fascist junta in fury and blindness had not even thought about what to see and talk with disaffected rebels. Ukrainians chauvinists who always carries around with their complexes eternal victims of colonialism, immediately, having acquired power, turned themselves into the most bloodthirsty imperialists and colonialists. Ban of cad very bad. Hence, the victory Maidan turned into a brutal dictatorship to suppress any form of dissent. Thousands of people were thrown into prison and millions of Dissent junta ordered not to see.

To intimidate the rebels and prevent new uprising, the fascist bastards decided to make a campaign of intimidation. As their ideological predecessors of SS. Was committed ritual sacrifice by burning. Hatyn XXI century. It was in Odessa, in the House of Trade Unions, May 2, 2014. Fifty freedom-loving hearts lifted up in that day to the Lord straight to heaven with the smoke and flames. And raged around Nazi stormtroopers. Then, on May 9 Victory Day, the Nazi battalion broke into the Azov Mariupol, to stage a pogrom. Shot in the streets, on unarmed citizens.

The rebels proclaimed the New Russia, hitherto unprecedented state, and gave rise to unheard of two abbreviations: DNI and LC. Miners and workers, the unemployed and the bandits, pensioners and teachers, businessmen and state employees were removed from their usual life and placed directly in the icon and legends. And I will remember the Face of the young scout our militia, Alexander Lubentsov killed by Slavonic, April 24, 2014. Eternal memory to the latter-day Barra! His death was not in vain. Arrogant Nazis were defeated soundly in August. Tens of thousands of lives of citizens of Ukraine junta paid for his shame. Ukraine defeated and retreated temporarily. But the authorities in Kiev remained the same. Her customers have kept Maidan, which no longer hide their faces.

The result of this terrible year, very sad. Ukraine, for the first time starting a war on its territory, suffered ignominious defeat. Under the slogan "one country" was lost 50,000 square kilometers of territory. The former Soviet republic plunged into an economic abyss. On the other territories yet quiet. But there is no order. Rampant banditry. In each district, armed gangs. Nightly rob. Villas, apartments, business, people on the streets. Rob and kill, kidnap and maim. Weapons became available to the public, and Ukraine itself into a giant black hole, where you can get any barrel or ammunition.

Harsh and terrible was the year of Christ's birth from the year 2014. But we are on the threshold of 2015. What will be the year when you meet him in the war?

Maxim Ravrebe .

Central News Agency Novorossia

DONETSK, eastern Ukraine, December 30 /TASS/. The Normandy format of a forthcoming meeting in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, may break the deadlock on the settlement process in eastern Ukraine, Denis Pushilin, an authorized representative of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, told the Donetsk news agency on Tuesday.

“The Normandy format suggests closer contacts among participants in the talks. Most progress on Ukraine was achieved exactly when the parties met in the Normandy format. That is why we support it. We hope that the meeting in Astana will help Kiev and Donetsk solve a number of problems which they have so far failed to resolve,” Pushilin went on to say.

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LUHANSK, December 31. /TASS/. A working group involving representatives of Ukraine's Luhansk and Donetsk self-proclaimed republics, Kiev authorities and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) officials will meet in Luhansk on December 31, Luhansk republic plenipotentiary representative at the Contact Group talks Vladislav Deinego told TASS.

“Law enforcers will meet in Luhansk on Wednesday,” he said.

Asked whether any cardinal agreements may be reached at this meeting he said that“everything depends on the result.

On Tuesday, Assistant Commander of Luhansk militia corps Vitaly Kiselev said negotiators plan to talk “military issues raised earlier at the Contact Group meeting over crisis settlement in [highly volatile Ukrainian industrial area] Donbass in [belarusian capital] the city of Minsk.”

The similar meeting was held on Monday, December 29, in another embattled east Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Talks raised three issues, including continuation of Minsk peace negotiations, ceasefire and pullback of heavy weaponry from the disengagement line, the press service of the Donetsk Defense Ministry reported then. Meanwhile, negotiating parties agreed on a next stage of captive swap.

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"At this moment in the sand is a fierce battle. Militia put pressure on our positions on three sides. Work mortars, artillery, small arms. Only suffered a severe head wound soldier battalion OUN "White". Brother from the right sector have medical assistance. Pray, "- said from the scene deputy battalion commander Boris Gumenyuk.

In turn, according to intelligence militia last night near the village of Sands Ukrainian security forces continued to build his group. "To enhance the Nazis near the village of Sands Nevelsky night came a convoy of 12 tanks" - the relevant information is available in the reports of the militia of New Russia.

In addition, at the front DNR militias were at least four cases of ceasefire violations Ukrainian military.

At 21.00 on December 30 mortars and small arms were fired militia positions in the area of ​​the old airport terminal in Donetsk, at 22.10 and 23.10 from the village Sands mortar fire on positions of militia in the area of ​​Volvo Center (north-western outskirts of Donetsk), at 23.00 Granite from the Nazis from the tank fire on positions of militia in the New Marevki, according to militia in social networks.

Just Vladimir
Central News Agency Novorossia

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