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10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Great post David.

Thanks Ron...  really enjoyed the research and discovery of this event.

The mindset of -How did "Ruby" get there on time- replaced with -how did they know to bring Oswald down at the right time-

With DEAN lying so poorly to put Ruby on that ramp, the unchecked and unguarded route and the "reserve officer" in their place...  Croy and Westbrook "appear" to be doing Fritz's bidding..  He couldn't even bother to look or worry about his 99% conviction percentage


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Reality check regards the most negligent security plan to protect the most important ( and most physically threatened ) criminal suspect in American history ( Lee Harvey Oswald ) one could imagine with the ultimate worst case scenario ( Oswald's death ) results.

Way beyond the excuse of simple negligence, too many facts of improbable illogicalness in the entire worst-case scenario failed Oswald security plan affair by the Dallas PD shout "set-up."

We have all viewed the video of Ruby whacking Oswald on 11,24,1963 perhaps dozens if not hundreds of times.

Even now, after all this time, I am struck by how tight, small and cramped the space is that Oswald had to go through after entering the basement area to get to a waiting police car.

Look at it again. Maybe only 30 to 40 feet from the main building exit door, 20 feet wide? And in this tight space you have so many officers crammed into it they could have reached out and shook Jim Leavelle's and L.C. Graves hands as they passed.

Then you have the horn honking police car rolling down the ramp into this small space which made it all even more tightly packed. Arm waving, staring off Fritz himself has to pull back as to not get hit by it. And the car even rolls back to almost touching Ruby who is blasting away into Oswald's gut?!

Then you also have a wave of frantic flash camera, mic holding and question shouting press people thrusting themselves into this already tight crush, getting within feet of Oswald themselves just as "Jews have guts" proving Jack Ruby jumps out from behind his long-time known Dallas PD officer buddy, big "Blackie" Harrison and blasting away to complete the security breakdown madness.

The entire scene was a security logistics nightmare! Complete chaos!

10's of millions of Americans who ( like myself ) watched this murder on national TV "LIVE" could not help but feel the greatest suspicion about it all. 

"What the HECK just happened?" ... and "what an incompetent police force!" and "Man, that Texas is one nutty place!" Etc. etc.

The perfect set up for Ruby who took advantage of this circus of illogically crazy security circumstances. 

The worst case scenario Oswald death affair in the hands of the Dallas PD and right inside their own building is the greatest seed of governmental mistrust event regards the JFKA truth in the national psyche then and throughout the last 61 years...imo.

The Dallas PD will always have to live with this infamous greatest security breakdown failure in American history. It's just a part of their legacy forever.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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