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After a terror Act, first ask if it is a False Flag

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Douglas, interesting article by John Simkin, but did the final statement miss the mark, is the terrorist act against Charlie an act of revenge or just an act of control by the French government (new world order) to influence public opinion and instill in us more and more fear.

This act whether a drill or real does two things, one it demonstrates to those willing to honestly share their thoughts that it is now dangerous to do so, it also shows the tyranny that a government is openly willing to demonstrate, while the citizens cheer military troops armed with machine guns deployed on their streets convinced the insane level of response appropriate and is for their safety all the while the cage is being steadily constructed about us. This truly is the end times and unless we wake up to the true dangers before us, it will eventually be too late, if not already too late.

In prophetic words of Dr. Manhattan

"They claim their labors are to build a heaven

yet their heaven is populated with horrors....

...Its too late. Always has been. Always will be. Too late."

Edited by Robert Mady
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The Boston Marathon Bombing, their poster child was the man in the wheel chair with both his legs supposedly severed in the blast being rushed to the aid center.

This image was horrific when first viewed, but upon critical analysis there are problems with this being real.

1) When one femoral artery is severed a person can bleed out in a matter of a minute or two, they certainly will loose consciousness within a minute.

2) Man in wheelchair had both legs severed, both femoral arteries severed, no blood, little sign of trauma, he was wide eyed and conscious.

3) Lack of blood, on victims hands or the hands of his rescuers.

4) Moving a person with extreme blood loss sitting up in a wheel chair seems to be a sure way to end the persons life.

5) Who would have had the materials and the presence of mind in the first few seconds after the blast to identify this victim and administer life saving aid?

6) What dolt is going to move a seriously injured person in a wheel chair?

Bob: I was there. His name is Jeff Bauman. There was nothing fishy about his wounds or about the bombing. It was a horrible day.

You really need to be more careful about your perceptions of events and more measured in your judgments of other people.

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It's true, the Boston bombing photos are incredibly suspicious. People (and there's more photos of these than you see here) with the flesh, muscle, and blood vessels blown away below their knees, and long naked bone stumps protruding, should not be conscious and looking only mildly shocked, and are never evacuated in wheelchairs. People's hearts give out from this kind of injury. Something's up here, or someone should disprove these photos.

Edited by David Andrews
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The official narrative of the Boston Bombing, much like Sandy Hook, is as untenable as most other official stories. And the event resulted in a literal lockdown of a large American city, something unprecedented in our history. The sight of all those tanks, the door-to- door armed searches, the complete militarization of police in the area, should have frightened every American citizen. It didn't. In fact, a large number of Bostonians exulted in their armed-enforced, unconstitutional curfew.

Recall, also, that one of the alleged suspects' friends was shot to death while being questioned by police. I think it's safe to say that this is pretty unprecedented, too. There should never be a rationale for shooting someone who is being interrogated.

It's not a "conspiracy theory" to question these things, or the laughable implausibilities of what the mainstream media and government try to sell the people after seemingly every one of these events. It's being awake. It's being concerned about civil liberties and the future of this country.

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David, I did not feel it was appropriate to post or to link to evidence of graphic nature even though I believe it to be false.

Those that find this evidence suspicious can investigate much further down the rabbit hole.

I would suggest to anyone attempting to seriously analyze events such as the Boston Marathon or Sandy Hook to set aside adequate time (not infinite time) and review every piece of information that can be found before drawing a definitive conclusion. The one problem you might encounter now is resurrecting information that was available at the time of these events or shortly after, I believe you may find the net is purged of 'subversive' information fairly rapidly. I also suggest to dl video and save webpages in mht format for archival purposes.

In the past, I have tried to reference material only to find it wiped out of existence a short time after viewing it. YOUTUBE actively patrols and controls video content as well as banning posters that are capable of discerning truth.

Edited by Robert Mady
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It's true, the Boston bombing photos are incredibly suspicious. People (and there's more photos of these than you see here) with the flesh, muscle, and blood vessels blown away below their knees, and long naked bone stumps protruding, should not be conscious and looking only mildly shocked, and are never evacuated in wheelchairs. People's hearts give out from this kind of injury. Something's up here, or someone should disprove these photos.

Again: I was there. The injuries I saw were real.

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Police Commissioner Involved in Charlie Hebdo Investigation “Commits Suicide”. Total News Blackout
Global Research, January 11, 2015

Police Commissioner Helric Fredou, Number Two Police Officer of the Regional Service of France’s Judicial Police (JP), Limoges, (Haute-Vienne), “committed suicide on the night of Wednesday to Thursday at the police station.”

Commissioner Helric Fredou was part of the police investigation into the Charlie Hebdo terror attack.

Terror suspects Cherif and Said Kouachi who were shot dead by police on January 9, spent their high-school years in the Limoges region. No doubt this was the object of Fredou’s police investigation. Yet police and media reports state that on that same Wednesday he was involved in a meeting with the family of one of the Charlie Hebdo victims.

On Wednesday, as part of the Charlie Hebdo investigation, he dispatched a team of police officials under his jurisdiction. He is reported to have waited for the return of his team for a debriefing. Immediately following the police debriefing, he was involved in preparing his police report.


According to media reports, he committed suicide at around 1am on Thursday, within hours of the police debriefing. He used his own police weapon, a SIG-Sauer to “shoot himself in the head”.

At the time of his death,
police claim to have not known the reason for his alleged suicid
e. This was reflected in their official statements to the media: “It is unknown at this time the reasons for his actions”.

a back story appears to have been inserted simultaneously, most likely from the very same police media liaisons, who then told the press that Fredou was ‘depressed and overworked’.
For any law enforcement officer in France, it would seem rather odd that anyone would want to miss the biggest single terror event of the century, or
history in the making,
as it were.

”An autopsy was performed at the University Hospital of Limoges, “confirming the suicide”

There has been a total news blackout.

The French media decided or was instructed not to cover the incident. Not news worthy? So much for “Je suis Charlie” and ”Freedom of Expression” in journalism.

Likewise, the Western media including all major news services (AP, AFP, Reuters, Deutsche Welle, etc) have not covered the issue.

One isolated report in Le Parisien presents the act of suicide as being totally unrelated to the Charlie Hebdo investigation.

While described as being depressive and suffering from a burnout, police reports state that Helric Fredou’s suicide was totally unexpected.

Moreover, it is worth noting that, according to reports, he committed suicide in his workplace, in his office at the police station.

Did he commit suicide? Was he incited to commit suicide?

Or was he an “honest Cop” executed on orders of France’s judicial police?

Has his report been released?

These are issues for France’s journalists to address. It’s called investigative reporting. Or is it outright media censorship?

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Stephen, you evidently believe Boston bombing to be real.

The problems arise in the evidence we are presented with.

Jeff Bauman, would not have lived having two legs severed, he would have gone into shock and then bled out within seconds. People do not survive with this sort of extreme injury. The loss of just one leg would likely result in death.

The Vogt photograph is compelling that these two men are one and the same, they have identical appearances and not coincidentally the exact same injuries. Vogt no doubt was injured in combat and had to have his legs amputated. If Vogt had had his legs severed as Bauman appeared to have, Vogt would be dead. This is a medical reality.

Edited by Robert Mady
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Steven, the Police Commissioner's "suicide" is certainly suspicious.

It appears to be a sign to us and to all that the perpetrators of these events are serious and can literally get away with murder with impunity, even within a police station.

It won't be long before these discussions of events and evidence will be put to an end.

To those that maybe monitoring the forums, let it be known, I will stop posting and discussing, you need not murder me to silence me, not many care to understand what is happening anyway. You have won and I know it.

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