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real evidence (for a change) – what is it with these pictures of Oswald leafletting?

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I just took another look at the Oswald/Trade Mart photos.

There are several still ones. I had forgotten that there were that many.

All taken in a very short time period of seconds it appears.

In the photos shown, there are "no" young girls very well dressed or otherwise seen in these photos. The men are by themselves.

I think I may have seen another wider angle shot where there are some females farther out on the sidewalk. Were they stopped and engaging Oswald or anyone else in that group of men?

Not in these particular photos.

Our blond background man is farther away from those sidewalk girls than almost all the other men in those photos. He sure doesn't look like he is engaging verbally with them?

Who in the heck took these photos? And then came up with them at just the right time to hugely enhance the obsessive national media promoted image of Oswald as an aggressively active and agitating Castro/Cuba promoting commie?

I've just been informed that the photos are stills taken from film taken of Oswald by a local New Orleans TV station "WSDU."

Oswald knew he was being filmed and photographed doing his public daytime Castro/Cuba promoting thing in Downtown NO.

It even seems as if he was enjoying the coverage. He is smiling away in the Trade Mart photos. This shouts a set up commie image promotion agenda.

Or maybe he was excited that there were actually hot looking young muchachas checking him and his bad boys out.

And how could anyone ever find any documentation records of Bill Shelley's absence from his job and hometown on the specific day of Oswald's Trade Mart demonstration? His employer company was so low tech. 

If Shelley wanted to take that day off, he probably needed to do no more than call in sick that day. And he was probably on salary after being with them for 18 years at that time.

I doubt if he as a supervisor had to punch a time clock.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Joe I don't impose my ideas on anybody and yes I am saying the individual talking to the young women in one view, the same as seen in a separate photo closer to Oswald, is Beckham.  He ways he was there, he says he observed Oswald, he provably worked in New Orleans and in that area at the time.  If you want to bring somebody else in strictly based on appearance that's  your call - personally I have always needed more than appearances to prove in a suspect for myself, but that's just me. 


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54 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

I just took another look at the Oswald/Trade Mart photos.

There are several still ones. I had forgotten that there were that many.

All taken in a very short time period of seconds it appears.

In the photos shown, there are "no" young girls very well dressed or otherwise seen in these photos. The men are by themselves.

I think I may have seen another wider angle shot where there are some females farther out on the sidewalk. Were they stopped and engaging Oswald or anyone else in that group of men?

Our blond background man is farther away from those sidewalk girls than almost all the other men in those photos. He sure doesn't look like he is engaging verbally with them?

Who in the heck took these photos? And then came up with them at just the right time to hugely enhance the obsessive national media promoted image of Oswald as an aggressively active and agitating Castro/Cuba promoting commie?


FWIW all the photos are still frames from a movie shot by Johann Rush for WSDU-TV.  He noticed the men and allegedly wanted to get a reaction from Clay Shaw.   Later on Oswald was invited to the studio.  Both fragments (Trade Mart and Studio recordings, comments etc) here :


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54 minutes ago, Larry Hancock said:

Joe I don't impose my ideas on anybody and yes I am saying the individual talking to the young women in one view, the same as seen in a separate photo closer to Oswald, is Beckham.  He ways he was there, he says he observed Oswald, he provably worked in New Orleans and in that area at the time.  If you want to bring somebody else in strictly based on appearance that's  your call - personally I have always needed more than appearances to prove in a suspect for myself, but that's just me. 


There is no other corroborating evidence to verify whether the Trade Mart photo background man is provably Shelley.

Just these pictures of him that even you must admit depict a close resemblance to Shelley.  In my opinion...a doppelganger closeness.

No one has ever contacted the media to reveal who this man was. 

Somebody must have known or recognized this person.

A man wearing a suit and tie like the background man obviously was employed in some business there or somewhere else. And undoubtedly with other co-worker employees.

The Dealey Plaza "Umbrella Man" Louis Steven Witt was eventually found and identified. This after the HSCA put out national press releases asking the public's help finding him.

I think the reason Witt ( a warehouse manager in the Dallas area) was never outed by his co-workers was because his face was shaded and somewhat obscured by his open umbrella.

In the Oswald / Trademart photos however, the background man's face is quite visible and illuminated by the daytime sun.

If he was a New Orleans local business man and the photos had been much more publicized there and in the national media, there was a good chance someone he knew, worked with or was related to could have identified him.

Unfortunately all three of those factors did not exist.

And, if the background man wasn't even from New Orleans, combined with the lack of publicity of the photos and their importance, it would explain why the man was never identified.

And Shelley himself would be the last person on Earth to claim it was him.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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10 minutes ago, Jean Ceulemans said:

FWIW all the photos are still frames from a movie shot by Johann Rush for WSDU-TV.  He noticed the men and allegedly wanted to get a reaction from Clay Shaw.   Later on Oswald was invited to the studio.  Both fragments (Trade Mart and Studio recordings, comments etc) here :


Great! Thanks for the info.

Still, I find the film maker's explanation for filming Oswald weak.

He wanted to show them to Shaw to see what Shaw's reaction would be?


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3 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Great! Thanks for the info.

Still, I find the film maker's explanation for filming Oswald weak.

He wanted to show them to Shaw to see what Shaw's reaction would be?


Regarding the investigation, I think the main effort was in finding the 2 men helping LHO.  They allegedly came out of the unemployment bureau there (or were near it)  and LHO offered them 2 dollar on the spot. 

One of them, Steele, was later interviewed by Jenner.  The other was never found I think.

The early report on Steele :

http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files Original/O Disk/Oswald Lee Harvey/Literature Distribution/File/Item 05.pdf





Edited by Jean Ceulemans
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