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Scott Kaiser Comments on David Sanchez Morales' Being in Dallas on 11/22/63, etc.

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Scott is trying to get "reinstated" or (whatever) on this forum. In the meantime, he has just now sent me this message via Facebook:

Tom Graves, if you like, you may post this information until I am reinstated at the Education Forum. David Morales was in Dallas on November 22, 1963. I have two living witnesses who say he was there, Commander Nino Diaz and Rudy Junco who drove my father to the CIA's headquarters in Miami where my father stole photographs recording their stay at a motel in Dallas.

I have also discovered that the Eugenio found in my father's address book was not Eugenio Martinez. I made that mistake, and made a public announcement of that mistake in my book. I have questioned Mr. Martinez a number of times asking him if that was his name and number found in my father's little black book. He has denied ever working with my father, he went on to say that his sons have worked with my father, but he has not.

The Eugenio found in my father's address book is Eugenio Saldivar Xiques. This Eugenio was caught in a firefight off the coast of Cuba along with Tony Cuesta in 1966. In my father's address book under Eugenio's name is the word Dallas, and the only place the word Dallas is found is under Eugenio's name. My father would later work with Eugenio Saldivar's father to plot infiltrations into Cuba, assassinate Fidel Castro, and free the political prisoners.

The person who was head of CIA security at Langley and at JM/WAVE was James McCord, McCord is the man who created the counterintelligence against FPCC, and Banister was reporting to McCord.

My father had photos of Hunt, Sturgis, Morales, Liddy and Barker. These photos were stamped 11/22/1963 on the reverse side of the photos. Folks who have seen these photos are Richard Poyle, who was sent to Mexico on 11/21/1963 under orders of "Oliver Fortson" whose handler was Win Scott, station chief of Mexico, Poyle's cover was to visit his wife in Mexico at that time, problem is she wasn't in Mexico, she was in Miami.

Others who have seen these photos are Nino Diaz, Rudy Junco, Aldo Vera, Tony Calatayud, Wilfredo Navarro, Jose Pujol, and many others.

It is my belief that Tony Cuesta and Eugenio [saldivar Xiques] were in Dallas and they were the shooters. I know that they were there, Regarding Morales, Sturgis and Hunt, these guys would have been nowhere near the scene, and their involvement was delivering weapons and money. Had Morales or Sturgis been caught in Dallas, or even questioned, a guy like [bernard] Barker who was identified by Constable Seymour Weitzman as Secret Service would have had everything under control.

Scott Kaiser

[emphasis added by T. Graves]


Thanks, Scott

--Tommy :sun

PS Scott has added the message to me on FB that Richard Poyle and Frank Sturgis picked Scott's father up for work the day he died under mysterious circumstances on a boat.

Edited by Thomas Graves
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Were they there to kill Kennedy?

Or were they there to kill Oswald?

JosephTrento and Jacqui Powers

Sunday News Journal — August 20, 1978


<quote on, emphasis added>

A secret CIA memorandum says that E. Howard Hunt was in Dallas the day President John F. Kennedy was murdered and that top agency officials plotted to cover up Hunt’s presence there.

Some CIA sources speculate that Hunt thought he was assigned by higher-ups to arrange the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald.

Sources say Hunt, convicted in the Watergate conspiracy in 1974, was acting chief of the CIA station in Mexico City in the weeks prior to the Kennedy assassination. Oswald was in Mexico City, and met with two Soviet KGB agents at the Russian Embassy there immediately before leaving for Dallas, according to the official Warren Commission report.

The 1966 secret memo, now in the hands of the House assassination committee, places Hunt in Dallas Nov. 22, 1963.

Richard M. Helms, former CIA director, and James Angleton, former counterintelligence chief, initialed the memo according to investigators who made the information available to the Sunday News Journal.

According to sources close to the Select Committee on Assassination, the document reveals:

* Three years after Kennedy’s murder, and shortly after Helms and Angleton were elevated to their highest positions in the CIA, they discussed the fact that Hunt was in Dallas on the day of the assassination and that his presence there had to be kept secret.

* Helms and Angleton thought that news of Hunt’s presence in Dallas would be damaging to the agency should it leak out.

* Helms and Angleton felt that a cover story, giving Hunt an alibi for being elsewhere the day of the assassination, “ought to be considered.”

Hunt, reached Friday at his Miami, Fla., home, denied that he was in Dallas on Nov. 23, 1963, and denied that he had been in Mexico City any time after 1961.

Hunt said that he was in Washington the day of the Kennedy murder. “I have plenty of witnesses. I took off at noon that day and went shopping and had a Chinese dinner in downtown Washington with my wife.”

Hunt said he knew of no reason for such a memo to exist. He said he had he had never heard of the memo’s existence.

CIA sources, who have provided the assassination committee with material pertaining to Hunt’s alleged presence in Dallas, say that Hunt’s story about shopping in downtown Washington was a cover story concocted as a result of the memo. They say all Hunt’s witnesses are CIA arranged and that his wife cannot be questioned because she was killed in a plane crash.

The assassination committee will open hearings this fall on the Kennedy murder.

Dawn Miller, spokeswoman for the committee, said that there would be “no comment on the report of a memo. We will be holding detailed hearings in September. Because of committee rules that is all I am permitted to say.”

Committee sources told the Sunday News Journal that both Helms and Angleton had been questioned by committee investigators but that the issue of the memo was not raised with either witness. Sources say Helms told the committee he could not answer specific questions on the CIA’s involvement because of “an inability to remember dates.”

Helms’s faulty memory on ITT’s involvement in Chile led to his sentencing last year of two counts of withholding information from Congress, a charge reduced from perjury by order of President Carter.

Helms could not be reached for comment. A secretary said that he was out of town and would not be available.

When Angleton was questioned by committee staffers, he was “evasive,” according to a source who was present. Angleton could not be reached for comment.

Asked to explain why a potentially damaging cover-up plot would be put out on paper, one high-level CIA source said, “The memo is very odd. It was almost as if Angleton was informing Helms, who had just become director, that there was a skeleton in the family closet that had to be taken care of and this was his response.”

One committee source says the memo “shows the CIA involvement in the Kennedy case could run into the CIA hierarchy. We are trying not to get ahead of ourselves but the mind boggles.”

<quote off>

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Were they there to kill Kennedy?

Or were they there to kill Oswald?

Even if the CIA had no hand in the JFK assassination, why would it go out of its way (such as murdering Oswald) to prevent it? (Ditto the FBI, the military, or any other JFK enemies.)

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Were they there to kill Kennedy?

Or were they there to kill Oswald?

Even if the CIA had no hand in the JFK assassination, why would it go out of its way (such as murdering Oswald) to prevent it? (Ditto the FBI, the military, or any other JFK enemies.)

Ron, I respectfully don't follow.

What does murdering Oswald have to do with preventing the JFK assassination?

I don't view the CIA as a monolithic entity.

I suspect guys from MK/NAOMI who had backgrounds in CIA/military/global-drug-trade plotted to kill JFK while guys who were based out of MEXI -- the Mexico City CIA Station -- plotted to kill Oswald.

What did Team Kennedy need to know about Team Oswald?

Nothing, I'd argue.

What did Team Oswald need to know about Team Kennedy other than the time and place of JFK's murder?

Nothing, I'd argue.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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Were they there to kill Kennedy?

Or were they there to kill Oswald?

Even if the CIA had no hand in the JFK assassination, why would it go out of its way (such as murdering Oswald) to prevent it? (Ditto the FBI, the military, or any other JFK enemies.)

Ron, I respectfully don't follow.

What does murdering Oswald have to do with preventing the JFK assassination?

I don't view the CIA as a monolithic entity.

I suspect guys from MK/NAOMI who had backgrounds in CIA/military/global-drug-trade plotted to kill JFK while guys who were based out of MEXI -- the Mexico City CIA Station -- plotted to kill Oswald.

Well then, I don't follow either. If it wasn't related to the assassination plot, why would the CIA want to kill Oswald? Just because he had met with KGB agents? Seems to me that they would want to keep track of Oswald to find out what he was up to with the KGB, rather than just off him. But then there's plenty about the CIA that I don't understand.

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Were they there to kill Kennedy?

Or were they there to kill Oswald?

Even if the CIA had no hand in the JFK assassination, why would it go out of its way (such as murdering Oswald) to prevent it? (Ditto the FBI, the military, or any other JFK enemies.)

Ron, I respectfully don't follow.

What does murdering Oswald have to do with preventing the JFK assassination?

I don't view the CIA as a monolithic entity.

I suspect guys from MK/NAOMI who had backgrounds in CIA/military/global-drug-trade plotted to kill JFK while guys who were based out of MEXI -- the Mexico City CIA Station -- plotted to kill Oswald.

Well then, I don't follow either. If it wasn't related to the assassination plot, why would the CIA want to kill Oswald?

Looks like two compartmentalized operations.

One team was tasked with killing Kennedy; the other team was tasked with killing Oswald.

Only at the very top would there have been a well-insulated connection.

Just because he had met with KGB agents?

They wanted to set Oswald up as a commie agent.

That was their job.

Killing Kennedy was someone else's job.

IOW, I don't think the murder of JFK depended on Oswald showing up for work that day.

Seems to me that they would want to keep track of Oswald to find out what he was up to with the KGB, rather than just off him. But then there's plenty about the CIA that I don't understand.

Looks to me as if the CIA as an institution was set up in the patsy chain.

They had to kill Oswald and support the Lone Assassin myth to save their own hides.

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Why the need for compartmentalization if both know Kennedy's going to be assassinated anyway?

Because if things went wrong the guys who killed Kennedy preferred the guys who killed Oswald take the fall.

Or so I'd speculate.

The guys who killed Kennedy were insulated from any failures on the part of the team tasked with the murder of Oswald.

Again: what did JFK's killers need to know about Oswald?

Besides, intelligence operations are compartmentalized as a matter of routine tradecraft.

Why would the assassinations of Kennedy and Oswald be any different?

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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If there were in fact two teams that day, it seems quite ironic that one team could successfully kill the President of the United States while riding in a limo, while the other team couldn't kill a low-level warehouse worker who didn't even have a car.

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Cliff - I've heard you articulate this theory many times. I have to say that for me the important part is that guys at the top, and you have named names previously, ran both the assassination and the silencing of the Patsy, and also the ongoing coverup. Compartmentalization would be the norm in any sensitive operation.

Ron Ecker makes a good point. I would also add that if the shooting team was drawn from the anti - Castro Cuban crowd they sure did a poor job of getting to Castro.

Edited by Paul Brancato
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Scott is trying to get "reinstated" or (whatever) on this forum. In the meantime, he has just now sent me this message via Facebook:

Tom Graves, if you like, you may post this information until I am reinstated at the Education Forum. David Morales was in Dallas on November 22, 1963. I have two living witnesses who say he was there, Commander Nino Diaz and Rudy Junco who drove my father to the CIA's headquarters in Miami where my father stole photographs recording their stay at a motel in Dallas.

I have also discovered that the Eugenio found in my father's address book was not Eugenio Martinez. I made that mistake, and made a public announcement of that mistake in my book. I have questioned Mr. Martinez a number of times asking him if that was his name and number found in my father's little black book. He has denied ever working with my father, he went on to say that his sons have worked with my father, but he has not.

The Eugenio found in my father's address book is Eugenio Saldivar Xiques. This Eugenio was caught in a firefight off the coast of Cuba along with Tony Cuesta in 1966. In my father's address book under Eugenio's name is the word Dallas, and the only place the word Dallas is found is under Eugenio's name. My father would later work with Eugenio Saldivar's father to plot infiltrations into Cuba, assassinate Fidel Castro, and free the political prisoners.

The person who was head of CIA security at Langley and at JM/WAVE was James McCord, McCord is the man who created the counterintelligence against FPCC, and Banister was reporting to McCord.

My father had photos of Hunt, Sturgis, Morales, Liddy and Barker. These photos were stamped 11/22/1963 on the reverse side of the photos. Folks who have seen these photos are Richard Poyle, who was sent to Mexico on 11/21/1963 under orders of "Oliver Fortson" whose handler was Win Scott, station chief of Mexico, Poyle's cover was to visit his wife in Mexico at that time, problem is she wasn't in Mexico, she was in Miami.

Others who have seen these photos are Nino Diaz, Rudy Junco, Aldo Vera, Tony Calatayud, Wilfredo Navarro, Jose Pujol, and many others.

It is my belief that Tony Cuesta and Eugenio [saldivar Xiques] were in Dallas and they were the shooters. I know that they were there, Regarding Morales, Sturgis and Hunt, these guys would have been nowhere near the scene, and their involvement was delivering weapons and money. Had Morales or Sturgis been caught in Dallas, or even questioned, a guy like [bernard] Barker who was identified by Constable Seymour Weitzman as Secret Service would have had everything under control.

Scott Kaiser

[emphasis added by T. Graves]


Thanks, Scott

--Tommy :sun

PS Scott has added the message to me on FB that Richard Poyle and Frank Sturgis picked Scott's father up for work the day he died under mysterious circumstances on a boat.


Paul Trejo asked me to relay this question to you:


In the thread on David Morales, Scott Kaiser seems to know a lot about the CIA and Guy Banister. What about David Atlee Phillips, who wrote in his 1988 manuscript, AMLASH LEGACY, that he was grooming LHO to be a fake FPCC officer, to sneak him into Cuba through Mexico City in a plot to kill Fidel?

Insofar as McCord actually oversaw that Fake FPCC, and as Guy Banister reported to McCord, what role did DAP play underneath McCord, if any?



--Paul T

--Tommy :sun

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If there were in fact two teams that day, it seems quite ironic that one team could successfully kill the President of the United States while riding in a limo, while the other team couldn't kill a low-level warehouse worker who didn't even have a car.

Another good reason to regard the murders of JFK and LHO as separate operations.

The Kill Kennedy Team was flawless.

Team Oswald screwed the pooch.

And when things go wrong, guys go down -- first Tippit, then Ruby.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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