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Allen Dulles and his secret behind Kennedy's assassintion

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​I am "shocked, just shocked" that Scott could not find these.

I had seen the first one before, but not the second one.

What a despicable xxxx. American did not overthrow governments? LOL

And man his support for Vietnam. Plus the whole thing about CIA always having the president's approval?

Yeah Allen, how about the revolt of the generals in Algeria?


One last thing before going to bed, thought I'd share this with you, there seems to be a parallel between the two. On my Facebook page Mrs Bridget Dillon Jarrells states, "I was going to get to that....give me a few more minutes, you still are able to [shock me], Scott."

​For some reason, it appears I have that effect on women...... and Jim! ;)

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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I don't have all night, going to bed remember?

I missed the rule that says no one is allowed to reply to Scott because Scott says he is going to bed. Couldn't you just wait until morning to reply? Or are you implying that I can force you to stay awake by posting a reply to your post?


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One last thing before going to bed, thought I'd share this with you...


You chastise me for posting a reply after you said you are going to bed and therefore don't have time to answer a simple question. Yet you have the time to post a lame retort. Why don't you "psychoanalyze" that?


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I don't have all night, going to bed remember?

I missed the rule that says no one is allowed to reply to Scott because Scott says he is going to bed. Couldn't you just wait until morning to reply? Or are you implying that I can force you to stay awake by posting a reply to your post?


Have I not replied? Have I not said [I certainly have no problem pointing out your theoretical study rather than its practical application]. I would ask of you to read my lips, however, I thought a screen in your case would do. Now, I really need a few hours of sleep, will you not grant me this, and be the kind noble outfield researcher you are? I promise, I will get back to you in the morning sometime, I'm usually up around 11:00 am.

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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Scott wrote:

Do you, the reader, read anything that may be out-of-place? A slip-up perhaps, a quick correction to an answer regarding a question, these are the facts as I know them.

Mr. Helms, "what role did the agency have if any in the assassination of Kennedy."

Helms - "At the time the Warren Commission was formed. The agency did everything in it's power to cooperate with the Commission, and with the FBI. The FBI having the lead in the investigation. Ah, it was the agencies feeling since it was this ah, This tragic event had been taken care of ah taken place in the United States, that the FBI and Department of Justice would obviously have the leading edge in conducting the investigation."

"The tragic event had been taken care of ah taken place in the United States..."

Taken care of, indeed.

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Scott wrote:

Do you, the reader, read anything that may be out-of-place? A slip-up perhaps, a quick correction to an answer regarding a question, these are the facts as I know them.

Mr. Helms, "what role did the agency have if any in the assassination of Kennedy."

Helms - "At the time the Warren Commission was formed. The agency did everything in it's power to cooperate with the Commission, and with the FBI. The FBI having the lead in the investigation. Ah, it was the agencies feeling since it was this ah, This tragic event had been taken care of ah taken place in the United States, that the FBI and Department of Justice would obviously have the leading edge in conducting the investigation."

"The tragic event had been taken care of ah taken place in the United States..."

Taken care of, indeed.

And, just where was this "Cuban agent" met who had his sights on Castro, and was to assassinate Fidel Castro, but instead gave his killing device back to his handler who in turn brought it back to Washington which was the end of that. ~ Paris, France.

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Scott wrote:

Do you, the reader, read anything that may be out-of-place? A slip-up perhaps, a quick correction to an answer regarding a question, these are the facts as I know them.

Mr. Helms, "what role did the agency have if any in the assassination of Kennedy."

Helms - "At the time the Warren Commission was formed. The agency did everything in it's power to cooperate with the Commission, and with the FBI. The FBI having the lead in the investigation. Ah, it was the agencies feeling since it was this ah, This tragic event had been taken care of ah taken place in the United States, that the FBI and Department of Justice would obviously have the leading edge in conducting the investigation."

"The tragic event had been taken care of ah taken place in the United States..."

Taken care of, indeed.

And, just where was this "Cuban agent" met who had his sights on Castro, and was to assassinate Fidel Castro, but instead gave his killing device back to his handler who in turn brought it back to Washington which was the end of that. ~ Paris, France.

I love the smell of MKNAOMI in the morning.

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Good morning Cliff,

Yes, what a beautiful morning it is, can you really train an old dog to do new tricks? When some are so fixated on their or someone else's [theory], they no longer are able to grasp the difference between fiction, non-fiction, reality, non-reality, theory or factual.

The single most important thing for some, is to take a molehill, and create a mountain out of it. I've only been arguing the fact that the CIA was in-fact responsible for Kennedy's assassination, right up to the plot of assassinating Oswald himself. The Warren Commission was responsible for the cover-up. Dulles did not sit at both panels.

I will tell you this, just because Dulles was DCI did he have complete control over his field agents who were running amok? I could share some information in this forum for everyone to read, some may not believe it, because it doesn't fit with their agenda, but that is why I believe proving evidence plays an important role when demonstrating an act.

I'm certain there are ex-CIA agents in this forum that read my post, and if they are aware of any information, they must know the agents I've been corresponding with for years on a more personal level. My credentials and bonifies as you put them are not that important, what is, is my accomplishments.

I thought to myself, where better to expose all my facts? In a book.

Edited by Scott Kaiser
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BTW, all of these CIA apologists love to say, that there was nothing important left at NARA from the WC. I think Epstein started that BS as early as 1967. Dulles says it here.

Well, here we are in a new millennium. Malcolm Blount told me in 2014, the Archives had about 240 pages of David Slawson's files on Oswald that had not been declassified yet.

Wonder why.

Slawson and Coleman did the Commission's Mexico City inquiry--or non-inquiry.

But to point out just one other thing that was much more timely back then, at the time of Dulles' interview, what about the SIbert/O'Neil report, which indicated that the back wound did not transit and the bullet came in at a 45 degree angle. So how could it create the throat wound as an exit?

It was Specter who deep sixed that one.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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But to point out just one other thing that was much more timely back then, at the time of Dulles' interview, what about the SIbert/O'Neil report, which indicated that the back wound did not transit and the bullet came in at a 45 degree angle. So how could it create the throat wound as an exit?

It was Specter who deep sixed that one.

When you start to get into a single piece of evidence, it really isn't a bad idea to expose all those who also had their hands in the cookie jar so to say. Warren Commission member, then later president of the United States Gerald Ford would never be charged for a federal crime, and tampering with evidence. The single bullet theory, well, much like the trip to Mexico, it needed to fit.

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