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Will This Fiction Spur New Interest in JFK's Murder?

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Russ Baker is one of the few writers whose been willing to tackle what I view as the 800 lb gorilla in the room - the remarkable intersection of the Bush family with Nazi Germany, Dallas, Vietnam, Watergate, Iran Contra, 9/11, Iraq, all the way to Jeb. It's not particularly reassuring that this current incarnation is not apparently having a successful run at the presidency (it ain't over). It doesn't give me faith that powerful families come and go, that our great Democracy asserts itself and eventually balances the scales. It's the tip of a huge iceberg.

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Paul B,

As Deep Throat said, follow the money.

The Bush money ostensibly is from oil (and as I understand, banking).

A deeper look at the Bush money comes from examining the drug trade.

An even deeper look is at the Franklin Bank.

A prediction: If Donald Trump is elected president, he will serve at the Bush family's pleasure.

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It looks like Trump is on his way to the White House.

I do not think anything is going to stop him.

The Bush dynasty is over.

Now having said that, does Trump have hidden agenda? Maybe, because he is not really saying much about any agenda!

We are witnessing a remarkable time in American politics, truly remarkable.

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A prediction: If Donald Trump is elected president, he will serve at the Bush family's pleasure.

Let me ask you this. Whose pleasure has Obama been serving? Everything he has done (or not done) in foreign policy seems contrary to what the mythical MIC or powers that be would want. Letting Iraq go to the dogs after all that sacrifice (okay, blame Bush too for that), kowtowing to the terrorist state Iran, pinprick air strikes against ISIS, and most significantly, downsizing the military when the world couldn't be more dangerous. So who says that a president doesn't really control things? Perhaps JFK was simply of a different era. Nut cases like LeMay in the Pentagon, etc. What say you?

Edited by Ron Ecker
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Ron Ecker,

I'm fairly described as conservative and have not been a big fan of Obama's.

Nonetheless, I applaud some of his foreign policy decisions; in particular, those pertaining to Cuba and Iran. Neither of those countries need be an enemy of the U.S.

I wonder also about Obama. My take is he is listening to some individuals, not aligned with Israel, above my pay grade. Obama is a complex critter.

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I disagree about Obama.

I mean yes, you can pick a few instances where he may have disagreed with the Power Elite, maybe Cuba. But you can also argue that he was actually doing their bidding there also. I mean do you know what an open Cuba would mean to American money?

But man, look at Libya. An utter disaster. Look at the mess in Syria. Look at what the guy has done in the Snowden case. And he is a constitutional scholar.

Obama's great achievement I think is twofold: 1.) He exposed Hillary Clinton as begin pretty much a neo con, and 2.) He has made Putin into a hero to many of us.

You could NEVER say that about Kennedy.

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Just in case you want some more info on Obama vs Kennedy:


Edited by James DiEugenio
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A prediction: If Donald Trump is elected president, he will serve at the Bush family's pleasure.

That surprises me. From what I've heard, Trumps past statement's paint him as a Democrat. I've been thinking that if he wins the GOP primary, our next president is guaranteed to be a small-d democrat.

Edited by Sandy Larsen
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Obama's great achievement I think is twofold: 1.) He exposed Hillary Clinton as begin pretty much a neo con, and 2.) He has made Putin into a hero to many of us.

I disagree about Obama.

I mean yes, you can pick a few instances where he may have disagreed with the Power Elite, maybe Cuba. But you can also argue that he was actually doing their bidding there also. I mean do you know what an open Cuba would mean to American money?

But man, look at Libya. An utter disaster. Look at the mess in Syria. Look at what the guy has done in the Snowden case. And he is a constitutional scholar.

Obama's great achievement I think is twofold: 1.) He exposed Hillary Clinton as begin pretty much a neo con, and 2.) He has made Putin into a hero to many of us.

You could NEVER say that about Kennedy.

I'm a bit miffed here Jim. How has Obama made Putin into a big hero to many of us? And why for that, is he to be credited with a great achievement?

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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