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Was LHO's revolver ever tested?

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Was the revolver taken from Lee Harvey Oswald in the Texas Theater ever tested to determine that it was THE gun used to kill J.D. Tippitt?

Is such a test possible?

I apologize if this has been discussed before, if it has, I just don't remember it.

Steve Thomas

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Steve -

I think you will find the same story here as elsewhere... the Chain of evidence describes two separate and distinct paths for the pistol which finally gets entered into evidence.

http://ctka.net/2015/JosephsPistol.pdf addresses and illustrates the conflicts between the Hill to TL Baker story and the Barnes/Davenport/Doughty/Vincent Drain chain...

What they did try to say is that the casing matches the pistol and there was no way to accurately test the bullets since they were so badly smashed.

http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh17/html/WH_Vol17_0153b.htm is a comparison where the WCR tries to convince us that a single groove qualifies as a match.

When we add in the bit about finding the shells and bus transfer 2+ hours after his arrest it becomes even harder to swallow... I hope my article helps clarify a few things about any tests that did or didn't happen and the pistol which mattered


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@Steve & David,

If either of you served in the US military & remember firing your M-16 & .45 cal pistols once or twice a year at a military rifle range, you probably remember the smell of gunsmoke you & your unit reeked of as you were transported back to your bases, forts, etc. (I don't know how the Navy accomplishes this feat out at sea; perhaps they wait until they arrive at land?). I can remember my Army units showering with their individual weapons to rapidly clean them before turning them in to the Arms Room NCO. Prior to the shower, we all smelled like goats that had been shooting off fireworks (that's putting it nicely).

I mention this because if LHO had just shot the alleged murder carbine, he should have smelled of gunsmoke. Those in close proximity of him should have smelled it in the TSBD lunchroom, encounter with newsman Pierce Allman, city bus, taxi ride, & rooming house. Just changing a shirt wouldn't remove the stench IMHO; a shower & complete change of clothes was needed to smell 'normal' again. When LHO allegedly spoke to the DPD officer through the window of his passenger side window, Officer Tippit should have smelled the gunsmoke/gunpowder on LHO IMHO.

When one adds the alleged pistol murder of Officer Tippit, LHO should have smelled pretty 'ripe' when arrested. I don't recall any of the arresting officers or initial interrogators of LHO mentioning that LHO smelled of gunsmoke or gunpowder when he was brought in to DPD Headquarters, do either of you?

Just some food for thought....

Best wishes & sincerely,

Brad Milch

Edited by Brad Milch
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Was the revolver taken from Lee Harvey Oswald in the Texas Theater ever tested to determine that it was THE gun used to kill J.D. Tippitt?

Is such a test possible?

I apologize if this has been discussed before, if it has, I just don't remember it.

Steve Thomas

Was the old sniffer test performed on either the rifle or pistol? If, for nothing else, to determine if the weapons had been fired recently?

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Steve -

I think you will find the same story here as elsewhere... the Chain of evidence describes two separate and distinct paths for the pistol which finally gets entered into evidence.

http://ctka.net/2015/JosephsPistol.pdf addresses and illustrates the conflicts between the Hill to TL Baker story and the Barnes/Davenport/Doughty/Vincent Drain chain...

I hope my article helps clarify a few things about any tests that did or didn't happen and the pistol which mattered


I just wanted to congratulate you on a masterful job.

Steve Thomas

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What strikes me too about the whole pistol evidence is that the pistol, the bullets allegedly found in Oswald's pocket, and the bullets recovered from Tippitt's body were all held by different policemen, some kept in their desk drawers for an extended period of time and not immediately turned over to the evidence room.

Seems odd.

Steve Thomas

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