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A Couple of Real Gems from the "Harvey and Lee" Website

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4 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


Oh come on! How is it possible for only the mouth to be out of place?



As I mentioned above, this amature photo analysis is pointless, experts weighed in years ago. In case you didn't see it: 

There is no need to rely on the "photo analysis" of David Josephs. An analysis was performed by the HSCA years before the H&L theory was developed. Since the analysis was done to debunk 2 Oswald theories in general, they unfortunately used a disproportionate number of photos of "Harvey." However the infamous "13 inch head" photo was analyzed. Armstrong says on page 149 of his book that this photo is of "Lee." Unfortunately for the H&L team, the HSCA study said this photo and the others they looked at are of the same person. Now set your timers folks and let's see how long it is before the H&L team says the study was "faked."

Edited by W. Tracy Parnell
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37 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

You done whining yet?

And if you and Tracy are so blind that you cannot see what your own overlay shows... that remains your problem not the rest of ours.

Change the size so it matches Mike...  or do you only have "overlay" skills?

If the left eyes are sized and overlaid correctly, the rest of the man's face doesn't fit....  fix the position of the mouth, ears and eyes and the rest wont be anchored...

2 different men:   sorry boys... back to the drawing board for youse....



Lee's mouth is a quarter inch lower on this comparison too.

David, is that arrow above Harvey's left eye meant to point out that fleshy area between the eyelash and eyebrow? Which Lee doesn't have? If so that's great... it's something I noticed a long time ago too.


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39 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

You done whining yet?

And if you and Tracy are so blind that you cannot see what your own overlay shows... that remains your problem not the rest of ours.

Change the size so it matches Mike...  or do you only have "overlay" skills?

If the left eyes are sized and overlaid correctly, the rest of the man's face doesn't fit....  fix the position of the mouth, ears and eyes and the rest wont be anchored...

2 different men:   sorry boys... back to the drawing board for youse....


"Two different men"

He ACTUALLY sees two different men!!!!! Ha ha ha!!!

You cannot argue against this kind of chronic paranoid delusion. 

Seriously, go see someone!

Get it sorted!


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6 minutes ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:


As I mentioned above, this amature photo analysis is pointless, experts weighed in years ago. In case you didn't see it: 

There is no need to rely on the "photo analysis" of David Josephs. An analysis was performed by the HSCA years before the H&L theory was developed. Since the analysis was done to debunk 2 Oswald theories in general, they unfortunately used a disproportionate number of photos of "Harvey." However the infamous "13 inch head" photo was analyzed. Armstrong says on page 149 of his book that this photo is of "Lee." Unfortunately for the H&L team, the HSCA study said this photo and the others they looked at are of the same person. Now set your timers folks and let's see how long it is before the H&L team says the study was "faked."



You need to make your case to a fellow LNer. We CTers know that the HSCA was almost as phony as the WC.


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Just now, Sandy Larsen said:



You need to make your case to a fellow LNer. We CTers know that the HSCA was almost as phony as the WC.


As I said-set your timer! Have you counted the number of times you are forced to say something is faked? Not to mention, Armstrong relies on the HSCA, the FBI and everyone else in his book. How can you have it both ways?

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1 minute ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:
3 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:



You need to make your case to a fellow LNer. We CTers know that the HSCA was almost as phony as the WC.


As I said-set your timer! Have you counted the number of times you are forced to say something is faked? Not to mention, Armstrong relies on the HSCA, the FBI and everyone else in his book. How can you have it both ways?


The phony HSCA thing has nothing to do with H&L. All CTers -- even those who reject H&L -- know the HSCA was just more of the same WC bullxxxx.

As far as CTers relying on certain HSCA, WC, FBI, and CIA information... just because they all modified and misrepresented some of the evidence doesn't mean they lied about everything.


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On 3/28/2017 at 9:36 PM, Jim Hargrove said:

Harvey and Lee didn’t look that much alike.  Do you think the two men on the extreme left and the far right are the same person?


The first man is Harvey.  Someone touched up the photograph.  The second is a young Donald Trump.  The third might be "Ralph Geb," someone told me years ago.  And, of course, Harvey himself, Judyth Baker's lover.  

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8 hours ago, Kathleen Collins said:

The first man is Harvey.  Someone touched up the photograph.  The second is a young Donald Trump.  The third might be "Ralph Geb," someone told me years ago.  And, of course, Harvey himself, Judyth Baker's lover. 

Thanks for the much needed comic relief here.

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8 hours ago, Kathleen Collins said:

The first man is Harvey.  Someone touched up the photograph.  The second is a young Donald Trump.  The third might be "Ralph Geb," someone told me years ago.  And, of course, Harvey himself, Judyth Baker's lover. 

Brilliant, Kathleen! Satire is exactly what the ridiculous 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory deserves.

Bernie made a good point when he wrote that "more people believe the Queen of England is a lizard than believe in H&L." I wouldn't be surprised if some of the members of this minuscule cult believe that the queen actually is a lizard. After all, one of the founders of the theory, the late Jack White, believed that the moon landings were faked. People whose view of the world is essentially paranoid will gravitate towards anything that matches that view.

One of the problems caused by the failure of the authorities to perform a sincere investigation is that the JFK assassination is open to any sort of paranoid, speculative and evidence-free interpretation. The existence of idiotic nonsense such as the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory allows the authorities to portray serious critics of the lone-gunman line as crazy, paranoid fantasists. It would be nice if the people Kathleen and Bernie are making fun of would leave the JFK assassination alone and turn their attention to making equally stupid but much less harmful claims, for example that the earth is flat or that the moon landings were faked.

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11 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


The phony HSCA thing has nothing to do with H&L. All CTers -- even those who reject H&L -- know the HSCA was just more of the same WC bullxxxx.

As far as CTers relying on certain HSCA, WC, FBI, and CIA information... just because they all modified and misrepresented some of the evidence doesn't mean they lied about everything.


Check Armstrong's book. It is full of references to work done by the HSCA. You can't credibly pick and choose what information you believe and what you don't believe. 

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No matter how many times Mr. Parnell repeats that thought, it remains just as preposterous.  As the majority of Americans have known for the past fifty years or so, our nation has been lied to repeatedly about the Kennedy assassination.  We have been handed an enormous cover-up, in which documents were altered, testimony changed, and new evidence totally invented out of whole cloth.  Deny it and I’ll go through the whole litany again.

And so all we can do to try and establish what really happened is to look at the mistakes made by the whitewashers.  And there are plenty of things they forgot to cover-up, or simply didn’t notice at the time, or decided to hide for half a century or more.

A perfect example comes from yesterdays document release at the National Archives.  In Warren Commission testimony by CIA officer Richard Helms, WC attorney Belin asks, “Is there any information involved with the assassination of President Kennedy which in any way shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was in some way a CIA agent or an agent….”

And Helms’ answer is totally redacted!


I sincerely doubt that Helms admitted that Oswald, any Oswald, was a CIA agent, but there must be something about his answer that he made the Agency balk at making it public.  Helms has been known to make what the CIA must have considered to be intemperate remarks about Oswald, such as his statement that the world would never know who or what Lee Harvey Oswald represented.

But according to Mr. Parnell, we should ignore last night’s release because the WC and the HSCA told us in thousands of pages of crap that LHO was not an agent.  We can’t use this stuff selectively?  Are you kidding?

Another example of evidence the anti-H&L crowd seems to hate is evidence that did not go through American Intel before being presented to us.  Like the words of the Youth House professional staffers who said Lee HARVEY Oswald was a scrawny little kid, and not the “well-built” boy referred to in WC documents prepared by the FBI.

Or, for example, Ed Voebel’s classroom photo of Oswald with a missing front tooth, which he sold directly to LIFE magazine.


Mr. Parnell can whine about us picking and choosing from information provided by cover-up artists, but that is exactly what any competent detective or researcher would do.

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2 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Check Armstrong's book. It is full of references to work done by the HSCA. You can't credibly pick and choose what information you believe and what you don't believe. 


3 hours ago, Jeremy Bojczuk said:

Brilliant, Kathleen! Satire is exactly what the ridiculous 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory deserves.

Bernie made a good point when he wrote that "more people believe the Queen of England is a lizard than believe in H&L." I wouldn't be surprised if some of the members of this minuscule cult believe that the queen actually is a lizard. After all, one of the founders of the theory, the late Jack White, believed that the moon landings were faked. People whose view of the world is essentially paranoid will gravitate towards anything that matches that view.

One of the problems caused by the failure of the authorities to perform a sincere investigation is that the JFK assassination is open to any sort of paranoid, speculative and evidence-free interpretation. The existence of idiotic nonsense such as the 'Harvey and Lee and Marguerite and Marguerite' theory allows the authorities to portray serious critics of the lone-gunman line as crazy, paranoid fantasists. It would be nice if the people Kathleen and Bernie are making fun of would leave the JFK assassination alone and turn their attention to making equally stupid but much less harmful claims, for example that the earth is flat or that the moon landings were faked.

Curious Jeremy...

Which paranoid delusions of conspiracy related to the history of this species do YOU subscribe to? 

If you're not even a bit aware of the actual history of "man" and his constant quest to screw over his fellow man...  WTF are you doing here?

So tell us...  are you claiming that YOU PERSONALLY are aware of the TRUTH which occurred within the events of US History?

You know conspiracy from truth?  What training are you pulling from to give you such power?  For it surely is not a complete analysis of the H&L evidence but only a micro-peek at the few things those in disagreement offer....  You and they can't deal with evidence related to people like Allen Felde, or John Ely, or Gorsky, or Delgado,  without losing it.  It amazes me that you can see how the FBI/CIA altered, destroyed and covered up most everywhere else... just not here?

There are thousands of documents trying to place Oswald in Mexico - he was never there and those who know my work, know I prove it using the evidence offered.
Finding this note from Hoover only corroborates it. 

Jeremy - get over yourself already...  you don't have the history, information or aptitude to present a coherent argument let alone understand the depth of H&L...

Maybe ask yourself... why would J. Edgar cover for the CIA in Mexico understanding that Oswald was in Dallas with 2 Cubans at Odio's that Friday night the 27th?
Hoover HATED the CIA.... for they had taken his SIS division away (the SIS ran intel ops from 1940-1945 in the Western Hemisphere under Hoover.  His pitch to run US Intel abroad lost to the OSS's control of the newborn CIA via military control)

Read some of Larry Hancock's books Jeremy...  LEARN something about history before you stick your other foot down your throat...   k?


Are you so privy to the inner working of the CIA planners that you KNOW history that well ?  That "conspiracy" and all its related CYA was NOT part of this US history?

If so Jeremy, than I feel sorry for you.  You are obviously one of those with his head stuck so far into the sand you don't know which way is up.

Y'know Jeremy... how about reading a bit about spying and US history...  what we Americans have done to fellow Americans as well as to the rest of the inhabitants of this planet is criminal. 

Lost souls such as yourself who cannot fathom much beyond your own small imagination, wind up being the largest hurdle in this discovery process. 
It's AS IF you were planted here for the sole purpose of reminding us how far above your head this information remains...

And then whining like a child while relating JFK and H&L to fake moon landings and the Loch Ness Monster...  you are promoting pure disinformation and to be honest with you, it's disgusting.  We're all sorry you don't have desire or ability to understand the documents or the evidence Jeremy...

From that last post of yours... I'm not too worried about who looks foolish....



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On ‎10‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:00 AM, Michael Cross said:

It's pathetic.

You mean "no it isn't, believe me" from their side does not mean we're debating....  ??


On ‎10‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:00 AM, Michael Cross said:

Josephs and Hargrove have the patience of saints.

I post to keep the playing field level....  anyone can spout off opinions and claim them as facts...  we have an entire administration based on that con-cept.

Those reading threads like this ought to go investigate the source documents themselves....  and then find the other documents those who argue against us prefer we not post:

Their entire argument hinges on the hope that Palmer here was wrong... 



that Allen Felde (CE1961/62) was mistaken despite the FBI taking months and writing reports on the wrong person.

These are conflicting records, side-by-side people.  On the left is what the US Government says Oswald did, on the right - someone actually WITH HIM during the time....

These records also confirm he did go to and return from Ping Tung and was being treated for STDs simultaneously...

The anti-H&L crowd is losing their grip...  that's why they hang their hat on the exhumation and an 18 year gap.


Edited by David Josephs
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