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Cory Santos

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Pinky, Jacob, Jack, Jake, Ruby, Rubenstien.  Some Objective young researcher needs to write a new book on him.  It would sell if done properly as well or better than some others done on the Assassination in the last several years and needs doing for posterity.  He's a more marketable figure in History than some.  If it told the Truth it probably would not be reviewed by the NYT, much like The Devils Chessboard.  But it's near as important a subject in a different way.  Al Capone's numbers runner kills JFK's alleged (it says so on the plaque on the side of the TSBD), alleged, killer.  Seth Kantor's The Ruby Cover-Up should be a prerequisite.  Snubbed by the Warren Omission was Seth, gee I wonder why?

Leavelle's Hammin' it up here.  He did a helluva job protecting his prisoner did he not?  Some have come to question some of his statements over the years.

Thanks for the link I'd not yet seen to one of my "local" tv stations.  Though I prefer channel 5 (NBC) for local news, weather and sports 8 is close.

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They are giving it to the Sixth Floor?  Why?  What is wrong with the Dallas city archives?  God, the CIA knew what they were doing with Briggs stationed there, right?

About Leavelle, don't forget her visit to Vickie Adams Ron.  What a cock and bull story he unloaded on her.

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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

They are giving it to the Sixth Floor?  Why?  What is wrong with the Dallas city archives?  God, the CIA knew what they were doing with Briggs stationed there, right?

About Leavelle, don't forget her visit to Vickie Adams Ron.  What a cock and bull story he unloaded on her.

Cory and James,


I indexed those files back in 2008. You can see them here:


New Dallas Documents Online





Back then I urged them to donate the material to the Mary Ferrell site where they would be keyword searchable, but to no avail.


The Dallas Morning News url link doesn't work anymore - they took it down. Sigh.


Steve Thomas



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