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Where Were You, 11/22/63.

Ron Bulman

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Hugo, JFK was hugely admired in Europe.

The average American is probably not aware of how much this was so.

When you search for and view the footage of JFK riding in motorcades all over Europe, you will see some of the most adoring massive crowd reactions you will ever see.

People everywhere were extremely attracted to and affected by his youthful vigor energy and inspired by his messages.

Check out his Germany motorcade, or his Ireland one and his Mexico City one.

The crowd reactions were amazing in their size and adoration.

Check out his Mexico City motorcade video onhqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCPYBEIoBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLATpbk2nwigKSrdfsyElmHJx8Ko1g

A colorful confetti blizzard welcomes John F. Kennedy to Mexico City as his motorcade advances down delirious streets and ...


I can imagine millions of Europeans being deeply saddened by JFK's murder.

And highly suspicious after Ruby whacked Oswald inside a police department building.

JFK's killing was a loss to the whole world.

LBJ could never generate that kind of wild with enthusiasm crowd. Neither here nor abroad. I also believe that Europeans felt a deep gut instinct suspicion about LBJ.


Edited by Joe Bauer
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I was not born obviously, but, my father Herbert Santos, Sr., was a Judge Advocate General at Stead Air Force Base.

Interestingly, he recalls the base letting them leave their duties early which I found strange if there was a credible belief that there could be a Russian and/or Cuban attack or that a military response would be ordered due to another country killing JFK.  There is more to the story, but that was what I feel like sharing at this time.

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On ‎11‎/‎24‎/‎2017 at 8:19 PM, Steve Cearfoss said:

. My response was a feeble attempt at humor ala Hunt and Nixon. Mea culpa

It is kind of "funny" in one take on the word.  Hunt, Nixon and bush had problems remembering when the vast majority of people alive at the time over the age of say 7-8 do, or did.  Even if My initial reaction to your post was ha! How many years until I say that?

Edited by Ron Bulman
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14 hours ago, Ray Mitcham said:

In Liverpool, I had just arrived at the bar where I worked part time, when we heard the dreadful news on the radio. The bar immediately fell quiet, and a Catholic customer said a prayer for JFK' soul.

Some might consider any Englishman, Catholic or not, praying for the soul of a 'Irishman" a Historic event.

A professor I worked with many years responded he was a US Air Force brat (young teen) and had gone to a movie that evening and came out pissed off when the theater stopped it shot and he didn't understand the reason at the time.

A good friend and former co worker told of being awakened shortly after going to bed in Germany at the base where his dad was stationed to tell him goodbye.  Dad had been called in on a full alert.  He remembered he had his handgun and helmet on.

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