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New Article by John Armstrong

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16 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

That's right, make all the excuses you can think of!  Say another "Lee Harvey Oswald's" driver's license was returned to the Texas Department of Public Safety less than a week after the assassination of JFK.  Just a coincidence, eh?

Say Aletha Frair, Mrs. Lee Bozarth, and others at the driver's license office all couldn't recognize a Texas driver's license when they saw one, didn't know the name "Lee Harvey Oswald", or that other "Lee Harvey Oswald's" were getting their licenses returned to the the TDPS less than a week after the assassination.   Just more coincidences.

Pitiful.  Just pitiful!  



These honest and well-meaning clerks from the Texas Department of Public Safety (which in California would be the Department of Motor Vehicles) had never seen Lee Harvey Oswald in their lives.   The only thing they remembered was the NAME.

If anybody could prove that in the whole State of Texas, there had been one and only one Lee Harvey Oswald from 1962-1963, you might have something there.

But you don't even bother trying -- your mind is made up.  There was this CIA plot, see...

These clerks also reported that the Driver's License in question was "tattered" as in one very much used.   Where did Lee Harvey Oswald use this Texas Driver's License: in Russia?


So, you don't have ANYTHING but this NAME -- and that's presuming that they REMEMBERED the name correctly -- in the anti-Oswald hysteria of November/December 1963 -- because they NEVER PROVIDED EVEN THE DATE OF ISSUE of this alleged license.  Not even a XEROX.  NOTHING!  NADA!  

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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8 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Since I posted a couple of days ago his new article entitled Setting Up Harvey Oswald as the Patsy, John has written additional material for it.  For example, this was added yesterday....

November 20, 1963. Two days before the assassination, on Wednesday, a package was mailed from the post office in Irving, TX to "Lee Oswald, 2515 W. 5th St, Irving, TX." The package was not delivered on Thursday because of insufficient postage (which is an indication the package was "dropped" into a mail box instead of taken to a postal clerk to be weighed). A notice of attempted delivery card was left by the postman in the Paine's mailbox (notice of $.12 postage due), which was found by police the day after the assassination among HARVEY Oswald's possessions. So, HARVEY Oswald received the notice of $ .12 postage due, but not the package.

Irving parcel post carrier Harold Reed heard from co-workers that the Irving Post Office was holding a package for Lee Oswald. This package was held at the post office for nearly two weeks until finally, on December 4, it was "discovered" by Irving Postmaster C.G. Twiley in the "Nixie Section." The Nixie Section was for letters and packages with unknown addresses. This package was a brown padded mailing envelope postmarked "Irving, Tex 5:30 AM," with no legible date. A gummed label, with the handwritten words "Lee Oswald, 601 W. Nassau Street, Dallas, TX"  was affixed to the envelope directly above the handwritten words "Irving, TX" that were handwritten on the mailing envelope (see below). It appears as though the gummed label was affixed to the mailing envelope in order to hide the original handwritten name and address on the brown mailing envelope. No effort was ever made to remove the gummed label. When opened by postal authorities the package was found to contain a folded brown paper bag that was opened at both ends. The bag was very similar in appearance, color, and texture to the brown paper bag found on the 6th floor of the Book Depository that the Warren Commission said was used by Oswald to carry the Italian rifle into the building. The author believes that HARVEY Oswald's uncharacteristic visit to the Paine's on Thursday evening, instead of on Friday, may have been to pick up this package. If HARVEY Oswald had received this package and removed the brown paper bag, then he would have unwittingly placed his fingerprints on the paper bag. This bag could then have been placed on the 6th floor of the TSBD for police to find with the intact fingerprints of HARVEY Oswald. This package, however, was in the Irving post office on 11/22/63, and the long paper bag found on the 6th floor did not contain Oswald's fingerprints.


The story of the undelivered, undeliverable package allegedly mailed to Lee Harvey Oswald is old, moldy and tired.   Yet John Armstrong attempts to revive it for his own CT.  Well, my CT is stronger.

The first problem is the name "Lee Oswald" which lacks the Harvey, and which opens wider the possibility of "mistaken identity."  There were many people named Oswald in Texas.  

The second problem is the address: 601 W. Nassau Street, Dallas, TX.   Who lived there?   That address was unknown to the Warren Commission investigation, or to ANYBODY ELSE.  So again, there was some OTHER Oswald in question.

The third problem is the date it was reported -- TWELVE DAYS AFTER THE JFK ASSASSINATION.  Now it begins to stink of a Dallas Post Office plot by Postmaster Harry Holmes.  Evidently, he chose to use this OTHER Oswald package for the JFK plotter's purposes.

The fourth problem is the CONTENTS -- namely -- a brown paper bag.  Now it begins to stink of a Dallas Sheriff's Department plot by Sheriff Bill Decker.  It was Decker's men who raised the issue of the brown paper bag to the FBI, and then failed to link this to Lee Harvey Oswald in any way.  

The fifth problem is the source address -- which is Ruth Paine's address.  The truth is -- ANYBODY could put in ANYBODY's address in the RETURN address.  Again, we come back to Dallas plotters, trying to justify their weak case against Lee Harvey Oswald.

The ridiculous efforts to keep trying to blame Ruth Paine -- the way the Dallas Police and Deputies kept doing -- even in 2017 -- is unforgivable.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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8 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

Hahahaa...it does make you wonder, Paul, if that's  what they're  doing.

Good one :)


The Hollywood ambition?   Yeah -- I've thought that for some time now.  I mean, they will take an old, scratchy photograph of young Lee Harvey Oswald, which has a dark spot over his teeth -- and then argue that he had a "missing tooth" and will see how many months of posts they can generate with this "Fake News."  Into the exhuming of Oswald's body, in search of the "prosthetic" and there's no end to it.

It's comedy.  It seems to me that it's either mocking the CT community for its naiveté, or trying to show off spy-novel imagination for a Hollywood script writing deal.

In either case -- for a good laugh or for a big payday -- there's no way to use logic and argumentation with the H&L guys -- and there never has been.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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16 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


The Hollywood ambition?   Yeah -- I've thought that for some time now.  I mean, they will take an old, scratchy photograph of young Lee Harvey Oswald, which has a dark spot over his teeth -- and then argue that he had a "missing tooth" and will see how many months of posts they can generate with this "Fake News."  Into the exhuming of Oswald's body, in search of the "prosthetic" and there's no end to it.

It's comedy.  It seems to me that it's either mocking the CT community for its naiveté, or trying to show off spy-novel imagination for a Hollywood script writing deal.

In either case -- for a good laugh or for a big payday -- there's no way to use logic and argumentation with the H&L guys -- and there never has been.

--Paul Trejo

You mean the thread I just started showing the Marines were aware of the dental prosthetic....  both in '56 and '59...

As well as missing teeth and the tooth that's there despite the marines showing it missing...

Yet in 1981 the man shows nothing of the kind...

Would someone point to the "fixed bridge" and the "dentures" from the 1981 exhumation...  that and his front tooth is not missing...

Additionally, there are simply no photos of LEE showing the front teeth...  period.

Can you address why the Marine records of his having dental "concerns" are not seen in the teeth of the 1981 Oswald and that 4 teeth are
specifically called out as missing...  did they grow back?





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2 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

These clerks also reported that the Driver's License in question was "tattered" as in one very much used.   Where did Lee Harvey Oswald use this Texas Driver's License: in Russia?

Do you really not understand the evidence you are trying to deny?  The Texas driver's license was held by the American-born LEE Harvey Oswald, the Oswald who was living in and around Dallas after HARVEY Oswald went back to New Orleans.  American-born Oswald, who spent time around Jack Ruby, was seen by many people in the Dallas area while Harvey and Marina were in New Orleans.  He probably had the driver's license long enough for it to have become worn.  We may well have a picture of LEE Oswald at Ruby's club.


There is lots of evidence of American-born LEE Oswald living and working around Dallas while Harvey and Marina were in New Orleans.  For example....

In the summer of 1963 Dorothy Marcum was dating Ruby and her aunt worked for Ruby. Dorothy told the FBI that LEE Oswald worked for Ruby during June and July and the two men definitely knew each other.

Ruby was interviewing Francis Irene Hise for a job as a waitress when a young man entered the Carousel Club and Ruby said “Hi, Ozzie” to the young man. After she was hired Miss Hise served drinks to “Ozzie," whom she recognized after the assassination as LHO.

Another employee, Clyde Malcolm Limbough, worked for Ruby three years and saw Oswald in Ruby's office on several occasions.

Helen Kay Smith (“Pixie Lynn”), who worked at the Carousel, told the Dallas Police that she saw Ruby and Oswald together on several occasions.

Other employees of Ruby who saw Oswald in the Carousel Club were William Crowe, Wally Weston, Dixie Lynn, and Kathy Kay.

Robert Roy was Ruby's auto mechanic and said that Oswald used to drop off Ruby's car for repairs. Roy then drove Oswald back to Ruby's “burlesque house.”

Ruby parked his car at Gibbs Auto Service and occasionally allowed friends and associates to borrow his car. Leon Woods was the manager of Gibbs and kept a “check-in and check-out” book that listed the names of people who took Ruby's car from the garage. Mr. Woods gave the book to the FBI following the assassination of President Kennedy, which the FBI later denied.

During the last week of July (1963) Western Union employee Marshall Hicks delivered several telegrams addressed to “LEE Harvey Oswald” at the Rotary Apartments, 1501-1503 W. 7th St. in Dallas (while HARVEY and Marina were living in New Orleans). The FBI made no attempt to locate copies of these telegrams.

DPD Detective H.M. Hart, of the Criminal Intelligence Division, received information from a Dallas Police confidential informant who knew Ruby. The informant said that in September (1963) Ruby rented an apartment at 223 S. Ewing for LEE Oswald.

NOTE: Journalist Dorothy Kilgallen wrote in the New York Journal American (June 6, 1964): “It is known that 10 persons have signed sworn depositions to the Warren Commission that they knew Oswald and Ruby to have been acquainted.” 

At 20, "Little Lynn" (in private life, Karen Carlin) was Jack's youngest stripper. With long locks of artificially colored gray hair, Lynn had the body of swimsuit contestant—but, on stage, wore little other than a big smile, pink heels and a matching G-string.  On November 24, 1963, Little Lynn told U.S. Secret Service agent Roger Warner that she, in his words, "was under the impression that Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, and other individuals unknown to her, were involved in a plot to assassinate President Kennedy and that she would be killed if she gave any information to authorities." Lynn reportedly died of a gunshot wound in Houston in 1964.

During the first week of September, Louisiana gubernatorial candidate Clyde Johnson was residing temporarily at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans. A man telephoned Johnson, introduced himself as Alton Bernard, and asked to meet with him. Johnson agreed and soon Bernard, accompanied by a young man named “Leon,” arrived at Johnson's hotel room. About 10 minutes later a third man arrived and was introduced as “Jack." Johnson watched as Mr. Bernard opened his briefcase and handed thick, brown envelopes to Jack, Leon and to himself. The envelope given to Johnson contained $5000 in cash, for his gubernatorial campaign. After the assassination of President Kennedy, Johnson identified “Leon” as Lee Harvey Oswald and “Jack” as Jack Ruby. Years later Johnson identified a photograph of Clay Shaw as the man who introduced himself as “Alton Bernard” at the Roosevelt Hotel. Gubernatorial candidate Clyde Johnson was a very credible witness who met Clay Shaw, Jack Ruby and LEE Harvey Oswald in the summer of 1963. Johnson was scheduled to testify at Clay Shaw's trial in New Orleans, but was badly beaten and unable to appear.  A short while later he was murdered by a shotgun blast.

In early September Antonio Veciana observed his long-time CIA contact “Maurice Bishop” talking with LEE Oswald at the Southland Building in Dallas, a few blocks from the Carousel Club. “Maurice Bishop” was later identified by HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi as David Atlee Phillips--a high level CIA agent (Mexico City Station) who became the CIA's “Chief of Western Hemisphere." Phillips, a native of Ft. Worth, was very close to Gordon McLendon, the owner of Dallas radio station KLIF. McLendon had been a Naval intelligence officer at Pearl Harbor in WWII and later founded the “Association of Former Intelligence (CIA) Officers” (click here to visit AFIO website). McLendon, who had known Phillips since junior high school in Ft. Worth, was also one of Jack Ruby's closest friends.  [Above from HarveyandLee.net, the Jack Ruby page]

And on and on.  You should at least make an attempt to understand what you are trying to deny.

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Mr. Trejo likes to talk about WC criticism which is “old, moldy, and tired,” and yet to critique Harvey and Lee and the setup of Harvey, he resorts to the oldest, moldiest, and tiredest story of them all: The Warren Commission.  Mr. Trejo would like us to believe that the concerted effort to frame Harvey Oswald in advance as the likely assassin-to-be of JFK was just a case of mistaken identity by the witnesses.

That’s what the Warren Commission often concluded.  And that’s the argument Sylvia Meagher demolished half a century ago.  From Accessories After the Fact:






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22 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Do you really not understand the evidence you are trying to deny?  The Texas driver's license was held by the American-born LEE Harvey Oswald, the Oswald who was living in and around Dallas after HARVEY Oswald went back to New Orleans.  American-born Oswald, who spent time around Jack Ruby, was seen by many people in the Dallas area while Harvey and Marina were in New Orleans.  He probably had the driver's license long enough for it to have become worn.  We may well have a picture of LEE Oswald at Ruby's club.


There is lots of evidence of American-born LEE Oswald living and working around Dallas while Harvey and Marina were in New Orleans.  For example....

In the summer of 1963 Dorothy Marcum was dating Ruby and her aunt worked for Ruby. Dorothy told the FBI that LEE Oswald worked for Ruby during June and July and the two men definitely knew each other.

Ruby was interviewing Francis Irene Hise for a job as a waitress when a young man entered the Carousel Club and Ruby said “Hi, Ozzie” to the young man. After she was hired Miss Hise served drinks to “Ozzie," whom she recognized after the assassination as LHO.

Another employee, Clyde Malcolm Limbough, worked for Ruby three years and saw Oswald in Ruby's office on several occasions.

Helen Kay Smith (“Pixie Lynn”), who worked at the Carousel, told the Dallas Police that she saw Ruby and Oswald together on several occasions.

Other employees of Ruby who saw Oswald in the Carousel Club were William Crowe, Wally Weston, Dixie Lynn, and Kathy Kay.

Robert Roy was Ruby's auto mechanic and said that Oswald used to drop off Ruby's car for repairs. Roy then drove Oswald back to Ruby's “burlesque house.”

Ruby parked his car at Gibbs Auto Service and occasionally allowed friends and associates to borrow his car. Leon Woods was the manager of Gibbs and kept a “check-in and check-out” book that listed the names of people who took Ruby's car from the garage. Mr. Woods gave the book to the FBI following the assassination of President Kennedy, which the FBI later denied.

During the last week of July (1963) Western Union employee Marshall Hicks delivered several telegrams addressed to “LEE Harvey Oswald” at the Rotary Apartments, 1501-1503 W. 7th St. in Dallas (while HARVEY and Marina were living in New Orleans). The FBI made no attempt to locate copies of these telegrams.

DPD Detective H.M. Hart, of the Criminal Intelligence Division, received information from a Dallas Police confidential informant who knew Ruby. The informant said that in September (1963) Ruby rented an apartment at 223 S. Ewing for LEE Oswald.

NOTE: Journalist Dorothy Kilgallen wrote in the New York Journal American (June 6, 1964): “It is known that 10 persons have signed sworn depositions to the Warren Commission that they knew Oswald and Ruby to have been acquainted.” 

At 20, "Little Lynn" (in private life, Karen Carlin) was Jack's youngest stripper. With long locks of artificially colored gray hair, Lynn had the body of swimsuit contestant—but, on stage, wore little other than a big smile, pink heels and a matching G-string.  On November 24, 1963, Little Lynn told U.S. Secret Service agent Roger Warner that she, in his words, "was under the impression that Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, and other individuals unknown to her, were involved in a plot to assassinate President Kennedy and that she would be killed if she gave any information to authorities." Lynn reportedly died of a gunshot wound in Houston in 1964.

During the first week of September, Louisiana gubernatorial candidate Clyde Johnson was residing temporarily at the Roosevelt Hotel in New Orleans. A man telephoned Johnson, introduced himself as Alton Bernard, and asked to meet with him. Johnson agreed and soon Bernard, accompanied by a young man named “Leon,” arrived at Johnson's hotel room. About 10 minutes later a third man arrived and was introduced as “Jack." Johnson watched as Mr. Bernard opened his briefcase and handed thick, brown envelopes to Jack, Leon and to himself. The envelope given to Johnson contained $5000 in cash, for his gubernatorial campaign. After the assassination of President Kennedy, Johnson identified “Leon” as Lee Harvey Oswald and “Jack” as Jack Ruby. Years later Johnson identified a photograph of Clay Shaw as the man who introduced himself as “Alton Bernard” at the Roosevelt Hotel. Gubernatorial candidate Clyde Johnson was a very credible witness who met Clay Shaw, Jack Ruby and LEE Harvey Oswald in the summer of 1963. Johnson was scheduled to testify at Clay Shaw's trial in New Orleans, but was badly beaten and unable to appear.  A short while later he was murdered by a shotgun blast.

In early September Antonio Veciana observed his long-time CIA contact “Maurice Bishop” talking with LEE Oswald at the Southland Building in Dallas, a few blocks from the Carousel Club. “Maurice Bishop” was later identified by HSCA investigator Gaeton Fonzi as David Atlee Phillips--a high level CIA agent (Mexico City Station) who became the CIA's “Chief of Western Hemisphere." Phillips, a native of Ft. Worth, was very close to Gordon McLendon, the owner of Dallas radio station KLIF. McLendon had been a Naval intelligence officer at Pearl Harbor in WWII and later founded the “Association of Former Intelligence (CIA) Officers” (click here to visit AFIO website). McLendon, who had known Phillips since junior high school in Ft. Worth, was also one of Jack Ruby's closest friends.  [Above from HarveyandLee.net, the Jack Ruby page]

And on and on.  You should at least make an attempt to understand what you are trying to deny.


That's a lot of words and a lot of assumptions.

The biggest flaw in your argument above is the photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald that you put up there.

Photographer Jack White, a former, stellar member of this Forum, showed ample evidence that the photograph you present above was a FAKE.  It was produced in Russia along with a separate photographic FAKE of Lee Harvey Oswald -- both taken from an Oswald mug shot, but one made thinner and one made wider than he really was.

This was done by the Russian Government while Oswald lived in Russia, for plausible deniability -- in case this teenager ever became somebody important.  Based on that FAKE photo of Lee Harvey Oswald, you then try to place him in Jack Ruby's Carousel Club.

So, here is another one of your cases of "mistaken identity" in which the H&L theory excels.

--Paul Trejo

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21 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Mr. Trejo likes to talk about WC ocriticism which is “old, moldy, and tired,” and yet to critique Harvey and Lee and the setup of Harvey, he resorts to the oldest, moldiest, and tiredest story of them all: The Warren Commission.  Mr. Trejo would like us to believe that the concerted effort to frame Harvey Oswald in advance as the likely assassin-to-be of JFK was just a case of mistaken identity by the witnesses.

That’s what the Warren Commission often concluded...

Mr. Hargrove presents one-sided arguments.   In fact, the Warren Commission is guilty of promoting many cases of "mistaken identity" in order to defend it's nonsense about a Lone Nut Oswald.

The H&L theory loves these cases and tries to create a new person, "Lee Oswald," who could drive a car, and who appeared at a gun range, and who took his rifle to a shop for a sight, and who test drove a Lincoln, and got a haircut accompanied by a young boy, and who went to a furniture store with Marina, and so on and on.

All these are "mistaken identity" cases promoted within the Warren Commission testimonies themselves.   The hypocrisy is thick.

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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11 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

The biggest flaw in your argument above is the photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald that you put up there.

Photographer Jack White, a former, stellar member of this Forum, showed ample evidence that the photograph you present above was a FAKE.  It was produced in Russia along with a separate photographic FAKE of Lee Harvey Oswald -- both taken from an Oswald mug shot, but one made thinner and one made wider than he really was.

This was done by the Russian Government while Oswald lived in Russia, for plausible deniability -- in case this teenager ever became somebody important.  Based on that FAKE photo of Lee Harvey Oswald, you then try to place him in Jack Ruby's Carousel Club.

With all due respect, I don't believe you.  Jack White posted on this forum for many years.  Please point to ANYTHING at this site that backs up your claim that Mr. White indicated that the photo below was FAKED by the Russians.


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3 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

With all due respect, I don't believe you.  Jack White posted on this forum for many years.  Please point to ANYTHING at this site that backs up your claim that Mr. White indicated that the photo below was FAKED by the Russians.


The video in which Jack White presents your photo as FAKE is on YouTube at this URL:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LClaOlzslJk

Start the video at minute 27:45, and watch for about 5 minutes (until about minute 33:00).

Jack White recognized that the alleged "Marine" photograph which you display, is taken from an original that massively enlarges Lee Harvey Oswald's head.   It's photographically altered. 

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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2 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Jim puts forth evidence. Paul puts forth opinions.

No, Jim puts forth what John Armstrong has been writing for 20 years.  

I read it carefully, and show its flaws.  For example, in that Texas DPS report that Jim posted, Mrs. Bozarth claimed that "none of this evidence would any long exist due to normal purging procedures of the agency."

What?  The DPS purges its records how often?   Neither the date of the report, the date of the license, or the date of the alleged purge of the evidence was offered by Jim's post!

Who just buys this stuff at face value?

--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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22 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:
3 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

With all due respect, I don't believe you.  Jack White posted on this forum for many years.  Please point to ANYTHING at this site that backs up your claim that Mr. White indicated that the photo below was FAKED by the Russians.


The video in which Jack White presents your photo as FAKE is on YouTube at this URL:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LClaOlzslJk

Start the video at minute 27:45, and watch for about 5 minutes (until about minute 33:00).

It is his recognition that the alleged "Marine" photograph which you display, is taken from an original that massively enlarges Lee Harvey Oswald's head.   It's photographically altered. 

--Paul Trejo



Jack White doesn't say that that photo is fake. (A couple of the others are.) He says it is not a photo of the Oswald we know. It is a photo of another Oswald.

H&L researchers know that that person is LEE Oswald, the one not shot by Ruby. He is the one who was deeply involved with Ruby. And looks like the guy at Ruby's club in the photograph above posted by Jim Hargrove.


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On 12/6/2017 at 3:04 PM, Paul Trejo said:

In either case -- for a good laugh or for a big payday -- there's no way to use logic and argumentation with the H&L guys -- and there never has been.

Thanks Paul very well said. And the comedy continues with DJ posting a smiling LHO to an unsmiling one and asking in all seriousness  why we've  not seen any more smiling teeth photos! It reminds me of the other funny bit - that one LHO's mom was thin and smiled a lot where the other was dumpy and never smiled. OMG!

Give them credit for one thing in that they know how to be consistent in their comedic routine LOL

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