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Cold War played out right in front of me

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7 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

Sometimes, I am kind of slow on the uptake, but over the last couple of days, I've begun to realize that in watching the Lee and Marina Show, I was watching the Cold War of the 1960's being played out right in front of me.

This is a good post.  And you may want to read State Secret, which is free on the MF site. 

3 hours ago, David Josephs said:

Paz...  while so many rail against the evidence of there being both a Lee Oswald and Harvey Oswald, more and more and more the evidence points in that direction.

No it doesn't.  This is strictly YOUR interpretation of it, Dave. Remember on the other post when you said that the sloping shoulders and the non-sloping shoulders PROVE that there were two Oswalds? And remember when you said, "It's all in the contrast" regarding a photo that you thought proved there was a clone?

It's HOW you read the record, Dave, and when you live in a pseudo-paranoid state, you're going to end up interpreting sloping shoulders and contrast and these records as there being a clone and the films were faked and on and on.

John Newman goes by the papers he's put together; so does Simpich. Jeff Carter I'm guessing thinks there was a conspiracy but knows that the Z film was not faked - that film actually shows conspiracy without it being faked LOL.

So it's HOW someone interprets the evidence and because there's so much hand-wringing and paranoia, there's going to be folks who think everything has been faked, leading to gross mis-interpreting of the evidence.

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You might consider lying down and getting some medication ... 


And I'm 100% sure those authors do not want you representing their work in any manner...  if you could even begin to understand any of it

You really don't get it.   you're the proverbial gnat ...




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18 hours ago, David Josephs said:

Paz...  while so many rail against the evidence of there being both a Lee Oswald and Harvey Oswald, more and more and more the evidence points in that direction.


probably of your interest to know that the Italian newspaper Paese Sera published an article saying one of Garrison's persuasions was that there were two Oswalds: one impersonating the Lee Oswald become known because of Dallas

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They also knew about the planted rifle from what I read...

I have the report from Rome CIA station....

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2 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

I have the rest... Space probs...



Thanks for this. There is a link between that Carcano and Licio Gelli, head of P2 masonic lodge. That's why I am so interested in the subject. Can't wait to see the Rome Station stuff 

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Hey Paz:

The SIFAR report on the Carcano is in the Mary Ferrell Foundation files; I am attaching the RIF # below; when the site comes back online you should be able to access this information.

RIF # 104-10019-10008  or conversely put the words "Italian report on the type of rifle used in JFK assassination" in the "search" area of the Foundation site. You can also use "subject" matter words in the Ferrell search engine such as, "weapon-assassin", "Italy" and "Andreotti"

Gary Murr

Edited by Gary Murr
Left out where to "search" the Ferrell Foundation
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8 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

I understood these to be from Rome...



You are correct, David. The issue of this report came up during the March 31, 1964 testimony session of Robert Frazier. The FBI had acquired a copy of the report early in their investigation and initially SIFAR did not want the report made "public." Unfortunately I am busy at the moment working in another area of this subject matter, but off the top of my head, if you read the Frazier testimony session you will see Earl Warren's reticence to make this document a part of the Commission's record. Eventually an arrangement is worked out with SIFAR and a copy with "deletions" was made available. In truth, Frazier took a copy of the SIFAR report with him when he met with Melvin Eisenberg for his five hour pre-testimony session prior to his March 31 testimony session. This document was funnelled to the FBI etc via the CIA. You will note that the document is "signed" on the last page by one Daniel M. Presland, an individual as Bill Simpich reveals in State Secret [Chapter 5] was actually one of many pseudonym's used by William Harvey while working at Staff D.

FWIW, I have much more on this entire SIFAR document in my forthcoming book.



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I assume that books focused on Marina discuss the following shocking part of Marina's WC testimony.

And that is Marina's attempt at suicide in the spring of 1963.

It is not however, something I have ever read about myself until now while reading all of Marina's WC  testimony.

But it seems to me to be potentially a very important state-of-mind event in Marina's life with Lee in Texas that begs more discussion.

Marina freely admits to this suicide attempt although asking not to be questioned anymore about it. The subject is then dropped by her WC questioners.

If the DeMorenschildts and others were ever made aware of this level of despair on Marina's part regards her life with Lee, that might explain their bold suggestions to her that she needed to plan on divorcing Lee. Many other questions should be considered regards this significant event on Marina's part.


Mr. LIEBELER. The Commission has been advised that some time in the spring of 1963, you, yourself, either threatened to or actually tried to commit suicide. Can you tell us about that? 
Mrs. OSWALD. Do I have the right now not to discuss that? 
Mr. LIEBELER. If you don't want to discuss that, certainly, but I really would like to have Lee's reaction to the whole thing. But if you don't want to tell us about it--all right. 
Mrs. OSWALD. At my attempt at suicide, Lee struck me in the face and told me to go to bed and that I should never attempt to do that--only foolish people would do it. 
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you tell him that you were going to do it, or did you actually try? 
Mrs. OSWALD. No; I didn't tell him, but I tried. 
Mr. LIEBELER. But you don't want to discuss it any further? 
*Mrs. OSWALD. No. 


Edited by Joe Bauer
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