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General Walker, Lee Harvey Oswald and Dallas Officials

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2 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

BTW, I don't suspect "manufacturered evidence" as you evidently suspect.  Instead, I accept the testimony of Marina Oswald -- this was the rifle of Lee Harvey Oswald.  Also, I accept the Washington DC analysis of the Mail Order data and MO.

Hi Paul,

What I mean is that if Oswald wants a cheap gun, he goes to a pawn shop or buys one second hand from classified ads.  No traceability.   No awkward post office procedures.

Instead, I hypothesize* Oswald was instructed to get a gun in a way that has to be the most traceable and awkward way possible for someone in 1963 Texas to get a gun.   It's almost too pat.  The evidence fits together perfectly.  He's manufactured a paper trail AND conveniently obtained a rifle so unusual that finding one anywhere in Dallas could only be the one he ordered.   No, the evidence wasn't manufactured in the sense that it's fraudulent, I say it's manufactured in the sense that Oswald deliberately made a paper trail that every petty criminal easily avoids.


On Saturday morning, there can be no indication that the rifle was obtained through a mail order.   Compounding this problem is that the story Holmes provides to explain how he determined the dollar amount of the MO to look for is far-fetched.    This testimony from Holmes exposes the conspiracy.  Conspiracy makes a lot more sense and is simpler than the tale Holmes gives us.




* obviously I'm not the first to suggest this

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8 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

Hi Paul,

What I mean is that if Oswald wants a cheap gun, he goes to a pawn shop or buys one second hand from classified ads.  No traceability.   No awkward post office procedures.

Instead, I hypothesize* Oswald was instructed to get a gun in a way that has to be the most traceable and awkward way possible for someone in 1963 Texas to get a gun.   It's almost too pat.  The evidence fits together perfectly.  He's manufactured a paper trail AND conveniently obtained a rifle so unusual that finding one anywhere in Dallas could only be the one he ordered.   No, the evidence wasn't manufactured in the sense that it's fraudulent, I say it's manufactured in the sense that Oswald deliberately made a paper trail that every petty criminal easily avoids...

On Saturday morning, there can be no indication that the rifle was obtained through a mail order.   Compounding this problem is that the story Holmes provides to explain how he determined the dollar amount of the MO to look for is far-fetched.    This testimony from Holmes exposes the conspiracy.  Conspiracy makes a lot more sense and is simpler than the tale Holmes gives us.


* obviously I'm not the first to suggest this


Yes, from this explanation, I can agree with this, though it makes a problem for my own CT.

I have argued against Jeff Caufield that there could be no  personal  relationship between Lee Harvey Oswald and General Walker. 

Yet the most plausible person to direct LHO to create a paper trail for his rifle was, IMHO, General Walker.

LHO was not yet in contact with Guy Banister.

The main outside contact of LHO at this time was George DM.  George hated General Walker, yet would not think of Assassination.  George had financial ambitions.

So, even at the worst case scenario, George DM would never advise LHO to create a paper trail for a rifle.

So...your logic is sound...but it obliges me to rethink my theory about the Walker shooting.   This will be a forward step -- however it works out

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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I'll return to the topic of the Walker shooting and the alleged Mail Order rifle later -- after I've reviewed Jeff Caufield's position on this topic.   In the meantime, I'll continue my review of your analysis of Dallas USPD Inspector Harry Holmes' WC testimony.

All best,

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2 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

Yes, from this explanation, I can agree with this, though it makes a problem for my own CT.

I have argued against Jeff Caufield that there could be no  personal  relationship between Lee Harvey Oswald and General Walker. 

Hi Paul,

You can always take the easy way out and explain conflicting evidence by arguing for TWO Oswalds, implausible though it may be.   When Lee does something you can't explain, just say it was Harvey - and vice versa.  

I'm not sure anything I point out about the magnificent paper trail connecting Oswald to the rifle disturbs your CT, even the dates.  Here's why: Something Is Happening with Oswald during his Dallas Spring.  The sparkling clear chain that begins with Hidell ordering a rifle and ends when Harry Holmes digs up the money order is not the only story arc we could look at.  In particular, shouldn't we recognize that Feb-April 1963 is perhaps the essential turning point when multiple trains in Oswald's life are set in motion, trains that will ultimately collide with his own death a few months later?

  • TO WIT: 
  • 00FEB63 - American Rifleman February edition has a mail order coupon from Klein's for a bolt action Carcano rifle
  • 00FEB63 - Marina testifies that Oswald in this period tells her she must return to the USSR 
  • 01FEB63 - Robert Morris hosts a meeting at his house with Larrie Schmidt, et al.
  • 07FEB63 - FBI Agent Hosty runs a credit check on Oswald
  • 17FEB63 - Marina writes to the Soviet Embassy in Washington DC asking to return to the USSR
  • 22FEB63 - Everett Glover has a party.  Guests include: the de Mohrenschildts, both Oswalds, Ruth Paine, et al.
  • 00MAR63 - Marina testifies that Oswald is gone to typing class from 6-9pm nightly; class is 6:15-7:15.
  • 04MAR63 - Hosty is ordered to interview the Oswalds.  He finds them but refuses to interview them for the sake of their marriage.
  • 09MAR63 - Receipt issued re: US State Department's $435.71 travel repatriation loan to Oswald - paid in full
  • 10MAR63 - Oswald takes a photo of General Walker's house
  • 12MAR63 A money order is purchased for $21.45 equal to the cost+shipping+handling of a Carcano rifle
  • 13MAR63 - a mail order is processed for the Tippit pistol (as estimated by Mary Ferrell - see below)
  • 17MAR63 - Marina fills out paperwork for Soviet embassy requesting return to the USSR; paperwork indicates Oswald will stay in the US
  • 26MAR63 - Jaggers-Chiles-Stovall notifies Oswald he is terminated
  • 26MAR63 - according to the right wing paper Herald of Freedom, the Carcano arrives in Dallas on this date
  • 31MAR63 - Marina takes a picture of Oswald in their backyard wearing the Tippit pistol and holding the Carcano rifle, The Militant, and The Worker
  • 00APR63 - Oswald begins making noises about returning to the USSR
  • 05APR63 - George de Mohrenschildt's inscribed version of the backyard photo bears this date
  • 06APR63 - Robert Surrey sees two men stalking General Walker's residence
  • 10APR63 - General Edwin Walker is attacked with a gunshot through the window of his Dallas home
  • 10APR63 - 11pm - Marina finds a note instructing her what to do if Oswald does not come home
  • 10APR63 - Oswald admits to Marina he shot General Walker
  • 14APR63 - Easter Sunday.  George de Mohrenschildt jokes with Oswald about missing the shot at General Walker
  • 15APR63 - Oswald hands out FPCC literature in downtown Dallas
  • 16APR63 - Oswald writes FPCC headquarters asking for literature and gives his Dallas address
  • 21APR63 - Oswald tells Mr/Mrs John Hall that he is soon moving to the USSR
  • 21APR63 - A confidential informant tells the FBI that Oswald is handing out FPCC literature in Dallas
  • 24APR63 Oswald inexplicably flees Dallas for New Orleans
  • ...the seeds from the above established actions germinate into assassination patsy and death for LHO....

Don't you think this is a critical period for Oswald????

Isn't March-April 1963 a critical period for building the CASE AGAINST Oswald?


Although I was able to pinpoint a few dates myself, most of this timeline comes from Mary Ferrell's exquisite Oswald chrnologies, found heere:



1. The money order Harry Holmes miraculously finds <48 hours after the assassination



2. A key piece of evidence linking Oswald to the rifle - made possible only because the secretary to Harry Holmes found a rifle ad in Field and Stream:



3. Mary Ferrell's discussion of the order for Oswald's pistol (aka the "Tippit pistol"):



4. FBI report of the order for Oswald's pistol (aka the "Tippit pistol")




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28 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


I'll return to the topic of the Walker shooting and the alleged Mail Order rifle later -- after I've reviewed Jeff Caufield's position on this topic.   In the meantime, I'll continue my review of your analysis of Dallas USPD Inspector Harry Holmes' WC testimony.

All best,

Ok.  More Holmes.  Then rifle.   Then, maybe, review my newest speculative hypothesis in the post above?   (That March-April 1963 is an action-packed and critical time when all Oswald patsy factors are set in motion)

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3 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

LHO was not yet in contact with Guy Banister.

How strong is the evidence for this?

We know Ferrie and Oswald knew each other in the 1950s.   Oswald probably looks up to him still.    Here's a micro-hypothesis...no later than 7FEB63 Hosty is active on the Oswald case (again? - it seems he's been on Oswald since 62).   I'm seeing much of the official information on Oswald is in fact sourced to Hosty.   So, in early 63, a connection is made to Ferrie/Banister, or a re-connection is made between Ferrie & Oswald, perhaps facilitated by Hosty's renewed tracking efforts?

Right after Hosty nominally starts doing his job again towards tracking the Oswalds....Oswald begins frantically creating all the patsy-evidence, and soon moves to New Orleans for no overt reason.

Hosty finds the Oswalds quickly.  Mysteriously, he declines to interview them as ordered, doesn't write a report, and they slip off to New Orleans where the FBI office there doesn't find them until June-ish.




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13 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

Ok.  More Holmes.  Then rifle.   Then, maybe, review my newest speculative hypothesis in the post above?   That March-April 1963 is an action-packed and critical time....


Very briefly for now.    The period from February to April 1963 changes the life of Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) forever.   However bizarre his life has been up to this point, it becomes positively crazy at this point.

Here's my unflattering opinion about Marina Oswald (whom I believe was totally truthful to the WC, even though she panicked when she was first picked up by the FBI, and denied everything to them).    In my opinion, the young (teenage) Marina Prusakova, married LHO first and foremost because she wanted a ticket out of Russia to the USA.   Her grandmother hated Communism and instilled that hatred into Marina's childhood.   All Marina wanted in life was to move to the USA.

This was well demonstrated after LHO and Marina flew to the USA in June 1962.   Within weeks, Marina became a favorite part of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Russian Expatriate Community (who were all Russian Orthodox, and had nothing to do with Ruth Paine, the Quaker).   They showered Marina with clothes and gifts for the baby.  Once Marina realized what a poor provider LHO would be in the USA -- and how well-to-do most Russian Expatriates were -- she expressed tangible dissatisfaction.  This was amply testified.    

It was at this point that LHO became insanely jealous.  He refused to let Marina learn English.  He kept a tight fist on whatever little money they had.  He physically threatened at least two of the Russian Expatriates.  He told George DM he would "smash the baby crib and tear up all her clothes.  LHO (for the first time in his life) began to strike Marina.  He then decided to move to Dallas, and got George DM to help him find a new and better job than welding (the job he did in Russia and Ft. Worth).  In the meantime, Marina lived here and there with different Russian Expatriates -- in nice homes.

LHO loved his job at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall -- but they didn't love him.   There is ample WC testimony about this.  In February, 1963, Marina met a rich friend who was not a Russian Expatriate, at a house party thrown by a Dallas engineer who was not a Russian Expatriate.  This engineer, Everett Glover, didn't even speak Russian, but he had a friendship with Russian Expatriate oil engineer George De Mohrenschildt (DM).  Everett was also good friends with Michael Paine for many years, singing in the same Unitarian Choir in Dallas.

Anyway, in late February, 1963, Everett hosted a Dallas engineer party at his apartment, inspired by George DM, who offered to bring LHO and Marina out to meet the Dallas engineers (who spoke only English), as a sort of carnival sideshow -- "the freak Marine who defected to Russia and then returned to Dallas with a Russian Bride."   Lots of young Dallas engineers attended that party, and showered LHO with eager questions.   (Marina was so bored.)

Anyway, Everett had  known that Ruth Paine wanted more exposure to the Russian language -- and knowing that George and Jeanne DM were Russian Expatriates who spoke fluent Russian (like Marina), Everett invited Ruth and Michael Paine.   Michael had a cold that night (and anyway was separated from Ruth at the time) so Ruth went alone.   Now, Ruth Paine was college educated, as few Texas women were (and none in Ruth's neighborhood).   Also, Ruth had promised God that she would learn Russian to help end the Cold War, so she was considered an oddball in Texas society. 

Now, here was Marina Oswald -- who spoke aristocratic Russian (learned at her grandmother's knee) and also had a college degree (in pharmacology).   Also, when Ruth garbled her Russian conversational language, Marina Oswald was very kind, gentle and supportive, and corrected Ruth's grammar.   From that moment on, lonely Ruth decided that Marina Oswald must become her best friend -- heaven-sent.

This seems to have changed the dynamic between Marina and LHO.  You mention, Jason, that Marina began to contact the USSR about returning to Russia on 17Feb63.  We have correspondence between Ruth and Marina during this period that refers all of that to your previous entry, 00Feb63, that she was physically forced by LHO to do that.   That's much of their correspondence -- Marina complaining to Ruth Paine that LHO kept threatening to send her back to Russia -- her worst nightmare.

Ruth Paine was motivated -- on many levels -- to save her "best friend" Marina Oswald from this horrible fate.

In any case -- why was LHO acting so bizarre from February 1963, the month that Marina first met Ruth Paine, through late April 1963, when LHO quickly moved to New Orleans, leaving Marina and baby June at Ruth Paine's house?

I don't know yet -- although I completely reject the CIA-did-it scenario.   George DM was a self-centered money-grubber, and only helped the CIA translate Russian documents, as far as I can tell.  It seems likely to me that LHO is jealous of the Russian Expatriates, and so makes a wild play for control and perhaps a fantasy job as a "double-agent."

The key to this post tonight is simply that Marina Oswald said -- honestly, I feel certain -- that when LHO admitted to her that he tried to kill General Walker on Wed10Apr1963, that their relationship was torn in half.  It would never heal from that point forward.  It was ruined.   LHO had become this temper-tantrum wild man, as she saw it, and she wanted out of that relationship.   The big trouble was -- Marina was pregnant again.

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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11 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:



I don't know yet.  It will take a lot of time to resort all the data.   The key to this post tonight is simply that Marina Oswald said -- honestly I feel certain -- that when LHO admitted to her that he tried to kill General Walker on Wed10Apr1963, that their relationship was torn in half.  It would never heal from that point forward.  It was ruined.   LHO had become this temper-tantrum wild man, and she wanted OUT of that relationship.   The big trouble was -- she was pregnant again...

All best,

Yes, indeed, Paul, while most of us are trying to micro-analyze handwriting and money orders, the male-dominated CT world vastly under-appreciates relationships, emotions, the personal life.   I've not gone so far off the rails that I agreed to get in bed with assassination conspirators, but in some sense I feel I might understand perhaps a little bit of the personal aspect Oswald is in here.  Don't we all, if we think about it?  Haven't we been there, or at least a little slice of there?...

....  Money's tight, the wife is nagging all the time, housing is constantly changing, another baby is on the way, no car, jobs aren't working out, the Cold War is raging, other friends seem to have it easy, etc.   As often in life, when things go wrong, they snowball.  Oswald probably can't sleep and he's worried all the time.   The world's crashing down on him.  He starts acting erratically because he's a nervous wreck and can't get a handle on which of his problems he needs to work on at any given moment.   

...then...he makes a drastic move.   I still see this today.  I have a cousin who just took off unannounced for Australia recently because his life here was too much.  Oswald makes a sudden move to New Orleans and -I hypothesize- he does this because this somehow is going to solve all his problems, he thinks.   ...and in a way, it does...

So...you still have the 2nd half of Holmes to discuss, plus the rifle/money/order/spring timeline thing, if you want...we're all waiting anxiously!




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1 hour ago, Jason Ward said:

How strong is the evidence for this?

We know Ferrie and Oswald knew each other in the 1950s.   Oswald probably looks up to him still.    Here's a micro-hypothesis...no later than 7FEB63 Hosty is active on the Oswald case (again? - it seems he's been on Oswald since 62).   I'm seeing much of the official information on Oswald is in fact sourced to Hosty.   So, in early 63, a connection is made to Ferrie/Banister, or a re-connection is made between Ferrie & Oswald, perhaps facilitated by Hosty's renewed tracking efforts?

Right after Hosty nominally starts doing his job again towards tracking the Oswalds....Oswald begins frantically creating all the patsy-evidence, and soon moves to New Orleans for no overt reason.

Hosty finds the Oswalds quickly.  Mysteriously, he declines to interview them as ordered, doesn't write a report, and they slip off to New Orleans where the FBI office there doesn't find them until June-ish.



Hi Jason,

OK, that's an interesting theory.  In my current CT, George DM (unconsciously) motivates Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) to try to kill General Walker, and this then motivates General Walker and his followers (including Robert Alan Surrey and James Hosty) to begin tracking LHO from Easter Sunday 14 April 1963 through the JFK Assassination. 

You have thrown a monkey-wrench into my CT by showing that, even if the Klein's Mail Order rifle story is 100% correct -- it is also an obvious paper-trail that no common sense person would do when they could go to a pawn shop and buy a cheap rifle there for cash, and no trace (except for the eye-witness salesman).

OK, given that, who advises LHO to create the Klein's Mail Order paper trail?   It's a great question.

Jeff Caufield, in his recent book, General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: the Extensive Evidence of a Radical Right Conspiracy (2015), has argued that General Walker and LHO had a personal relationship as early as February 1963.    I sincerely and wholeheartedly doubt that -- and yet I cannot think of any other radical political influences on LHO during that period.   So, I must review my notes.

NOW -- however -- you have this idea that Guy Banister might have been involved in the life of LHO earlier than April 1963 -- and who would have made that contact?  You propose, Dallas FBI agent James Hosty!

I did briefly consider that angle -- namely -- that in June, 1962, when LHO and Marina flew into Love Field airport in Fort Worth, the angry eyes of General Walker were watching this desecration of his home town by this "defector" Marine and his Russian Bride.   If so, then I might be able to move the date of the Walker/Surrey/Hosty tracking of LHO way back to July, 1962.

If so, then we might be able to move the influence of Guy Banister on LHO as early as February, 1963, instead of April 1963.  This would again make Guy Banister LHO's handler there in Dallas -- instead of waiting for the New Orleans period.

This is an exciting new interpretation of the events, Jason.   Great work, as usual.   This way, I can still avoid a direct Walker/LHO relationship.

This might also explain rumors (which are cited in the WC) about Hosty reporting FPCC activity in Dallas in February, 1963 (IIRC) -- when there was none.  This could be Guy Banister and Hosty working together to punk out this Russian-lover.

If so -- then I could also meet Jeff Caufield half-way, and propose that the Walker shooting was planned to be a False Flag, by Guy Banister himself!    This is getting more interesting by the day.    

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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On ‎4‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 12:09 AM, Jason Ward said:

Dallas Law Enforcement testimony in the Warren Commission Part 23: USPS Postal Inspector Harry Holmes

  • <SNIP>


7.       When and how does Holmes get the New Orleans PO box rental form not later than a day after the assassination that he uses to confront Oswald with in The Final Interrogation?

8.       If Holmes cannot testify as to where the shots were fired because of echoes in Dealey Plaza, why is Holmes so quick to brush off his boss in Washington who suggests the Terminal Annex might be a sniper location?

9.       Is there other evidence that Oswald subscribes to Russian newspapers besides the testimony of Holmes?

10.   What did Holmes hear, say, or do during the “numerous times” he met with Fritz over 2.5 days?   ...and why does a postal inspector transform into a DPD homicide detective who interrogates a murder suspect?  Is Holmes a homicide expert?

11.   How does Holmes get the information about Oswald’s Canal St scrap with Carlos Bringuier so quickly?

12.   I suspect Holmes is the first, last, and only US postal inspector to talk with a presidential assassin, yet we are to believe Holmes makes no formal record of this until almost 4 weeks after the assassination?

13.   Why isn’t Holmes playing ball with WC attorney Belin’s repeated attempts to establish -yet again- for the record how Oswald said he got home after the shooting?    Forgot his lines?

14.   How is it possible that Holmes is so sure Oswald admits to going to Mexico City and admits to the tour through communist diplomatic posts in search of a travel visa – yet Fritz and Hosty and Sorrels are so sure Oswald denies this?   



Here is my feedback on your next 8 "concerns" about the WC testimony of Dallas USPD Inspector Harry Holmes:

7.  In my opinion, Harry Holmes got the New Orleans Louisiana (NOLA) PO Box rental form that he allengedly shoved under the nose of Lee Harvey LHO (LHO) in his last hour of life there at DPD station, from Dallas FBI agent James Hosty.

*** The Dallas FBI had been tracking LHO since the Sunday after the Walker shooting (says Dick Russell, 1993l) or perhaps as early as July 1962, on suspicion of being a Marine "defector" to the KGB during the Cold War, and bringing back a Russian Bride to beautiful Dallas/Ft. Worth.

*** If so, then when LHO moved to NOLA in April 1963, James Hosty tracked that, too.   

*** Although Hosly no longer had "jurisdiction," Hosty did have friends in NOLA, for example, former FBI agent turned Radical Right activist, Guy Banister. 

*** In the 1960's rules of the FBI, there was an "office of origin" for each suspect, and one or more "auxilliary" offices.  If a suspect moved away, the new residence city marked the new "office of origin", and the old "office of origin" became an "auxilliary" office.   Every "office of origin" will share case files with "auxilliary" offices.   This means that when LHO moved to NOLA, James Hosty still had access to all his FBI record and movements, arrests and contacts.

*** As an FBI agent of an auxilliary office for the LHO case file, James Hosty had the right to ask for every bit of government data on LHO -- including US Postal records.

8.  There were two reasons that Harry Holmes could tell his boss in Washington DC that the Terminal Annex building on Dealey Plaza could not be a sniper location:

*** First, because he already knew that the JFK plot had located the action at the TSBD on Elm Street. 

*** Secondly, because the Terminal Annex building is two blocks from Elm Street -- not a good enough location. 

9.   Yes, there is ample evidence that LHO subscribed to Russian newspapers besides the testimony of USPD Inspector Harry Holmes:

*** The testimony of Marina LHO, which I accept, admits that LHO got Russian language newspapers and magazines on a regular basis

*** The testimony of Ruth Paine, which I accept, admits that LHO forwarded several Russian language newspapers and magazines to her Irving address as well.

10.   Harry Holmes took special care never to reveal what was said during the “numerous times” that he met with Fritz over the JFK weekend. 

*** It was too risky to mention.   Holmes might slip.

***  In my opinion, Captain Fritz invited Harry Holmes to join the "interrogation" of LHO during his last hour of life at the DPD station for the historical reputation..

*** Just as we saw WC testimony from Dallas Police and Deputies, competing for first place at scenes or events with LHO -- there was a real sense of fame of being part of Dallas and US History. 

*** Holmes or his wife may have requested a place at the table.

11.  Harry Holmes most likely got the data about LHO’s fight with Carlos Bringuier in NOLA from Dallas FBI agent James Hosty, who had quick access to all files and records on LHO available in NOLA. 

12.  Of all the Dallas officials who interviewed the alleged Presidential Assassin during the weekend of 11/22/1963, none of them made formal records of the interviews until WEEKS or MONTHS later. 

*** During that long period, each of them had plenty of time to coordinate their notes with the others were were part of the interviews -- and the JFK plot.

13.  Harry Holmes evades WC attorney Belin’s many questions to establish how LHO got home after the JFK shooting.

*** This is because the manufactured story was unclear -- there was too much of it, and it was all evidence of a JFK plot.

*** The  fake bus ride, the forged bus ticket, the fake bus witnesses, the fake taxi ride, the fake testimony about LHO admitting all this -- way too much.

14.   Holmes is the only official who remembered that LHO admitted to going to Mexico City – and all the crucial details that LHO added.   

*** See my previous post above on this topic.

All best,

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4 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

Dallas FBI agent James Hosty

Paul, even if your CT is not entirely correct, the evidence suggests Hosty is a key conduit for getting the "open and shut" case materials quickly and comprehensively into the conversation that weekend.

Most of the DPD guys dropped out of high school.   I'm kind of struck by how consistent this is in the police testimony.  Hosty has a degree from Notre Dame (but wait, is he Catholic like Kennedy?).  Hosty is also an expert bureaucrat; when you read his testimony half of it is painful procedures and paperwork details.  I'd stop short of using words like "mastermind," but without this FBI agent marshalling evidence at lightning speed, the forces arguing for Oswald's guilt might suffer a catastrophic delay and therefore more quickly expose competing non-lone-nut suspicions.  Hosty overwhelms Oswald with Lone Nut evidence on day 1.

So....Lone Nut, Radical Right, mafia, CIA, or whoever one says is in control, it is always Hosty who logically facilitates the papered evidence of Oswald's guilt.



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Yes, James Hosty makes a point in his book Axxignment Oswald (1996) to say that he was Catholic just like JFK.

In this regard i'd note that Hosty didn't write his book alone, but his son helped him write it.  I get an impression that his son struggled to put the best spin on it.

Yet it is impossible to make it look good  when actually Hosty's book contradicts his WC so fully.  That is, Hosty's book says he suspected LHO and Marina of a KGB plot as early as October, 1963.  Yet, Hosty testified to the WC that he didn't tell the PRS about LHO when they asked about dangerous people in Dallas in early November 1963, because he had no reason to suspect LHO.

All that said, though it may seem that Hosty was the secretary of the JFK plot, he was no paramilitary expert, like General Walker; and only a paramilitary leader could lead the Dallas Minutemen in the manner required.

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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On ‎4‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 12:09 AM, Jason Ward said:

Dallas Law Enforcement testimony in the Warren Commission Part 23: USPS Postal Inspector Harry Holmes

  • <SNIP>


15.   Did Holmes not have enough time to practice explaining the intricate branches of communism - which Oswald is meant to lecture everyone about during interrogation?  Why does Holmes so badly muddle the picture of Oswald as fully-immersed-communist that others manage to convey so well?

16. So much of what Holmes says is chaotic and nonsensical that I'm reluctant to read too much into his specific words, even so, is his random remark that he though the shots were perhaps just meant to "frighten people" in any way similar to Buddy Walthers' remarks that he thought the shots might just be blanks?   Were some of the lesser players that day expecting only a scary attempted assassination?

17.  Are postal inspectors trained experts at identifying who is likely to deceive a lie detector test?   What is the specific basis for Holmes to claim that Oswald is not a good candidate for the polygraph and where exactly does Holmes learn this skill of visually assessing a suspect?   Could Holmes see this as part of Oswald's training at the KGB assassin's college in Minsk that Fritz is also clever to recognize?

18.   IMO, one of the few truly funny contributions from law enforcement is when Holmes goes way off the rails about a Coca-Cola, near the end of his testimony.  It’s a train wreck!   Defeated, Holmes can only finalize by saying that somewhere, somehow, at some time, there is meant to be a Coke in the TSBD that is involved with Oswald.    A bad actor badly trying to ad lib his forgotten lines? 

1. Holmes testifies he is able to search for a money order in the name "Hidell" because it is written on this New Orleans post office box application.   How does Holmes a. know to look for a New Orleans PO box and b. get this so fast - on 23NOV63?   

2. TOP- This is a Dallas PO box application for Oswald's late 1962-early 1963 period.  There is no evidence A Hidell was registered with this PO box, which is necessary for Oswald to receive the Carcano rifle.  

BOTTOM: New Orleans change of address card forwarding mail to Ruth Paine's house, which Holmes admits is not in Oswald's handwriting...

3. Holmes says his secretary discovers an ad for Oswald's rifle in Field and Stream on 23NOV63 - which is an amazingly lucky break because without finding this, after the assassination but before 24NOV63, Holmes has no way to explain how he knew Oswald's rifle was from the mail order retailer Klein's, nor how he knew the exact amount of the money order which he should be looking for - which, inexplicably, he is able to calculate by correctly choosing Oswald's rifle in this ad, and correctly estimating the shipping and purchase price along with any extra's Oswald may have ordered.  Without randomly discovering this ad on 23NOV63, the whole rifle and money order case centered on the post office disintegrates:

4. Oswald's final PO box in Dallas, discovered by an unnamed postal clerk at 1:30 on 22NOV63, just in time to alert Holmes 5 stories above

Hi Jason,

Now I'll respond to the final 4 of your concerns about Dallas USPD Inspector Harry Holmes with regard to Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO), and then your 4 questions following:
15.  Good point, Jason, about Holmes "recalling" that LHO gave everybody in Captain Fritz's office an edifying lecture about the branches of Communism.  Since it is highly unlikly that LHO said any such thing there, it is more likely that James Hosty tried to coach Harry Holmes about what to say.

16.  The not-very-random comment that the JFK shots were perhaps meant to "frighten people" is too close to the Sheriff Decker story (according to Gareth Wean, 1971) that the original JFK plot was announced as a "False Flag" attempt, intended only to frighten JFK and the public into attacking Fidel Castro.

*** Buddy Walthers also testfied that he thought the shots might be blanks. 

*** Why would anybody think rifle BLANKS?   Firecrackers, OK.  But rifle BLANKS?

17.  Oddly, USPD Inspectors operate very closely with the Police Department on a regular basis, in the context of Mail Fraud.

*** This is the reason that WANTED posters are often posted at Post Offices around the USA, mostly for Mail Fraud cases.

*** I also agree with you, Jason, that Harry Holmes seems to be responding to coaching by Hosty or Fritz, to the effect that LHO was a KGB agent with lots of Intel training in the USSR. 

18.  I further agree, Jason, that when Harry Holmes cannot remember the context of the story he only heard about the Coca-Cola, he concludes, "Well, I know there was a Coke involved somewhere!"

*** This is clear evidence that he was being coached by somebody else, and these are not his own memories.

Q1. Harry Holmes gets LHO's NOLA PO Box application almost instantly, because the Dallas FBI already has it, and hands it to him.

*** Yet Holmes cannot admit this, because actually Holmes got virtually *all* his information from the Dallas FBI -- in the context of the JFK plot.

*** So, we get the Harry Holmes fairy tale that he discovered this all by himself.

Q2a.  It doesn't interest me that LHO's 1962 Dallas PO box application does not name A. Hidell, because one can also supplement those applications with other paperwork to add further names later.  

Q2b.  It doesn't interest me that LHO's NOLA change of address card is not in Oswald's handwriting, because it's easy to ask the clerk to fill out the form. 

Q3.  Regarding the Field and Stream magazine -- the best source for this knowledge would have been the Dallas FBI, I believe.

*** The Dallas FBI possibly knew about the Klein's order way back in February, 1963, because they probably (perhaps with Guy Banister) designed that paper trail. 

*** Without this, Holmes has nothing -- no mail order rifle, no Kleins, no money order, no exact amount, nothing.  Holmes was tipped off.   Holmes dares not breathe a word about his real sources.  His "nameless" secretary brings it to him.
Q4. The main issue I have with Oswald's November, 1963 PO box in Dallas is not that it was discovered by anonymous postal clerk, but that it had a Fake Address on it, namely, 3610 North Beckley, instead of 1206 North Beckley.  

*** Despite this obvious fact, Harry Holmes allegedly called the Dallas Police with the correct address.
All best,

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8 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

Q4. The main issue I have with Oswald's November, 1963 PO box in Dallas is not that it was discovered by anonymous postal clerk, but that it had a Fake Address on it, namely, 3610 North Beckley, instead of 1206 North Beckley.  

*** Despite this obvious fact, Harry Holmes allegedly called the Dallas Police with the correct address.
All best,

Hi Paul,

In my review of the police testimony there are at least 6 methods offered to explain how the police found Oswald's rooming house on Beckley.   Each of 3 law enforcement entities offer their own explanation, which immodestly takes credit for finding the address:

  1. SHERIFF's DEPT VERSION 1: Buddy Walthers says he coaxed a phone number out of Marina during his 22NOV63 tour through Ruth Paine's house in Irving, which he gave to Sheriff Decker, who in turn did a reverse number look-up.   
  2. SHERIFF's DEPT VERSION 2: Harry Weatherford says that he covertly looks in Ruth Paine's address book under the letter O during the 22NOV63 search of the Irving house, which helpfully has the rooming house telephone number listed, which he gave to Sheriff Decker, who in turn did a reverse number look-up
  3. DPD VERSION 1:An unnamed cop informs Capt Will Fritz of the Beckley address some time after Oswald's arrival at DPD for questioning
  4. DPD VERSION 2: Oswald offers the Beckley address during questioning in Frtiz's office on the afternoon of 22NOV63
  5. DPD VERSION 3: Oswald has the Beckley address in his pocket as discovered after his arrest at the Texas Theatre.   This was explained to landlord Arthur Johnson by a DPD cop upon arrival at Beckely.
  6. USPS VERSION: Harry Holmes, through the bionic thinking of an alert postal clerk, determines the Beckley address from a USPS PO Box application



  1. Earlene Roberts, Gladys Johnson, and Arthur Johnson testify the police arrive at Beckley between 1:30 and 2 - earlier than any of the above 6 methods could allow.
  2. Earlene Roberts is certain a police car stopped in front of her house and honked the horn at about 1PM -around the time of the Tippit murder- so the police had some kind of interest in the Beckley address earlier than any of the above 6 methods could allow
  3. Harry Holmes could only provide an incorrect address as Oswald put 3610 instead of 1206 on the USPS PO Box application - so USPS records cannot be the source of the Beckley address - weakening explanation (6) above
  4. Buddy Walthers is present at the 1:50 Texas Theatre arrest of Oswald and gets to Ruth Paine's house no earlier than 3, but has to wait 20 or 30 minutes for Sheriff's deputies to arrive who have jurisdiction in Irving - weakening explanations (1) and (2).  The cops say they first arrive at Beckley at 3, while Earlene Roberts, G. Johnson, and A. Johnson say it is between 1:30 and 2.
  5. No police inventory of Oswald's property indicates the Beckley address - weakening explanation (4) above
  6. According to DPD records from 22NOV63, they believed Oswald's address was 605 Elsbeth.  Oswald last lived on Elsbeth in the Spring of 1963, before bolting to New Orleans.  I see evidence that only FBI man James Hosty knew about Elsbeth pre-assassination.


Oswald was known to those at the Beckley rooming house as O H Lee.   Oswald kept the details of the rooming house secret from his wife, his employer, the Paines, and the few others he knew (or anyway secret from others Oswald knew that we know about.)

I might suggest that FBI man James Hosty would have found Oswald's Beckley address by getting the phone number from Ruth Paine during his 2 pre-assassination visits to the Irving house. 

Additionally, the fact that DPD in official records of 22NOV63 recorded Oswald's address as on Elsbeth strongly implicates Hosty again - as he alone had tracked he Oswalds there in the spring before they moved to New Orleans.   


1. The only law enforcement interest in Oswald at the time he lived on Elsbeth was from FBI agent James Hosty - doesn't this 22NOV63 roster of TSBD employees produced by the DPD strongly implicate Hosty as the source of Oswald's addresses?



source: Dallas Municipal Archives JFK Collection, BOX 5, Folder 2


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12 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

*** The Dallas FBI possibly knew about the Klein's order way back in February, 1963, because they probably (perhaps with Guy Banister) designed that paper trail. 

Assuming -Penn Jones was it?- is correct that Hosty is chummy with "I plead the 5th" Bob Surrey, perhaps Surrey is the one keeping Hosty informed about what Oswald is doing? 

It seems Hosty is keeping Walker-Surrey informed about FBI-ATF efforts to harass and infiltrate weaponized radical right groups in Dallas like the Minutemen.  It's also proven by documents in this thread that Hosty hid the extent and true nature of the Minutemen threat in Dallas from the FBI and Secret Service prior to 22NOV63.

I guess I'm saying is that it may not matter so much for your purposes whether Surrey is keeping Hosty informed or whether Hosty is keeping Surrey informed ... about Oswald.   Perhaps it's enough to say they shared information even if it's unclear which is precisely giving orders in Mar-Apr 63?


19 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

14.   Holmes is the only official who remembered that LHO admitted to going to Mexico City – and all the crucial details that LHO added.   

Anomalies are sometimes a big clue for crime investigators and Holmes is a lone outlier in the contention that Oswald was fully conversant about Mexico City and all the embassy shenanigans.    What does this mean?

Why would Fritz and everyone else want to say Oswald denied a Mexico City trip?   Perhaps just to paint Oswald as a liar?  Perhaps because they in retrospect realize they should themselves have no knowledge of the MC trip - in that Hosty's knowledge from the CIA was not then approved for dissemination?  Or, crazy as it sounds, perhaps Fritz and everyone else has Oswald deny the Mexico City trip because Oswald did in fact deny the Mexico City trip?


19 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

*** As an FBI agent of an auxilliary office for the LHO case file, James Hosty had the right to ask for every bit of government data on LHO -- including US Postal records.

You are getting as good as Hosty in dumbfounding everyone with your bureaucratic expertise!   Hosty drones on for page after page about internal procedures, paperwork, and file handling that to me reads like a typical bureaucrat hoping to bury us in doublespeak or red tape.   Basically, Hosty is saying that an administrative impossibility makes it certain that Hosty was neither negligent in handling Oswald nor in any way involved in the conspiracy.  His proof is that the rules, regulations, and procedures are his unassailable alibi.


19 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

*** The Dallas FBI had been tracking LHO since the Sunday after the Walker shooting (says Dick Russell, 1993l) or perhaps as early as July 1962, on suspicion of being a Marine "defector" to the KGB during the Cold War, and bringing back a Russian Bride to beautiful Dallas/Ft. Worth.

07FEB63 - Hosty runs a credit check on Oswald on 7FEB63.   

04MAR63 - Hosty finds BOTH the Elsbeth and Nealey residences of the Oswalds, and talks to the landlord at Elsbeth.   Hearing that Oswald is a big boozer who beats his wife, Hosty touchingly worries about the state of their marriage and doesn't pursue the Oswalds further, nor walk around the corner from Elsbeth to interview the Oswalds on Nealey.  Oswald is a drunken wife-beater, we are told, but Hosty doesn't want to intervene in case a visit from the FBI might weaken their marriage.

In view of Hosty's testimony I paraphrase above, I might suggest Hosty is tracking the Oswalds no later than February of 1963.   Furthermore, he's making efforts to justify his failure to make official contact (drunken wife-beating).  If taken at face value, Hosty's courteous concern for the sanctity of marriage allows the Oswalds to slip off undetected to New Orleans where they can live for at least a few months without official FBI oversight.   


22 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

NOW -- however -- you have this idea that Guy Banister might have been involved in the life of LHO earlier than April 1963 -- and who would have made that contact?  You propose, Dallas FBI agent James Hosty!

I don't passionately push a CT because I don't think it's necessary to explain every detail.   For instance, it is not critical IMO to know why Oswald goes to the USSR.  Likewise, I'm ok to just stipulate that around Feb-Apr 1963 Oswald begins feverishly constructing the essential building blocs in a criminal case eventually used against him - ordering guns, buying money orders, the Walker shooting, the backyard photos, initial FPCC contacts, etc.  Who is programming him?  That's the job of you crazy-loony tunes-fringe-tinfoil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorists!



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