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OAS and JFK assassination

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But would love it if you came up with threads about the Secret Army Organization. Not sure what the French is, but it is OAS - something like Organization Army Secrete. I’m going to post on this thread eventually since I’m on the same page as Paz 

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9 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

But would love it if you came up with threads about the Secret Army Organization. Not sure what the French is, but it is OAS - something like Organization Army Secrete. I’m going to post on this thread eventually since I’m on the same page as Paz 

Organisation armée secrète




The Organisation armée secrète or OAS (meaning Secret Army Organisation) was a short-lived right-wing[1] French dissident paramilitary organization during the Algerian War (1954–62). The OAS carried out terrorist attacks, including bombings and assassinations, in an attempt to prevent Algeria's independence from French colonial rule.[1][2] Its motto was L’Algérie est française et le restera ("Algeria is French and will remain so").


Edited by Michael Clark
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24 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

But would love it if you came up with threads about the Secret Army Organization. Not sure what the French is, but it is OAS - something like Organization Army Secrete. I’m going to post on this thread eventually since I’m on the same page as Paz 


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What I can add here for now, is that there is a really deep connection – I do mean deep – between OAS (Organisation armée secrète) and the Italian right-wing politician Tambroni. Tambroni's son-in-law was a CMC member. Tambroni was notorious for using figureheads all the way. Tambroni's son-in-law was clearly a Tambroni's figurehead inside CMC

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3 hours ago, Paz Marverde said:

What I can add here for now, is that there is a really deep connection – I do mean deep – between OAS (Organisation armée secrète) and the Italian right-wing politician Tambroni.



Who in the OAS do you think was involved with the CMC?

Yves Guérin-Sérac?   Pierre Sergeant?   François de Grossouvre?   or others?


My guess would would be de Grossouvre.

Importantly, Jean Claude Perez said (to Fensterwald?) that, post 1962, Souetre was part of an ultra-right, ultra-Catholic splinter group which included four men named Pichon, Lefevre, Bourget, and Grossouvre. Group called Integraliste.
http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/S Disk/Souetre Jean with aka's/Item 11.pdf
page 4

François de Grossouvre



In 1943 he married Claudette Berger, daughter of an industrialist, Antoine Berger, and had six children. Grossouvre managed his family-in-law's companies Le Bon Sucre (1944–63) and A. Berger et Cie (1949–63), and then founded the Générale Sucrière sugar company. Along with Italian collaborators, businessman Gilbert Beaujolin and the American Alexandre Patty, he succeeded in obtaining an exclusive production licence for Coca-Cola and building the first factory of this type in France. Distribution was by the Société parisienne de boissons gazeuses and the Glacières de Paris, both subsidiaries of Pastis Pernod.


(Remember Souetre was the manager? of a sugar company in Martinique)


According to Fensterwald in A Possible French Connection, Souetre “spent much time in Martinique where nominally, he was the Director of a sugar refinery whose head office was in France at Arcis sur Aube.”

http://www.xiconhoca.org/PDF/DDeRoux/Apossiblefrenchconnection.pdf page 13 of the memo page 15 of the pdf.




Besides many big farms producing all sorts of cereals, the sugar industry has a big plant there Cristal Union.”




According to former SDECE agent Louis Mouchon, "His (de Grossouvre) business, the A. Berger et Cie Sugar company, offered ample opportunities to stage fronts. He really had excellent contacts."


Steve Thomas


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Hopefully this is not too far out a question...

Is there any connection between OAS and Pablo?

It appears that Pablo Neruda was also in DP...  I've seen other images from DP that also resemble him very closely...




Text by Pablo Neruda (1904-1973), Canto general, 1950

Set by John Mitchell (1941-), op.95, no.4 (1993

When the trumpet sounded
everything was prepared on earth,
and Jehovah gave the world
to Coca-Cola Inc., Anaconda,
Ford Motors, and other corporations.
The United Fruit Company
reserved for itself the most juicy
piece, the central coast of my world,
the delicate waist of America.

It rebaptized these countries
Banana Republics,
and over the sleeping dead,
over the unquiet heroes
who won greatness,
liberty, and banners,
it established an opera buffa:
it abolished free will,
gave out imperial crowns,
encouraged envy, attracted
the dictatorship of flies:
Trujillo flies, Tachos flies
Carias flies, Martinez flies,
Ubico flies, flies sticky with
submissive blood and marmalade,
drunken flies that buzz over
the tombs of the people,
circus flies, wise flies
expert at tyranny.

With the bloodthirsty flies
came the Fruit Company,
amassed coffee and fruit
in ships which put to sea like
overloaded trays with the treasures
from our sunken lands.

Meanwhile the Indians fall
into the sugared depths of the
harbors and are buried in the
morning mists;
a corpse rolls, a thing without
name, a discarded number,
a bunch of rotten fruit
thrown on the garbage heap.

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Thanks Michael and Steve for posting the links.

Steve - “A possible French Connection’”, which you link in your post, has so many interesting leads. I’m going to list them in the order they appear. The caveat is that so many of these leads and assertions cannot be fully documented, which is not so surprising given the effort to conceal. It is the large number of them that is to me so telling.

1 - Eugene Dinkin, monitoring OAS radio traffic for the NSA, claims that JFK will be assassinated in Dallas. 

2 - the OAS mercenaries who fled Algeria in 1962 and settled in Spain, Portugal, and South America after some 30 attempts to kill DeGaulle, hated JFK for his support of Algerian independence. They (2000-3000 of them) could properly be considered assassins for hire. DeGaulle’s says on the JFK assassination - “the police did the job, or they ordered it done, or they let it happen. A trial would have been unthinkable”. This note is for Trejo.

3 - in May 1963, Jean Souetre, who had sought refuge in Spain that year after his exile from Algeria and several interactions and arrests by French authorities, met with unnamed CIA officials in an attempt to enlist them to help OAS actions against DeGaulle. He identified himself as ‘coordinator of external affairs’ for OAS.

4 - according to a member of SAC, DeGaulle’s anti OAS police, Souetre, who travelled on various passports.  including US, visited the following places in April-May 1963: Madrid where he met with E Howard Hunt and Jean Claude Perez (head of OAS Intelligence), went to the Caribbean with Laszlo Varga and Lajos Marton, went to New Orleans and met with Carlos Bringuier, went to Dallas and met with General Edwin Walker, went to Lake Pointchartrain and helped train anti-Castro Cubans, went back to Madrid in July.

5 - on November 22, 1963 Jean Souetre was in Dallas Texas, and was expelled, possibly going to Mexico, within 48 hours by US authorities. In the winter of 1964 France put out an all points bulletin for Souetre as part of security for DeGaulle’s upcoming visit to Mexico, and they inquired of US authorities as to Souetre’s whereabouts. 

6 - Dr. Lawrence Alderson, a dentist from Houston, became friends with Souetre in 1953 when Alderson was serving as a Lieutenant in the US Army stationed in France and Souetre was serving as a Captain in the French Air Force. Alderson was questioned, according to the FBI, about this friendship after the French inquired as to Souetre’s current whereabouts. Alderson’s story differs significantly from the FBI report. He says that the FBI began trailing him right after the assassination, and interviewed him early in 1964 about Souetre, who Alderson described as a ‘political activist of the neo Nazi persuasion’. According to Alderson, the FBI agents he spoke to told him that they had been following Souetre but lost him around Dallas a day or two before the assassination, and that they were convinced Souetre had either killed JFK or knew who did. 

7 - OAS was funded in part by Ferenc Nagy (head of Permindex) and Texas money via Centro Mondiale Commerciale in Rome (CMC) Permindex and CMC allegedly funded $200,000) an OAS attempt on DeGaulle’s life 

8 - Jacques Soustelle, a founder of OAS, met with CIA’s Richard Bissell and Phillipe De Vosjoli on Dec 7 1960. Vosjoli, head of French Intelligence in the US and supporter of OAS, defected to the US in November of 1963!!. On November 22, he flew to Mexico to visit US Army Colonel Frank Brandstetter. (You can read more about that on the thread on Jack Crichton). 

9 - Guy Banister is believed to have sent $100,000 to OAS in 1962 through his emissary Maurice Gatlin, who Bud Fensterwald claims had ties to Reinhardt Gehlen. That’s a new one for me.

There is much more, but I think I’ve given a decent summary for now.

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