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The JFK Assassination (2018) by James DiEugenio

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I have hidden a few posts that contained unacceptable material - which also had nothing to do with this thread and those members should have known that

I suggest - to those who are trying to de-rail this thread - that they leave this thread. Taunting and irritataing fellow members is breaking the spirit of the rules of this forum.

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Thanks to the moderators.

I do not at all mind debating points that are in my book.  I will do that at length to interested parties.  I mean if one recalls, that is one of the reasons this site was set up for.

Just out of curiosity, besides Von Pein, did anyone read all of Reclaiming History?

I like to compare it to the Leaning Tower of Pisa.  Except its taller and the angle of declination is so steep that it collapses under its own weight.  


Edited by James DiEugenio
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I read every word of the actual book itself, but I was burned out by the accompanying disc and more or less just skimmed it. My first impression was similar to the impression I had after first reading Posner's book: "oh, *&%." The difference was, with Posner's book, rebuttals IMMEDIATELY appeared that really debunked a lot of it...it was a little while before real rebuttals of Bugliosi's book came along (not just "skimming" reviews) that helped me find my way back home, so to speak.

My "problem" is that I have an extremely open mind (and, in addition, my work does not live or die by a conspiracy and/or Oswald's sole actions- the Secret Service screwed up...no one can argue with that. Even the WC and HSCA agree, as do both Posner and Bugliosi).

Mix in the fact that I was newly-divorced and burned out on the case at the time* (since happily remarried and published multiple times LOL) and you spell a recipe for "disaster": a guy who basically gave up the ghost and gave in to my being star struck by Bugliosi (I was--and, in certain respects, remain---an ardent Vince B admirer. Like i said earlier, his OJ book is fantastic, as are his books on Bush and Clinton-related matters. He was also very intelligent and extremely well spoken and compelling on television, especially during the OJ drama).

The other Vince 

P.S. My blurb for Bugliosi's book is tantamount to the mounds of video where Trump is praising Hillary and Bill; Kelly Ann Conway is ripping Trump to shreds; and old love letters to a long-ago flame. That was then, this is now...although it is a little embarrassing to contemplate and admit.

* I am also embarrassed by my fawning over Ultimate Sacrifice circa 2005-2006 for different reasons :)

Edited by Vince Palamara
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Well Vince, thanks for your honesty about that.  I did not know you were recently divorced at the time.

See, once I read the references at the end, after the chapter, I began to catch on to what he was doing.

The stuff he thought he could handle was in the actual text.  The stuff he had difficulty with was on the CD.  For example, the acoustics which he admits he did not understand.  That has to be the longest addendum in history.

Then the stuff he did not want to deal with, he simply left out.  Like for example, the Wright/Thompson interview.  Or the HSCA polygraph report.  That was a revelation to me.  

And it completely undermines DVP's slavish defense of him.  On two counts.  First, because Thompson and the HSCA are not fringe types at all. Thompson's book was on the cover of the Saturday Evening Post for God sakes.  The HSCA panel is part of the new official story.  But what Vince did in his book is he made a big show of ridiculing and mocking the fringe types. I mean his section on LBJ was exactly made up of that e.g. The Men on the Sixth Floor. 

When I realized that, and considering what he said about taking on the critics on their own terms, I was really disheartened that he would do such a thing.  So when I met that guy in Dallas and he told me that the book was a put up job from the start and Vince told him he was going to use it like that in order to ridicule and demean all the critics, well, that made perfect sense to me after my analysis. 

See, when you do something like that over an event of the magnitude of the murder of Kennedy, I mean really.  

Edited by James DiEugenio
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On 5/8/2018 at 12:30 PM, James DiEugenio said:

Fans of the Kennedys and King web site are lining up some radio interviews for me.

There is one called the Corbett Report which looks like a really intelligent radio show podcast.  Some one is trying to get me on that one right now.



I'm a big fan of the Corbett Report.


Steve Thomas

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He did a really good analysis of Chomsky that someone sent me.

Anyone who goes after Chomsky is a friend of mine.

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On 5/10/2018 at 5:50 PM, David Von Pein said:

Actually, it's utter silliness, Micah. It's a desperate attempt by a CTer to add an element of perceived "conspiracy" into the JFK murder case. But the partially torn dollar bill means (and, more importantly, PROVES) nothing.

Are we still allowed to talk about the dollar bills? Because what is your explanation for the "half bills" note from the Dallas Municipal Archives? Do you agree that is probably describing two $1 notes with their other halves missing? If so, do you agree that this relates to the "torn" bill from the wallet?


There are two paths in front of a LN for this problem: either "It's all a coincidence, these items were probably collected by Oswald incidentally" or "Of course the dollar bills were about spy stuff, Oswald just liked pretending to be James Bond that's all"

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The other thing that supports this Micah is why would Oswald go to a theater at that time?

Second, Oswald seemed to be moving around the theater.

Third, Westbrook managed to disappear the witness list of about 24 people from the scene.  That list was kind of important.  But wait for the other side to say something critical about that. It won't happen.

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