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I read Khruschev Remembers studying history in college.  I gained a lot of respect for what JFK had done.  We were so close to war and his actions clearly saved this planet from a war where some thought there were justifiable odds to nuclear warfare.


So when you discuss his policies, as Jim said what exactly are you referring to.  Bay of Pigs?  Yes, terrible. 

Missile Crisis, he saved everyone.

Vietnam, clearly he was going to get us out, I am amazed people claim otherwise.

I think President Reagan did a great job as well.  Media is presenting what many people believe now.

Was it happening then?  Sure.  But, JFK had some accomplishments.  Some of those appear to have upset the wrong people. . .

Do you mean he created a "mess" as you said,  with his assassination?

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Mervyn, I like you're stirring up the pot a bit about who JFK really was. And I don't dismiss out of hand that RFK was not part of a plan to kill Castro, despite Jim Di's continual interventions on this forum to salvage JFK's heroic name. Nobody has any solid evidence Bobby was part of a plan or not.

But you're quite the hit and run tease. And so far, you're just a bunch of innuendo.If you got something to back up your claims, come  out with it..

Mervyn says; Over the years Americans have become a lot more cynical and because moral codes have been removed they are not judgmental about the lives of politicians in general, although the current hoopla by bimbos, sometimes decades after the fact is now creating another wrecking ball for the idea of American 'justice'. It is almost another aspect of religious and racial bigotry.

You're going rather far afield. I have no idea what you're really trying to say here. On the surface this sounds like this could be a preaching, self righteous dig at JFK's philandering, but you seem too sophisticated for that. What's creating another wrecking ball for American 'justice'? "It's almost another aspect of religious and racial bigotry."  Whoa! What is? What is your subject? What exactly are you trying to say?

Mervyn says: But just as the witch trials of old eventually became seen for what they really were, so this bimbo phase will also pass, but not without creating a wave of destroyed lives in its wake. The Kennedys unfortunately have so far got away with a lot that they should be blamed for, and perhaps that day will also dawn. 

Quite a flair for the dramatic. Witch trials? Bimbo phase passed will  then  create a wave of "destroyed lives"? Where are you going with this?

Honestly I don't expect a new day to dawn about the 60's Kennedy's. But that's me. Please explain.

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On ‎5‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 10:16 PM, Cory Santos said:


I read Khruschev Remembers studying history in college.  I gained a lot of respect for what JFK had done.  We were so close to war and his actions clearly saved this planet from a war where some thought there were justifiable odds to nuclear warfare.


So when you discuss his policies, as Jim said what exactly are you referring to.  Bay of Pigs?  Yes, terrible. 

Missile Crisis, he saved everyone.

Vietnam, clearly he was going to get us out, I am amazed people claim otherwise.

I think President Reagan did a great job as well.  Media is presenting what many people believe now.

Was it happening then?  Sure.  But, JFK had some accomplishments.  Some of those appear to have upset the wrong people. . .

Do you mean he created a "mess" as you said,  with his assassination?

Cory, I have already documented what I mean in detail elsewhere, and I am currently working on a book project that deals with the same matter. Maybe I was throwing something out there as a subconscious tease, because in reality I was expressing my opinion in relation to something that had been written on this Forum by someone else. (I am currently participating in three active threads - but one in particular that has to do with LHO in England.) In summary then, I don't have the time to both participate in those threads and go into detail here about something that has no benefit to me at that this moment in time. The LHO in England thread does have immediate benefit to me and my understanding. I am not trying to be snide or teasing or anything else right now, just attempting to end this particular line of discussion for the time being. Mervyn

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14 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Mervyn, I like you're stirring up the pot a bit about who JFK really was. And I don't dismiss out of hand that RFK was not part of a plan to kill Castro, despite Jim Di's continual interventions on this forum to salvage JFK's heroic name. Nobody has any solid evidence Bobby was part of a plan or not.

But you're quite the hit and run tease. And so far, you're just a bunch of innuendo.If you got something to back up your claims, come  out with it..

Mervyn says; Over the years Americans have become a lot more cynical and because moral codes have been removed they are not judgmental about the lives of politicians in general, although the current hoopla by bimbos, sometimes decades after the fact is now creating another wrecking ball for the idea of American 'justice'. It is almost another aspect of religious and racial bigotry.

You're going rather far afield. I have no idea what you're really trying to say here. On the surface this sounds like this could be a preaching, self righteous dig at JFK's philandering, but you seem too sophisticated for that. What's creating another wrecking ball for American 'justice'? "It's almost another aspect of religious and racial bigotry."  Whoa! What is? What is your subject? What exactly are you trying to say?

Mervyn says: But just as the witch trials of old eventually became seen for what they really were, so this bimbo phase will also pass, but not without creating a wave of destroyed lives in its wake. The Kennedys unfortunately have so far got away with a lot that they should be blamed for, and perhaps that day will also dawn. 

Quite a flair for the dramatic. Witch trials? Bimbo phase passed will  then  create a wave of "destroyed lives"? Where are you going with this?

Honestly I don't expect a new day to dawn about the 60's Kennedy's. But that's me. Please explain.

Kirk - Please see my reply to Cory who says that he also agrees with your views on this subject. Mervyn

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Mervyn,  I haven't read all your threads. But enough I can see you're obsessed with Oswald's travel plans in 1959 because you've tried to hijack about 4 threads about it. I've gotten some detail about your thoughts in this thread, but as I say I don't know if your not just obsessed with JFK's personal life. You seem very adamant about JFK character issues.

On a greater scale, I think maybe you're making a case that JFK was not a peace President at all, wasn't going to opt out of Vietnam, and would have suffered the consequences just as LBJ did, but was historically saved by his assassination.

You're convinced JFK's assassination was a conspiracy,  as I say obsessed with Oswald's actions in 1959, but have a mob-did-it theory, with Texas oil men? It sounds a bit all over the map, though maybe not as much as some here.

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15 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Mervyn,  I haven't read all your threads. But enough I can see you're obsessed with Oswald's travel plans in 1959 because you've tried to hijack about 4 threads about it. I've gotten some detail about your thoughts in this thread, but as I say I don't know if your not just obsessed with JFK's personal life. You seem very adamant about JFK character issues.

On a greater scale, I think maybe you're making a case that JFK was not a peace President at all, wasn't going to opt out of Vietnam, and would have suffered the consequences just as LBJ did, but was historically saved by his assassination.

You're convinced JFK's assassination was a conspiracy,  as I say obsessed with Oswald's actions in 1959, but have a mob-did-it theory, with Texas oil men? It sounds a bit all over the map, though maybe not as much as some here.

Hi Kirk.

The reason why I am sticking to basics is because it is so easy to skip them and start rambling. Jason Ward has observed that there has been 50 years of rambling and nothing conclusive has been produced. I agree with Jason.

Although I have made observations about JFK and his brother RFK, that is not what I am currently focussed upon. Therefore I am not going to discuss the assassination of JFK. I have previously pointed to the statements made by others about my references to the claims made by Bill Weaver in his book, and this seems to have failed to gain traction. (One person stated that no one was interested and therefore I should shut up. So be it.)

That brings me back to this simple issue of the departure of LHO from UK Immigration building at Southampton, England, and within hours his unexpected and contradictory departure from London's Heathrow Airport on a mystery flight.

So I am concentrating on that one event and that one window of time.

If that can't be explained, then what is the point of theorizing about what happened next? As Jason stated, we already have 50 years worth of that. I don't intend to add to it.

Therefore I invite your response to this narrow window of events in time. If LHO was pressured in some way, how was he pressured and by whom was he pressured? Of course, if he was pressured by someone, then the door to conspiracy does swing wide, because LHO is no longer "a lone nut".



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"Fifty years of rambling and nothing conclusive had been produced."

If there is one thing that is really outlandish about people who come late to the party its this: arrogance.

Somehow they will join the club that belittles and caricatures everything that has been done and with one sentence reduce it all to ashes.  Nothingness.  This had been done by so many people that I really do not want to go into detail on the issue.  But one of the latest was Trejo's hero, Jeff Caufield. I actually made the mistake of reading that book.  And then I wrote about it.


(BTW, this is not Wardian click bait for my site. Its part of my argument.  Why I would need click bait at EF for a site that gets 3.5 million hits a year escapes me.)

So now Mr. Hagger joins the club.  He drops a portentous aside about LBJ being blamed for Kennedy's disasters.  I ask him if he means Vietnam--which is not possible.  Because LBJ made the disaster of that one.  Cory mentions Bay of Pigs, again not logical.  Because no one blamed LBJ for that.  

Hagger now says, wait for the book.  Is this a sales pitch?  Could we figuratively call this Wardian click bait?  But Hagger is implying that not only do we have the plot wrong, we also have JFK wrong.  In other words we have  been rambling and inconclusive on him also.  We are thus reduced to that wagon in the Woody Allen movie Love and Death:  Ward and Hagger are  escorting us to a Village Idiots convention.

Without telling us 1.) Well, what really did happen? and 2.) What Kennedy disasters did LBJ take the rap for?  (I mean what could be worse than Vietnam and Cambodia?)

Reminds me of the Wizard of Oz.  Except there are two men behind the curtain, not just one.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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Mea Culpa, it was Cory. Its corrected.

Edited by James DiEugenio
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In every article I have ever written, in every book I have ever published I have always cited sources for everything in the text.

The second edition of Destiny Betrayed has well over 2000 footnotes.

The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today has 2000 footnotes. Figure it out, that is four to five references on each page.

Making a mistake in a scan of a thread does not mean I am wrong about something.

Now, is there anything in this thread that you asked me for a source on and I declined?  

What I would like to know is Mr. Hagger's sources.  He mentions elsewhere a book by a guy named Bill Weaver which is supposed to be about McLendon and Ruby.  Where is the book?  How does anyone get it? 

Edited by James DiEugenio
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13 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

hat's the first time I ever heard you admit you're wrong!

Well it seems Kirk is on a path to shame others through assumptions and bad information. Perhaps Mr. Gallaway should spend more time either researching the case or reading what others write in an objective way. Having a disposition to attack and misread aren't the most flattering traits.

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I'm not talking about your books. It was assertions you made in our threads, and yes I did ask you on a few occasions to cite your sources. The final time I asked you twice, and you ignored it twice.  That's all right. Maybe you'll be more conscious of it in the future.

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