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David Talbot on Robert F. Kennedy's war on crime

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Regarding organized crime and David Talbot's coverage of it: In reading his 2008 Brothers, I was  struck by his reference to HSCA staff investigator Don Hardway's "false dichotomy" construct:

"... [The HSCA] pointed a finger at the Mafia and Cuban exiles, declaring that the conspiracy might have involved members of those groups.  But the report cleared the [CIA] even though a number of the committee's own staff members - including [staff investigators Don] Hardway and [Gaeton] Fonzi - believed that some CIA officials were deeply implicated.

"Though the committee's final report was circumspect about the principal source of the plot, [HSCA chief counsel G. Robert] Blakey pulled no punches: 'I think the mob did it,' he bluntly told the press.  Over the years, Blakey would be sharply criticized by Fonzi and other assassination researchers for his single-minded focus on the Mafia.  Some of them, including Hardway, argued the Mafia vs. CIA debate about the assassination was a false dichotomy [emphasis added].  At the operational level the two organizations had merged in shadowy enterprises like the Castro murder plots.  And Hardway was convinced that rogue agents had joined with gangsters and anti-Castro militants to kill JFK...."  Brothers: The Hidden History of the Kennedy Years, by David Talbot, pp. 387-88 (First Free Press trade paperback edition, June 2008).

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25 minutes ago, Mark Lawson said:

Here follows a link to a 2009 article that discusses Nixon's Mob connections.  A few of the article's details may have been superseded since then, but otherwise it remains relevant:

Richard Nixon's Greatest Cover-Up: His Ties to the Assassination of President Kennedy - Oct 2, 2009 - by Don Fulsom

"Nixon's ties to the assassination of President Kennedy run deep, from his association with Jack Ruby, his ties to Jimmy Hoffa and the Mafia, and his connection to CIA operative E. Howard Hunt.  On a tape recorded in Nixon's White House office in 1972 he told two top aides that the Warren Commission Report pulled off 'the greatest hoax that has ever been perpetuated.'  No one knew that better than he did...."

From: http://www.crimemagazine.com/richard-nixons-greatest-cover-his-ties-assassination-president-kennedy

Mark: Don Fulsom wrote several books critical of Nixon:


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28 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:


Treason: Nixon and the 1968 Election  Jul 6, 2015  - by Don Fulsom

The Mafia's President: Nixon and the Mob  Nov 14, 2017  -  by Don Fulsom

Nixon's Darkest Secrets: The Inside Story of America's Most Troubled President  Jan 31, 2012  - by Don Fulsom

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3 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

Wonderful news that Mr. Talbot has recuperated enough to do this and that Mr. Kennedy has agreed to.  Is the event possibly sponsored or might be reported on by someone who would be able to provide a transcript for public consumption?  A video for say you-tube would really be cool.  I wonder if the subject of the repression of RFK II's book by the MSM might be one of Talbot's questions.  If not, worthy of such if there is a Q & A? 

I have to think that repression of his book will be mentioned. Also, I agree someone should film it. I will send David Talbot a FB message about this.

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Since this lately quiescent message thread involves David Talbot, I will pose a question, below: In The Devil's Chessboard, Talbot presents convincing evidence that Operation Sunrise - the secret efforts of Allen Dulles, during WWII, to negotiate on his own a separate peace with Germany - was treasonous.  Dulles secretly acted in direct defiance of directives issued to him by the FDR administration.

By contrast, in Jefferson Morley's 2008 Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA, Morley writes:

"... Throughout the war, Dulles hoped for 'separate peace' with the 'good Germans' who disliked Hitler.

"When emissaries of top German field commanders in the Italian theater approached Dulles in February 1945 with an offer of a separate surrender, he seized the opportunity.  While careful not to act against U.S. policy [emphasis added], he made every effort to let the military high command in Washington know that he regarded the offer as genuine and worthy.  He dubbed the secret negotiations to effect the surrender Operation Sunrise...."  Our Man in Mexico: Winston Scott and the Hidden History of the CIA, by Jefferson Morley, p. 32.

Was Talbot reporting information revealed subsequent to 2008; or had Morley simply given Dulles a pass on treason, in his earlier book?

In any case, it seems that even CIA operatives sometimes tell the truth.  As Morley quotes opposite his copyright page in Our Man in Mexico: "Covert operations are important, illegal manipulation of society done secretly." - John Whitten, CIA official

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On ‎9‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 9:43 AM, Paul Brancato said:

Looking forward to seeing Active Measures. 

Since the subject of this thread is Talbot on RFK jr, I thought it worth mentioning for those that live in the SF Bay Area that Talbot is interviewing RFK jr in SF next Wednesday Sept 12 at 4:30 pm at 1687 Market St 3rd floor. I will be there for certain. 

Active Measures


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9 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

The film was posted on Facebook today by Tom Graves.

Who no doubt thinks that Putin’s long operation lends support to the theory that the KGB was actually behind the JFK assassination. 

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Thank you Doug for posting the link to the "Active Measures" documentary.

What is happening in our highest realms of government and leadership today politically, militarily, economically, domestic policy, foreign policy, trade, secret government, corporate power, corruption, influence, power - every aspect - is inextricably linked back to JFK and RFK times and their brutal removal.

Especially regarding the continuous thread of corruption.

We all know that corruption in these highest realms of power and influence was one of the main factors in JFK's and RFK's brutal removal.

Corruption in these domains always carries the highest cost damage and injury risk to every American and our basic Democratic principles, freedoms and rights and this is why this documentary is so important to see.


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Like I said earlier..if just 1/3rd of all voting Americans could or would see this documentary...Trump would lose any future elections by a landslide.

My guess is that "maybe" 2 to 3% of American voters will ever watch ( or even know about) this documentary.  As important and truth revealing as the film is, it will never have the impact it should.

Just another great loss due to main stream media and press coverage downplaying combined with typical American citizen apathy.

More Americans worry about the Kardashian's latest doings and Pawn Stars deals than what is happening in our highest levels of federal governance.

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Since the thread is about David Talbot and RFKII I guess everyone has read American Values as a prerequisite?  

A few more review's would probably be appreciated by Mr. Kennedy.


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